Baez - Just Lost The Trial

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Was the day Casey borrowed the shovel the same a day? Or different one-I can't remember.

I was intrigued by the statement from CA that they couldn't get grass to grow in a certain area. It always had before, hadn't it?

It is very conceivable Casey hid little Caylee on the property until she could come up with a better plan.

When did she back her car into the garage? Was it the same day she borrowed the shovel?
It was on a different day.I believe it was on the 18th and also on the 19th of June but I'm not sure.And yes,the car was backed into the garage when Casey borrowed the shovel....
Originally Posted by ThinkTank
Casey Anthony Defense Claims Accidental Death
Aired May 24, 2011 - 20:00:00 ET

"MARK LIPPMAN, ATTORNEY FOR THE ANTHONY FAMILY: Nancy, this whole theory started, as far as we`re concerned, probably back in February where they started creating this, when the psych evals came out. And from there we`ve known approximately about six weeks ago that the defense was going to go down this road. And that came directly from Jose`s mouth where we found out about six weeks ago

how Caylee, according to them, passed."

"At this point, even that`s suspect. Don`t know from what Jose was saying today if we can believe anything that comes out of his mouth."

"Certainly, everything he said about George was a complete and utter lie....."

One question-if Caylee drowned why did she have duct tape on her mouth?

I think George and Cindy might realize it was not a drowning because I know their lawyer might think that also.(see red part above) I suspect she was perfectly capable of killing them and had a plan to do it- maybe they realize that now.
My opinion only.

The psych evals? I suppose it was confirmed that Casey is a compulsive liar, and a whole lot of other stuff, and so they chose to explain her psychosis by blaiming the parents and especially George.

Have a look at Casey's expressions when she's talking to her lawyer
Thanks! I guess they needed the lies to be about them before they were willing to believe that she really had no explanation other than lies.

I have to say that I am very impressed with the testimony from George and Cindy. They are in an incredibly difficult position, and they are being clear and to the point about what happened.

What I can't figure out is why Baez thought it was a good thing to accuse the parents - thereby turning the parents on his client. I think they would have gone to the ends of the earth to avoid stating the facts straight up if they implicated Casey, but after George became the fall guy they were left with no choice.


Personally I think there are only two explanations for this

1. Because Casey Anthony told him to
2. Because Baez and ICA are getting even with every person who they believe have slighted them

Now the first proposition is most likely the correct one - Never underestimate the hatred ICA has for her parents, she wants them in prison where she is and if that's not possible, then she wants them to suffer and suffer big time.

The second proposition whilst on the surface seems unlikely, needs closer inspection. Listen or watch Baez's opening statement again - throughout every aspect of his presentation he is once again recalling each and every motion he lost before the court, every person, every entity he ever had a problem with is brought up in his opening statement and then slandered.

I believe that Baez's opening statement was a fanciful work of fiction aimed at targeting all the people or organizations that Baez and ICA hate and have long held grudges against.

Having watched this day (opening) of the trial again I've come to the conclusion that the defense strategy is a combination of ICA and Baez's shared delusions and psychopathy. I think they both enjoy feeding off the other and hence we've witnessed that "hot mess" of a defense opening statement.

I'll say this again, I can't for the life of me understand why Mason is a party to such a sham.

I fully agree with you about the opening statement from defense. I saw it that day. I was in shock b/c I see it as less than ethical. I know KC helped fabricate the GA parts, CA parts, but the Kronk parts blew it right over to JB having his own passive aggressive tantrum right there in the Courtroom. A throw in the face at the Judge, State, and everyone watching. No way KC could have just come up with and JB said yeah, that could be right. JB had a hand in that unbelievable fallacy and I have no idea how the jurors could even think it a truth for a second. Too far fetched.

Again, I think CM is stuck, he was asked to be on the case and he is not lead counsel. He can tell JB something until he is blue in the face but JB does not have to listen, JB went his own way. Went too far in the deep end for this to be believable.
Also jb cant explain why ga would want to cover up Caylee's death. Ga is former le I am sure he has seen many tragic accidents. Why would anyone cover it up? moo

We are supposed to believe he is so concerned for his daughter that he wants to conceal/lie/hide/cover up this accident because his wife "would never forgive her", but now that it's all out in the open, that would rather let her face the DEATH PENALTY and not admit the truth?!
IMO. My question is what would motivate JB to put forth a defense that is so obviously contrived? Does he have nothing else? Or is it intentionally strategic?
Caseys lies and the duct tape require an explanation that will save her from DP. Abuse is supposed to explain lying and "Casey world", George and/or Kronk handling the body insert doubt if it was Casey responsible for the duct tape.

Still, JB`s opening statement was like something from a sensationalist tabloid.

I fully agree with you about the opening statement from defense. I saw it that day. I was in shock b/c I see it as less than ethical. I know KC helped fabricate the GA parts, CA parts, but the Kronk parts blew it right over to JB having his own passive aggressive tantrum right there in the Courtroom. A throw in the face at the Judge, State, and everyone watching. No way KC could have just come up with and JB said yeah, that could be right. JB had a hand in that unbelievable fallacy and I have no idea how the jurors could even think it a truth for a second. Too far fetched.

Again, I think CM is stuck, he was asked to be on the case and he is not lead counsel. He can tell JB something until he is blue in the face but JB does not have to listen, JB went his own way. Went too far in the deep end for this to be believable.

I urge anyone to go and listen to it (opening) again. Look at Baez, listen to him, pay close attention to who he is slandering. Go back to all the hearings over the last nearly 3 years, Baez may have forgotten them but I haven't.

As much as ICA is trying to get even with her parents, we have Baez trying to even the score with every imagined slight he's ever encountered.

This case or trial would be nothing with the partnership of ICA and Baez. Baez has a problem and it's name is not necessarily "casey anthony" I don't know what is wrong with this man but it is clear that he has a massive axe to grind and he is going to do so at the expense of his client.

Finally, that's okay by me, ICA got what she deserved - but God forbid if Baez goes on to represent other people.
I urge anyone to go and listen to it (opening) again. Look at Baez, listen to him, pay close attention to who he is slandering. Go back to all the hearings over the last nearly 3 years, Baez may have forgotten them but I haven't.

As much as ICA is trying to get even with her parents, we have Baez trying to even the score with every imagined slight he's ever encountered.

This case or trial would be nothing with the partnership of ICA and Baez. Baez has a problem and it's name is not necessarily "casey anthony" I don't know what is wrong with this man but it is clear that he has a massive axe to grind and he is going to do so at the expense of his client.

Finally, that's okay by me, ICA got what she deserved - but God forbid if Baez goes on to represent other people.

I had the exact same thought after watching him in the courtroom. He will be one of those "death penalty" qualified guys after this. How many people will fall victim to these bizarre strategies and motives because of his reputation in connection with this case!
JB wants the jury to believe that while ICA and GA were in the Anthony home, somehow this scenario occurred: Caylee Marie tiptoed thrru the house, slid open the patio door and then very quietly closed it behind her, stealthily crept over to the pool, climbed up the pool ladder which had miraculously been connected to the pool again

:floorlaugh: @ visions of a toddler being quiet and tiptoeing stealthily thru the house...:floorlaugh:
I haven't read the entire thread. But as soon as I read that they looked through the entire house before going outside to find caylee. I said HOGWASH. If a 2 year old went outside, it would be quite apparent immediately. Two year olds don't typically open a sliding door and close it after exiting the house. They would have immediately seen the sliding door open (since the house is quite small and the door is right in the living area). Jose's theory is just insane.
There is something else to consider in this case that is pretty unique...there is no cause or manner of death. All the defense needs to accomplish is plant a tiny seed of reasonable doubt in one juror. I have not obsessively followed this case as most here have done. I was aware of the basics and probably knew more than the jurors know going in and I am in no way convinced that ICA is guilty of murder. I also believe that GA did molest ICA based on a couple of things. First, I think ICA's behavior fits with Borderline Personality Disorder (promiscuity, shopping sprees, lying, manipulation, splitting, coming across as callous, inappropriate emotional reactions, etc) and the main common denominator between people with BPD is childhood trauma, often sexual trauma. Second, I felt that GA's testimony came across as being evasive and dishonest in many instances. He broke eye contact when asked about the sexual abuse, looked down, used the "I did not" instead of "I didn't" and he had small facial changes that indicate he was lying. He also tried to avoid answering a lot of direct questions by attempting to give long and involved explanations that came across as him trying to confuse and muddle up his answer so that he essentially didn't really answer at all. What I saw of CA's testimony came across to me as being genuine and honest.

I don't think they will get a murder conviction. I'm not sure if they've included manslaughter or something similar, which I think they would probably convict on. Without a cause of death or manner of death I don't think they will find her guilty of murder. I also can't help but wonder if the defense might have grounds for a mistrial. In what I've watched I have found the judge to appear very biased against the defense when it comes to questioning GA. He also allowed GA to ramble and ramble instead of just answering the direct question. I'm admittedly not sure of whether something like that would be grounds or not. I just thought it was very obvious that the judge was being a bit unfair in that respect.

I'm glad someone else agrees with me about George's testimony, esp. when Baez is questioning him. He comes across as arrogant and verbally combative, and IMO when someone goes into such detail to answer a question, it comes across as not being truthful. I'm not a body language expert but watch how many times he lifts his chin before he answers... a good sign that he is angry and combative. If you are telling the truth, there is no need to show anger towards the questioner. His whole demeanor changes when Baez steps up to cross examine. I don't know if George is guilty of sexual abuse, but I do know that theory has been tossed around before. He certainly gives me the impression that he is not as dedicated to trying to save Casey's life as Cindy is.

As for the chance of a mistrial, I doubt it. Judge Perry is being lenient with the A's because they are victims. I think he's been pretty fair with both sides, he has given the prosecution a couple smack-downs as well. I'm sure that for a judge with his many years experience, he finds it difficult to deal with someone like Baez who is just feeling his way around, sotaspeak.

I think she will be convicted, but I am not sure she will get the DP.
I can't believe I am going to type this but have to...
It could have taken 2 seconds to get the child out of the pool. GA can easily reach over the side of the pool and scoop Caylee out in under 2 seconds without ever getting more then up to his elbows wet. Do it with my daughter in and out of the pool all the time she is now 5 and 50 lbs. I am also half the size of GA.

OT - GA is pretty big dude. I would love to see open a can of whoop *advertiser censored** on JB!

ETA-i am with you on the story being as rotten as a bag of garbage though.

Except that people who drown sink to the bottom, their lungs fill with water......

I had the exact same thought after watching him in the courtroom. He will be one of those "death penalty" qualified guys after this. How many people will fall victim to these bizarre strategies and motives because of his reputation in connection with this case!

I am figuring that, in this internet age, he will be quite finished after this case. Even potential clients who themselves have not first hand seen accounts of his bumbling off towards an abyss to plummet into, will have people around them that have, and may warn the potential client.

Besides, I have this notion that, after this trial, Baez will get embroiled in a huge aftermath. I think Casey will sue him, as will her parents. Roy Kronk even may, depending how this all still pans out....

I rather feel for Baez next of kin, who will be feeling the fallout as well. Socio-economically I mean. Ripple-effects can carry far.
I think it went flop the second he said kronk was in on it, and hid the body. No way can Baez tie all of it together, it just can't happen. That was so far fetched that it was just stupid to even go there.
Sorry if this has been stated before.
What I find incredible along with a lot of what others have posted is the statement:

"Look what you`ve done! Your mother will never forgive you, and you will go to jail for child neglect for the rest of your frickin` life!"

Firstly if ICA was sleeping and GA was watching Caylee, why would he blame ICA? Even if he did, not for one second would she accept that, she would argue with him that he was in charge.
Second, why would either one of them really care if CA would ever forgive her. They have pulled an enormous amount of carp on CA and she (CA) always found a way to forgive both of them.
Third, GA is former LE and knows full well that if this was an accident, ICA would not go to jail for the rest of her frickin' life. I believe she would know that too.

That statement is just too incredible for me to believe and does not give me any reason why they would cover that up. I agree with other posters that they would have left that house screaming Caylee's name and when found they both would have been screaming and completely freaking out. GA would have attempted CPR as they did not know how long she'd been in there and there was hope, there is always hope.
Also, the way he worded it--"They began to search the house, they couldn't find her, they searched in the bedrooms, they searched under the beds, in the closets, in the garage, then they went outside."

That is the exact opposite of what a parent with a pool would do. If your toddler, who loves the swimming pool is MISSING-- why would you check in the closets and under all of the beds BEFORE checking the pool? That makes no sense.

I have found 'missing kids' under the bed asleep and hiding in closets before, and they have been safe and sound. That is NOT the first place you need to look if there is a big
body of water out back. And I am pretty sure they both know that. And why would they both stay inside and search? Wouldn't one run outside first thing?

Exact same thing I was thinking. Growing up my family had a pool in the backyard that was locked securely at all times. I had a much younger brother who loved to swim just like Caylee. Everytime we couldn't find him it was pure instinct for the entire family to check pool area first. Even though we knew it was impossible for him to get out there - we went there first.
We have seen Defense Attorneys say pretty outrageous stuff over the years. They appear to get away with it too. Oj triall had Brazilian Necktie people killing Ron and Nicole. Geragos said a band of burlgars took Lacy. At least those attorneys had a perp that no one knew. Baez put the blame on TWO people that don't even know each other. One a family member and the other a utility man who found the remains. What was he thinkin?

Baez has manage to alienate people with these claims. He leaves a nasty taste in your mouth with his language and description of GA and his alledged crimes. He did himself NO favors by stating this to a nation-wide audience.
Do they have a tub?
I heard Cindy mention a shower that Caylee had after getting out of the pool when
Casey was waiting at the foot of the ladder when Cindy removed Caylee's bathing suit in the pool as usual, since Caylee liked doing that.[ewish]
this hit me that Caylee wanted to stay in the pool longer right?And Casey wanted to get in also that day.
But Cindy said Caylee had had enough and it was getting cool.
Was this Father's Day?
or the next day/
sorry I may be confusing the days?Someone please post events as they happened.thanks
In Baez's zest to NOT let the State have the reports of the psych drs who examined KC, he will lose the case. Of course, he knew he would lose, but the deal was to take GA down with them. This is a very spiteful act.

Not for one moment if kc was molested would she keep quiet..ever! She would have torn into him and filed charges ASAP. She wanted her mother all to herself. I expect her mother comforted her and tolerated her behavior. I am sure George never did and she hated him for it.

If there was any sexual harassment, I would say KC was the one attempting to seduce.
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