Baez - Just Lost The Trial

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Yes, KC tells him shewil be staying at sitters. MYKEyboardis dying

Oh Noooo! Not the death of a keyboard. :( Did ya spill something on it? Some times if you snap off the keys you can clean and blow dry it.
I'm unfamiliar with the Ants pool or how high it is. <TRIGGER WARNING for EXTREMELY UNPLEASANT DETAILS> I'm also unfamiliar with how long it would take for a small child to sink to the bottom. But to believe KC's story, IMO, the body would have already sunk to the bottom (and more difficult to retrieve as GA would have to go in after her). There's no way that GA would not perform CPR if she had been found floating. He'd have been shouting to KC to call 911 because there was the chance they might save her.

If they can't swim well ,they sink right away. It's almost always silent.
Agree she did tell George that. But we have also assumed ICA killed Caylee after flying into a rage because CA refused to babysit. Killed her as payback.

ICA may have simply flown into a rage and killed Caylee - and it had nothing to do with CA and payback. After watching her reactions in court, it could have been any reason at all.

I don't belive she flew into a rage. I think she simply checked it off of her "list of things to do" while getting ready for Movie Night w/TonE. She never missed a beat.

Lie to dad
Get ready for "work"
Leave for work
sneak back to the house
Try to get Cindy to babysit
Kill Caylee
do hair
stash Caylee in playhouse/sandbox/freezer
Go to BlockBuster w/TonE

And so this happened after he and Casey supposedly found a dead Caylee in the pool? Like GA would be ok with her driving around with Caylee's body in her trunk? Am I missing something? I have been sucked into the JB vortex.

I think somehow Kronk was sneaking up on ICA's car to get Caylee's body - but um - but Baez kinda fuzzed out on this, get out of that vortex Horace. And pull me out after you, would you please?
There is something wrong with everyone's account on July 16.

First - didn't George, in his testimony of being one of the last people to see Caylee, say that ICA and Caylee left the house on Monday the 16th and ICA explained she and Caylee would be spending the night with the Nanny?

Okay, we know there never was a Nanny, but that was an excuse ICA had for being away from home overnight before her daughter died and after too. So, if she admits to George the sitting problem is covered for that night, why would she be calling her mother around 4 o'clock to ask mom to babysit that evening? Did Cindy really have this conversation with her daughter that day?

But, and here's where I need help. Did ICA tell George of the plans to spend the night with Nanny as she left on the 16th? Or am I mistaken about that?
I am sure one of you can clear this up.

We really don't know if George had a problem with ICA always asking Cindy to babysit--especially after she had just worked a long day at her job. It is possible that ICA told George that she was taking Caylee to "Zanny's" so that George would not get mad at her. She then decided to call Cindy at work looking for a babysitter.

With George already at work, he would not be aware that Cindy had been watching Caylee until the next morning, and as ICA is known to do, she would be putting off a confrontation for "one more day."
When JB started in on RK in the OS it was almost as if he had found out a lot of dirt on RK and he just had to find a way to tie him to the disposal. He knew he could make him look bad and would make a great suspect. The only problem was he wasn't.

Agree and don't forget RK had that garage bill he had to pay on Dec. 10th, so clearly that's why he disposed of Caylee's body then....y'know because RK had to collect the reward money so he could get his car back from the garage.....:great: I guess Roy didn't have anything financially pressing before that date...or....
He seems completely unprepared to me and what could possibly be productive about his excessive texts during testimony?

I think he's playing it by ear. :waitasec:

I think he has another attorney sending him texts during court telling him what to ask the witness during cross. I think that texting attorney is watching the trial in real time and telling Baez how to proceed.
Not to discount your theory, darnudes, but it seems to me, from Cindy's description of the pool height, and George being very tall, he wouldn't have had to climb into the pool to retrieve Caylee, nor would he have had to use the ladder to reach her. She would have been floating...

ETA: I don't believe the pool story.
Respectfully : )
Why do so many people believe she would have been floating? No,initially someone who can;t swim ,sinks.That's why divers are often required. Toddlers are also "head heavy" . Unless there is some extenuating circumstance,Caylee would have sunk .
Agree and don't forget RK had that garage bill he had to pay on Dec. 10th, so clearly that's why he disposed of Caylee's body then....y'know because RK had to collect the reward money so he could get his car back from the garage.....:great: I guess Roy didn't have anything financially pressing before that date...or....

RK musta discovered the tow yard notice on the Anthonys front door while reading their meter. He had a hunch and snuck into the towyard, somehow got the trunk open, without a key...sure enough, he hit paydirt....the body of Caylee. So he steals the body, and hides it near the Anthonys home so he can discover it later, when he needs money and feels the following media blitz is most convienant. Yeah yeah, that's the ticket :floorlaugh:
I think he has another attorney sending him texts during court telling him what to ask the witness during cross. I think that texting attorney is watching the trial in real time and telling Baez how to proceed.

maybe he's checking in here at WS for tips!
I think he has another attorney sending him texts during court telling him what to ask the witness during cross. I think that texting attorney is watching the trial in real time and telling Baez how to proceed.
Maybe he's googling "how to put on a defense".
Yes, Yes, Yes Casey the victim - that's all she has ever cried about.

The way I see it Caylee, Cindy, George, Lee and anyone else that has ever known Casey are victims. The world is a much better place with Casey behind bars.

And what really gets me is that she continues to play the victim even with this new "defense." If that really happened to her, me thinks ICA would have felt guilty for not watching her child...I mean she is the mother right? And she had the nerve to try and lay some blame on CA abut the ladder?!?! How about blame for not knowing your child was roaming the house

RK musta discovered the tow yard notice on the Anthonys front door while reading their meter. He had a hunch and snuck into the towyard, somehow got the trunk open, without a key...sure enough, he hit paydirt....the body of Caylee. So he steals the body, and hides it near the Anthonys home so he can discover it later, when he needs money and feels the following media blitz is most convienant. Yeah yeah, that's the ticket :floorlaugh:

I think JB decided at the last minute to throw to RK in his opening statements because the potential juror said she thought the meter reader was involved somehow. Nejames said that the DT probably haven't figured out how to link RK with the body and car yet and are still working on it. It will be interesting to see how the DT tries to overcome that hurdle.
Whatever JB said in his opening statement, it should be disregarded by the jury. Opening statements are not testimony, not evidence.

After JB's OS, we have GA under oath stating that he did not molest his daughter. We have TonE saying he never heard from Casey that GA sexually abused her. The jury will be left to consider only the evidence provided in court.

When that jury goes into chambers to deliberate, they will not be allowed to consider JB's opening statement. And I don't think JB will be able to put anyone on the stand to support his OS claims. He dare not put Casey on the stand IMO.
Whatever JB said in his opening statement, it should be disregarded by the jury. Opening statements are not testimony, not evidence.

After JB's OS, we have GA under oath stating that he did not molest his daughter. We have TonE saying he never heard from Casey that GA sexually abused her. The jury will be left to consider only the evidence provided in court.

When that jury goes into chambers to deliberate, they will not be allowed to consider JB's opening statement. And I don't think JB will be able to put anyone on the stand to support his OS claims. He dare not put Casey on the stand IMO.

Exactly. Also, if the alleged molestation was supposed to explain Casey's behavior after Caylee died, then the defense will be left with nothing.......and the jury will be left with the State's theory to deliberate upon.

Whatever JB said in his opening statement, it should be disregarded by the jury. Opening statements are not testimony, not evidence.

After JB's OS, we have GA under oath stating that he did not molest his daughter. We have TonE saying he never heard from Casey that GA sexually abused her. The jury will be left to consider only the evidence provided in court.

When that jury goes into chambers to deliberate, they will not be allowed to consider JB's opening statement. And I don't think JB will be able to put anyone on the stand to support his OS claims. He dare not put Casey on the stand IMO.

Did TonE say that in front of the jury? When I heard it, TonE said it after the jury was excused.
Hi all - couldn't decide where to drop this tid bit and this was the only thread with the word "trial" in it.

ROBYN ADAMS is back as a guest of the Orange County Jail - I suspect we will be seeing her shortly...(no worries, she's no where near ICA)
Did TonE say that in front of the jury? When I heard it, TonE said it after the jury was excused.

3dog, you are right on that. But it was during a proffer yes? So maybe the jury will get to hear it? (I sure do hope so.)
And what really gets me is that she continues to play the victim even with this new "defense." If that really happened to her, me thinks ICA would have felt guilty for not watching her child...I mean she is the mother right? And she had the nerve to try and lay some blame on CA abut the ladder?!?! How about blame for not knowing your child was roaming the house



ITA...that's the thing she has never in the 3 years we've seen imo shown guilt about anything :sigh:..
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