Bizzare Labyrinth beneath California Home

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Jun 23, 2006
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Reminds me of HH Holmes & His Castle of Death... (Chicago reference)

Investigators find trap doors, a labyrinth of tunnels, and chambers with steel doors that lock from the outside


The tunnels are not just inside or below the house; there's actually a tunnel that comes all the way out to the sidewalk. Authorities have no idea what it was for, and it just adds to the mystery of what was going on inside the home.
I really want to know more...
annieinchicago, I can't remember the name of that book, but that was an awesome true crime story book about the Chicago World Fair and Holmes.

Forensically they might be able to find some kind of evidence if more horrible things were done in those rooms.

Reminds me of the Ice Truck Killer's room (Dexter) too. Although that was just one room! lol
annieinchicago, I can't remember the name of that book, but that was an awesome true crime story book about the Chicago World Fair and Holmes.

Forensically they might be able to find some kind of evidence if more horrible things were done in those rooms.

Reminds me of the Ice Truck Killer's room (Dexter) too. Although that was just one room! lol

I think you're referring to The Devil in the White City? My husband and I listened to a tape of it on a long trip last year.
Wow! Now while you guys use your suspicious side to reconcile it...I think back to the house where the woman was told by a Charlatan Psychic that as long as she kept doing work on her house the ghosts would stay away. I believe it is located in San Jose, CA but I could be wrong. Her house had the weirdest things like stairs going nowhere and doors to nowhere.

Here is a story and video about it:

In any case, while I am sure someone would take advantage of the situation for a meth lab scenario...the truth might be something totally different. They truly might have built it because of the presumed "End Of The World" scenario.
I think you're referring to The Devil in the White City? My husband and I listened to a tape of it on a long trip last year.

YES! That's it. Very good book. Thanks! :blowkiss:
SS, I couldn't put it down!

I looked at the pics of this labyrinth, but I'm not overwhelmed by them. Either the photographer wasn't able to capture the moment, or this is just a very dramatic article! lol IMO anyway.
I would love to own property like that! Think of the Halloween parties I could throw! OMG! I would have the BEST haunted house in the world! LOL (My fav Holiday!)
I know that's your cover, SS. You'd have all kinds of RSO's locked up in those rooms, never to be seen again!


Really though, that would be cool for Halloween parties.
My mind isn't deviant enough to go beyond Halloween! LOL might make a great game of hide n seek in the nude now and then. Hahahaha!

My first thought was EXCELLENT TORNADO SHELTERS for tons of people!! LMAO Guess you can tell where I live! LOL

Brings me to another point...I have tried for years to understand why in the midwest/midsouth the "bunkers" aren't opened up to people with no adequate shelter. I know of many that would be great community shelters for such...but no luck there.

I also have been trying unsuccesfully for years (since the F5 hit OKC/Midwest City) for churches to open up their basement area for people to come when the threat of such severe weather is impending. You would think they would want to help people stay alive, huh?! No dice. Insurance is the common reason I get. Sheesh!
LOL, SS. Both great ideas!

I have to say that this paragraph freaked me out:
"What do you think is going on in those rooms?" asked Gregory.
"Lot of things. A lot of things. I mean, I have a sister that's up the street right now, and she's not mentally there. I have another sister, she has no life. The other one just went to jail, a brother, about a month ago. He just went to jail for being back there, in the home," said the woman.

So either they were like that BEFORE they spent time in the mystery mansion, or they became like that afterwards? Weird.
Insanity is hereditary, too. Could have nothing to do with the house.

However, it wasn't a sane person that built such a house either. This guy was totally off the grid and the wall. His reasons might not be clear...but we do know he was unusual and extreme. :( Makes sense his family would suffer from it all.
I am late to the game and just read the article one of the comments was interesting....

"maybe the sherrifs need to look back at their records of raids that they did on this house many years ago, and not to mention, one of the owners son's is a registered sex offender... hmmm I wonder where his crimes took place? I can't believe that the police are acting like they knew nothing about this, history will tell all! I knew about these tunnels 19 years ago...they weren't people you wanted to mess with!"

I suggest they test the walls and floors and any tools they find down there.

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