
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

more like some religious fanatics part of the same club

this will always make me go duh :banghead::banghead: :

We know you're a Christian, John,

4 and would you swear to God you didn't do this?

5 JOHN RAMSEY: I swear to God I

6 didn't do it. I swear to God.

7 LOU SMIT: Do you know anybody

8 else, that your wife could?


10 LOU SMIT: You swear to God?

11 JOHN RAMSEY: I swear to God.

12 What I told you is the absolute truth

yep,it definitely makes it true cause he swore to God!
btw,I used edit&find while browsing this interview in order to find this,do you know how many times JR uses "I swear" this and "I swear" that?
I was reading that that's what liars usually do,they use these types of expressions a lot,I swear,believe me,honestly,to tell you the truth,etc
another thing I found while looking again at the 98 interview.....

did they agree to it hoping to AVOID the grand jury? :waitasec:

If the purpose of a grand jury is to be

8 able to talk to us, that is not necessary. We want

9 to find the killer of our daughter and sister and

10 work with you 24 hours a day to find it.̃
I'm new to the board, but have lurked on here on and off for awhile. I just wanted to drop my two cents on a few things. I used to be a Deputy Sheriff in between two stints in the Army, and I have to question the power of the stun gun you used Dave. In the academy we are all hit with a stun gun, to be certified to operate one, and I'll tell ya the marks I received under two shirts lasted well over two days, more like 2 or 3 weeks, and it was the same for every other student. One thing I'm sure about in this case is that a stun gun most certainly wasn't used (not by an intruder anyways) as they do not knock someone out, they stun you and afterwards your back to normal (albeit a elevated heart rate). Any child awoken by being stunned would be screaming their head off and would surely have awoken anyone in the house. Not only that stun guns themselves are not quiet. I have to question Lou Smit about this as he surely should have known that.

I personally feel the RDI theory is by far the most likely as everything in the case make little to no sense for IDI. I've talked this case over with some investigators and officers at the Sheriff's Dept. where I worked and they to believe the family had to be involved in some capacity. People also seem to forget, DNA is inclusive not exclusive and just because there is touch DNA of someone else that DOES NOT exclude the parents from involvement. Also being that the underwear was new and fresh from the package there is a very good chance the DNA is from the manufacturer and had nothing to do with this crime, IMO.

I personally feel the parents were able to get away with murder, and doubt there will ever be closure in this case sadly.

IMBY, I find your input to be extremely valuable. I hope you'll become one of our regular members.
another thing I found while looking again at the 98 interview.....

did they agree to it hoping to AVOID the grand jury? :waitasec:

If the purpose of a grand jury is to be

8 able to talk to us, that is not necessary. We want

9 to find the killer of our daughter and sister and

10 work with you 24 hours a day to find it.̃

That's what some of the BPD and prosecutors thought!

Possible, but I was thinking more along the lines that he got blinded to the facts through his shared religion with the Rs. I feel he really wanted to believe they were innocent, and really convinced himself of their innocence. While the marks do resemble stun gun marks the theory that it was used to incapacitate her is ridiculous as they don't work the way they are portrayed in movies or the IDI theory. A payoff to get a respected voice to bring some doubt on the RDI theory is entirely plausible. Just the fact that a highly regarded investigator would go so far in left field with the stun gun thing makes me question how good of an investigator he really was.
IMBY, I find your input to be extremely valuable. I hope you'll become one of our regular members.

Thanks Dave, I've really enjoyed reading your posts and find that your pretty well informed on this case to say the least. I've tried to get caught up on this case over the past couple of months and hope any little input I may have will be helpful or at least entertaining. Anyways thanks for the welcome.
The lack of police access to the phone records has always smelled fishy to me. You have a murdered little girl whose parents claimed she was "kidnapped" found by her father in her own home. Reason right THERE to have arrested the parents. The police WANTED to. The DA refused to allow it. Why?
Phone calls made from the R house or from the R cell phones between the times the parents claimed they put JB to bed and went to bed themselves and the time they claimed to have "found the RN" are EXTREMELY INCRIMINATING. Who would they call at that hour when all was seeming well and everyone asleep?
I know a judge supposedly blocked access to all R phone record after some tabloid scum tried to obtain them illegally. I don't buy the judge's reasoning. This was a CHILD SEXUAL ASSAULT/MURDER. You don't refuse access to evidence like that in a case like this because someone tried UNSUCCESSFULLY to get ahold of them. There had to be another reason.
Add this to the fact that some phone records went "missing" or (even more unbelievable) showed NO activity for the month of December and you have something that smells fishy alright. In fact it stinks to high heaven.
This stinks as much as the refusal to allow police access to her school and medical records. What child murder case EVER have you heard where the child's school and pediatrician do not do EVERYTHING they can to help police solve the child's murder? Right Only one case. THIS one. Because THIS ONE had wealthy and powerful parents with something to hide. There is simply no other explanation.

Because THIS ONE had wealthy and powerful parents with something to hide.
Someone, allegedly, phoned a lawyer who phoned the DA and said we need something fixed and guess what it was!

The investigation was messed up from step one, with one untrained officer in charge of proceedings, who is yet to publish her memoirs.

Did John not say that he talked with the governor of Colorado that morning, can you imagine that call? Well we had an issue but it has been fixed, but I think there might be some media driven collateral damage, so can I just fill you in on some of the more salient details just in case you are doorstepped!

There was a conspiracy, favors were called in, the black arts were deployed, Lou Smit made a Columbo style entrance to introduce the media to the Intruder Theory. The rest is history, with those who were in on the conspiracy making a killing out of the documentaries, books and legal fees generated by the miasma of lies and disinformation spewed out by the spin teams.

Just One More Thing: sad to hear Columbo, Peter Falk, has passed away, lovely actor, invested Columbo with his own personality. I read somewhere that he wore the same shoes, suit, and raincoat in all the episodes. I liked the anecdote that Frederico Fellini would leave a party or filming session to watch the latest episode.

In the academy we are all hit with a stun gun, to be certified to operate one, and I'll tell ya the marks I received under two shirts lasted well over two days, more like 2 or 3 weeks, and it was the same for every other student.
You and SD are far braver than I :) I was a c/o so I got a choice and I picked "no" on the tasering!

I wonder what rings PR wears. I know my ring will sometimes spin on my finger and I wonder if she's got a rock on her hand...
Was JR a political contributor? Would there be records of any substantial contribution he made after JBR's death?
John Ramsey, of Charlevoix, MI, made a $2000 donation to the RNC: Republican National Committee.
...Don't think it was expert either, but I think it rather does look like boy scout material: a commando toggle rope -

Commando Toggle Rope:

JonBenet's neck device:

Similar yes, I've seen the autopsy photo of the rope buried into JB's throat but not seen how the device was used. I'm only left to speculate but the picture above shows her hair twisted in the knot. This leads me to believe the handle was stuck into the loop and twisted from behind.

Good find on the Boy Scout toggle, Whaleshark.

Burke was in the Boy Scouts for a few years before the murder.

I have said before, but will repeat for those who haven't seen my thoughts about this, the knot remaining tied on the wrist binding, of which we have a clear photo from autopsy photos, is easily reconstructed and proves to be a slip knot which not only slips tighter upon pulling, but also holds with the tension of flesh holding it in place--I created this on my leg and had to cut it off before my leg died. :eek:

So that's proof to me that whoever tied the knot on the wrist binding could have tied the same knot on the strangulation instrument, creating a weapon that worked as we know this one did.

It does look similar to a slipknot on the loop, probably on the paint brush handle also but the cord is wrapped around it making it hard to say. Either way, this is not a U.S. military garrote. I should mention, although trained in the U.S. Military garrote, I've never used one.
A hypothesis

The last few months off and on I've been dwelling on the manner of death and the confusion surrounding the ransom letter. I've come to believe that even though PR wrote the ransom note, I think it was a collaboration between PR and JR. I believe the word beheading was a Freudian slip if I may say so. I believe the ransom note was more intended to send the investigation in several directions.

I need to break it down a little.

Listen carefully! We are a group of individuals that represent a small foreign faction.

Well really can you be more vague than this?

We respect your business (do scratched out after We) but not the country that it serves.

OK, so this is a political extortion, er kidnapping, er homicide.

we have your daughter in our posession. She is safe and unharmed
and if you want her to see 1997, you must follow our instructions to the letter.

Oh really?!?!? She's safe and unharmed and she's in your basement. Gotcha!

You will withdraw $118,000 from your account.

Now the only person who might know this is JR himself or whomever he's trying to umm place blame on. Do I really believe a small foreign faction knows JR's bonus?

I will call you Between 8 and 10 a.m. tomorrow to instruct you on delivery.

Really?!?! Is this before or after we find her safe in the basement?

<snipped> a bit of ransom note hooey since she was apparently dead before any of it occurred.

Speaking to anyone about your situation such as police, F.B.I., etc.,
will result in your daughter being beheaded.

Now this is where I think the Freudian slip occurred, she wasn't beheaded, she was strangled with a ligature. While a garrote may behead someone, the type used on JBR would not. I'm thinking JR was dictating while PR was writing.

1999 February 18 - Lawrence Schillers book "Perfect Murder, Perfect Town

Page 225:

"On the night JonBenet was murdered, the movie 'Nick of Time' aired at 7:30 P.M. on a Boulder cable channel. The story centers on an unarmed political faction that kidnaps a six-year-old girl. The victim is told, "Listen to me very carefully.' Bill Cox, who was staying with Fleet and Priscilla White, told the police he remembered watching the movie that night."

Forgot to credit...
Now the only person who might know this is JR himself or whomever he's trying to umm place blame on. Do I really believe a small foreign faction knows JR's bonus?

I know that S.Singular is an IDI (an IDI who thinks though JR knows exactly who killed JB,IMO IF IDI I totally agree with this) but I always liked and respected him and I really like and agree with some of the things he said re this case .

and he says an interesting thing here:

According to John Douglas, the ex-FBI profiler who examined the Ramseys briefly after the murder and concluded they were not child killers, only one parent knew that John Ramsey had recently received a $118,000 bonus and that parent was the father

and it's interesting cause the source is someone from the R team.....and IIRC JD was brought in by the lawyers because they wanted to know if JOHN is capable of such a crime (there's a link for it somewhere,I posted it many times,dunno where it is now)

interesting huh?
Possible, but I was thinking more along the lines that he got blinded to the facts through his shared religion with the Rs. I feel he really wanted to believe they were innocent, and really convinced himself of their innocence. While the marks do resemble stun gun marks the theory that it was used to incapacitate her is ridiculous as they don't work the way they are portrayed in movies or the IDI theory. A payoff to get a respected voice to bring some doubt on the RDI theory is entirely plausible. Just the fact that a highly regarded investigator would go so far in left field with the stun gun thing makes me question how good of an investigator he really was.

You're not the first. I've been doing some checking, and from what I can gather, Smit's reputation was based on luck, working in teams and the generally low quality of "game."
You and SD are far braver than I :) I was a c/o so I got a choice and I picked "no" on the tasering!

I wonder what rings PR wears. I know my ring will sometimes spin on my finger and I wonder if she's got a rock on her hand...

I'm sure we could find that picture if we looked hard enough!
Are we looking for any picture of Patsy with a ring? Or from a specific date? Didn't Patsy come back from Texas with a huge fancy ring?

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