Britney Spears speaks …

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After 13 years of near silence in the conservatorship that controls her life and money, Britney Spears passionately told a judge Wednesday that she wants to end the “abusive” case that has made her feel demoralized and enslaved.

“This conservatorship is doing me way more harm than good,” the 39-year-old Spears said. “I deserve to have a life.”

When an attorney representing her co-conservator said the hearing and transcript should be kept sealed if private medical information was to be revealed, Spears shouted her down, saying her words should be public.

“They’ve done a good job at exploiting my life,” Spears said, “so I feel like it should be an open court hearing and they should listen and hear what I have to say.”

She went on to say she was forced to take lithium.

Spears also said several nurses often watch her every move, not even letting her change her clothes in private.

Britney Spears said her years-long public silence has falsely created the impression that she approved of her circumstances.

“I’ve lied and told the whole world, ‘I’m OK, I’m happy,’ ” she said. “I’ve been in denial, I’ve been in shock. I am traumatized.”

Spears said she has not felt heard in any of her previous appearances before the court, all of which were sealed from the public.

Spears said she had done research that showed her conservatorship could be ended without further evaluation of her.

Under the law, the burden would be on Spears to prove she is competent before the case could end.

The conservatorship was put in place as she underwent a mental health crisis in 2008.

Britney Spears tells judge: 'I want my life back'

Snipped to remain within TOS, much more at link.
A lightly edited transcript of Britney Spears’ statement follows. It includes run-on sentences and unclear statements, but the context seems relevant:

I don’t owe these people anything — especially me, the one that has roofed and fed tons of people on tour on the road. It’s embarrassing and demoralizing what I’ve been through. And that’s the main reason I’ve never said it openly. And mainly, I didn’t want to say it openly, because I honestly don’t think anyone would believe me.

And maybe I’m wrong, and that’s why I didn’t want to say any of this to anybody, to the public, because I thought people would make fun of me or laugh at me and say, “She’s lying, she’s got everything, she’s Britney Spears.”

I’m not lying. I just want my life back. And it’s been 13 years. And it’s enough.

And I would honestly like to sue my family, to be totally honest with you. I also would like to be able to share my story with the world, and what they did to me, instead of it being a hush-hush secret to benefit all of them. I want to be able to be heard on what they did to me by making me keep this in for so long, it is not good for my heart. I’ve been so angry and I cry every day. It concerns me, I’m told I’m not allowed to expose the people who did this to me.
Britney Spears: Full Court Transcript Against Conservatorship - Variety
It’s certainly troubling that this has gone on for so long if she has wanted to end it,” said Rebekah Diller, a professor at the Cardozo School of Law and an expert on guardianships. “It’s hard to know exactly what’s gone on behind closed doors, but in general one would hope she has been told that throughout the years, because it’s a critical right she was entitled to.”

When Mr. Ingham mentioned that Ms. Spears believed the conservatorship prevented her from retiring, getting married and having children, the judge at the time, Reva G. Goetz said, “I don’t recall that we made any orders about the right to marry, but you may not want to tell her that.”

Mr. Ingham, according to the transcript, replied, “Somehow that did not come up in the conversation,” before moving on.

Britney Spears’s Courtroom Plea Spurs Questions for Her Lawyer
This is absolutely terrifying to know how close anyone is to being enslaved to another person. She had a vegas residency. She was a judge on a talent series for a whole season. She performed. She worked..... and she is not allowed to make her own decisions?!?! I worked with adults with dual diagnosis of mental health and developmental disabilities and I would say 95% of the people I worked with held their own rights and were not interdicted!!! With an IQ test score of 40 and severe mental health issues. It was very rare for me to seek court assistance to remove rights! Because no matter what, you deserve to make choices for your life as an adult. Except under very extreme circumstances. But they took away her rights like she isn't capable or worthy of that respect and RIGHT? That is criminal. And scary.
“As a result of the conservatee’s testimony at the June 23 hearing, however, Petitioner has become aware that the Conservatee objects to the continuance of her Conservatorship and desires to terminate the conservatorship. Petitioner has heard the Conservatee and respects her wishes,” the court filing states, according to the Times.

Management Firm Pulls Out of Britney Spears Conservatorship - Variety
I don’t really follow this but I was surprised that she hasn’t filed a motion to end the conservatorship.

Apparently the lawyer assigned to her by the court didn't mention that requesting that motion was HER responsibility.

Slipped that attorney's mind during their recent 90 minute conversation.

Bet Ms. Spears was billed for every minute.

Remember the story about the goose that laid golden eggs??? IMHO Samuel
Ingham remembers.

Who Is Sam Ingham? 5 Things to Know About Britney Spears’ Lawyer

jmho ymmv lrr
Management Firm Pulls Out of Britney Spears Conservatorship - Variety

The company, which manages more than $100 billion in assets, said it was requesting to withdraw “due to changed circumstances.” In the filing, the firm said it had been told the singer’s conservatorship was voluntary and under her consent, but in her blistering, 24-minute statement against the conservatorship in court last week made clear that she is opposed to it, or at least her father, Jamie Spears continuing as her conservator. She has said multiple times that wants him removed as her conservator; her most recent request, which pre-dated last week’s statement, was denied by Judge Brenda Penny on Wednesday.

The management company for the conservatorship has asked to withdraw. They want nothing to do with it. This whole thing is so bizarre. Lots of people have severe mental illness. Lots of people are reckless with their finances, even rich people. Even bad parents don’t have the court give their father complete control of their whole life, including forced birth control. CPS deals with that.

She may be unstable and not good with money. Maybe she doesn’t want to work anymore and wants to blow all her money and make bad decisions. That is ALLOWED in America. I never would have thought all those years ago her father would be still in charge of her life. She’s almost 40. This just isn’t normal for a conservatorship. Usually a conservatorship is used for incapacitated people or people with extreme dementia. So many people are making money off this conservatorship. Her attorneys need to be investigated since she claims to not have been told of her rights. Yikes.
On the eve of the hearing, according both to a person close to Spears and to law enforcement in Ventura County, California, where she lives, Spears called 911 to report herself as a victim of conservatorship abuse. (Emergency calls in California are generally accessible to the public, but the county, citing an ongoing investigation, sealed the records of Spears’s call.) Members of Spears’s team began texting one another frantically. They were worried about what Spears might say the next day, and they discussed how to prepare in the event that she went rogue…
The conservatorship was instituted by Spears’s family—in part out of real concerns about her mental health, people close to the family said. But the family was divided by money and fame, and Spears, in an underregulated part of the legal system, was stripped of her rights. She has fought for years to get them back.

Jacqueline Butcher, a former friend of the Spears family who was present in court for the conservatorship’s creation, said she regrets the testimony that she offered to help secure it. “At the time, I thought we were helping,” she said. “And I wasn’t, and I helped a corrupt family seize all this control.”

Britney Spears’s Conservatorship Nightmare
DENIED: Britney Spears not able to remove father as co-conservator | COURT TV

COURT TV - Jul 1, 2021

Is there an attorney on here who could explain why Britney has a court appointed attorney? And why she is not only paying him, but she is apparently having to pay him over $500,000 a year. I thought court appointed attorneys were appointed when someone couldn’t pay. Obviously she can pay so why isn’t she able to hire her own lawyer of her choosing?
This is a troubling article. Everyone should take an interest in what’s happening here to Britney, especially women. She’s being forced to pay a ton of money to her father’s lawyers’ media campaign to silence her and defend the conservatorship. Her own lawyer is very close to her father and many are questioning who is he really an advocate for. She’s paying him a ton of money too. I think she should at the very least absolutely refuse to work until the conservatorship is over. She is just a slave to fund many people’s lives. And I hope she continues to speak up for herself against this. How sad. Would she be in this forced conservatorship if she had no money and wasn’t famous? I think not.
I know this is corny as all get up, but I swear, my brain keeps singing "I'm a slaaaaave. For you". It's a completely different context, but it is true. And really frightening. And not ok. And I hope a whooooole lot of people are held accountable for hijacking her rights and her freedoms.
I feel badly for her, but doctors don't prescribe Lithium to patients without having a good reason. It's a serious drug used to treat serious mental illness like bipolar disorder with manic episodes and schizophrenia.

Lithium: MedlinePlus Drug Information

She obviously has issues with serious, chronic mental illness. That means she needs regular treatment. She's incapable of caring for her own children. It's not her fault, of course. It can't be helped. But like anyone else with similar mental illness, she needs help to make sure she eats right, gets rest, avoids drugs and alcohol, etc. We've all seen what happens to mentally ill people who don't have that kind of supportive network of assistance.

JMO, if the conservatorship were to end, she would be in serious trouble fairly quickly. With no one to make sure she's taking medication, getting regular health care and eating and sleeping properly, she will spin out of control again. JMO, she would lose her mental health and her money before long.

Perhaps there's some middle ground where she is spending less of her fortune on lawyers and overseers. Perhaps the judge can consult with some doctors for a second opinion on whether she can live on her own safely.

Do people really believe she's ok and completely capable of living her life on her own? Looking at her history, the medications she takes and watching her sad videos, I don't think so.

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