GUILTY Brock Turner, college swimmer, CONVICTED of rape - sentenced to only 6 months in jail

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Apr 10, 2010
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So glad this is spreading like wildfire on the internet, and on cable news. This guy got 6 months for a witnessed rape, for which there was a ton of evidence, because as the judge stated " a long sentence would have a severe impact on him". After all, he was a competitive swimmer, formerly for Stanford, and a possible Olympic contender. This is the letter she read at her victim impact statement. It was also read in it's entirety on CNN today:
The father of a former Stanford University athlete convicted on multiple charges of sexual assault has said his son should not have to go to prison for “20 minutes of action”.


Father AND son are despicable. I hope the rapist is unemployable when he gets out. I won't shed a tear if Daddy faces some social/employment related consequences for his egregious statement as well,
This poor woman.....I hurt so badly for her. I just read the complete letter and it is extremely powerful and well written. She has been totally wronged in every freakin way. I wish her peace but I'm afraid it will be a long time to come.
Can we get his name in the title and original post? The whole world needs to see rapist next to his name.

I find it very odd that his booking photo is nowhere to be found. He is still being labeled "Swimmer" instead of "rapist" in headlines, and most news outlets show his smiling yearbook photo.
The father of a former Stanford University athlete convicted on multiple charges of sexual assault has said his son should not have to go to prison for “20 minutes of action”.

I bet he would feel differently if it was his daughter that was assaulted. His apple didn't fall too far. I do have to wonder how many other things his dad allowed him to skate by on if he didn't think a 20 minute sexual assault warranted jail time. I have two sons, and I cannot imagine ever making such a statement.
Stanford Community Asked Judge To Give More Severe Sentence For Rape
A petition signed by 250 Stanford students, professors, and alumni called for a minimum sentence of two years in jail for Turner. The judge assigned six months. :

For anyone interested.....168,567 people have signed the petition to remove the judge from the bench....the goal was 150,000.

(I apologize to the mods for posting the link to the petition earlier today....I wasn't aware that it isn't allowed.)
Please, everyone, I beg you to read both the victim's statement and the CONVICTED felon's father's letter. Please sign the petition to remove the judge. I know the link isn't allowed but can easily be found. This is an absolute injustice that will make you physically ill.
his supporters sure do have a way with words...



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I have some choice words for Leslie Rasmussen.

Even more for Brock, his father, and the judge.

But I don't want to get banned.
that girl is really going to regret writing that letter, and she should.

it literally says that she is sure the girl passed out, and Brock (the sweetiepie) just had too much to drink and was out of control so he started performing sexual acts on her. aaaaaaand that's why he is innocent and this never should have gone to trial. i mean, it doesnt take a rocket scientist to see that...

wait, what?

oh wait, she doesnt blame the girl tho because that would be wrong, she's "just saying" this girl doesnt remember anything except the amount she drank so how can she press charges?! its not like he left the house intending to rape anyone! and, and! these schools market themselves as party schools so its their fault, i mean what did you think was going to happen?! (btw has anyone ever seen stanford market itself as a crazy party school?)

and lastly, this wasnt real rape anyways, its not like she was kidnapped, these silly campus boys arent rapists, well some of them might be, but not Brock! Look at his picture judge! What a cutie!

I just heard on Fox News that Judge Persky is up for reelection to the bench tomorrow. Good luck with that, Judge......not.
I just heard on Fox News that Judge Persky is up for reelection to the bench tomorrow. Good luck with that, Judge......not.

unfortunately he is running unopposed and a write-in candidate would have to gain enough support to beat him in November

but he is subject to recall, that would take a petition with considerable support
unfortunately he is running unopposed and a write-in candidate would have to gain enough support to beat him in November

but he is subject to recall, that would take a petition with considerable support

Thanks drjones......I didn't know that (obviously)! How disappointing. I think Persky is going to face a huge backlash from this sentencing as the petition is growing at lightning speed.

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