Bag of bones found in Econ river/ Blanchard

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I'm trying to remember,

I thought I read somewhere that Nothing of Caylee's was missing

No clothes or toys

I don't think we should get our hopes up until we learn more

Fox News Reported that The bag may have been in the water for years

"Several childrens toys were found inside a plastic bag along with a few very small bones"

I'm a bit skeptical about this - I don't think it's Caylee
I am sure Murts thread is hoppin-while WS was down I was reading on SM (nod to those who are working so hard-thank you!) that the FBI has arrived, crime scene tape is up and gators may have gotten to the bag.
I'm so frikken upset. Are these bones human or dog?

Geez, she was seen exiting several different locations, by different witnesses and I posted that maybe she hid parts of the body in different areas.
Tim Miller on phone with WESH, says he doesn't think this is Caylee, that it's just trash, etc.
Those that have gator experience... how are the divers protecting themselves from them?
One black plastic bag, toys, bricks and very small bones (diver said they look like bones to him, but he is not trying to be an expert). It was suspect enought to bring it to the surface and call LE.

David Badali is the volunteer diver who found this bag.
Sounds like another pet died and was given a wet burial with its toys.

Thanks David (diver who found this). Why would it be trash? It had frikken bricks laid in it. I posted earlier that I think she could have put rocks in the bag to weigh it down. But why put bricks in a trash bag? Doesn't make sense. We still don't know if they are human or animal, however.

Did she hide parts of the body in different places, such as where the witnesses say she emerged from the woods?
a shamrock was found with these remains. if it's not caylee, what a coincidence...
If someone wanted to dispose of their dead pet rather than having the vet do it, they might very well have weighted down a sack if they intended to dispose of it in the river. Like someone else said, pets have toys too.

I do HOPE that Caylee has finally been found, though.
Well, we've surmised that it wouldn't be trash. But a pet? Yes, it could be, most definitely. Until we are apprised of what these "toys" are, we are left hanging at the edge of our seats. If it is a squeaky ball, etc., no doubt of a pet.
Jane the Mundane, not: if a squeaky ball present, then dog. The shamrock, telling.
a shamrock was found with these remains. if it's not caylee, what a coincidence...
The Shamrock is the thing that made me stop and think this might actually be part of Caylee. I don't think that her grandparents or even Casey saying that no toys were missing is significant. It's not like they've been the pillars of truth lately.

"We came out here to find Caylee, but you don't want to find her," Padilla said while crying. "But that's the truth of the matter. We think we have."

I applaud him for staying to search, but I think it may be time for LP to step away from this for a little while. I'm in agreement with others that its most likely a pet with favorite toys. I hope they find her, but I doubt they ever will unless KC talks.

If you really thought you found her, and were really working w/ LE, you wouldn't be talking about this so loosely. And if you were, it would be a clear sign to step back and regain some objectivity and distance. Continue to search, but distance yourself.
there's no way that this is caylee. there isn't sufficient time for her to be completely decomposed like that. right? fingers and toes?
The Shamrock is the thing that made me stop and think this might actually be part of Caylee. I don't think that her grandparents or even Casey saying that no toys were missing is significant. It's not like they've been the pillars of truth lately.

But didn't the A's say that they got rid of a bunch of STUFFED ANIMALS because they smelled like smoke?

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