BP Oil Spill Approaching Gulf Coast

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It boggles my mind that BP is allowed to use the dispersants, especially in these large quantities.
What are these buses for?:waitasec:
Probably to transport BP workers-yeah that's gotta be it!!:banghead:
Official: 15-mile-long oil slick could hit Baldwin County Monday
According to an afternoon aerial observation, a stretch of oil about 50 yards wide and 15 miles long is about two miles south of the coast.
More bad news for BP as arsenic levels rise in seawater around the Gulf of Mexico
Researchers published a study which found oil stops the ocean’s natural filtering process of arsenic
They said the arsenic then gets “magnified” up the food chain, as fish eat small amounts of the deadly poison and may eventually impact humans, researchers said.

Professor Mark Sephton said arsenic, which is found in seawater, was normally filtered out of the ocean when it combined with sediment on the sea floor.

“But oil spills stop the normal process because the oil combines with sediment and it leads to an accumulation of arsenic in the water over time," he said.

"Arsenic only needs to be a 10th of a part per billion to cause problems.”

He added: “Our study is a timely reminder that oil spills could create a toxic ticking time bomb, which could threaten the fabric of the marine ecosystem in the future.”

More bad news for BP!!! Are you kidding me? It's more bad news for the planet!! :furious:

Please take the four minutes it takes to watch this video. Worth it for your health, worth it for your awareness as to the effects of Corexit.
"We're all part of an experiment. How do you feel?":sick:

He said if the living being, ie fish or whatever, this disbursement comes into contact with is living within the first 72 hours or so, the govt considers it living and the disbursement chemical doesn't effect it. He said he's seen this, and then 10 days after being exposed, the fish or whatever dies.

It's not word for word, but I think you get my drift, AND HIS!!

The way they're disbursing this, by air, a small amount is being caught by the air and floating. Those that live in that area, everything they touch has a residual of this chemical. In other words, you're being EXPOSED!

Like essies said, 'you're one big EXPERIMENT!'


PS....I do recall when this oil spill first happened, I read an article interviewing someone who'd been involved in another spill, may have been the Valdez.....Anyway, they said the 'disbursement chemical is more harmful than the oil.' He made reference to how hard the clean-up workers were effected. You all need to TAKE CARE! THIS is HORRIFYING! fran
It boggles my mind that BP is allowed to use the dispersants, especially in these large quantities.

This guy said their decision was based on 'cost effectiveness.' It was more cost effective to use the disbursement. :mad:

I've been avoiding this thread like the plague. We live only a few miles from the beach in MS. My husband is on a bus. trip to Japan for two months this summer so I am taking a leave from work. I was really looking forward to taking the kids to the beach A LOT because it is free and it wears them out so they will sleep well =) I've never liked them swimming in the water, it has always been pretty murky but to look out and see nothing but water really gets their minds going. The things they can come up with that might be out there, lol....has always made it worth while for a girl who has never been very "outdoors-ey"
Unfortunately we cant do that. We have really been getting hammered with oil on the shore this past week or so. They are 10 and 5 and they know full well whats going on. And today especially, it really breaks my heart because we usually go down to the beach for the amazing fireworks shows. I drove along the strip next to the beach yesterday and you could smell the oil, so i wont be taking them this year.
I'm not sure if anyone has posted this, but I wanted to share it, it's extremely moving.
WARNING: some graphic photos!!!! (But still very worth watching, imo)

You're right MissieMt, that is a moving video.

I wish someone in the media would get on the ball, start collecting some of these YouTube videos and do a special on this.

Where is everyone?!

I don't want to hear anymore lip-service from the politicians. I want action. YESTERDAY!

Officials Say BP Spill Now Hitting All Gulf States

TEXAS CITY, Texas (July 5) - Tar balls from the Gulf oil spill found on a Texas beach were confirmed Monday as the first evidence that gushing crude from the Deepwater Horizon well has reached all the Gulf states.

A Coast Guard official said it was possible that the oil hitched a ride on a ship and was not carried naturally by currents to the barrier islands of the eastern Texas coast, but there was no way to know for sure.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<more at link>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Blimp arrives for Gulf spill cleanup as oil reaches Texas
A massive blimp is expected to arrive in the Gulf Coast Tuesday to help clean up the disastrous oil spill that's deposited tar balls on Texas shores.

The 178-foot-long, U.S. Navy airship will be used to detect oil, direct skimming ships and look for threatened wildlife, reports CNN, adding it canstay aloft longer than helicopters and can survey a wider area.

DAY 78 AND COUNTING....:furious:
If it's in the water-it's in the air too!!!:furious:
Wow! I WISH people would listen to the second half of this video. It's stunning and {scary} IF you live there.

The poison is in the water. It's not JUST oil, it's OTHER STUFF that they've been using to 'disburse' the oil. It's 150 X's the amount to be toxic to FISH. Then you add it into the sea-spray, it becomes AIRBORNE and it's TOXIC to HUMANS!

We are in BIG TROUBLE!

Does anyone care?:(

We are just touching the surface with how far this spill will go. As I predicted it would go to the Texas coast, and now it has, next it will begin traveling up the Mississippi. The thing that bothers me the most, is nobody says anything until it effects them. More people are worried about what Lindsay Lohan is doing than something that is destroying our environment and the United States second fishing industry.
Nearly 1,700 pounds of oil captured in Lake Pontchartrain

Published: Tuesday, July 06, 2010, 9:29 PM Updated: Tuesday, July 06, 2010, 10:43 PM

After tar balls made their way through the Rigolets and into Lake Pontchartrain, cleanup crews were quick to react. Armed with pool-skimming nets and deployed on boats and docks, workers pulled in nearly 1,700 pounds of the reddish-brown globs of oil, most about the size of a nickel, in the two days since they were discovered, St. Tammany Parish President Kevin Davis said Tuesday.

Environmental investigator Watches Crews Dump Sand Over Oil

ORANGE BEACH, Alabama - John Wathen of Tuscaloosa, has been investigating environmental complaints for 15 years. He recently documented crews on the beach burying oil with new sand. It happened at Orange Beach, although Wathen suspects it may be happening at beaches all along the coast.

Wathen works for Hurricane Creekkeepers, in association with Waterkeepers Alliance and several other environmental groups, including Mobile Baykeeper. He has been documenting the oil spill for those groups since right after the spill started.

Weather hampers Gulf of Mexico oil spill containment efforts

Published: Tuesday, July 06, 2010, 7:30 PM Updated: Tuesday, July 06, 2010, 7:32 PM

The Helix Producer was supposed to be connected July 1, increasing oil collection capacity to as much as 53,000 barrels each day, before the hook-up was delayed by Hurricane Alex. An estimated 35,000 to 60,000 barrels each day are leaking from the well.

Last week, Hurricane Alex kicked up waves and winds strong enough to force the suspension of oil skimming and burning as well as aerial dispersant use, the three methods deployed to battle oil on the water's surface. The storm also displaced the boom used to protect the shoreline, allowing oil to push through to areas that had not previously been sullied with oil, including Lake Pontchartrain.

Skimming operations remained sidelined for the most part Tuesday, with the exception of some large vessels, Allen said.

The article goes on to say that an area of low pressure over the Yucatan Peninsula will hamper skimming efforts for the rest of this week.

And this is only early July. Hurricane season doesn't peak for another 6-8 weeks.
What You Need To Know About The Possible Health Risks of The Gulf Oil Spill
Dr. Elaina George
It is clear that the oil spill in the gulf is a toxic mixture that has the potential to not only destroy the ecosystem of the gulf, but to harm the short and long term health of both the residents of the gulf and people living in neighboring states who can be adversely affected by toxins carried in the jet stream and rain carried from the gulf. It makes one wonder how long it will be before we see a rise in illnesses from not only the workers and volunteers who are cleaning up the spill without proper protective equipment such as respirators and protective clothing, but also those in neighboring states . It also makes one wonder when the call for an evacuation of those on the front line will be ordered ….only time will tell.

* Dr. Elaina George is Board certified Otolaryngologist who started Peachtree ENT Center with a mission to practice state of the art medicine that is available to everyone. She graduated from Princeton University with a degree in Biology. She received her Masters degree in Medical Microbiology at Long Island University, and received her medical degree from Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York. Dr George completed her residency at Manhattan, Eye Ear & Throat Hospital. Her training included general surgery at Lenox Hill Hospital, pediatric ENT at The NY-Presbyterian Hospital, and head and neck oncology at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. She has published in several scientific journals and presented her research at national meetings. She has a weekly radio show, Medicine on Call that focuses on various aspects of medicine including the politics of healthcare
The oil is no longer approaching the coast, it is here. Personally, I'd like it to read: "BP Oil Spill Invades the Gulf Coast". Or is that too controversial? Just think we should give credit where credit is due.

Legalmania, since you started the thread, can you change it? Or do we need a mod to do it? Please and thank you in advance.
This guy said their decision was based on 'cost effectiveness.' It was more cost effective to use the disbursement. :mad:

Oh, BP is all about cutting costs. Their track record shows the proof is in the pudding.

More than 8,000 incident reports about BP’s U.S. spills, emissions, and leaks of oil and chemicals have been filed with the National Response Center during the past decade. They range from minor clumsiness such as a tipped drum of jet fuel to the deadly April 21 explosion on BP’s Gulf of Mexico rig

This editorial is slightly off topic, but interesting.
Reviled here, BP cost-cutters rewarded in the U.K.: James Gill Published: Wednesday, July 07, 2010, 6:00 AM

Pictures of oil-soaked pelicans have been a staple of the British press lately, but the new coalition government has not hesitated to flip the Gulf region the bird. It is hard to put any other construction on John Browne's new appointment. As BP's chief executive until 2007, Browne bears much of the blame for the spill that has been polluting the Gulf and the wetlands for what seems like an eternity. He instituted the corporate policies that evidently led to the disaster.

Now he has been put in charge of the drive to cut the costs of public services in Britain.
But it's not only BP who is to blame.

27,000 abandoned oil and gas wells in Gulf of Mexico ignored by government, industry Published: Wednesday, July 07, 2010, 7:12 AM Updated: Wednesday, July 07, 2010, 7:17 AM

More than 27,000 abandoned oil and gas wells lurk in the hard rock beneath the Gulf of Mexico, an environmental minefield that has been ignored for decades. No one -- not industry, not government -- is checking to see if they are leaking, an Associated Press investigation shows.

Regulations for temporarily abandoned wells require oil companies to present plans to reuse or permanently plug such wells within a year, but the AP found that the rule is routinely circumvented, and that more than 1,000 wells have lingered in that unfinished condition for more than a decade...

As a forceful reminder of the potential harm, the well beneath BP's Deepwater Horizon rig was being sealed with cement for temporary abandonment when it blew April 20...

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