Britney Spears Caught Driving With Child in Lap - MERGED

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southcitymom said:
I feel an enormous amount of compassion for Britney. I remember how overwhelming it felt for me when I was a new mother to my first born. I made my fair share of idiot mistakes.

I still do.

I try to learn from them, forgive myself for being human and move on. I'm sure Britney trys to do the same thing.

I'm grateful that my mistakes weren't and aren't documented and pimped out for the entertainment of the masses.

Britney looks like she needs a big hug.
I think a mistake is giving your baby a bottle with juice in it to go to sleep at night . I think a mistake is trying to potty train your child berfore they are ready.
I think putting your baby in the crusher position is irresponsible and negligent.
If I left my 4 month baby unattended on a high counter next to a pot of boiling oil, would you consider that a mistake or negligent? because that is basically what she did.
The thought of her putting her baby in harm's way really brings out the mama bear in me. So much so, I have to try and stay out of this thread.
southcitymom said:
I feel an enormous amount of compassion for Britney. I remember how overwhelming it felt for me when I was a new mother to my first born. I made my fair share of idiot mistakes.
OMG! I was the most protective, paranoid mom w/my first! I loosened up w/each baby thereafter, but would have never dreamt of putting any of my three in a football hold on my lap while driving PCH of all roads!

A mom here locally was in a very minor fender bender at a low speed in a parking lot about 10 years ago. Her beautiful baby girl was in the front passenger seat in a baby seat. The passenger airbag deployed. It deployed with such force, it decapitated her daughter and her head went through the window. :( Britney's son wouldn't stand a chance in hell in a car accident. The chick needs to get real and act like the MOTHER she is. She has the luxury of a bodyguard- put the dude to work! Geeshhhh!!!!!!!!!:slap:
IdahoMom said:
OMG! I was the most protective, paranoid mom w/my first! I loosened up w/each baby thereafter, but would have never dreamt of putting any of my three in a football hold on my lap while driving PCH of all roads!

A mom here locally was in a very minor fender bender at a low speed in a parking lot about 10 years ago. Her beautiful baby girl was in the front passenger seat in a baby seat. The passenger airbag deployed. It deployed with such force, it decapitated her daughter and her head went through the window. :( Britney's son wouldn't stand a chance in hell in a car accident. The chick needs to get real and act like the MOTHER she is. She has the luxury of a bodyguard- put the dude to work! Geeshhhh!!!!!!!!!:slap:

:clap: :clap: :clap:

I agree! There's a big difference between making a harmless mistake and putting a child's life at risk, and that's clearly what she did. It just goes to show that money can't buy happiness OR common sense. :banghead:
SimonSays said:
:clap: :clap: :clap:

I agree! There's a big difference between making a harmless mistake and putting a child's life at risk, and that's clearly what she did. It just goes to show that money can't buy happiness OR common sense. :banghead:

Good Lord. It also shows criminal intent. Why should she be given a pass? This girl's brain cells were lost early on.
concernedperson said:
Good Lord. It also shows criminal intent. Why should she be given a pass? This girl's brain cells were lost early on.
I agree...
Is anyone but me beginning to wonder if Brittney is perhaps just plain not too bright? She is obvously talented, but the 55 hr. marriage with no pre-nup, marrying a loser like Federline with no pre-nup (according to the tabloids they had a post-nuptial agreement), and now this incident lead one to believe she is not the brightest person in the world.

Yes, she obviously needs help with the parenting decisions. Hope she gets it real quick.
IdahoMom said:
OMG! I was the most protective, paranoid mom w/my first! I loosened up w/each baby thereafter, but would have never dreamt of putting any of my three in a football hold on my lap while driving PCH of all roads!

A mom here locally was in a very minor fender bender at a low speed in a parking lot about 10 years ago. Her beautiful baby girl was in the front passenger seat in a baby seat. The passenger airbag deployed. It deployed with such force, it decapitated her daughter and her head went through the window. :( Britney's son wouldn't stand a chance in hell in a car accident. The chick needs to get real and act like the MOTHER she is. She has the luxury of a bodyguard- put the dude to work! Geeshhhh!!!!!!!!!:slap:
That's so sad! I can remember when it was normal to secure the child seat to the front passenger one.

I responded to an accident years ago where a grandpa was taking his 2 year old granddaughter out for ice cream. She was in the front seat, unrestrained and with the side window down. They had an accident and we had to look for the little girl and found her many feet from the scene. Believe it or not, she was okay. Going out the side window probably saved her from going through the windshield. I have to say, I held my breath until we found her and found out she was okay.

People need to realize how precious and delicate their cargo is when they take their babies out. :blowkiss:
I'll still stick to my original post yesterday that her "statement" (not worded by her, I'm sure!) does not match her looks in those photos. There isn't fear, anxiety, anger, etc. in the photos. So, she wasn't driving away to protect her child. Far from it. She was capable of hurting him, herself. :doh:

However, I heard on the radio this morning (celebrity gossip, so don't know what it's worth, haha), that police are now considering charging Brit for her boneheaded move. Yippee. The way the guy said it, police say those photos MAY be enough to charge her. (So, I've got to correct my statements earlier in this thread - I guess CA, or parts of CA, will accept photos and not just direct visual by a cop. I don't know when that changed for traffic violations. I supposed it depends on putting the photos in context and other witness statements. FWIW.)
Mygirlsadie said: Here Britney explains a little about what happened & I have to add looks awesome for just having a baby! (sorry if someone already posted this link)
I think it must be just me, but I have always thought she looks really "thick" on her lower half.

I must add, though, that I would LOVE to see Britney get her stuff together, dump her hubby and live happily with her baby boy!
IdahoMom said:
I think it must be just me, but I have always thought she looks really "thick" on her lower half.

I must add, though, that I would LOVE to see Britney get her stuff together, dump her hubby and live happily with her baby boy!

Well, in her defense, she's a dancer. When she was in shape, most of it was muscle. And, since muscle has "memory," once she starts working out again, she should be able to get it back quicker than someone who never had it in the first place. Britney's problem is that she never really took that good of care of herself. Women in their early 20s can get away with that, but as she ages, she'll need to actually take better care of herself, her skin, etc. to even close close to looking good again, but its not impossible.
Jeana (DP) said:
Well, in her defense, she's a dancer. When she was in shape, most of it was muscle. And, since muscle has "memory," once she starts working out again, she should be able to get it back quicker than someone who never had it in the first place. Britney's problem is that she never really took that good of care of herself. Women in their early 20s can get away with that, but as she ages, she'll need to actually take better care of herself, her skin, etc. to even close close to looking good again, but its not impossible.
And, you're right about the dancer thing...that does make one bigger on the bottom. I guess unless it's ballet they're doing...
I agree. I do think she is a beautiful girl but she does not need to wear dresses. Aside from all that I think she is a low class idiot. Too bad they can't give intelligence tests before someone has a baby which of course anyone who would reproduce with Keven would flunk. LOL.
Harley said:
I agree. I do think she is a beautiful girl but she does not need to wear dresses. Aside from all that I think she is a low class idiot. Too bad they can't give intelligence tests before someone has a baby which of course anyone who would reproduce with Keven would flunk. LOL.
I have always thought that a girl like Britney could have been very selective about the father of her baby. She could have had a nice, decent, hunky, smart guy! :doh:

Does anyone besides Britney think KFed is appealing? :sick:
IdahoMom said:
I have always thought that a girl like Britney could have been very selective about the father of her baby. She could have had a nice, decent, hunky, smart guy! :doh:

Does anyone besides Britney think KFed is appealing? :sick:

Not at all. Even if he dressed in non-gangsta wannabe clothes. :loser:
Because we've been talking about her, I watched a few minutes of her "Onyx Hotel" tour concert on cable last night. She was pretty thick in the thighs duuring that tour too, but she looked good. I guess anyone would look a little thick in rubber pants. :cool: Even though she was lipsinking her a$$ off, one thing struck me. She can't sing. She sounds like that chipmonk album I got for Christmas when I was six years old. So, unless she can pull herself together and get "hot" again, I'm thinking her career is over. She has no voice to fall back on.
Jeana (DP) said:
Because we've been talking about her, I watched a few minutes of her "Onyx Hotel" tour concert on cable last night. She was pretty thick in the thighs duuring that tour too, but she looked good. I guess anyone would look a little thick in rubber pants. :cool: Even though she was lipsinking her a$$ off, one thing struck me. She can't sing. She sounds like that chipmonk album I got for Christmas when I was six years old. So, unless she can pull herself together and get "hot" again, I'm thinking her career is over. She has no voice to fall back on.
So true, Jeana. Her 'dancing' is pretty much it. Now that she's a 'mature' mother, the school-girl routine won't work, either.
I agree about Britney's "singing" talents. My daughter was into Britney and Christina when she was younger and they were just starting out. We went to both concerts. Britney could dance her behind off - which made her show good, but when it came down to vocal talent, Christina - hand downs - was awesome! That girl has got some GREAT pipes!!!

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