CA - 13 victims, ages 2 to 29, shackled in home by parents, Perris, 15 Jan 2018 #7

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Someone posted an article about how children of narcissist are often excessively cheerful and accommodating. It's how they survive. I can't find that article but I did find some others that have a lot of interesting information.

I'm sure there's a lot of crazy going on with these two parents. Narcissim
seems like one trait that may fit here (among others):

1. Has a grandiose sense of self-importance, e.g. exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements.
2. Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty or ideal love.
3. Believes that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high status people (or institutions).
4. Requires excessive admiration.
5. Has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations.
6. Is interpersonally exploitative, i.e. takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends.
7. Lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others.
8. Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of her.

A narcissistic parent is a parentaffected by narcissism or narcissistic personality disorder. Typically narcissistic parents are exclusively and possessively close to their children and may be especially envious of, and threatened by, their child's growing independence.[1] The result may be what has been termed a pattern of narcissistic attachment, with the child considered to exist solely to fulfill the parent's wishes and needs.[2]Commonly parents attempt to force their children to treat themselves as though they are their parents' puppets, or else be subject to punishments such as emotional abuse.

Always notice a narcissist and the importance placed on their own image .Pictures may show a family, but in reality, look at the faces of those children, examine the body language of the narcissist, look closely at the mannerisms and expressions upon those in the pictures and you will begin to see a very different picture. Often the narc appears with a grin rather than a smile, a cold shoulder, with no signs of affection, perhaps with a back turned, or looking away from the camera. They will seem genuinely disinterested in the lives of others and have one need to cultivate their own needs, wants, and desires. That moment in time was captured not to show the love or bonding but to show a false image of involvement and when the cameras are put away the reality appears.

Image. The narcissistic family is all about image. The message is: "We are bigger, better, have no problems, and must put on the face of perfection." Children get the messages: "What would the neighbors think?" "What would the relatives think?" What would our friends think?" These are common fears in the family: "Always put a smile on that pretty little face."

Siblings Not Encouraged to Be Close. In healthy families, we encourage our children to be loving and close to each other. In narcissistic families, children are pitted against each other and taught competition. There is a constant comparison of who is doing better and who is not. Some are favored or seen as "the golden child," and others become the scapegoat for a parent's projected negative feelings. Siblings in narcissistic families rarely grow up feeling emotionally connected to each other.

The narcissistic parent, by contrast, sees their child as an extension of their own ego and as their "property." The child is a reflection of the parent and belongs to the parent. Either the child is seen by this parent as conferring some advantage in life, or the child is seen as a burden and a nuisance; often both.

As they're growing up, the child of the extreme narcissist can go in one of two directions. They can channel their low self-esteem and needs for love and approval into people-pleasing, trying to get others to accept and validate them.

Much of that rings true in my experience (had a narcissist "mother).

(Here's a brief example of what it's like: my "mother" almost never called me by name, and when she did address me by name, without exaggeration, 9 times out of 10 she called me "Lucy," which is not my name, but the name of her sister who she had competed with since their childhood (one-sided).

But, not so much the being excessively cheerful part and the having to be accommodating part is pretty nuanced, again, at least in my experience.

A "whimsical optimism that couldn't be dampened" ? Very much doubt it. IMO that Facebook poster either misinterpreted what s/he remembered, or as a young child who confessed to avoiding, not getting to know J, misunderstood what he/she saw from the git go.
Three years shows they have a ton of work to do.

No. It shows that a three year restraining order is standard in CA.

To those who are expressing skepticism - I respect that there is a legal requirement to presume that someone is innocent until proven guilty. However, that doesn't mean that those of us not on the jury have to turn off our brains and refuse to make logical conclusions based on evidence presented -- including a logical assessment of what is and isn't credible.

I actually agree with you that there may well be some claims being thrown out that aren't accurate, especially claims coming from assorted neighbors/classmates/relatives. But in order to "reserve judgement" on the fundamental issue of this being a horrific case of abuse, we'd have to presume a massive conspiracy on the part of LE, a medical team, and assorted witnesses, probably including some of the kids. And to what end? There simply isn't any motivation for all of these people to be fabricating evidence wholesale.

So we have:

- LE responding to a 17 year old claiming terrible abuse.
-LE showing up and reportedly finding three children in chains.
-Medical officials reporting that the children were dangerously malnourished and both physically and developmentally well behind age level.
-Continuing reports that the children are confirming and elaborating on the abuse
-Multiple stories from neighbors and classmates that would support the notion that something was very off in the home.

So, I wouldn't say, at this point, that we "know" that all the neighbors stories are true, or even that every specific claim that is being reported as coming from the kids is accurate. But I say again that we do know -- to the extent that we can "know" much of anything we didn't see with our own two eyes -- that there were chained, malnourished, and emotionally stunted children and adults living in that house, because the alternative is to get into conspiracy theory territory.

"Captives" is ok to say but reference to a "thing themed photo" not calling the individuals "things" brought about all sorts fuss.
And ID was on site as needed where son attended school. Specific community college not in general. I feel sure the Defense and DA have reached out to get any medical records. And we don't know either of -DT or LT to form opinion or even accuse them of telling their children they were at a doctor and not. Wow

The DA in the press conference said they had never seen a dentist and the last time anyone saw a doctor was at least 4 years ago. Doctors are a "mandated reporter" according to the CA Penal Code and are obligated by law to report any concerns regarding child neglect or abuse to the local CPS or law enforcement authorities. I would suppose that most doctors would be horrified if a child that is supposed to be for example 15 or so years old comes in with a height and weight of a typical 9 or 10 year old and is in an emaciated state.

I would think that any doctor seeing a child in such a state would report the child to the authorities. Note also that they lived in Murrieta prior to 2014 according to reports. I am wondering if indeed they saw a doctor 4 years ago and whether the doctor did in fact report this to authorities and I am wondering if the parents exited Murrieta and ended up in Perris. Something must have caused the sudden move from Murrieta to Perris and I am wondering whether this could be a possibility.

Four years ago would be early 2014. That is about the time they left Murrieta and ended up in Perris.

In my opinion, any medical professional should have been able to detect the malnourished state of the children particularly if they knew the date of birth of the children they examined.
It's pretty horrifying the lengths some sometimes go to try to excuse people like this. LE was clear that the Turpins gave no logical justification for chaining their kids. Nothing. And if any of those kids had disabilities that involved safety issues with wandering or whatever (which still would never justify chaining for God's sake), I'm sure their loving family members would've immediately revealed that.

I am not doubting you, but I have not read or heard anything about the police questioning the parents, particularly about chaining the children, would you mind providing a link, thanks!
And also depends on how questions are asked to get answers. Not saying abuse didn't happen. Just pointing out that example of pies on counter. It could be true were not allowed to eat. But there could be a valid reason for that and also which of the 12 made the allegation. Why were chained up, there was one statement that said LT couldn't give valid reason iirc. I don't know why they were. Haven't heard any explanations from -DT or LT. I don't know if those individuals had medical or mental issues and used restraints for some sort of safety reasons? It could be true in that situation or not. I am NOT sticking up for -DT or LT. There's just a lot people are assuming. One daughter seems challenged in Elvis video. Not just shoes either. The son who was still chained does as well. Bankruptcy documents show a eye specialist was seen by someone.

My hope is there could be many facts to go with small snippets about 13 individuals that makes this less horrific as first reports. Especially reading multiple media reports with different versions on same person quoted. Jmho

If the kids/adults were " chained due to medical or mental issues" or because "daughter seems challenged"
Are you saying this would be reasons for chaining?
As stated in my post quoted. Hearing as we been told and what LEO found is horrible. But we don't know that they didn't have medical reasons for restraints. Chains and padlocks no I know of no legal reason, but there are people who have restraints used for their safety. I know of someone who had an athletic straight A son who started falling asleep in class. Acting totally different. Had appointment to have drug tested at Dr when had a seizure. Long story they found a tumor on his purity gland. After surgery he had to be literally stood by and watched to make sure he only took in so much water. They had to put a lock on fridge because he got up in middle of night and got frozen hamburger patties and was eating them! He wondered off and found walking down road. So yes MANY real reasons, just not saying they get pass just there can be reasons. Jmh
I am not doubting you, but I have not read or heard anything about the police questioning the parents, particularly about chaining the children, would you mind providing a link, thanks!

When officers from the Perris Police Department and Riverside County Sheriff's Department searched the home, they found "several children shackled to their beds with chains and padlocks in dark and foul-smelling surroundings, but the parents were unable to immediately provide a logical reason why their children were restrained in that manner," police said in a statement.
Here is a brief instructual video about medical restraints. This does not seem to bear any resemblance to anything described in the Turpin home. For one thing, the restrained person is to be attended to every two hours (bathroom needs, nutritional needs, etc.)
Using Restraints Wrist & Ankle Restraints:
I don't understand why anyone is nitpicking things that don't matter. Was there a pie on the counter? Maybe, maybe not, who cares?
The only things that matter are what LE said, what the Doctors said, the fact that they all needed to be hospitalized, and the charges brought by the DA.
As stated in my post quoted. Hearing as we been told and what LEO found is horrible. But we don't know that they didn't have medical reasons for restraints. Chains and padlocks no I know of no legal reason, but there are people who have restraints used for their safety. I know of someone who had an athletic straight A son who started falling asleep in class. Acting totally different. Had appointment to have drug tested at Dr when had a seizure. Long story they found a tumor on his purity gland. After surgery he had to be literally stood by and watched to make sure he only took in so much water. They had to put a lock on fridge because he got up in middle of night and got frozen hamburger patties and was eating them! He wondered off and found walking down road. So yes MANY real reasons, just not saying they get pass just there can be reasons. Jmh

I'm sure they didn't use chains and didn't keep him from using the bathroom?
The DA in the press conference said they had never seen a dentist and the last time anyone saw a doctor was at least 4 years ago. Doctors are a "mandated reporter" according to the CA Penal Code and are obligated by law to report any concerns regarding child neglect or abuse to the local CPS or law enforcement authorities. I would suppose that most doctors would be horrified if a child that is supposed to be for example 15 or so years old comes in with a height and weight of a typical 9 or 10 year old and is in an emaciated state.

I would think that any doctor seeing a child in such a state would report the child to the authorities. Note also that they lived in Murrieta prior to 2014 according to reports. I am wondering if indeed they saw a doctor 4 years ago and whether the doctor did in fact report this to authorities and I am wondering if the parents exited Murrieta and ended up in Perris. Something must have caused the sudden move from Murrieta to Perris and I am wondering whether this could be a possibility.

Four years ago would be early 2014. That is about the time they left Murrieta and ended up in Perris.

In my opinion, any medical professional should have been able to detect the malnourished state of the children particularly if they knew the date of birth of the children they examined.
How did we get to thread #7? I cannot give a link to a post, but I do believe that they were renting the Murrieta house and purchased the Perris house. The towns are very close, and since the children did not attend a regular school or have outside activities (neither do the parents as far we know), the move would have been easy.
As stated in my post quoted. Hearing as we been told and what LEO found is horrible. But we don't know that they didn't have medical reasons for restraints. Chains and padlocks no I know of no legal reason, but there are people who have restraints used for their safety. I know of someone who had an athletic straight A son who started falling asleep in class. Acting totally different. Had appointment to have drug tested at Dr when had a seizure. Long story they found a tumor on his purity gland. After surgery he had to be literally stood by and watched to make sure he only took in so much water. They had to put a lock on fridge because he got up in middle of night and got frozen hamburger patties and was eating them! He wondered off and found walking down road. So yes MANY real reasons, just not saying they get pass just there can be reasons. Jmh

In a hospital setting I have heard of restraints used on a temporary basis or padded mitts to keep patients from pulling out IV's ,but I can't say as I have ever heard of restraints used in a home setting or leaving a person to lay in their bodily fluids.
You can't do that due to a person having a medical or mental health issue. IMO
I am not doubting you, but I have not read or heard anything about the police questioning the parents, particularly about chaining the children, would you mind providing a link, thanks!

Was said in the initial pressor

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How did we get to thread #7? I cannot give a link to a post, but I do believe that they were renting the Murrieta house and purchased the Perris house. The towns are very close, and since the children did not attend a regular school or have outside activities (neither do the parents as far we know), the move would have been easy.

It was not an address change only. They created a brand new private school name rather than simply change the address of the previous private school they had in Murrieta.
Maybe one of the younger children saw the doctor? They may not have been as obviously underweight, particularly four years ago. So, maybe that is why there was no report? IDK though.
In a hospital setting I have heard of restraints used on a temporary basis or padded mitts to keep patients from pulling out IV's ,but I can't say as I have ever heard of restraints used in a home setting or leaving a person to lay in their bodily fluids.
You can't do that due to a person having a medical or mental health issue. IMO
And the DA is talking about the victims being chained in a bed for weeks or even months as punishment. I have some ideas about LT's sick fetishes and perversions which are not so much sexual as perverted. She got off on turning them back into infants... all those boxes of diapers... and starving them into weakness, using the condition of the few chained at any one time to keep the rest in her control unless they wanted to join them in the 'dirty room' for some sick retraining. They may have to seal the case for the sake of these victims.
As stated in my post quoted. Hearing as we been told and what LEO found is horrible. But we don't know that they didn't have medical reasons for restraints. Chains and padlocks no I know of no legal reason, but there are people who have restraints used for their safety. I know of someone who had an athletic straight A son who started falling asleep in class. Acting totally different. Had appointment to have drug tested at Dr when had a seizure. Long story they found a tumor on his purity gland. After surgery he had to be literally stood by and watched to make sure he only took in so much water. They had to put a lock on fridge because he got up in middle of night and got frozen hamburger patties and was eating them! He wondered off and found walking down road. So yes MANY real reasons, just not saying they get pass just there can be reasons. Jmh

Ok... I sort of understand where you are coming from, I think. But it makes no sense (IMO). The “restraints” for keeping a person from falling are very different than those these children were subjected to. Not chains and ropes. And no pies or other foods would be sitting around on counters if they had to seriously lock the fridge and perhaps cupboards to restrict how much food was being eaten. These kids were starving — whether all or many. If there were a medical reason for whatever ailments/issus any of the kids had, we would have heard about it — or they were not given medical care (neglect?) or every one had the same health issue. Logic tells us a quite different story.

Sometimes, a little logical common sense is required when considering how likely something is to be true.

Thank you for trying to explain your view, and for letting me share mine. We will just have to agree to disagree this time.
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