Brangelina Divorce

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I used to feel sorry for her. She came from a broken, dysfunctional family. She didn't have much parenting or supervision growing up, admits doing drugs, including heroin, during her teen and young adult years. Her desire to adopt so many children in addition to having her own seemed like some kind of desperate attempt to fill a psychological void in her life. She doesn't seem like a good candidate for parenting that many children, unless she was getting professional counseling and instruction.

OTOH, Brad grew up in a typical middle class family, good stable home life. As the kids grow older and more independent he probably is better equipped to parent them, but has probably given in to her, allowing them to run free without much discipline when they were small. If you've indulged children, don't set boundaries when they're young, it's heck to pay when they enter the adolescent/teen years. He's probably trying to instill some structure and stability now and she sounds like she's fighting him on that. Difficult for him to do as he's gone working a lot.

I've had the feeling their marriage has been over for a long time now, even around the time of the birth of their last two children. He's obviously been unhappy for quite a few years. It's probably better for them to split amicably, but he needs co-parenting responsibility to provide a stable environment for the kids. Otherwise they're on track to become Hollywood brats, with all the problems that entails.
With six children, someone will be likely required to pay a lot of child support.

Both of them are rich enough to afford 6 kids, I don't think either of them need it.
I used to feel sorry for her. She came from a broken, dysfunctional family. She didn't have much parenting or supervision growing up, admits doing drugs, including heroin, during her teen and young adult years. Her desire to adopt so many children in addition to having her own seemed like some kind of desperate attempt to fill a psychological void in her life. She doesn't seem like a good candidate for parenting that many children, unless she was getting professional counseling and instruction.

OTOH, Brad grew up in a typical middle class family, good stable home life. As the kids grow older and more independent he probably is better equipped to parent them, but has probably given in to her, allowing them to run free without much discipline when they were small. If you've indulged children, don't set boundaries when they're young, it's heck to pay when they enter the adolescent/teen years. He's probably trying to instill some structure and stability now and she sounds like she's fighting him on that. Difficult for him to do as he's gone working a lot.

I've had the feeling their marriage has been over for a long time now, even around the time of the birth of their last two children. He's obviously been unhappy for quite a few years. It's probably better for them to split amicably, but he needs co-parenting responsibility to provide a stable environment for the kids. Otherwise they're on track to become Hollywood brats, with all the problems that entails.

The headlines I read said he was the stricter of the two parents and that the reason they were getting divorced was disagreement in parenting styles...
Jennifer Aniston is licking her chops as we speak...
The headlines I read said he was the stricter of the two parents and that the reason they were getting divorced was disagreement in parenting styles...

No, Brad wasn't doing heroin at Kickapoo High School in Springfield, MO. His mom is a retired school teacher. Brad may be a movie star who hangs out and parties, but I'm sure he has more traditional ideas about raising kids. Angelina has always struck me as an emotionally volatile, high maintenance person. She's not well educated, I don't think she and Brad have ever had a lot in common. If rumors are to be believed, he emotionally checked out of this relationship a long time ago and was just staying in it for the kids.
I used to feel sorry for her. She came from a broken, dysfunctional family. She didn't have much parenting or supervision growing up, admits doing drugs, including heroin, during her teen and young adult years. Her desire to adopt so many children in addition to having her own seemed like some kind of desperate attempt to fill a psychological void in her life. She doesn't seem like a good candidate for parenting that many children, unless she was getting professional counseling and instruction.

OTOH, Brad grew up in a typical middle class family, good stable home life. As the kids grow older and more independent he probably is better equipped to parent them, but has probably given in to her, allowing them to run free without much discipline when they were small. If you've indulged children, don't set boundaries when they're young, it's heck to pay when they enter the adolescent/teen years. He's probably trying to instill some structure and stability now and she sounds like she's fighting him on that. Difficult for him to do as he's gone working a lot.

I've had the feeling their marriage has been over for a long time now, even around the time of the birth of their last two children. He's obviously been unhappy for quite a few years. It's probably better for them to split amicably, but he needs co-parenting responsibility to provide a stable environment for the kids. Otherwise they're on track to become Hollywood brats, with all the problems that entails.

I'm not sure how stable he is, if the reports of drinking, drug use and cheating are accurate.

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That information likely came from Jolie. She's bitter and unhappy their marriage is finally ending. He remained silent for the sake of the kids, she should have too. Doesn't speak well of her or her mental stability. She should get professional help.
That information likely came from Jolie. She's bitter and unhappy their marriage is finally ending. He remained silent for the sake of the kids, she should have too. Doesn't speak well of her or her mental stability. She should get professional help.

What an ugly thing to write.

Truth is, you have absolutely no idea what has happened in their marriage, and it is disingenuous to automatically blame one over the other.

Clearly, you dislike Ms. Jolie, which I'm sure is no skin off her bones. But, she has been the epitome of class and grace for a number of years now. Prior to that, she did some questionable things, but there never has been an indication that they were done out of malice. Not to mention, she has been candid and open with the public about those times in her life.
So he turned out to be no Brad Pitt?
What an ugly thing to write.

Truth is, you have absolutely no idea what has happened in their marriage, and it is disingenuous to automatically blame one over the other.

Clearly, you dislike Ms. Jolie, which I'm sure is no skin off her bones. But, she has been the epitome of class and grace for a number of years now. Prior to that, she did some questionable things, but there never has been an indication that they were done out of malice. Not to mention, she has been candid and open with the public about those times in her life.

It always amazes me how people can see her this way? I actually really like the chick, I liked her more when she was younger and not as sanctimonious. And I have to say they look like they have very nice children which is always an indicator of a person's character to me. However, this St. Angelina routine she's been running for the last several years. has really annoyed the crap out of me. If you've actually worked for Non Profit agencies you can see she's basically doing photo ops to make herself look like she's doing much more than she's actually doing. And while some people say that when celebrities get involved it "draws attention" to the cause, ask yourself if you have ever or know anyone who has ever donated money to these causes because Angelina brought it to your or their attention?

I think Brad Pitt actually did more real service when he helped build the homes in New Orleans than she did in traveling around the world and speaking at conferences. (Although I will give her credit for probably getting people to show up for conferences just because they thought they might have a chance to meet her.) Seriously ask yourself if you can think of one statement or specific issue that she brought to your attention that was meaningful?

Several years ago I started getting a little annoyed at what were clearly staged photographs taken by her own personally brought along photographer. She has a habit of portraying herself as a sort of martyr when she really has perfectly ordinary reasons for doing things. For example, it's clear she likes to travel. She likes it so much she learned how to fly. She likes it so much she's taken her kids along with her.

So is traveling and seeing the world and then making "pit stops" (or should I call them Pitt Stops ;) ) along the way for photo ops really doing "the work?" It's not. It's showing up where others are doing the work and drawing the attention to yourself. She's never made a point of drawing attention to Non Profits or People that actually do the work. Name one charity or person that's she's put the spotlight on.

I thought the same thing when she had her double mastectomy and then turned right around and got upsized implants put in and then said she did it "to bring awareness" to the surgery she was having. Call me cynical but she had it done right after her second pregnancy when she had twins. Us moms know that our breasts are often wrecked after going up and down in size after a second pregnancy and especially after breast feeding. So I always wondered if she decided to have reconstructive surgery on her breasts and spun it as doing it for that reason. I'm sure that the medical issue was a consideration but I think she intended to do it anyway and found a way to get attention out of it as opposed to Patricia Heaton who just was frank about having a breast lift.

The final straw was when it was announced that she'd be teaching a college class. Well, the chick has no education at all. The idea of her being a college professor is a joke. That's probably why they scrapped the idea. But people who have put years into getting their education are not going to be impressed by someone like her walking in the door with no credentials and taking a job away from someone who has earned it just because she has celebrity status. I'm sure the college professors pitched a fit when they heard. She's probably a wonderful guest speaker. But college professor? No way.

So at the end of this long rant, I guess I'm just pointing out that she tries to portray herself as working so hard and doing so much work when in reality she's exaggerating.
The cover of today's New York Post:

I am happy that she was drawing attention to causes. She was not promoting the shallow Hollywood lifestyle. She was saying and showing what matters are family, children, health, and tragic issues of people around the world. So it is a photo op. Better than a photo op of stars with new outfits, new parties, new purses, new hairdos, etc.

If she merely wanted a boob job, she could have done it.That is standard for many females. I have heard they are given to teens for high school graduation.

Both she and Brad are good examples of stars doing something different than being seen at the hot spots partying around tbe world.

I imagine plenty of stars have their own private planes or access to rent private planes.

I live in an area where movie stars come and the average person has no access to them. Body guards, blocked off entrances.
I just want to point out, someone who has a dubious past, and has gone on to succeed, often has had a lot of therapy and been taught a copious amount of coping skills and how to manage their emotions. My husband was a bad kid, sold drugs, did drugs, was in and out of boys homes, and due to the amount of therapy he received, is one of the most stable, logical, rational people I have ever known. Now, he is a successful business owner and mentors troubled youth. He is a lot more stable than many people I know who grew up under "normal" circumstances.
And to comment on the fact that she had BOTH of her ovaries removed, well that will throw you into (surgical) menopause in a hurry!!
And that's no fun to be around...

I imagine it was hard for Brad to be around and just plain awful for AJ to have to go thru. Makes you want to lose your mind at times.....i know.

I think Brad Pitt actually did more real service when he helped build the homes in New Orleans than she did in traveling around the world and speaking at conferences. (Although I will give her credit for probably getting people to show up for conferences just because they thought they might have a chance to meet her.) Seriously ask yourself if you can think of one statement or specific issue that she brought to your attention that was meaningful?

Snipped for focus

It was rumored a few years ago that Brad Pitt also (anonymously) donated a lot of money to help rebuild homes, etc. Joplin, MO after the disastrous tornado wiped out much of the town. Joplin was his mom's home town and is not far from where he grew up in Springfield, MO.

As someone who worked for years in that area and grew up not far away, it's always been easy for me to see those basic small town Midwestern values in him. He seemed to go a little Hollywood, but his core values seem the same. It's in contrast to the style of someone who grew up in the celebrity lifestyle of Hollywood. The difference between meaning what you say and do in public vs creating an image or appearance. In small town/city Midwest that's still frowned upon by most people. Your actions speak louder than words and it's still considered a social faux pas to draw flattering attention to yourself or flaunt about your accomplishments.

That's why I never understood why he was attracted to her, they just never seemed to have much in common other than their kids. I'm sure her feelings are hurt if there's been some cheating going on and yes, she's been through a lot with her mastectomies and oophorectomy. Having been through menopause twice and a double mastectomy due to cancer treatment, I understand that. But you don't deal with it by demonizing your husband publicly, in front of your children. Never in front of the children.
Snipped for focus

It was rumored a few years ago that Brad Pitt also (anonymously) donated a lot of money to help rebuild homes, etc. Joplin, MO after the disastrous tornado wiped out much of the town. Joplin was his mom's home town and is not far from where he grew up in Springfield, MO.

As someone who worked for years in that area and grew up not far away, it's always been easy for me to see those basic small town Midwestern values in him. He seemed to go a little Hollywood, but his core values seem the same. It's in contrast to the style of someone who grew up in the celebrity lifestyle of Hollywood. The difference between meaning what you say and do in public vs creating an image or appearance. In small town/city Midwest that's still frowned upon by most people. Your actions speak louder than words and it's still considered a social faux pas to draw flattering attention to yourself or flaunt about your accomplishments.

That's why I never understood why he was attracted to her, they just never seemed to have much in common other than their kids. I'm sure her feelings are hurt if there's been some cheating going on and yes, she's been through a lot with her mastectomies and oophorectomy. Having been through menopause twice and a double mastectomy due to cancer treatment, I understand that. But you don't deal with it by demonizing your husband publicly, in front of your children. Never in front of the children.

Thanks Betty for your post. I am also from the Midwest and always saw that characteristic in BP. Couldn't have said it better myself.

And as someone whose EX really spoke badly about to our sons, I pray they work together to keep the kids secure. It really hurts kids :(

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