Benjaman Kyle Statement from Owner of

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Did BK or NB ever seem upset about any particular missing person the sleuthers thought were a match?

The reason I am asking is they insisted he was not a homeless man... and he was..
Maybe the sleuthers have found the match and it was refused or ignored by BK & NB.

Another thing that comes to mind is the spelling of his name.. he made perfectly clear it was BenJAMin... now that I don't trust him.. I am wondering about that..
Maybe the sleuthers have found the match and it was refused or ignored by BK & NB.

If BK knows his identity and doesn't want it discovered, then this wouldn't be surprising.

Thank you for letting us know about this. You are a straight-shooter, and I'm glad for that.

I am very disappointed in BK - especially since he hasn't made a statement here, whether it be an assertion that he really is an amnesiac, or an apology.

Maybe he forgot about Websleuths.
Maybe he forgot about Websleuths.

I don't think he forgot Lexii. Unless he developed a more pronounced regression in his amnesia since 9pm last night. He was here, reading I imagine, for the better part of a half hour.
I have to admit, the more I think about it and consider all of the evidence, the more it seems that BK's whole story is a fraud and that he does know his real identity. Many of you have come to this conclusion and don't want to see it any other way.

HOWEVER, I'd like to remind everyone that the only DIRECT evidence anyone has of a deception is the fact that he didn't have injuries consistent with being beaten according to the RHPD and paramedics. It is very easy to make inferences and assume that he must therefore be lying about the whole story, but I can't bring myself to believe that for certain. As I have said before in this thread, I cannot stress enough how important it is for us to be objective and not let our personal feelings about this case undermine the massive amounts of research done over the last few years. In my opinion, just because there are inconsistencies with BK's story does not mean that he is being completely dishonest about everything. It is still entirely plausible to me that he has amnesia or some type of memory problem.

I consider myself to be a fairly empathetic person. I always try to consider things from different perspectives and put myself in other's shoes. In this situation, it is hard to know what it would be like to have amnesia and remember so little about my life and identity. But, I would imagine the more time passed, the more hopeless it would seem that I would ever know anything. I would be scared, anxious, and uneasy about what truths might be uncovered about my former life. If I had strangers devoting their time and doing extensive research on me simply out of the kindness of their hearts, I can understand why the possibility of being homeless or a bum or vagrant might be utterly humiliating. I might rather not ever know my identity than to find out I was a nobody, or even worse, that I had a dark past full of mistakes and misfortunes.

Basically what I'm hoping you all realize is that there are still an endless number of possibilities in this case. Sure, it is possible that BK is a con-artist who managed to fool everyone for years... but it is also possible that he is a frightened amnesiac who made some false statements out of desperation. He could very well be telling the truth when he says that he remembers almost nothing about the day he was found near the dumpster, and he simply came up with something that made the most sense to him.

I haven't posted much, but I can assure you all that I am just as knowledgeable about the details of BK's case as anyone else here (with the possible exceptions of Kentjbkent and Tricia). Over the last 4 months, I have read literally every single post made in this forum, and basically everything that's been reported elsewhere on the internet. I cannot and will not consider this a closed case until more information is uncovered. Benjaman has a Facebook account, a Facebook group dedicated to him, a Wikipedia article, a section on the Dr. Phil website, a documentary in the making, and numerous other articles and postings all over the internet. Until we are able to get to the bottom of this and prove something definitively, thousands of people will continue to wonder and speculate about BK.

For those of you interested in continuing the search, I believe that the recent discovery of a close DNA match to Robert Holden Davidson is potentially the best lead we've had. I am not an expert in DNA analysis, but I am a very experienced amateur genealogist. It seems very likely to me that BK is either a descendant or cousin of RHD. With such a close match, it is almost certain that they share a fairly recent common male ancestor.

Here is what I have uncovered about RHD:

He was the son of John McNeil Davidson, and the grandson of Thomas Bell Davidson. Thomas immigrated from Fife, Scotland and was a pioneer who settled in Utah. This is a very large family, and there are a number of related adult male Davidsons who immigrated during the mid-1800's, several of whom settled in Utah. To make it even more complicated, many of these men were married more than once and had several sons. There are possibly dozens of male Davidsons alive today who descend from this family. Some branches of this family are Mormon and therefore have an interest in genealogy. I am in the process of finding descendants who I can contact and ask about BK, but it is a slow process. Anyone who would like to help or provide additional insight is welcome. There are public family trees and more information available on and other websites. A Google search on a few of these names would be a good place to start. I feel pretty confident that pursuing this path could lead us to finding BK's true identity. He is definitely related to this family in some way, it's just a matter of finding out how.
I am leaning toward opening one thread in the parking lot for everyone who wants to to continue sleuthing BK's real identity.

All registered members would be able to read and join in. Of course the same Terms of Service would apply.

Unless something happens to make me change my mind then I will close this thread Sunday night and open up the brand new thread in the Parking Lot.

The BK forum will still be available for all to read but not to post.
I am not taking sides and I don't know what is fact and what is fiction, but I do know that if I were found in a dumpster not knowing who I was and people kept telling me I was severely beaten, if enough people told me, I'd believe them.
Hey all,
I have followed this thread for years, and fully expected Dr. Phil to unravel the mystery. Just wanted to say, I didn't get to watch that episode, but I guess Dr. Phil's staff did all the background necessary.
That said, I wanted to add that when my grandmother passed away several years back, the hospital said in order for me to get a copy of the records I would have to pay $1/page. (This was in 1997.) There were more than 500 pages, even though she had only been in there a week. Needless to say, I got the pages, after threatening to sue, but even took an awful lot of pressure. So maybe, there is some truth in that, somewhere.

Now, The Important stuff:
I don't know, but I was FULLY thinking that after reading the "Benjaman" responses, that it wasn't truly the amnesia person. (And if it is, then yeah, it's a con.) Still, the replies sounded too much like a troll-like wannabe responding to a school of anxious sleuthers.

PS If you close these threads, then how can the REAL BK or the troll-BK respond?
So, what I am basically getting at is this: I want to know 100% that the Benjaman that was replying here was the real deal. AND, if so, HE DOES deserve the Lying B title he was given.

That's all, And A million thanks to those of you who dedicate your lives to helping sleuth these mysteries.

SS Fa-la-la : )
I am just shocked to say the least. I had followed this case a bit and even did some searching but I never expected this outcome. Wow.

The thing that puzzles me is that he's been like all over the media. I would think someone would come forward and say "hey this guy is my relative" faking or not. Afterall, everyone comes from somewhere.

It reminds me of an old movie where the person is faking amnesia and claims to be a long lost heir and it ends up they really did have amnesia and they really where the long lost heir. Unfortunately this isnt Hollywood and he has hurt many people on here with his tales.

So who the heck is he is the big question.
The Players that have been authenticated are:
WS hat Benjaman= Benjaman Kyle
WS hat benjamankyle= "Nurse Betty"
WS hat JamesSmith= Doc film director James Smith.

Now, BK Doe and Nurse Betty have lived in the same house for some time-so I think it would be tough to verify who posted under which hat figuring they both have access to both hats...

Anyone from BK Doe's camp can contact Tricia and respond via her well published email addy...attached to her sig.
I noticed alot of "he" answers when using the name Benjamin, so that would mean it was definaley NOT Benjamin typing.
I wonder if the REAL Benjamin has been on here at all. Maybe Nurse Betty is both Benjaman & benjamankyle. Maybe the REAL BK just sits back and goes with the flow.

The Players that have been authenticated are:
WS hat Benjaman= Benjaman Kyle
WS hat benjamankyle= "Nurse Betty"
WS hat JamesSmith= Doc film director James Smith.

Now, BK Doe and Nurse Betty have lived in the same house for some time-so I think it would be tough to verify who posted under which hat figuring they both have access to both hats...

Anyone from BK Doe's camp can contact Tricia and respond via her well published email addy...attached to her sig.
I am not taking sides and I don't know what is fact and what is fiction, but I do know that if I were found in a dumpster not knowing who I was and people kept telling me I was severely beaten, if enough people told me, I'd believe them.

You mean you wouldnt read your medical records when they were given to you?? 'Cause who would be telling him he was beaten and lying in a dumpster...couldnt have been the hospital or police since they indicate otherwise. Wasnt the EMT's....everything else that is quoted regarding him, including his Wikipedia page, indicates that he has at least average intelligence. So unless he wants to be classified as a dependent adult (and there are many, many ways to do that and receive services) and his mental acuity is NOT intact, I have to believe that he is responsible for making his own decisions. JMO
I noticed alot of "he" answers when using the name Benjamin, so that would mean it was definaley NOT Benjamin typing.
I wonder if the REAL Benjamin has been on here at all. Maybe Nurse Betty is both Benjaman & benjamankyle. Maybe the REAL BK just sits back and goes with the flow.

Or it might be BK wanting to create doubt about who is posting ;)
I noticed alot of "he" answers when using the name Benjamin, so that would mean it was definaley NOT Benjamin typing.
I wonder if the REAL Benjamin has been on here at all. Maybe Nurse Betty is both Benjaman & benjamankyle. Maybe the REAL BK just sits back and goes with the flow.

Actually it looks like whomever was logged in as "BENJAMAN" only referred to BK using the third person ("he" or "Benjaman") in three of the very first responses the first day in July of 2009. The following day (July 26, 2009) and from then on out whomever was logged in as "BENJAMAN" used the first person ("I", "Me","My")....and really (IMHO) answered absolutely no questions that would have really helped anyone determine his identity. (It read more like a fan club asking questions of their fav D-list celebrity.)
I am just shocked to say the least. I had followed this case a bit and even did some searching but I never expected this outcome. Wow.

The thing that puzzles me is that he's been like all over the media. I would think someone would come forward and say "hey this guy is my relative" faking or not. Afterall, everyone comes from somewhere.

It reminds me of an old movie where the person is faking amnesia and claims to be a long lost heir and it ends up they really did have amnesia and they really where the long lost heir. Unfortunately this isnt Hollywood and he has hurt many people on here with his tales.

So who the heck is he is the big question.

It is my opinion that as wide spread as we feel BK's case may be he is actually very obscure and not many people have heard of him. I posted his info on my Facebook and not one of my 280+ friends from around the United States knew who he was. No one in my extended family around the US had ever heard of his story, neither had any of my neighbors, co-workers, etc. Also, I have a feeling he may not have many relatives and may have been out of touch with society for awhile.
You mean you wouldnt read your medical records when they were given to you?? 'Cause who would be telling him he was beaten and lying in a dumpster...couldnt have been the hospital or police since they indicate otherwise. Wasnt the EMT's....everything else that is quoted regarding him, including his Wikipedia page, indicates that he has at least average intelligence. So unless he wants to be classified as a dependent adult (and there are many, many ways to do that and receive services) and his mental acuity is NOT intact, I have to believe that he is responsible for making his own decisions. JMO

Very good point Believe09. No one was telling him he was beat up....HE was the one telling everyone else he was beat up even though there was no evidence of such. Nothing in his medical records (that he had a copy of) indicated he was beat up. Where would that have come from originally if not from him? Not the police, not the EMT, not the doctors.....
I have to admit, the more I think about it and consider all of the evidence, the more it seems that BK's whole story is a fraud and that he does know his real identity. Many of you have come to this conclusion and don't want to see it any other way.

HOWEVER, I'd like to remind everyone that the only DIRECT evidence anyone has of a deception is the fact that he didn't have injuries consistent with being beaten according to the RHPD and paramedics. It is very easy to make inferences and assume that he must therefore be lying about the whole story, but I can't bring myself to believe that for certain. As I have said before in this thread, I cannot stress enough how important it is for us to be objective and not let our personal feelings about this case undermine the massive amounts of research done over the last few years. In my opinion, just because there are inconsistencies with BK's story does not mean that he is being completely dishonest about everything. It is still entirely plausible to me that he has amnesia or some type of memory problem.

I consider myself to be a fairly empathetic person. I always try to consider things from different perspectives and put myself in other's shoes. In this situation, it is hard to know what it would be like to have amnesia and remember so little about my life and identity. But, I would imagine the more time passed, the more hopeless it would seem that I would ever know anything. I would be scared, anxious, and uneasy about what truths might be uncovered about my former life. If I had strangers devoting their time and doing extensive research on me simply out of the kindness of their hearts, I can understand why the possibility of being homeless or a bum or vagrant might be utterly humiliating. I might rather not ever know my identity than to find out I was a nobody, or even worse, that I had a dark past full of mistakes and misfortunes.

Basically what I'm hoping you all realize is that there are still an endless number of possibilities in this case. Sure, it is possible that BK is a con-artist who managed to fool everyone for years... but it is also possible that he is a frightened amnesiac who made some false statements out of desperation. He could very well be telling the truth when he says that he remembers almost nothing about the day he was found near the dumpster, and he simply came up with something that made the most sense to him.

I haven't posted much, but I can assure you all that I am just as knowledgeable about the details of BK's case as anyone else here (with the possible exceptions of Kentjbkent and Tricia). Over the last 4 months, I have read literally every single post made in this forum, and basically everything that's been reported elsewhere on the internet. I cannot and will not consider this a closed case until more information is uncovered. Benjaman has a Facebook account, a Facebook group dedicated to him, a Wikipedia article, a section on the Dr. Phil website, a documentary in the making, and numerous other articles and postings all over the internet. Until we are able to get to the bottom of this and prove something definitively, thousands of people will continue to wonder and speculate about BK.

For those of you interested in continuing the search, I believe that the recent discovery of a close DNA match to Robert Holden Davidson is potentially the best lead we've had. I am not an expert in DNA analysis, but I am a very experienced amateur genealogist. It seems very likely to me that BK is either a descendant or cousin of RHD. With such a close match, it is almost certain that they share a fairly recent common male ancestor.

Here is what I have uncovered about RHD:

He was the son of John McNeil Davidson, and the grandson of Thomas Bell Davidson. Thomas immigrated from Fife, Scotland and was a pioneer who settled in Utah. This is a very large family, and there are a number of related adult male Davidsons who immigrated during the mid-1800's, several of whom settled in Utah. To make it even more complicated, many of these men were married more than once and had several sons. There are possibly dozens of male Davidsons alive today who descend from this family. Some branches of this family are Mormon and therefore have an interest in genealogy. I am in the process of finding descendants who I can contact and ask about BK, but it is a slow process. Anyone who would like to help or provide additional insight is welcome. There are public family trees and more information available on and other websites. A Google search on a few of these names would be a good place to start. I feel pretty confident that pursuing this path could lead us to finding BK's true identity. He is definitely related to this family in some way, it's just a matter of finding out how.

I respect what you are saying BUT if he was homeless for a significant amount of time and has very few relatives it will be a nearly impossible uphill battle to determine who he is if he refuses to give honest answers and is hiding his identity and/or any relevant information regarding who he is from us!
Wondering ...

Say we think we found a match for BK - we take the name and info into the astrology forum- maybe we could find out the particular person is still alive ..ect. which would lead us to search more.
I just have to point out that it has been mentioned that BK has logged on and has viewed this thread. The more time that goes by without a response....the more obvious it is to me that the information contained in this thread is spot on correct! IMHO

(I should also mention...he is logged on and viewing this thread as I type this!)
I just have to point out that it has been mentioned that BK has logged on and has viewed this thread. The more time that goes by without a response....the more obvious it is to me that the information contained in this thread is spot on correct! IMHO

(I should also mention...he is logged on and viewing this thread as I type this!)
And 20 minutes after your post, he still is reading.
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