Brad Cooper April 1st Weekend

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I think passive aggressive behavior is the most toxic/damaging relationship trasher there is.

Maybe she died from vaseline on that wood staircase and slipped and fell and he just wanted to have her fall to get a quiet laugh to himself. I guess not, he would have said it was an accident.. hmm right!
1st vote in jury room...4-8 not guilty. So then they looked more closely at who was this person(defendant).....hmmmm. Then they found the person guilty. Interesting. Said it wasn't one piece but so many things together.

After seeing, it reminded me of this case. An affair, absolutely zero hard, physical evidence tying him to the crime. The usual bad police work, rush to judgement, pressure to identify a suspect and solve quickly. It could have been druggies down the road or financial revenge. Same old drill defense attorneys use in many of these cases. Anyone could have done it but my client.
It was all the small pieces of CE that the 8 jurors that first voted NG, were able to reconcile. In the end, the jury just used common sense.
Ah. Clear as mud. But thank you! :)

It's a set of standards that define how a protocol works. With VOIP, the primary protocol now is SIP. The RFCs tell you how to implement it. This is needed so systems can work with each other and with hardware such as phones. So you can take a SIP phone from 1 company and have it work with a server from another company.
Is BC's video taped deposition from the custody case admissible as evidence in this trial? If so, they haven't brought it out yet have they?

The exterminator is one of the most important witnesses to me, because he catches BC in a major lie concerning his actions the night of the killing. Brad said very clearly that he cleaned the car and the garage on June 28 when NC and the kids went to the beach. But the exterminator says it was still messy on July 8. BC also stated he was busy at work until Friday that week, so that just leaves Fri night for cleaning the garage.
So do you think Brad knew about the area off Fielding Drive because he had driven back there looking at houses and lots? Why did the state ask the realtor about Toll Brothers builders, knowing they had that development? He confirmed he did not work with TB.
I missed most of the video, so I guess I missed the point? Seems that would have helped the state if he had been back there and knew the area.

The realtor did say that Nancy and Brad had also gone out looking on their own. It is certainly likely and possible that they did look at lots in the area of where Nancy was found. In my mind it is too coincidental that Nancy was found surrounded by empty lots for sale when they had been looking at lots together.

Now my other thoughts. Not addressed to you only, Just The Fax!

I just do not believe in coincidences where crimes and murders are concerned. I am one of those dreaded people who believe Brad to be guilty of murder. 1st degree murder!

I do not post much here, but do read every post. I just want to add that Nancy may have just seemed not to be afraid of Brad to her friends, but put her business out there just in case Brad did wind up hurting her. Well, she is dead now.

I would like to know who took the pic of Nancy in the teal green (with black designs) dress she wore to the party the night of July 11th. It's the pic shown in court where she is holding up her middle finger. The nail has a little black spot on it. Did Brad take this pic and was it the last one of Nancy? I was listening to the testimony that day and the ADA was talking about the two cameras found in the home. One was a Hello Kitty camera. The pic was very strange. Nancy's hair was mussed, and the background of the pic was dark. Does anyone know where I can find that pic online anywhere? TIA!
Is BC's video taped deposition from the custody case admissible as evidence in this trial? If so, they haven't brought it out yet have they?

The exterminator is one of the most important witnesses to me, because he catches BC in a major lie concerning his actions the night of the killing. Brad said very clearly that he cleaned the car and the garage on June 28 when NC and the kids went to the beach. But the exterminator says it was still messy on July 8. BC also stated he was busy at work until Friday that week, so that just leaves Fri night for cleaning the garage.

His depostition is admissible, but it hasn't been introduced yet. Ms. Fitzhugh said in the prosecution opening it would be brought in.
I would like to know who took the pic of Nancy in the teal green (with black designs) dress she wore to the party the night of July 11th. It's the pic shown in court where she is holding up her middle finger. The nail has a little black spot on it.

That picture was taken within a few weeks of 7/11 (not sure the exact date). It was not taken by Brad. Don't know who took that picture. I will try to find out.

The point of the picture being shown was to impeach Brad's statements that Nancy had never worn that dress before. It was also shown to display her jewelry (diamond necklace worn as always, no wedding ring, sapphire ring/band on right hand only).
That picture was taken within a few weeks of 7/11 (not sure the exact date). It was not taken by Brad. Don't know who took that picture. I will try to find out.

The point of the picture being shown was to impeach Brad's statements that Nancy had never worn that dress before. It was also shown to display her jewelry (diamond necklace worn as always, no wedding ring, sapphire ring/band on right hand only).

Oh, okay!
Tahnks so much, SleuthyGal! I really want to know about that pic!
Is BC's video taped deposition from the custody case admissible as evidence in this trial? If so, they haven't brought it out yet have they?

The exterminator is one of the most important witnesses to me, because he catches BC in a major lie concerning his actions the night of the killing. Brad said very clearly that he cleaned the car and the garage on June 28 when NC and the kids went to the beach. But the exterminator says it was still messy on July 8. BC also stated he was busy at work until Friday that week, so that just leaves Fri night for cleaning the garage.

It's all relative though. One man's clean is another man's disaster. Maybe BC "cleans" like my husband does. :laugh:
Is BC's video taped deposition from the custody case admissible as evidence in this trial? If so, they haven't brought it out yet have they?

The exterminator is one of the most important witnesses to me, because he catches BC in a major lie concerning his actions the night of the killing. Brad said very clearly that he cleaned the car and the garage on June 28 when NC and the kids went to the beach. But the exterminator says it was still messy on July 8. BC also stated he was busy at work until Friday that week, so that just leaves Fri night for cleaning the garage.

This was debated before. At this point, it seems clear they will not be using either the actual video or even his sworn statements to show his numerous lies. I assume not using the custody case deposition was a ruling or stipulation? Too bad, because showing his obvious lies and inconsistencies with his own image and voice would be very powerful for the jury. It would certainly tie a lot of this mubo-jumbo case together with a clearer picture.
LaLaw2000....thanks. Yesterdays testimony from the Realtor did show they were looking for lots in Nov 2007. Since it was close by, he could have easily driven back there at that time and discovered the undeveloped section off Fielding Drive. it could have popped into his brilliant mind on 7-12-08 as the perfect place to dump a body nearby. Not sure why Cummings didn't hammer this point by using the realtor....that it would have been quite feasible for Brad to have driven back there 11/07. I know it's a long shot, but maybe there is a google map search on 7-12-08? We do know Kurtz is scared sheetless about the computer evidence. If true, that would certainly be a good point for the state to rest their case.
I'm watching Dateline.....same defense. They decided the person was the suspect right away........ ignored other possible suspects and the police made mistakes in the investigation and with evidence. Defense 101.

I watched Dateline last night too and thought of this case! There was NO evidence at all--no fingerprints, no DNA, no footprints, no eyewitness, no nothing. When the jury began deliberations the straw vote was 8 not guilty, 4 guilty. After they sorted through the evidence and collected their thoughts, they ended up finding the man guilty. So many parallels with this case with respect to the lack of any evidence whatsoever. But as one juror stated, they started stacking the little bits and pieces of common sense issues and they added up....guilty.
What a sad picture. As recent as 11/07, this was a couple trying to work on their marriage.
They were looking for a new home to build in the $450K rage. In November, Brad bought her an expensive diamond necklace she picked out and would never take off.
Then the news of Brad's affair. It spiraled down the toilet from there, finally ending in her demise.
Probably not a coincidence that Dateline ran that episode this week.
The realtor did say that Nancy and Brad had also gone out looking on their own. It is certainly likely and possible that they did look at lots in the area of where Nancy was found. In my mind it is too coincidental that Nancy was found surrounded by empty lots for sale when they had been looking at lots together.

Now my other thoughts. Not addressed to you only, Just The Fax!

I just do not believe in coincidences where crimes and murders are concerned. I am one of those dreaded people who believe Brad to be guilty of murder. 1st degree murder!

I do not post much here, but do read every post. I just want to add that Nancy may have just seemed not to be afraid of Brad to her friends, but put her business out there just in case Brad did wind up hurting her. Well, she is dead now.

I would like to know who took the pic of Nancy in the teal green (with black designs) dress she wore to the party the night of July 11th. It's the pic shown in court where she is holding up her middle finger. The nail has a little black spot on it. Did Brad take this pic and was it the last one of Nancy? I was listening to the testimony that day and the ADA was talking about the two cameras found in the home. One was a Hello Kitty camera. The pic was very strange. Nancy's hair was mussed, and the background of the pic was dark. Does anyone know where I can find that pic online anywhere? TIA!


I agree with you on the coincidence. I could stretch to give it one or even a couple coincidences without being so firm in my belief - but if you look at the coincidences in this case - there are just too many to get over. At least, I can't. I hope the 12 other important people can't either.

1. Rocky/bad/contentious marriage - yes, go to Canada and yet post- separation agreement draft - no, you can't go and take children
2. Pending separation/divorce/custody battle
3. Fighting all week over house condition and no allowance
4. Never withdrew the money for allowance
5. Told conflicting stories regarding why the money wasn't withdrawn
6. Spying on NC's email account
7. Removing NC from all banking accounts and possible funds
8. Removing passports from NC's car
9. Making lists that involve wills, insurance
10. Last person who KNOWS Nancy to see her alive was Brad
11. The circle of suspicion moves from the closest person in the circle out
12. Brad's two trips to HT that very morning before 7 a.m.
13. Brad offering up two different directions to the same store within 15 minutes of each other
14. Brad wearing two different pairs of shoes to the two store trips within 15 minutes of each other
15. Police never having found the first pair of shoes.
16. Nancy being found within 3 miles of the house
17. Nancy being found without a diamond necklace it is testified to that she never took off.
18. Said necklace found in dresser drawer of in room Brad and his mother used and not in the master bedroom drawers where Nancy slept.
19. Brad's odd and unusual cleaning and laundry spree the morning Nancy disappeared.
20. Brad not returning calls to his cell phone and voice mail when he was fully aware Nancy had not returned home and he himself admitted he had gotten worried and had gone out to look for her
21. Brad himself telling officers Nancy never ran from the house, but usually drove somewhere or had someone pick her up
22. Nancy's purse, cell phone, and keys left in Brad's possession when it was testified to that she never allowed him access to her things, particularly the car keys.
23. Brad somehow "guessing" the correct item of clothing found on Nancy's body when he claims to have not seen her leave the home that morning. The white tee-shirt he claims to have seen her in not found.
24. No undies, no shorts, no tank or tee, no socks, no shoes, no pony tail holder, and no hat found - ever.
25. Two left shoes found at the house - two right shoes missing and never found. (I may have that mixed up - too lazy to go back and look up - but either way two shoes of one side found and two shoes of the other missing)
26. Manner of death was strangulation, which would not leave blood in the home.
27. Nancy and Brad had looked at building lots. Nancy was found surrounded by building lots.
28. Brad claims to have cleaned garage week before and yet exterminator testified that it was just as cluttered as always and could not pull a car into garage.
29. Brad coincidentally spilled gas in his trunk a few weeks before, but chose that week to clean his trunk, but not the rest of his car.
30. Mix up on the dress color and turning over the last item Nancy wore immediately upon request.
31. Items missing from foyer that were there the day before.
32. Nancy calls realtor to find a place to live ASAP two days prior to her becoming missing. He sent Nancy emails with townhomes, condos, etc to look at.
33. Brad had red marks on his neck and a bandaid on his finger on Saturday.
34. Brad did not initiate the missing persons call
35. Although Brad's story was Nancy went for a jog - he did not place any calls to hospitals to determine if she had been injured or sick
36. Brad had at least one affair with Nancy's best friend (the ultimate betrayal) and Nancy believed there to be others
37. Brad did not place a call to Nancy's family to inform them Nancy was missing. He left that up to others.
38. Witness states garage door was wide open at 6:45 - unusual for the Cooper home.

And to negate all that so far we know that A woman saw someone running at 7:10 a.m. who she thinks was Nancy because she looked like the woman on the flyer. Brad suddenly wanted to be the good husband and clean the house and run errands from 4 a.m. on. Brad guessed at one item of clothing Nancy wore out of the house that morning based on what she always wore and by sheer luck he was right. BRAD claims Nancy called him at 6:40 while he was at HT - no one else heard her voice, no one else can attest that Nancy Cooper called BC. Brad was so busy running around looking for Nancy he couldn't/didn't answer his cell phone or call back a police officer. Brad was busy answering a myriad of questions from police and assisting in the search for Nancy he couldn't place a call to her parents. And Brad takes off his shoes at the door and possibly has some condition that makes him have to wear long sleeves, long pants, jacket zipped up to his chin and a ball cap when he goes to the store for milk at 6:30 on a July morning. And Brad was so helpful to Nancy that he stopped at Lowe's and made himself late for work to buy a drop cloth for Nancy for painting work he didn't even know about. Oh, and there was caffeine in her system.

Well, I'm just not satisfied.
The other lie that really bothers me is him saying she spilled wine on the dress. I'm assuming he told the detectives that because he needed an excuse (in his mind) for washing the dress. All I know is if I was at a party across the street and spilled something on my dress I would run home and change before I would walk around all night with a big wet spot on my chest.
His depostition is admissible, but it hasn't been introduced yet. Ms. Fitzhugh said in the prosecution opening it would be brought in.

I'm still not sure it will. I imagine if it is, the defense can use other portions to allow Brad to "testify" without taking the stand. That doesn't seem right.

I agree with you on the coincidence. I could stretch to give it one or even a couple coincidences without being so firm in my belief - but if you look at the coincidences in this case - there are just too many to get over. At least, I can't. I hope the 12 other important people can't either.

1. Rocky/bad/contentious marriage - yes, go to Canada and yet post- separation agreement draft - no, you can't go and take children
2. Pending separation/divorce/custody battle
3. Fighting all week over house condition and no allowance
4. Never withdrew the money for allowance
5. Told conflicting stories regarding why the money wasn't withdrawn
6. Spying on NC's email account
7. Removing NC from all banking accounts and possible funds
8. Removing passports from NC's car
9. Making lists that involve wills, insurance
10. Last person who KNOWS Nancy to see her alive was Brad
11. The circle of suspicion moves from the closest person in the circle out
12. Brad's two trips to HT that very morning before 7 a.m.
13. Brad offering up two different directions to the same store within 15 minutes of each other
14. Brad wearing two different pairs of shoes to the two store trips within 15 minutes of each other
15. Police never having found the first pair of shoes.
16. Nancy being found within 3 miles of the house
17. Nancy being found without a diamond necklace it is testified to that she never took off.
18. Said necklace found in dresser drawer of in room Brad and his mother used and not in the master bedroom drawers where Nancy slept.
19. Brad's odd and unusual cleaning and laundry spree the morning Nancy disappeared.
20. Brad not returning calls to his cell phone and voice mail when he was fully aware Nancy had not returned home and he himself admitted he had gotten worried and had gone out to look for her
21. Brad himself telling officers Nancy never ran from the house, but usually drove somewhere or had someone pick her up
22. Nancy's purse, cell phone, and keys left in Brad's possession when it was testified to that she never allowed him access to her things, particularly the car keys.
23. Brad somehow "guessing" the correct item of clothing found on Nancy's body when he claims to have not seen her leave the home that morning. The white tee-shirt he claims to have seen her in not found.
24. No undies, no shorts, no tank or tee, no socks, no shoes, no pony tail holder, and no hat found - ever.
25. Two left shoes found at the house - two right shoes missing and never found. (I may have that mixed up - too lazy to go back and look up - but either way two shoes of one side found and two shoes of the other missing)
26. Manner of death was strangulation, which would not leave blood in the home.
27. Nancy and Brad had looked at building lots. Nancy was found surrounded by building lots.
28. Brad claims to have cleaned garage week before and yet exterminator testified that it was just as cluttered as always and could not pull a car into garage.
29. Brad coincidentally spilled gas in his trunk a few weeks before, but chose that week to clean his trunk, but not the rest of his car.
30. Mix up on the dress color and turning over the last item Nancy wore immediately upon request.
31. Items missing from foyer that were there the day before.
32. Nancy calls realtor to find a place to live ASAP two days prior to her becoming missing. He sent Nancy emails with townhomes, condos, etc to look at.
33. Brad had red marks on his neck and a bandaid on his finger on Saturday.
34. Brad did not initiate the missing persons call
35. Although Brad's story was Nancy went for a jog - he did not place any calls to hospitals to determine if she had been injured or sick
36. Brad had at least one affair with Nancy's best friend (the ultimate betrayal) and Nancy believed there to be others
37. Brad did not place a call to Nancy's family to inform them Nancy was missing. He left that up to others.
38. Witness states garage door was wide open at 6:45 - unusual for the Cooper home.

And to negate all that so far we know that A woman saw someone running at 7:10 a.m. who she thinks was Nancy because she looked like the woman on the flyer. Brad suddenly wanted to be the good husband and clean the house and run errands from 4 a.m. on. Brad guessed at one item of clothing Nancy wore out of the house that morning based on what she always wore and by sheer luck he was right. BRAD claims Nancy called him at 6:40 while he was at HT - no one else heard her voice, no one else can attest that Nancy Cooper called BC. Brad was so busy running around looking for Nancy he couldn't/didn't answer his cell phone or call back a police officer. Brad was busy answering a myriad of questions from police and assisting in the search for Nancy he couldn't place a call to her parents. And Brad takes off his shoes at the door and possibly has some condition that makes him have to wear long sleeves, long pants, jacket zipped up to his chin and a ball cap when he goes to the store for milk at 6:30 on a July morning. And Brad was so helpful to Nancy that he stopped at Lowe's and made himself late for work to buy a drop cloth for Nancy for painting work he didn't even know about. Oh, and there was caffeine in her system.

Well, I'm just not satisfied.

Very well done! Sure hope the pros. sees this and gets an idea for their closing arguments.
His depostition is admissible, but it hasn't been introduced yet. Ms. Fitzhugh said in the prosecution opening it would be brought in.

It would have been a perfect way to illustrate a witness testimony. Cut to the video with Brad's response that is completely contradictory.
If they plan to use it, i wonder how and in what context? Brad was fully aware his statements could be used against him. I'm just very surprised the state has not even referred to them at all yet.


Ms. Fitzhugh said "you will hear this deposition and you will see the string of inconsistencies"

Sounds like they will eventually be introduced as an exhibit into evidence and clips presented at one time.
Could be powerful evidence if done right.
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