Bedtimes and blankets

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From what I gather there should even be another person with GGMA Sykes since she spoke of her visit in terms of "we pulled up at the yard" in an interview.
From what I gather there should even be another person with GGMA Sykes since she spoke of her visit in terms of "we pulled up at the yard" in an interview.
That whole blanket thing has red flag written all over it for me. And was Great Grandma dropping off clean clothes or blankets or what that night?

Yes, Donjeta, did we ever find out who that companion of GGM Sykes was who visited that evening (supposedly?)

(And I don't believe any of it, BTW.)
The blankets have always bothered me. I can't make sense of what she is saying and why she is saying it.

If I put myself in her shoes and go in to put a child in bed and their blanket smelled like pee.. I would have put her in bed with her brother until all of her bedding could be washed.

Did Ron's bed NOT have a blanket? Why would Mistie need to wash two blankets if Ron's bed had a blanket and why would she speak of her own blanket? So if Ron's bed did NOT have a blanket..what about JR in all these explanations? What was he covered with?

I'm confusing myself typing blanket so much. :rolleyes:
That whole blanket thing has red flag written all over it for me. And was Great Grandma dropping off clean clothes or blankets or what that night?

Yes, Donjeta, did we ever find out who that companion of GGM Sykes was who visited that evening (supposedly?)

(And I don't believe any of it, BTW.)

Here's the most recent version of GGM's visit. This is from Nancy Grace on March 16.

GRACE: Let`s go to the source and find out. To Marlaina Schiavo, joining us from Satsuma.

Marlaina, who was in the home that evening?

SCHIAVO: Misty was in the home with the two children that evening, Nancy.

GRACE: Had there been visitors prior to that?

SCHIAVO: She had a cousin visiting from out of town earlier. And so he was in the home at some point, but we`re still trying to figure out exactly how that`s all pieced together, Nancy.

GRACE: To Teresa Neves, Haleigh`s grandmother. Miss Neves, are you aware of anyone else in the home that evening? I don`t mean when they all go to bed, I mean earlier that evening.

NEVES: I heard there was a repairman there. My mother was actually over.

GRACE: I`m sorry, I couldn`t hear you. There was a repairman there. The cousin was there who police have investigated.

NEVES: Yes, ma`am.

GRACE: Who else?

NEVES: My mother came by that night.

GRACE: For what reason?

CUMMINGS: My cousin went in there.

NEVES: She brought some clean clothes over.


NEVES: She had some of the kid`s clothes at her house and she had washed them and brought them over. That was sometime between 7:00 and 8:00 p.m. that night.
(snipped so as to not confuse the issue more)
I'm confusing myself typing blanket so much. :rolleyes:

It got so confusing, at first I thought you might be meaning Michael Jackson's youngest son!!!!!
This case gives a whole new meaning to blanket statements.
Hmm...seems like Misty isn't the only one who can't get her stories striaght. Anyone else notice NG's mess-up? I listened to a replay over the weekend via XM radio and she said something about how the twins NEVER wake up when she comes home from work and she picks them up from where they are sleeping and carries them to bed. Last night, on the blanket topic, she said that she ALWAYS uses a different blanket to cover the twins if they fall asleep on top of one, because they ALWAYS wake up when she tries to remove a blanket from beneath them. So which one is it NG? Do they or do they not wake up when you move them around in their sleep?
Sorry if I have posted in the wrong place, but I wasn't sure where else this should go....and it IS related to the blankets....haven't looked through the transcripts yet, but I'm planning on it.
Hmm...seems like Misty isn't the only one who can't get her stories striaght. Anyone else notice NG's mess-up? I listened to a replay over the weekend via XM radio and she said something about how the twins NEVER wake up when she comes home from work and she picks them up from where they are sleeping and carries them to bed. Last night, on the blanket topic, she said that she ALWAYS uses a different blanket to cover the twins if they fall asleep on top of one, because they ALWAYS wake up when she tries to remove a blanket from beneath them. So which one is it NG? Do they or do they not wake up when you move them around in their sleep?
Sorry if I have posted in the wrong place, but I wasn't sure where else this should go....and it IS related to the blankets....haven't looked through the transcripts yet, but I'm planning on it.

You shouldn't listen to NG.....she still says Caylee is missing. :waitasec:
You shouldn't listen to NG.....she still says Caylee is missing. :waitasec:

Oops, I didn't realize that it was a no-no! I'm pretty new, so you've gotta keep me in line, sometimes!! :angel:
The blankets have always bothered me. I can't make sense of what she is saying and why she is saying it.

If I put myself in her shoes and go in to put a child in bed and their blanket smelled like pee.. I would have put her in bed with her brother until all of her bedding could be washed.

Did Ron's bed NOT have a blanket? Why would Mistie need to wash two blankets if Ron's bed had a blanket and why would she speak of her own blanket? So if Ron's bed did NOT have a blanket..what about JR in all these explanations? What was he covered with?

I'm confusing myself typing blanket so much. :rolleyes:

It is confusing because she has told so many versions of this tale.

In one of her interviews Misty said that she had to "make the bed" before she went to bed (which I would assume was the big bed). This implies to me that she also washed the master bed sheets. If so, was it to make a full load or was it because Haleigh wet the master bed, sheets and blanket?

At this rate, I'm going to start to believe that MISTY wet the damn bed! Maybe she was passed out cold and released her urine, woke up and washed the master bed sheets. Sheesh.
When a child disappears under your watch, wouldn't you be so upset that you would be obsessing and talking about everything that child did the last time you saw her. When she came home from school, what she was wearing that day, how her hair was fixed, what she had for dinner, when she had her bath, what she was talking about that evening, etc. Instead of that, we are overwhelmed with information about blankets. Something is really not right.
I've also thought a lot about when asked "What happened" - wouldn't you naturally go into telling what happened in regards to the crime (abduction), so it'd more like.... "I don't know, we were sleeping and I woke up at 3am and she was gone", I'd think blankets wouldn't even come up until you were asked several follow up questions.
I've also thought a lot about when asked "What happened" - wouldn't you naturally go into telling what happened in regards to the crime (abduction), so it'd more like.... "I don't know, we were sleeping and I woke up at 3am and she was gone", I'd think blankets wouldn't even come up until you were asked several follow up questions.

Exactly. Who goes into so much detail about something like that, except for the fact that they may be very important in the scenario relating to Haleigh's disappearance. MOO
Hi Texasmommy, I don't think that it has been proven that Misty was with family and friends for 3 days.....if you have a link to a story pertaining to that I would love to read it cause I have been searching the web for confirmation of that story. TIA.:)

Misty is the one that stated this. I will look for the link. I dont believe we are going to determine the truth as to the statement unless a local can confirm it or Le.
The blankets have always bothered me. I can't make sense of what she is saying and why she is saying it.

If I put myself in her shoes and go in to put a child in bed and their blanket smelled like pee.. I would have put her in bed with her brother until all of her bedding could be washed.

Did Ron's bed NOT have a blanket? Why would Mistie need to wash two blankets if Ron's bed had a blanket and why would she speak of her own blanket? So if Ron's bed did NOT have a blanket..what about JR in all these explanations? What was he covered with?

I'm confusing myself typing blanket so much. :rolleyes:

Bolded by me.

My fiancee and I each have our own blankets on our bed. I am a blanket hog and if we had to share, he would never be able to use it. We each tend to use the same blanket, so I refer to mine as mine and his as his.
How are they on the porch eating AND watching videos? And TWO videos at that? Are they watching videos on the porch? (no) Are they eating on the porch? with blankets? With no blankets? In the 50 degree weather? in the night? Are they wearing hoodies so then they didn't need blankets while eating on the porch?

I just don't get it.

In Florida, for many people, 50 degrees is hoody/blanket weather.... in the evening..... for little kids. But in, for example, Chicago, a temp of 50 in the evening is considered "warm" and folks go outside in their shirt-sleeves. There's a difference in perception and what you're "used" to and what is "chilly/cold" relative to you in a particular area.

I mean to each his own, but it's been my experience that folks in, for example, Chicago or Minneapolis scream HOW WARM! at the prospect of 50 degree evening; Whereas folks in Florida say, "OMG! It's 50! Bring me the blanket/hoodie/jacket." Jus sayin.

snipped by me.

I'm in Orlando. About 2 hours south of Satsuma. 50 degrees is cold for us Floridians. For me I'd be turning on heat for at night cause I don't like the cold. But most floridians would have onthe typical sweatshirt and flipflops in that weather.
This stuff just isn't making any sense to me. Did you notice the response to who was at the home that night?

(QUOTE:GRACE: Had there been visitors prior to that?

SCHIAVO: She had a cousin visiting from out of town earlier. And so he was in the home at some point, but we`re still trying to figure out exactly how that`s all pieced together, Nancy)

"We are STILL trying to figure out" - come on! I can remember who came to my home yesterday. There is nothing to piece together. And these people think MC is telling the truth and they are still piecing together who was there. I just don't get this. Unless you had this huge party why is it so hard to know who was at your home? I won't even try to think about the blanket story, and how she has crammed a lot of activity into an hour. None of this makes sense. If the whole world and probably the police thought I was lying and I wasn't I would beg to go on some program and just set out exactly what happened from beginning to end or write it out and have someone read it or post it to a newspaper and end all the speculation once and for all.
This stuff just isn't making any sense to me. Did you notice the response to who was at the home that night?

(QUOTE:GRACE: Had there been visitors prior to that?

SCHIAVO: She had a cousin visiting from out of town earlier. And so he was in the home at some point, but we`re still trying to figure out exactly how that`s all pieced together, Nancy)

"We are STILL trying to figure out" - come on! I can remember who came to my home yesterday. There is nothing to piece together. And these people think MC is telling the truth and they are still piecing together who was there. I just don't get this. Unless you had this huge party why is it so hard to know who was at your home? I won't even try to think about the blanket story, and how she has crammed a lot of activity into an hour. None of this makes sense. If the whole world and probably the police thought I was lying and I wasn't I would beg to go on some program and just set out exactly what happened from beginning to end or write it out and have someone read it or post it to a newspaper and end all the speculation once and for all.

It should be a simple answer. Unless you weren't there or were so drunk/high that you can't remember....
I agree anarchy! I keep thinking though wouldn't it be better to just say that, tell the truth and really help to find this child. I wouldn't want to admit any of those things either, I sure understand that but if indeed she cared about that little girl then wouldn't you just tell since what matters most is finding her. It makes me wonder if she knows telling wouldn't make any difference so why get in trouble for nothing. That scares me. I would think no matter what you had done that the prospect of a child being harmed would just force you to tell the truth, that would be more frightening than any trouble you could get into.

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