Bedtimes and blankets

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Just want to say, I don't know if anyone here has been peed on by a 5 yr. old. but it is pretty disgusting. Even if it's your own child, who wants to be peed on? I can see MC being grossed out by it, she's 17, hell I'm LOTS older than that and I got grossed out and it was my own child. Doesn't mean I would kill her over it. MOO.
Can anyone give me the link where L.E. state that they put the blankets on the ramp so the dogs could get a scent?
Just want to say, I don't know if anyone here has been peed on by a 5 yr. old. but it is pretty disgusting. Even if it's your own child, who wants to be peed on? I can see MC being grossed out by it, she's 17, hell I'm LOTS older than that and I got grossed out and it was my own child. Doesn't mean I would kill her over it. MOO.

It's just a scenario curvecuti. You and most posters here don't have any character similiarities even close to the people in this case, were raised differently and react in very different ways than most. Since we don't know much about what really happened yet........all we have is speculation and theory. Lord knows if we had some scrap of real information, the posts would take a real turn but in the meantime, try to stay on top of the emotion that this case, amongst others seems to have brought to the surface and know we all, along with you, just truly just want to figure out what happened to Haleigh.
Can anyone give me the link where L.E. state that they put the blankets on the ramp so the dogs could get a scent?

I did see that somewhere but I don't remember if it was a poster or not. Also, I think there may be a picture of the blanket(s) laying on the ramp. I'll go look.
It's just a scenario curvecuti. You and most posters here don't have any character similiarities even close to the people in this case, were raised differently and react in very different ways than most. Since we don't know much about what really happened yet........all we have is speculation and theory. Lord knows if we had some scrap of real information, the posts would take a real turn but in the meantime, try to stay on top of the emotion that this case, amongst others seems to have brought to the surface and know we all, along with you, just truly just want to figure out what happened to Haleigh.

IIRC, Misty said HaLeigh's blanket had been peed on over the weekend when she was AWOL so if this is true, the blanket was dry. When Misty came back and went to put HaLeigh to bed she discovered the blanket smelled of pee and because she would never make anyone sleep with a blanket that had been peed on, she must have been pointing the finger at Ron who didn't wash the blanket. Did Crystal have the children the weekend Misty went AWOL? I wonder if HaLeigh took her blanket with her when she visited her mother. Fingerprints can be removed from a blanket by washing it with detergent.
Can anyone give me the link where L.E. state that they put the blankets on the ramp so the dogs could get a scent?

I looked in my notes to find a link to this information, I had this link referenced :

with this information snip~BY LARRY SULLIVAN
Published: Tuesday, February 10, 2009 11:48 PM EST
Palatka Daily News

SATSUMA - A young girl was reported missing, and possibly abducted, from her South Putnam County home early Tuesday.

The disappearance of 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings triggered a massive search on land, water and in the air as more than 130 officers from agencies across Northeast Florida responded to the Satsuma area.

"We would hope that she is safe," Detective John Merchant said Tuesday. "And we're hoping for the best outcome."

The nightmare began about 3 a.m.

Haleigh wasn't in bed. The back door of a blue doublewide mobile home was open, and a blanket and sheets were scattered on the wooden ramp leading from the door.
~ end

I have a date of Tuesday February 10th but when I try to access the article Palatka Daily news page opens and they want you to pay for access.:waitasec: Anyway, I wanted to try and find the info for you. I can't remember with 100% certainty that Law Enforcement was the origin of this statement. I would like to say that we can trust a news paper but back then there was a lot of info all coming out and I just can't be certain. Maybe someone else remembers a more reliable statement?
So can we believe that L.E. did not state, "we put the blankets on the back ramp so the dogs can use it for sent" ?
Just a question,
I work in LE and that would have been the worst thing they could have ever done.
So can we believe that L.E. did not state, "we put the blankets on the back ramp so the dogs can use it for sent" ?
Just a question,
I work in LE and that would have been the worst thing they could have ever done.

Ohhhhhh......but they DID state that they DID pull the blankets off her bed and dragged them out onto the ramp so the dogs could pick up the scent.
I just finished watching the link and they did not state that they were the ones that put the blankets on the ramp to get a scent, They said that the bloodhound handlers pulled them out to let the dogs pick up Haleigh's scent. What I want to know is if that was the blanket on Haleigh's bed why on earth wouldn't they have secured that and took it before it could be contaminated by outside sources?

Edited to add.....I wonder if this is the blanket Misty was referring to when she said "the blanket they took"
I just finished watching the link and they did not state that they were the ones that put the blankets on the ramp to get a scent, They said that the bloodhound handlers pulled them out to let the dogs pick up Haleigh's scent. What I want to know is if that was the blanket on Haleigh's bed why on earth wouldn't they have secured that and took it before it could be contaminated by outside sources?

Edited to add.....I wonder if this is the blanket Misty was referring to when she said "the blanket they took"

You're right Elle. He did state it was the bloodhound handlers that pulled the blankets out onto the ramp to pick up the scent. What I want to know is by who's authority did the bloodhound handlers do that and if it wasn't authoriized by LE to do that, why didn't they stop them immediately for the purpose you stated, "preventing outside contamination"?

When did MC say that about the blanket? That morning?
You're right Elle. He did state it was the bloodhound handlers that pulled the blankets out onto the ramp to pick up the scent. What I want to know is by who's authority did the bloodhound handlers do that and if it wasn't authoriized by LE to do that, why didn't they stop them immediately for the purpose you stated, "preventing outside contamination"?

When did MC say that about the blanket? That morning?

Baz in the first interview that Misty gave she went on and on about "the blanket they took" the whole blanket thing threw me through a loop.

Here is the video of it: YouTube- Last moments with missing 5-year old Haleigh Cummings

As far as the bloodhound handlers contaminating a piece of probable evidence....well I imagine that would fall under the same reasons that Law Enforcement failed to remove the back door of the MH weeks AFTER the investigation began.:waitasec:
The problem with the blanket that "was in the van that they took" is that it is the precipitating factor which causes her to do the blanket bingo party. She then takes the blanket down off the window and washes Haleigh's pee blanket. It is because there is no other blanket available that she has to wash these blankets.........well, without soap.
Misty says in the video above

"Her blanket and my blanket, my blanket was in the van that they took and we had a blanket that was hanging on the window and I had to wash that and her blanket, her blanket she had peed on it the night before I guess and I wasn't going to put it on her when it smelled like pee so I washed the blanket and I gave her a little sheet to cover up with and then she fell asleep and then I came in there and put the blanket on her and then I laid down."..etc

It sounds like Misty was missing her blanket because it was in someone's van, so she took the blanket off the window to wash it so she could use it. I don't know, All that aside, the bloodhound handlers pulled the blanket that Haleigh was using out onto the ramp and used it to get a scent. Maybe the scent the bloodhounds were tracking was not Haleigh's scent at all and that is why they tracked down the ramp and into the woods. Just thinking.
How can we take anything that Misty has said as fact after the many changes to her story. I see people quote her on some things as though it was the truth, such as cousin Joe messed with her. There is no way to know if that is a truthful statement, there is no way to know if she ever took a blanket off the window, there is no way to know which if any of the things she said are actually truth. She seemed to just kind of come up with things even if they changed completely from the last time she told the story.
It would also be nice to know when her (Misty's) blanket got into the van that "they" took? Also, if Ron stated that the bed was made so Misty couldn't have been sleeping in it, Where was Jr. then? Since Jr. was supose to have been sleeping in the bed with Misty? If the blasted bed was made? Why isn't Ron addressing where Jr. was, if he obviously wasn't sleeping in the blasted bed as reported? Does anyone have an answer to that question? And where is the blasted blanket that was in the van that "they" took? If Misty wasn't at home, just maybe the children were in the blasted van using the blanket and the blanket was left by mistake when Misty returned to the mh. Or maybe Haleigh's body was wrapped in the blanket and transported in the van.
Asti....she spends a lot of time explaining why there's a blanket missing. It is over-explained. Says to me something happened with that blanket "in the van that they took." And it is not LE's van.
Misty says in the video above

"Her blanket and my blanket, my blanket was in the van that they took and we had a blanket that was hanging on the window and I had to wash that and her blanket, her blanket she had peed on it the night before I guess and I wasn't going to put it on her when it smelled like pee so I washed the blanket and I gave her a little sheet to cover up with and then she fell asleep and then I came in there and put the blanket on her and then I laid down."..etc

It sounds like Misty was missing her blanket because it was in someone's van, so she took the blanket off the window to wash it so she could use it. I don't know, All that aside, the bloodhound handlers pulled the blanket that Haleigh was using out onto the ramp and used it to get a scent. Maybe the scent the bloodhounds were tracking was not Haleigh's scent at all and that is why they tracked down the ramp and into the woods. Just thinking.

Yes, Elle......I understand but the blanket she "supposedly" had taken off the window and "washed" is still on the window in the pictures of the MH in Haleigh's room. Is that not correct? Also, did LE find a blanket in the van that we know of?

I hate to go on about it but if I have to, I guess this is the place to do it. I think this "blanket", the one that was missing (in the van, or wherever) could be the key. Why would any blanket end up in the van in the first place? Maybe for the "party" that MC went to with the kids? Gosh, I wish we could see those cell phone records!
Baz in the first interview that Misty gave she went on and on about "the blanket they took" the whole blanket thing threw me through a loop.

Here is the video of it: YouTube- Last moments with missing 5-year old Haleigh Cummings

As far as the bloodhound handlers contaminating a piece of probable evidence....well I imagine that would fall under the same reasons that Law Enforcement failed to remove the back door of the MH weeks AFTER the investigation began.:waitasec:

IMO, in this video, she's doing a lot of double-talking and tripping over her own tongue trying to make it believable. The tears seem sincere but I think it's the reality of what really happened seeping through. Everytime I see this video, the statement "I didn't do anything "with" that little girl" jumps out at me. It just doesn't sound right but I'm no analyst so it's just a guess on my part.

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