BP Oil Spill Approaching Gulf Coast

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The ways this "spill" is and will affect all of us is ever growing. It's not just the sealife and wildlife in the salt water-it will contaminate freshwater eventually as the rains carry it. It will also affect crops! I'm going to start stocking up on canned goods as the price of food will probably increase if there is some crop failures.:twocents:
Why is BP even allowed to spray the dispersant? It doesn't make any sense to me. At least oil is natural and why not let it come to the surface and then scoop it up rather than disperse it with Corexit? How do you scoop something up if it's dispersed? Why is our government allows BP to use the dispersant?
This whole thing is absolutely infuriating and who knows when it will end. With hurricanes in the golf the August day for relief wells might end up who knows when?
Kevin Costner's centrifuges deploy for Gulf of Mexico oil spill cleanup
Published: Friday, June 18, 2010, 10:26 PM

Energy giant BP PLC has ordered 32 of the centrifuges from a company co-founded by the actor. Costner joined officials of the energy company for an inspection Friday of a barge that will take three of the devices into the Gulf starting this weekend.

Share Officials said skimmer vessels will pump oily water onto the barge where the centrifuges can process a total of 600,000 gallons a day, separating gunk from water. Costner said he "didn't come to save the day" but is gratified the technology is being deployed.

Costner and BP executive Doug Suttles and others were at Port Fourchon on Friday to talk about the plan to use the centrifuges.

"It was designed to give us a fighting chance, to fight back the oil before it got us by the throat," Costner said.

About time they started doing something. Seems like Costner volunteered this information about 2 months ago!!!
God bless Kevin Costner!! :woohoo:
Now let's hope the relief wells work out too!!

This is just heartbreaking!!:(

Back in the 1960's scientist wanted to see if they could control hurricanes with an inch of oil on the surface of the ocean. It will be interesting to see if hurricanes turn away or die off from the oil spill. Could this disaster be a discovery to slow down major hurricanes?
Wednesday Escambia Oil Update
June 30, 2010


■The Escambia County Health Department has issued a health advisory from the Pensacola Beach Fishing Pier west to the Pensacola Pass, including Fort Pickens. This is not a ban. If you choose to swim, do so at your own risk. This advisory was issued du to the extensive oil sheen, oil mousse and tar balls reported in the area. (More Information)

Keeps reminding me more and more of the movie "Jaws"-Everyone in the Gulf area please be careful there is a predator out there in the water even if the water is clear (think dispersants)!!:furious:

Florida scientist says CLEAR water tests positive for oil, “Can’t be seen and it poses health risks”; Officials “only doing visual assessments”
What you can&#8217;t see in the water may be more dangerous than what you can see, he said. &#8230;

It can&#8217;t been [sic] seen and it poses health risks&#8230; [W]ater samples taken Thursday in the surf zone, where most people swim, at Casino Beach, did reveal small amounts of alkanes, hydrocarbon molecules found in oil, he said.

Video: Oil washes up on Pascagoula Beach; more may be coming
PASCAGOULA, Miss. -- Tarballs and mousse patties began washing ashore on Pascagoula's beach Tuesday morning, and a fly-over showed that more is on the way.

"It's here today and it's going to be here tomorrow," said Sgt. Doug Adams, Pascagoula Police Department spokesman. "This is the first time, but won't be the last that we clean this stretch of beach and road

Gulf beaches hit as distant hurricane pushes oil

GRAND ISLE, La. — Rough seas generated by Hurricane Alex pushed more oil from the massive spill onto Gulf coast beaches as cleanup vessels were sidelined by the far-away storm's ripple effects.

The hurricane was churning coastal waters across the oil-affected region on the Gulf of Mexico. Waves as high as 6 feet and winds over 25 mph were forecast through Thursday just off shore from the Mississippi Delta in Louisiana to the Florida Panhandle.

In Louisiana, the storm pushed an oil patch toward Grand Isle and uninhabited Elmer's Island, dumping tar balls as big as apples on the beach.

"The sad thing is that it's been about three weeks since we had any big oil come in here," marine science technician Michael Malone said. "With this weather,we lost all the progress we made."

The loss of skimmers, combined with gusts driving water into the coast, left beaches especially vulnerable. In Alabama, the normally white sand was streaked with long lines of oil. One swath of beach 40 feet wide was stained brown and mottled with globs of oil matted together.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>>>>

Gulf oil disaster update: Obama accepts offers of help with cleanup from other countries—finally!
Nearly a month after offers of help with the Gulf oil cleanup were first tendered by foreign nations, Barack Obama finally said yes early today. The Associated Press reports that a dozen countries and international organizations will be assisting BP and the U.S. in their efforts to contain and clean the massive slick. The article notes that the identities of those nations have not been released, and neither have details of the arrangement, which is now being worked out with the State Department.

Unfortunately, the delay in accepting help until now may prove costly. Rains and heavy winds from Hurricane Alex, the first tropical storm of the hurricane season, are hampering efforts to clean the spill, now in its 70th day. Yesterday, crews in the Gulf were evacuated due to safety concerns as hurricane-force winds pounded the region, dumping new supplies of oil and tarry debris on coastal beaches. The hurricane is expected to make landfall later today, which will reduce its impact.
Even though valuable time has been lost - better late than never I guess!! :banghead:
Gulf oil disaster update: Obama accepts offers of help with cleanup from other countries&#8212;finally!
Nearly a month after offers of help with the Gulf oil cleanup were first tendered by foreign nations, Barack Obama finally said yes early today. The Associated Press reports that a dozen countries and international organizations will be assisting BP and the U.S. in their efforts to contain and clean the massive slick. The article notes that the identities of those nations have not been released, and neither have details of the arrangement, which is now being worked out with the State Department.

Unfortunately, the delay in accepting help until now may prove costly. Rains and heavy winds from Hurricane Alex, the first tropical storm of the hurricane season, are hampering efforts to clean the spill, now in its 70th day. Yesterday, crews in the Gulf were evacuated due to safety concerns as hurricane-force winds pounded the region, dumping new supplies of oil and tarry debris on coastal beaches. The hurricane is expected to make landfall later today, which will reduce its impact.
Even though valuable time has been lost - better late than never I guess!! :banghead:

Slow, slow, slow. Like has been repeatedly said on Anderson Cooper, if this were a war, we'd be an occupied country by now.
Alex is the first June hurricane in the gulf, since 1995, so if it is going to be an active season who knows what will happen.
BP was low balling it saying they think only 1,000 barrels of oil is leaking a day, and also saying it's not even relevant how much is actually leaking. It appears the government bought it hook, line and sinker, did not verify it, and so now we are in this situation with a potentially active hurricane season and oil still not stopped, and the latest number of 60,000 barrels of oil coming out of the damaged well.
BP can't contain the oil and they can't contain the truth from coming out either!!:furious:
Whistle blower to testify on oil spill worst fear:BP deliberately sinks oil with Corexit as cover up
In a shocking interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on June 29th, Allegiance Capitol Corporation V.P. Fred McCallister said that BP is deliberately sinking oil with the toxic chemical disbursant Corexit, to hide the size of the oil spill. By sinking the oil before it can be collected, BP won’t have to pay fines on it.

McCallister said, “Everybody in Europe, where the standard practice is to raise the oil and collect it, is scratching their heads, and quite honestly laughing at what’s happening in the Gulf.” He added, “Everyone is looking at us and wondering why we’re allowing this to happen.”
In a shocking interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on June 29th, Allegiance Capitol Corporation V.P. Fred McCallister said that BP is deliberately sinking oil with the toxic chemical disbursant Corexit, to hide the size of the oil spill. By sinking the oil before it can be collected, BP won’t have to pay fines on it.

McCallister said, “Everybody in Europe, where the standard practice is to raise the oil and collect it, is scratching their heads, and quite honestly laughing at what’s happening in the Gulf.” He added, “Everyone is looking at us and wondering why we’re allowing this to happen.”
BP are you listening?

A suggestion box or publicity stunt? BP has received thousands of ideas from the public on how to stop a blown oil well in the Gulf of Mexico, but some inventors are complaining that their efforts are getting ignored.

Oil-eating bacteria, bombs and a device that resembles a giant shower curtain are among the 10,000 fixes people have proposed to counter the growing environmental threat. BP is taking a closer look at 700 of the ideas, but the oil company has yet to use any of them nearly a month after the deadly explosion that caused the leak.

Just as I had predicated weeks ago the oil spill will most likely get caught up in the Florida Straits and continue up into the coast of Miami and possibly the entire eastern seaboard.

Government forecasters now say there's up to an 80 percent chance that the massive spill will reach the waters off Miami by the middle of August, caught in the loop current around Florida and then pushed northward up the state's east coast at a rate of 100 miles per day.


On 6-8 scientist as well as myself believed that the oil spill would follow the gulf loop all the way up the east coast. I even believe that they will soon start finding oil tarballs on Texas coasts.
This is the worse thing that has happened to us since 911 and Katrina........
any politician's listening out there???
Can you imagine if this disaster had happened in another country? No doubt Obama would be sending gazillions of dollars to help them out. Now that it happened in our own back yard - NOTHING. Now they're wasting time and money keeping media 65 feet from the boons/booms so they can't see the horrific killing of animals. They're now going to arrest US citizens out of "concern". Yah right. If there was ANY concern, the oil leak would have been capped by now.


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