Brent Turvey to Discuss Case with Wendy Murphy

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Thanks Tober. I fully expect that Mr. Turvey will have the good common sense to explain to his listeners just why this latest turn of events is just a load of crap.

I'm sure he will be a bit more eloquent than I:crazy::crazy:
Wendy Murphy to be part of this discussion also.

Hey, if I miss it, I hope someone transcribes it for us!
Hi guys, I am the co-host of the show. I just got to let you all know, I am OUTRAGED about this! I think this is nothing but a PR stunt, and I hope some of you can call in at:
(847) 838-9781

I was going to post about the show earlier but I had reservations. I didn't know if it could be considered self promoting or what.

Thanks for posting about it Tober.

PS. I just got off the phone with Brent Turvey and he seems very blunt, just like you do Tricia. LOL
Hi guys, I am the co-host of the show. I just got to let you all know, I am OUTRAGED about this! I think this is nothing but a PR stunt, and I hope some of you can call in at:
(847) 838-9781

I was going to post about the show earlier but I had reservations. I didn't know if it could be considered self promoting or what.

Thanks for posting about it Tober.

PS. I just got off the phone with Brent Turvey and he seems very blunt, just like you do Tricia. LOL

Hey Levi,

Don't ever hesitate to promote the show on WS :)

I'll be listening and I'll try and call in too. I'll post this on FFJ and I'll let others who are very interested in this latest developement know too.

Very cool. Thanks for letting us know.

To Levi or Tober,

First, I was dropped on my head a lot as a kid so it takes a while for me to "get" things :)

Do we have to register to listen? I registered but I want to let everyone know before hand so they can be registered if that is the case.

Also, there is a place for comments. Can you also send in a question via your laptop?

Any info you can provide. I want to make sure as many people as possible listen.

PS. I was just talking to someone about this case and they said that Wendy needed a show to herself to talk. Now she has it.

DAMN!!! (that is a good damn)
I didn't register & was able to listen.

And thanks for the link... very interesting. I bookmarked the site.
LI Mom, when you say you were able to listen do you mean you can listen to something being broadcast now or you listened to another show before.

Sorry to be so dense but I know if I don't figure this all out before hand my computer won't work and I'll miss it.
I think she meant an earlier show. i listened to the 7/9/08 broadcast a few hours ago.
Do we have to register to listen? I registered but I want to let everyone know before hand so they can be registered if that is the case.

Also, there is a place for comments. Can you also send in a question via your laptop?
You don't have to register to listen, but you do have to if you'd like to post a comment in the comments section. If you have a headset mic for your computer you can use the click-to-talk feature (button will appear on screen once show begins) to call into the show. If not, you can call in by regular phone line.
To Levi or Tober,

First, I was dropped on my head a lot as a kid so it takes a while for me to "get" things :)

Do we have to register to listen? I registered but I want to let everyone know before hand so they can be registered if that is the case.

Also, there is a place for comments. Can you also send in a question via your laptop?

Any info you can provide. I want to make sure as many people as possible listen.

PS. I was just talking to someone about this case and they said that Wendy needed a show to herself to talk. Now she has it.

DAMN!!! (that is a good damn)

I will be listenig and its Damn time we are counted and we are heard! Good Darn! I cant believe I used the other word. Even Good!!
Also, there is a place for comments. Can you also send in a question via your laptop?
I don't believe they take questions for the show from the comments section (correct me if I'm wrong Levi). Just by regular call-in, or by connecting to the show using click-to-talk via headset mic.

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