Brad Cooper Indicted

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I just looked it up. In NC there are currently 164 people on death row: 160 men and 4 women. The average wait for execution appears to be around 13 - 15 years, depending, though interestingly the average number of executions ea. year appears to be around 4.
You know Jilly, I can't for the life of me comprehend all the "Krista bashers" on this forum. Not only Krista, but the Rentz family as well. Some of them obviously have personal issues, but to crucify Nancy's family with their words as they have done is horrible.

I've often wondered if any of Nancy's family reads these posts here. If they do, it breaks my heart to know they have read such trash. Hopefully they know how the majority of us feel. I am so grateful those little girls have them in their lives and I concur with you 100%, it absolutely couldn't get any better for those precious children. It IS INDEED an ideal situation.....very well put Jilly!!

Nor can I, tarheellvr.

Thanks to you and Jilly both for saying something.

I should have done it sooner.
I have followed this case since day one, and just saw this on Foxnews. I am so happy to see this!
I realize I haven't kept up with this case since the beginning weeks, but I am shocked so many are even surprised to hear that he was indicted! WTH?! Who didn't see this coming?! From Day One, I thought it was more than obvious he was responsible for what happened to Nancy.

It was not a mistake, from the sounds of things, for me to have left this case for awhile. My opinion would not have changed from the beginning and this would have been the outcome I would have predicted thus far. There is enough evidence to charge him and I am glad to see that there will be some Justice for Nancy, her children, and her family.

What happened to her should never happen to any young mother and her children will always pay the price for their father's sins. I am sick of men erasing their wives and...being narcissitic think they can get away with it!
You know Jilly, I can't for the life of me comprehend all the "Krista bashers" on this forum. Not only Krista, but the Rentz family as well. Some of them obviously have personal issues, but to crucify Nancy's family with their words as they have done is horrible.

I've often wondered if any of Nancy's family reads these posts here. If they do, it breaks my heart to know they have read such trash. Hopefully they know how the majority of us feel. I am so grateful those little girls have them in their lives and I concur with you 100%, it absolutely couldn't get any better for those precious children. It IS INDEED an ideal situation.....very well put Jilly!!

I don't consider myself a Krista basher. I did question whether she had the girls best interest when she refused to allow them to see their dad during the week of the custody hearing because "the court didn't order it". At that point, Brad had not been charged with anything and deserved to see his daughters. I still feel the same way about that situation. I also thought she is way too emotional about BC (for good reason from her point of view) to remain partial about him with his daughters. This was all under the assumption that no arrest was forthcoming...which obviously changed. I'm not the only person on here that didn't expect an arrest any time soon, if ever, given the history of the DA.
You know Jilly, I can't for the life of me comprehend all the "Krista bashers" on this forum. Not only Krista, but the Rentz family as well. Some of them obviously have personal issues, but to crucify Nancy's family with their words as they have done is horrible.

I've often wondered if any of Nancy's family reads these posts here. If they do, it breaks my heart to know they have read such trash. Hopefully they know how the majority of us feel. I am so grateful those little girls have them in their lives and I concur with you 100%, it absolutely couldn't get any better for those precious children. It IS INDEED an ideal situation.....very well put Jilly!!

I honestly think their viewpoints are formed as a result of intense anger and frustration at their friend/relative/comrade, Brad, being in the spotlight of suspicion. There seems to be a pattern: try to accuse someone else of perpetuating the crime to take the focus off of Brad in anyway possible, regardless of whether there's any logic or even evidence to support such an accusation, then try to suggest that Nancy's family conspired to make Brad's life as difficult as possible by unlawfully removing his children because they merely wanted the kids, and not because there was any fear or they had information that indicated a potentially dangerous situation. No, better to believe the family is crazy/vindictive/scheming because that makes it all the more palatable and provides a focus towards a villain that is not, cannot be Brad himself.

I don't know if they truly deep down believe Brad is innocent and being framed, or they feel a kinship/loyalty to a friend and simply cannot imagine that this man could have ever done such a thing, and are having trouble accepting what has transpired so far.

Do they ever wonder why their friend lied, why he acted in ways that focused attention and scrutiny on himself, or why he made inconsistent statements that could be proved to be inconsistent?

Do they wonder what evidence has been gathered and results returned from various labs and the FBI, that has allowed Brad to be the sole suspect/defendant?

Do they now wonder why the DA, a man infamous for extreme caution and hesitation to indict (to the great frustration of many other victims' families who continue to wait eons) has allowed this man, Brad, to be indicted?

Do they believe that neighbors, Nancy's friends, Nancy's family, or really any citizen has the power to make such a legal action happen?

Do they know that only the police and the DA and the CCBI and the FBI and ultimately a grand jury can decide if there is enough evidence, if the evidence can clearly point to an individual or not in order to legally arrest someone?

I'm not sure if they understand this. At some point each person needs to look at the totality of what's happening and, as evidence finally emerges, learn why Brad is being held without bail on a premeditated murder charge. This is not a charge dealt lightly by Wake County. Whether he'll be convicted in the end I don't know, but Brad helped himself get right where he is--there is not a vast conspiracy to 'get him' just because.

Despite what might be imagined, justice doesn't mean charging (and ultimately convicting) just anyone for a murder. Not in this county, which as far as Brad is concerned, is the only one that counts.
I don't consider myself a Krista basher. I did question whether she had the girls best interest when she refused to allow them to see their dad during the week of the custody hearing because "the court didn't order it". At that point, Brad had not been charged with anything and deserved to see his daughters. I still feel the same way about that situation. I also thought she is way too emotional about BC (for good reason from her point of view) to remain partial about him with his daughters. This was all under the assumption that no arrest was forthcoming...which obviously changed. I'm not the only person on here that didn't expect an arrest any time soon, if ever, given the history of the DA.
It was in the girls' best interest to spend time with the man who killed their mother?! I can assure you this would not have been in their best interest as it would only further confuse them especially in light of this recent development. It doesn't matter if he had been charged at that point or not. Being he was the only person they were looking at for this, the children did not deserve being subjected to him! Forget what "he deserved"! Nancy didn't deserve to die either...but he didn't give that one much thought.
Imagine BC is found not guilty, does he have any recourse for lawsuits against being falsely accused? This would be similar to OJ, but I don't recall if OJ and his dream team submitted any lawsuits against the state of Calif. Is this a possibility in NC?
I don't consider myself a Krista basher. I did question whether she had the girls best interest when she refused to allow them to see their dad during the week of the custody hearing because "the court didn't order it". At that point, Brad had not been charged with anything and deserved to see his daughters. I still feel the same way about that situation. I also thought she is way too emotional about BC (for good reason from her point of view) to remain partial about him with his daughters. This was all under the assumption that no arrest was forthcoming...which obviously changed. I'm not the only person on here that didn't expect an arrest any time soon, if ever, given the history of the DA.

Yes you're right, Krista is highly emotional regarding BC. He killed her twin, her best friend, her other half. He permanantly erased the mother of those precious girls. His actions caused the Rentz family horrendous grief and loss. ANYONE in her position would feel the same.

Remain partial about him with his daughters??????? He brutally killed their mother and dumped her almost naked body on the filthy the dirt. Krista has every right to do as she has regarding Nancy's girls. IMO evey decision made so far regarding the girls has been made with the utmost consideration and love and what is best for them.

I accept the fact you and others never expected an arrest, but I knew an arrest was coming. Now that it finally has come to pass, I'm absolutely elated and relieved the SOB is finally in jail where he should have been all along.
My only sadness is what is always has been, those little girls and the Rentz family. My heart goes out to each and every one of them.
Again you are looking for PDA, this is not this type of family, none of us knows what they are like behind closed doors, we do not know what the Listers are like behind closed doors either, we only know what we think we see in public. I feel sorry for BC's family this has to be hard on them and now they are being attacked for no reason whatsoever. The Listers and Rentz put themselves out there for the court of public opinion, the Coopers have not, they have merely stood quietly by their son with dignity and respect for authority.

First of all, I feel sorry for the Coopers' and you are right, the Listers' and Rentzs' have put themselves out there....bravely, I might add with one common objective - the protection of those children.

Wow, do you know the Coopers or the Listers, calling someone dysfunctional without any real proof is bold. True NC did not like her MIL, well she can join the crowd of thousands that do not like their in-laws, all of the information regarding the in-laws is pure hearsay. If KL is the person some of you say she is, she will not consider adoption out of respect for her sister, 1)plus regardless of guilt BC will have to agree to it and I doubt he will. Still believe the girls should be allowed to choose when they are old enough to understand what is happening. 2) What if the adoption proceeds and the girls are angry that NC name is gone from their birth certificates and they have no legal way to prove that she was their mom, you never know, they just might need to prove it one day. Of course they will know who mom and dad are, but legally they will no longer be related to BC and NC will become their Aunt.

1) That is just not true. Many adoptions go through without the consent of the natural father. If BC is convicted of murdering the childrens' mother - all the more easier.
2) Where I come from the Petition for Adoption includes the names of the biological parents. This Petition, Affidavits of the Petitioner(s) and Adoption Order (which by the way is a legal document) are all registered in the Supreme Court. At least, this is what my Adoption documents show.
First of all, I feel sorry for the Coopers' and you are right, the Listers' and Rentzs' have put themselves out there....bravely, I might add with one common objective - the protection of those children.

1) That is just not true. Many adoptions go through without the consent of the natural father. If BC is convicted of murdering the childrens' mother - all the more easier.
2) Where I come from the Petition for Adoption includes the names of the biological parents. This Petition, Affidavits of the Petitioner(s) and Adoption Order (which by the way is a legal document) are all registered in the Supreme Court. At least, this is what my Adoption documents show.

IF he is convicted, he loses all parental rights. KL should adopt at that point. If not convicted, he will probably get his kids back.

IF he is not convicted, what attitude will the public have towards him? Will he be an OJ outcast? IF he is found not guilty will he still be guilty in public opinion? Will people just say "he got away with it"? Or will people believe that maybe he did not do it?
I honestly think their viewpoints are formed as a result of intense anger and frustration at their friend/relative/comrade, Brad, being in the spotlight of suspicion. There seems to be a pattern: try to accuse someone else of perpetuating the crime to take the focus off of Brad in anyway possible, regardless of whether there's any logic or even evidence to support such an accusation, then try to suggest that Nancy's family conspired to make Brad's life as difficult as possible by unlawfully removing his children because they merely wanted the kids, and not because there was any fear or they had information that indicated a potentially dangerous situation. No, better to believe the family is crazy/vindictive/scheming because that makes it all the more palatable and provides a focus towards a villain that is not, cannot be Brad himself.

I don't know if they truly deep down believe Brad is innocent and being framed, or they feel a kinship/loyalty to a friend and simply cannot imagine that this man could have ever done such a thing, and are having trouble accepting what has transpired so far.

Do they ever wonder why their friend lied, why he acted in ways that focused attention and scrutiny on himself, or why he made inconsistent statements that could be proved to be inconsistent?

Do they wonder what evidence has been gathered and results returned from various labs and the FBI, that has allowed Brad to be the sole suspect/defendant?

Do they now wonder why the DA, a man infamous for extreme caution and hesitation to indict (to the great frustration of many other victims' families who continue to wait eons) has allowed this man, Brad, to be indicted?

Do they believe that neighbors, Nancy's friends, Nancy's family, or really any citizen has the power to make such a legal action happen?

Do they know that only the police and the DA and the CCBI and the FBI and ultimately a grand jury can decide if there is enough evidence, if the evidence can clearly point to an individual or not in order to legally arrest someone?

I'm not sure if they understand this. At some point each person needs to look at the totality of what's happening and, as evidence finally emerges, learn why Brad is being held without bail on a premeditated murder charge. This is not a charge dealt lightly by Wake County. Whether he'll be convicted in the end I don't know, but Brad helped himself get right where he is--there is not a vast conspiracy to 'get him' just because.

Despite what might be imagined, justice doesn't mean charging (and ultimately convicting) just anyone for a murder. Not in this county, which as far as Brad is concerned, is the only one that counts.

thank you
IF he is convicted, he loses all parental rights. KL should adopt at that point. If not convicted, he will probably get his kids back.

Thank you for that garner. I wasn't aware of that. I agree with your latter statement too.
Thank you for that garner. I wasn't aware of that. I agree with your latter statement too.

7B‑1111. Grounds for terminating parental rights.
The parent has committed murder or voluntary manslaughter of another child of the parent or other child residing in the home; has aided, abetted, attempted, conspired, or solicited to commit murder or voluntary manslaughter of the child, another child of the parent, or other child residing in the home; has committed a felony assault that results in serious bodily injury to the child, another child of the parent, or other child residing in the home; or has committed murder or voluntary manslaughter of the other parent of the child. The petitioner has the burden of proving any of these offenses in the termination of parental rights hearing by (i) proving the elements of the offense or (ii) offering proof that a court of competent jurisdiction has convicted the parent of the offense, whether or not the conviction was by way of a jury verdict or any kind of plea. If the parent has committed the murder or voluntary manslaughter of the other parent of the child, the court shall consider whether the murder or voluntary manslaughter was committed in self‑defense or in the defense of others, or whether there was substantial evidence of other justification.
It was in the girls' best interest to spend time with the man who killed their mother?! I can assure you this would not have been in their best interest as it would only further confuse them especially in light of this recent development. It doesn't matter if he had been charged at that point or not. Being he was the only person they were looking at for this, the children did not deserve being subjected to him! Forget what "he deserved"! Nancy didn't deserve to die either...but he didn't give that one much thought.

2 weeks ago, he had not been charged with a crime. As of now, he hasn't been convicted of a crime. He might very well be the person that murdered their mom, but as of now he is presumed innocent until proven guilty. I still haven't seen anything that changes where I was on the fence. It obviously exists, but I haven't seen it.

And he is still there father. I said back then, and I stand by it...if they have the evidence, arrest him. At that time, they had not arrested him and he had the right to see his kids.
Yes you're right, Krista is highly emotional regarding BC. He killed her twin, her best friend, her other half. He permanantly erased the mother of those precious girls. His actions caused the Rentz family horrendous grief and loss. ANYONE in her position would feel the same.

Remain partial about him with his daughters??????? He brutally killed their mother and dumped her almost naked body on the filthy the dirt. Krista has every right to do as she has regarding Nancy's girls. IMO evey decision made so far regarding the girls has been made with the utmost consideration and love and what is best for them.

I accept the fact you and others never expected an arrest, but I knew an arrest was coming. Now that it finally has come to pass, I'm absolutely elated and relieved the SOB is finally in jail where he should have been all along.
My only sadness is what is always has been, those little girls and the Rentz family. My heart goes out to each and every one of them.

Again, at the time of the custody hearing, he had not been arrested, much less convicted.
Yes you're right, Krista is highly emotional regarding BC. He killed her twin, her best friend, her other half. He permanantly erased the mother of those precious girls. His actions caused the Rentz family horrendous grief and loss. ANYONE in her position would feel the same.

Remain partial about him with his daughters??????? He brutally killed their mother and dumped her almost naked body on the filthy the dirt. Krista has every right to do as she has regarding Nancy's girls. IMO evey decision made so far regarding the girls has been made with the utmost consideration and love and what is best for them.

I accept the fact you and others never expected an arrest, but I knew an arrest was coming. Now that it finally has come to pass, I'm absolutely elated and relieved the SOB is finally in jail where he should have been all along.
My only sadness is what is always has been, those little girls and the Rentz family. My heart goes out to each and every one of them.

it seems to me that the psychologist may have advised that the girls not have face-to-face time with brad when they were in NC. it could well be that krista & their family was kept more appraised of the investigation than we're aware of. meaning that if they thought there was a high probability of indictment, the girls didn't need the emotional roller coaster/flip flop AND, obviously more important, krista may have discussed with the psychologist whether the girls were safe with a visitation with brad, given her certainty that brad killed nancy.

nonetheless, i'm very sad tonight for everybody. total tragedy. can't begin to imagine how the cooper's are doing....

on the plus side, maybe "Jim" will now have more time to help SG take care of her lawn, interact with her dog, and answer questions upon questions
IF he is convicted, he loses all parental rights. KL should adopt at that point. If not convicted, he will probably get his kids back.

IF he is not convicted, what attitude will the public have towards him? Will he be an OJ outcast? IF he is found not guilty will he still be guilty in public opinion? Will people just say "he got away with it"? Or will people believe that maybe he did not do it?

Depends on the evidence. As disgusting as it was, the OJ criminal verdict wasn't far fetched. I watched most of that trial and the prosecutors screwed that trial up every which way possible...and in my opinion, were more concerned about their new found fame than the verdict. The civil trial was much better and the verdict was correct.
Will the Judge that he saw today be the Judge who tries his case? Wondering if this Judge will be open to cameras in the court room.
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