Bio-Mom Crystal

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I also noticed that posts have been edited without notation of edit. It is making the clarity of this thread a bit hard to follow for now. Just MHO. ETA: Nevermind i put on my bi-focals lordy be I'm getting blind.
I agree! This is exsteamly hard to believe..why would you allow your kids to stay with Ron then???? I WOULD FIGHT TILL THE END FOR MY KIDS IF I THOUGHT ABUSE WAS GOING ON!I also can't stop thinking of her my space talks all about her beautifull little girl Chloe and no mention of other kids besides..."and those other brats" Quoted off her myspace (crystal bio mom)

My thoughts exactly!
I have to say I am shocked about all the abuse allegations. And there seems to be alot of people here that are or were in abusive relationships. Is this the norm anymore? If abusive relationships are becoming the norm, who should be caring for the children of all these abusive relationships?
Last night with GR Crystal appeared more lucid , cleaned up, than in the past.
Her motive for changing her attitude and going on that show to bash Ron?
I think she is seeing $$$$$$$$$ !
Why isn't she home taking care of Chloe and Jr.? Why is she hugging GR?
Oh, the stories she can tell and the $$ she can make over her missing child!
The whole scene is despicable!
Crystal and Misty are timid,girls that could easily be controlled by dominant people.Crystal's Mom has controlled Crystal's actions,Crystal from the beginning has tried to not landblast RC,it seemed like she was pushed into speaking on GR by GR and her Mom.I think she's trying to get back at how RC treated her and how he got the kids.Chad seems different and I hope he will be good for her now.But,she needs to stop letting her Mom push her into talking.I wonder if she feels as sickened as me at what happened on GR last night and how she'll be able to face RC now.RC chooses weak,timid,young girls to manipulate and control.
Last night with GR Crystal appeared more lucid , cleaned up, than in the past.
Her motive for changing her attitude and going on that show to bash Ron?
I think she is seeing $$$$$$$$$ !
Why isn't she home taking care of Chloe and Jr.? Why is she hugging GR?
Oh, the stories she can tell and the $$ she can make over her missing child!
The whole scene is despicable!

ITA!!! The donation fund they set up, the GR interview and allegations against Ron - ALL scream of GREED to me. RC's 'side' is getting donations and RV/trailer(?) and bio mom isn't getting anything. Money can do strange things to otherwise rational people - I think it's pure greed. There is a time and place for bashing Ron and when they find Haleigh, then she can say whatever she wants. The only thing that came from this is the exposure and attention it's brought.
The more I thought about it the more that Crystal has the most to gain from Haleigh disappearing makes sense to me.

Who would have thought that this missing child case would get media coverage? Most don't, in fact our poster BOLO has to go searching for information for most missing children.

Who would have thought that this missing child case would have gotten national media attention? NG, JVM, HLN, Fox, GR. I wonder if anyone even anticipated the response that local LE gave, calling in FBI, Tim M. search team?

So if I look at it that way. And then I couple that with the fact that Crystal's mother has said that she "feels Haleigh is alive" but not close by. That Haleigh could be in another state. I don't know...makes my hmmm factor hum just a bit.

I hope that this is the scenario. That Crystal arranged for Haleigh to be taken and moved to a safe house until she could get to her. Just a thought.
Respectfully Pirate... The court order was 2005. A lot has happened since then. The supposed abuse GR was espousing, RC living with a 17 year old. It's been a full three years, I would think if she was serious about getting her children back she was capable of filing an order to revisit custody. My husband's ex-wife ran to the court house every time he got a raise!

Exactly!!! The court order was 4 years ago!! IF she truly felt those babies were in danger SHE should've stepped up to the plate and demonstrated to the judge that she was capable of caring for her own kids. She did not do that. So either she thought they were fine where they were, or she just didn't care enough to make an effort. Much like how she didn't care enough to roll out of bed and take her ill daughter to the doctors 12 separate times in approx 6 months <---her words to the judge.

And anybody who has on their record, filing a false police report, then they have NO credibility with me. If she can lie to LE I am sure she can lie to GR also.

I'm sorry but Crystal coming out now with all this stuff is way too little way too late.
Bio mom may not have been legal savvy nor had funds to hire someone who was. And she may have been dealing w someone who was, someone only too familiar w the system and how it worked. Also abused women often become resigned and give up hope of fighting. I agree there are questions re this side as well as dad's and gf's. Was curious eg why she didn't have kids for that weekend's visitation per schedule (she stated that Tue. it had been two weeks since she'd seen either of children.) Nonetheless, it is not bio-mom in whose care Haleigh was when last seen. JMO

I have to say I am shocked about all the abuse allegations. And there seems to be alot of people here that are or were in abusive relationships. Is this the norm anymore? If abusive relationships are becoming the norm, who should be caring for the children of all these abusive relationships?

I think most that are speakinig about Crystal and RC,seeing he's abusive and she's someone who has been abused and dominated are seeing this out of experience and can read them like a book.She reminds me so much of my sister before she got divorced and I have helped to make her like she used to be before she married the lowlife piece of....and I know that many women in an abusive relationship are embarrassed,put up a front and alot of people don't know what is going on in the home,so it's hard to prove,just her word over thiers.Then after being away from them after time they'll get stronger and speak about it.
Crystal has no criminal record.

And what associates have you seen that she has that are unsavory? I'd like links please to criminal records and such.

Oh, you thought she had no criminal record. Here ya go.

I found more earlier in the case, I guess I should go find and post those also.

As a sidenote, the most recent drug bust coming from these cast of characters was Chad, for cocaine, after he hooked up with Crystal. That would be at the Baker County court clerk website also.
Here that is

I'd call that unsavory, but that's just MO.
Well,never the less,both or all three families involved here are a mess and all need counseling.I've not seen such large scale accidents waiting to happen in all of them.I wouldn't leave my child with any,not one of them.The only ones I like is RC's Mom and his sister,they seem like the only two innocent adults in the whole bunch.
Wonder what that means?


I know what it means basically I'm just wondering what kind of circumstances? Shoot I don't know what I'm wondering. LOL
Oh, you thought she had no criminal record. Here ya go.

I found more earlier in the case, I guess I should go find and post those also.

As a sidenote, the most recent drug bust coming from these cast of characters was Chad, for cocaine, after he hooked up with Crystal. That would be at the Baker County court clerk website also.
Here that is

I'd call that unsavory, but that's just MO.

These actions must be the result of abuse.
Wonder what that means?


I know what it means basically I'm just wondering what kind of circumstances? Shoot I don't know what I'm wondering. LOL

Me too!! I can't help but wonder if it involves Ron and the kids???
Oh, you thought she had no criminal record. Here ya go.

I found more earlier in the case, I guess I should go find and post those also.

As a sidenote, the most recent drug bust coming from these cast of characters was Chad, for cocaine, after he hooked up with Crystal. That would be at the Baker County court clerk website also.

I hear more everyday it's something new coming up w/them all.I just feel we're all upset,because this whole kit and caboodle of characters have made this all worse.And besides an innocent child taken and one still there,we can't feel there's any of them capable of raising a child.I don't see why we're arguing and taking sides for any of them,worthless bunch and we're taking up for them.
I hear more everyday it's something new coming up w/them all.I just feel we're all upset,because this whole kit and caboodle of characters have made this all worse.And besides an innocent child taken and one still there,we can't feel there's any of them capable of raising a child.I don't see why we're arguing and taking sides for any of them,worthless bunch and we're taking up for them.

Amen winterrose. I concur!
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