Bedtimes and blankets

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Can someone give me a link about the bleach washing? I hadn't heard that before and want to see for myself, Thank you in advance for going to the trouble.
I agree maven.

Thank you lonetraveler.

Warning ~ speculation and just general puzzling out.

I want to go back and see which interview she made reference to the "they". I want to see if it was before or after the van was taken in by LE to be examined.

So if we are to give any validity to MC's story about blankets (to be honest, I am not sure we can KWIM?) then it was her blanket that was missing that night from the house.

I would think that she was implying or it might be I just inferred that by saying "my blanket was in the van that they took" (paraphrasing might not be her exact words) she was referring to the blanket for the bed that she and RC slept in. I might be wrong.

So ~ if that was the blanket she and RC shared for the bigger bed in the bedroom, logic says to me that it would have been there the night before when they went to bed. Or else if no other blanket were available then it would have already been removed from the window and been in use the night prior? Is my logic flawed?

The problem is, and we have no way of knowing this because LE won't comment on details...was her blanket in the van, if so Why is an even bigger question. Because why would she have put her blanket in the van ~that night~ if she had been home the entire night? See where my mind is going and how I am confused anyone? LOL sorry.

So LE needs to ask Ron, what blanket did he use (I guess) Sunday night? And was it the same blanket that he took a nap under Monday morning?

Maybe we should start a thread about what one question we would ask Ron. I would like answers to those two questions because if that blanket in question was in the home Sunday night and Monday morning but ended up in the van prior to the Haleigh going smells funny. Why would the blanket be in the van? The only reasons I can come up with is, for someone to either lay on or cover up with. Would Misty have sex in the van? LOL! Just thinking out loud.
Can someone give me a link about the bleach washing? I hadn't heard that before and want to see for myself, Thank you in advance for going to the trouble.

I haven't heard that either. Did we miss something?
The first I heard about the bleach washing came about listening to the audio of the 911 call. The transcript said she said "I was cleaning" but someone thought they heard a sibilant sound there that sounded more like "bleach cleaning". My audio isn't that great and I couldn't tell but I wouldn't call it confirmed exactly.
Bleach cleaning? I hope that's not what she said. Is Misty smart enough to realize that quickly that she needs to have an explanation as to why she bleached the floors or tub? Some times I wonder if the case players came off as more intelligent if our theories and ideas about what happened and the capabilities of each person would be different.
That Misty is a trip...

Blankets, movies, TV, cooking, fighting, washing, exhausted. She is a young kid and slept all day or half the day at least.....

I want to know where the blanket is too. I want to know what RC used the night before and if he had a blanket. That means she took the blanket off the bed for a very good reason and she removed it monday.
If they have no evidence, no body found, this case is going nowhere. They are allowed to lie to LE, so there is nothing anyone can do. The reward is high and no one is talking so that leaves the two adult residents of the home as suspicious...IMO. Seventy thousand would bring anyone with info to spill. No one is spilling, including Misty. Ron stands behind her. In private, he lies to people who question his choices.

I'd like to see TN and AS take a test too. Did they?


I don't think we have heard whether they have or have not, but I'd like to know the results ...... if those tests would ever be administered. IMO ~ there seems to have been just too much CRA (cover ron's *advertiser censored**) going on in the past, and I think it's still happening. :mad:

poor Haleigh, one thing NG was right about ..... is that Haleigh never had a chance ~ IMO

That Misty is a trip...

Blankets, movies, TV, cooking, fighting, washing, exhausted. She is a young kid and slept all day or half the day at least.....

I want to know where the blanket is too. I want to know what RC used the night before and if he had a blanket. That means she took the blanket off the bed for a very good reason and she removed it monday.

I think the bus stop and whatever happened after, and the blankets are very important to this case ..... too many "inconsistencies" or lack of truth in those areas.

Blankets seem very important, as does who picked Haleigh up from the bus stop, and so does Ron's alleged/changing work hours.

I just wonder why any of it matters, if it was truly a stranger/aliens who took her in the middle of the night?
Can someone give me a link about the bleach washing? I hadn't heard that before and want to see for myself, Thank you in advance for going to the trouble.


i do not think there is a link to the "bleach cleaning" I believe another poster stated it was heard in the background of the 911 call, and that MC was saying to RC (while on the phone with 911) that she was bleach cleaning.

I threw out there that IF MC was bleach cleaning that could be why the door was propped open to let the strong smell out, but i also said this could be the reason behind HC missing, either she drank it, or we know she sometimes had to use an inhaler, so maybe she had an attack and MC didn't know how to handle it. but i quickly shot my own theory on that down, as why wouldn't she call 911 on either, that is not something you can go to jail for.....

I think it may have been in the MC thread. (i think it was posted Friday or Saturday this weekend)
"bleach cleaning" is also a common excuse to use if a person is asked why they smell like cat pee or ammonia. The smell one gets from being around a meth lab clings to everything the person is wearing.

Perhaps in Misty's hastiness to get everything out there that was going to alibi her, she included this one inadvertently. No one likes to believe their loved one is into hardcore drugs. Their skill at continuing to use is to make up these excuses which are hard to challenge.

Or maybe she is OCD and really went at the MH with a spray bottle of Clorox bleach. I don't think so, though.

i do not think there is a link to the "bleach cleaning" I believe another poster stated it was heard in the background of the 911 call, and that MC was saying to RC (while on the phone with 911) that she was bleach cleaning.

I threw out there that IF MC was bleach cleaning that could be why the door was propped open to let the strong smell out, but i also said this could be the reason behind HC missing, either she drank it, or we know she sometimes had to use an inhaler, so maybe she had an attack and MC didn't know how to handle it. but i quickly shot my own theory on that down, as why wouldn't she call 911 on either, that is not something you can go to jail for.....

I think it may have been in the MC thread. (i think it was posted Friday or Saturday this weekend)

Thank you lil' momma I appreciate you taking the time to explain that to me. :)
I brought up the same question about her peeing the bed.
I know that the sheets get wet the mattress, and her panties would be in that pile with the shirt with pee on them.
Was this ever stated anywhere?
Why just was the blanket, and a blanket is on top of the child, so if it was wet, stands to reason everything else on that bed including what she was wearing was wet.

Bern, I agree,
why wash the blanket and NOT wash the pink shirt and panties If they had urine on them?
Let's not overlook there was a pile of dirty cloths in the back, where H.'s pink shirt was found.
Why wasn't these cloths thrown in the washer that night, also?

I suspect the blanket washing was connected to what happened to H. and nothing to do with urine, unless the urine happened after H. died..
Bern, I agree,
why wash the blanket and NOT wash the pink shirt and panties If they had urine on them?
Let's not overlook there was a pile of dirty cloths in the back, where H.'s pink shirt was found.
Why wasn't these cloths thrown in the washer that night, also?

I suspect the blanket washing was connected to what happened to H. and nothing to do with urine, unless the urine happened after H. died..

ITA Mysterlover!

BBM :)

And to add to the part i bolded. I am wondering, If the balnket was covering HC, then how could the sheets below not be wet? Wouldn't you have to change all of the bedding? Then of course, if i am to believe that JR & HC were sleeping in the big bed, then she would have had to move JR & HC to get the wet sheets up and put new ones down.

She makes it such a point to tell about how she washed the pee smelly blanket and nothing about the sheets..... hmmmmmm
Bern, I agree,
why wash the blanket and NOT wash the pink shirt and panties If they had urine on them?
Let's not overlook there was a pile of dirty cloths in the back, where H.'s pink shirt was found.
Why wasn't these cloths thrown in the washer that night, also?

I suspect the blanket washing was connected to what happened to H. and nothing to do with urine, unless the urine happened after H. died..

Ron has said they didn't have any detergent. So how is she washing anything? Maybe that explains bleach washing, washing the blankets with bleach because she had no detergent. Also reason for GGM bringing over the clean clothes that she had.
ITA Mysterlover!

BBM :)

And to add to the part i bolded. I am wondering, If the balnket was covering HC, then how could the sheets below not be wet? Wouldn't you have to change all of the bedding? Then of course, if i am to believe that JR was sleeping in the big bed, then she would have had to move JR to get the wet sheets up and put new ones down.

She makes it such a point to tell about how she washed the pee smelly blanket and nothing about the sheets..... hmmmmmm

She may have had other clean sheets in the house(probably not)
Maybe they went sheetless
IDK, Good point, another thing that doesn't add up in this case
She may have had other clean sheets in the house(probably not)
Maybe they went sheetless
IDK, Good point, another thing that doesn't add up in this case


That is true, but like you said i doubt it. To me, she made such a stink about the pee and the blankets, (no pun intended) and the washing of the BLANKETS. nothing about sheets at all. Only blankets....

i am thinking... not much is adding up!
you can always use dish washing detergent, shampoo, their cleaners and would clean the clothes if someone is determined to wash clothes. Dawn will clean anything and is safe, but I do recommend being careful, woe the days when I was 17 and learning, floor full of sudsy slides, the automatic dishwasher now comes to mind, baaaaahaaaaa hey, it's a good way to wash the dishes and clean the kitchen floor
you can always use dish washing detergent, shampoo, their cleaners and would clean the clothes if someone is determined to wash clothes. Dawn will clean anything and is safe, but I do recommend being careful, woe the days when I was 17 and learning, floor full of sudsy slides, the automatic dishwasher now comes to mind, baaaaahaaaaa hey, it's a good way to wash the dishes and clean the kitchen floor

LOL Kool Look I had three kids learn the hard way you can't wash dishes in the dishwasher with liquid dish soap. :) But I sure did have a clean kitchen floor after they finished mopping up the bubbles :D

Your right, the excuse of not having laundry detergent is silly. Anyone who has been poor knows that soap is soap. I, myself, have washed clothes in shampoo, dish soap, lysol (the kind that you mop floors with?) because something had to be washed that night and it was late, and I couldn't run to the store for the right kind of soap.

MC's story of the blankets is so contrived, and has been altered so many times I think we can all agree on the point that it's a crazy story.
I don't think poor had anything to do with it. If you've got money for beer and cigarettes you've got money for detergent. I expect they had just forgotten it.

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