Found Deceased CA - Blaze Bernstein, 19, Lake Forest, 2 Jan 2018 #1

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All good questions. What also puzzles me also is that the driver drove him south (as shown on the excellent map someone posted earlier) and Blaze then walked back north on foot to meet whoever? Why the need to be driven to that spot in the first place since the supposed meeting took place quite close to his home? Maybe I'm reading the map wrong.

Yep that's the million dollar question. His friends said he was active on his Grindr account and they were informed OCSD are investigating this. Does anyone know if Grindr keeps recorded activity or does it go away like snapchat?
Also following. Very concerning.....hope he's ok somewhere, but he was supposed to fly back to school today.

Not quite caught up, but I've been looking at the Missing FB page. What's going on about that parked Cadillac....apparently still there this morning.

That Cadillac seems odd to me also.
My hunch leans towards two possible theories. They both are associated with the Grindr account:

Theory 1) The driver was embarrassed someone from his home town knew his "secret" so got rid of that threat;

Theory 2) The driver is a homophobe and chose to remove Blaze.

As you can see, I'm pretty solid on my conclusion that the driver is responsible for Blaze's disappearance. I don't believe this has anything to do with jealousy, ransom, an arguement, or a deal gone wrong. I think this was a planned event for one if the two reasons listed above.
Were they arguing in the car, and maybe the friend had to use the bathroom, to which Blaze might have taken off running, fearing for his life? Remember, in the beginning the friend stated that Blaze was upset about something before he took off? Then that statement was retracted later on. Could this friend threatened to harm him? Maybe that's why witnesses said they saw him walking on the side of the road- maybe he was trying to go home, but the friend found him and did something to him?

Could be "friends," plural. Your theory also supports the driver's phrase, "ran off" (assuming those are the exact words the driver used). Maybe the bathroom had nothing to do with it.

Your theory also supports a witness citing they saw a person fitting BB's description walking down an embankment near the highway within 2 hrs after he supposedly "ran off."

I've actually done this before, ran away from a situation like that. As a teenager, I naively accepted a ride from two men in a single-cab pickup (who had me sit in the middle, no less). They offered to take me home, but during the ride, they were being VERY inappropriate.

I was terrified by that point. I didn't think they'd actually drive me home, and was trying to think of a way to get away. I told them we could go to my apartment, my parents would be gone, and we could hang out there.

They agreed, so I navigated them to a complex a street over from the street where I actually lived. I told them to wait, let me make sure no one's home. They let me go, so I walked around the first building there was and RAN. I jumped the fence into my complex, locked myself in our apartment, and prayed those guys would give up waiting or looking for me.

So, what if BB got frightened but kept his cool? What if he said he was going to the bathroom but instead to that opportunity to RUN?

Maybe he hid until he felt he was safe then tried to make his way home, down the embankment by the highway. But instead of making it home, the friend(s) found him and took him?
We have quite a number of guests viewing this thread in their concern for Blaze.
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Perhaps they should offer a reverse ransom.

I"m going with either already dead due to foul play or he took off on his own due to stress, mental health issues. This is the age of onset. Ransom cases are rare. But it is certainly worth a try. And has a large reward been offered? If these people have money they should be working on PR and publicity and as much coverage and help as they can get.

Yes, and definitely "call off the FBI."


What? I;m lost.
I"m going with either already dead due to foul play or he took off on his own due to stress, mental health issues. This is the age of onset. Ransom cases are rare. But it is certainly worth a try. And has a large reward been offered? If these people have money they should be working on PR and publicity and as much coverage and help as they can get.

What? I;m lost.

I think "'call off the FBI'" was a joke -- the family offering a reverse ransom, saying, "We'll pay AND call off the FBI'," with no intention at all of telling the FBI to beat it.
Was the friend that drove him a guy or a girl? On another page someone said it was a girl and I thought it was a guy.
My theory: Sadly I think BB is no longer with us. The "friend" is behind it and will go down for it soon. There is no 3rd party. Likely they did not even step foot in the park, probably happened somewhere else but he's using it to throw off the investigation. Can't quite pinpoint a motive yet. OCSD being very hush hush to the public as to not tip off the "friend". Nothing else really makes sense. This park is behind a shopping center, he could have ran for help if he had the chance. He had a lot to live for and look forward to. Something really irks me about this "friend" and his story.
Off topic. I love Whiting!! So many deer.

On topic:

I'm new to the case. My mom called and asked if I had info. He's in our county. Would anyone be willing to give me a bullet point summary of the case? Facts and points of contention maybe?

Glad to see you here, Gitana1. Have been waiting for you.

Not sure if I am the best to give you a bullet point summary but here is some info:

BB spent the night cooking dinner with his family and grandparents. Parents drove younger sibling to a friends house (unknown time, after dinner.)

Around 9:30pm BB sent an old High School Buddy (parents have been vague on said "buddy's" sex, the word "he" has been used however by some reporters which could be either incorrect reporting or fact. Some people think that the overly vague language chosen by parents and family spokesperson is odd, other's do not) messages on SnapChat and/or text asking "buddy" to pick him up. Sent "buddy" his address to get him.

Buddy picked him up at 10:30pm and took him to the park which was a 5 minute drive (about a mile away) from his home.

Buddy either last saw BB at 10:30, 11:00 or 11:30pm at the trailhead to the hiking path that leads to Whiting Ranch while buddy was either in their car or near the restroom at the park (times and place Buddy was when BB was last seen are inconsistencies in reporting.)

Buddy stated that BB was meeting with another person whom Buddy didn’t know and didn’t know the nature of the meeting.

In one article posted on Saturday, Buddy was reported as stating that BB was "upset" when he was at the park. This detail has not been reported since.

When BB didn’t return, Buddy sent him numerous text messages that BB didn’t respond to.

Buddy left the park.

Buddy said he returned to the park at 4:00am to look for BB.

Buddy didn’t contact police or BB’s parents about BB walking off.

At 11:30pm BB (or someone with his phone) sent a text message to a female friend that was concerning and leads his parents to believe foul play was involved. Text message content has not been released to the public. The phone stopped working at that point and could no longer be tracked.

LE states that Buddy isn’t a person of interest or a suspect and is cooperating. Parents have stated that they didn’t know who “buddy” was but that “buddy” is cooperating and isn’t a suspect.

Parents and LE do not know who the 3rd person is that BB was supposedly meeting at the park.

BB’s parents didn’t immediately know BB wasn’t home when they got up the following morning; they assumes BB was sleeping in.

When they noticed BB wasn’t home they assumed he would show up for dental appointment he was supposed to go to with mom later in the day.

When BB didn’t show up at the dentist suspicions arose and LE was contacted.

It has not been released if BB “snuck out” (for lack of better words) that night or if BB’s parents were simply asleep and so he didn’t want to wake them up and tell them he was leaving.

Unknown if BB locked the door behind him when he left.

BB’s parents located “Buddy” based on BB’s online Snapchat activity, though it has been reported that they are unable to retrieve messages due to the nature of the app. Parents are also having a hard time getting social media messages because BB is 19 years old.

BB’s parents state that he left without his glasses (though he could have been wearing his contacts), wallet, keys and medication that he needs daily to function. Said he was a planner and would have taken his glasses and other items if he intended to be gone overnight or for an extended time.

BB had scheduled activities he was looking forward to in the days preceding him returning to college.

According to his parents, BB was excited for the upcoming school year in a new apartment. Was in good spirits and spent his time in the days preceding his disappearance purchasing items for school.

BB was using a borrowed phone from a family friend. There is conflicting reports about whether or not the phone was activated to receive phone calls. Some people are interpreting the wording in SM articles as that the phone only received text and not calls. Others read it was the phone was receiving phone calls but since the last text sent at 11:30pm that night hasn’t been working or receiving calls.

Numerous high tech drones are being used to photograph the area to be looked over for clues.

Numerous searches with dozens of LE have taken place in and around the park and Whiting Ranch areas. Nothing has been found.

Cadaver dogs and search dogs have been used. No scent was found.

Several people reported that someone fitting BB’s description was seen walking along disabled car lane of the Southbound 241 freeway (around the Bake Pkwy area) the morning after around 5:40am. Didn’t seem disoriented and seemed to be walking with a purpose.

BB had a “no tolerance” policy in regards to drugs and alcohol, according to his parents.

BB was supposed to return to school yesterday.

Unknown if BB had a driver’s license or access to a car at his parent’s house.

Unknown what needed medication was for.

Others, please jump in and correct any info if I got it wrong and add whatever I missed. I can update as more information is added and add links for the information above.
Was the friend that drove him a guy or a girl? On another page someone said it was a girl and I thought it was a guy.

As far as I know, it was a guy. Some confusion arose from a poorly worded article.

However, apparently later that evening* a text was sent from the phone Blaze had been using to a female friend of his. Something about that text made authorities suspect that foul play had occurred. Though because it sounds like Blaze's parents didn't realize he was missing until the next day, I suspect that the suspicious text was discovered later, in retrospect.

*I thought this was later in the evening but another poster here says it was at 11:30pm. Will double-check when I get a chance.
Not without help imo. The driver was a mere teen himself iirc. How could he have the savvy to know how to cover a crime like this by himself?

Teens have killed and can kill and move bodies on their own.

From the photo attached of the park it is my understanding that (from the restroom) the trail head area that BB was last seen entering could also lead to the busy streets (Portolo and Bake) adjacent to the park/path or to the backside of the shopping center south of the park, right? He didn't necessarily have to be heading up and around to the Whiting Ranch park area? Can anyone who has been there before confirm my understanding of the area is correct? Isn't the Whiting Ranch park area a good mile or so away from the park? (Whiteorchids?)

Also, if he was going to be meeting someone on that trail I would assume they were walking there and coming from one of the homes directly adjacent to the trail. Otherwise, it makes no sense for someone to be meeting him on the trail that wouldn't be parking in the same parking lot his friend was parked in.

IF Friend #1 isn't a suspect, there is a possibility that the high school buddy picked him up and took him to the park so that they could spend time together and hang out (or whatever) and, while at the park (in the time they were there alone which has been reported as anywhere between a few minutes to an hour) BB arranged via his phone for someone else to come to the park or to the adjacent shopping center, street, etc. to come get him. This would explain why Friend #1 didn't know who Friend #2 was or why BB was meeting them.

The park butts up against the Borrego trail head of Whiting Ranch, at least the school field does. That's a location I have used frequently to hike. It is a busy area and shopping center. Whiting Ranch Wildnerness park is not a mile away. It's feet from the park and there is a side trail leading from the park area, which is higher, to the trail, IIRC.

The shopping enter is super active and he easily could've had someone pick him up there.

Whiting Ranch has active mountain lions. A man was killed there and a lady attacked by the same lion. But there are plenty of deer in the area to feed on so that possibility is probably remote. But they are active at night and we have had a lot of fires and likely stressed predators in their area as a result.
Jumping off what I just wrote: "So, what if BB got frightened but kept his cool? What if he said he was going to the bathroom but instead took that opportunity to RUN?"

This theory would support the driver's statement that he waited around a while for BB to come back, but when he didn't, the driver gave up and left.

Only the driver didn't give up. -- Just a theory.
I'm pretty new to following this kind of thing real-time (as you can see, I somehow created an account here years ago, but this is the first thread I've actively participated in). So I'm not sure if this is just par for the course with this kind of thing, or if it's unusual. But it seems to me, there's so much vague and conflicting information coming out that there MUST be some big thing that the family and/or the police know about and aren't releasing publicly. Right? I mean, if they wanted to, they could easily clear up the strange things we're speculating about like who the driver was, why he had a loaner cell phone, etc. If it truly is an innocent missing person case, wouldn't they want to flood the world with as much accurate and detailed information as possible? What would be the motivation for letting things stay so confusing, unless there's something else going on that we aren't privy to?

Am I off base? Is this just how these things always unfold?
OC Sheriff, CA
‏Verified account @OCSD
10 minutes ago

#OCSDPIO Investigation for missing person Blaze Bernstein continues. Investigators actively following leads. Case remains a missing person investigation and no suspect in custody. Updates will be provided by @OCSD as available.

Quoting my own post to add, does anyone find it strange that OCSD finds it necessary to say that they have no suspect in custody? Did they just admit that they think foul play has occurred?
Glad to see you here, Gitana1. Have been waiting for you.

Not sure if I am the best to give you a bullet point summary but here is some info:

BB spent the night cooking dinner with his family and grandparents. Parents drove younger sibling to a friends house (unknown time, after dinner.)

Around 9:30pm BB sent an old High School Buddy (parents have been vague on said "buddy's" sex, the word "he" has been used however by some reporters which could be either incorrect reporting or fact. Some people think that the overly vague language chosen by parents and family spokesperson is odd, other's do not) messages on SnapChat and/or text asking "buddy" to pick him up. Sent "buddy" his address to get him.

Buddy picked him up at 10:30pm and took him to the park which was a 5 minute drive (about a mile away) from his home.

Buddy either last saw BB at 10:30, 11:00 or 11:30pm at the trailhead to the hiking path that leads to Whiting Ranch while buddy was either in their car or near the restroom at the park (times and place Buddy was when BB was last seen are inconsistencies in reporting.)

Buddy stated that BB was meeting with another person whom Buddy didn’t know and didn’t know the nature of the meeting.

In one article posted on Saturday, Buddy was reported as stating that BB was "upset" when he was at the park. This detail has not been reported since.

When BB didn’t return, Buddy sent him numerous text messages that BB didn’t respond to.

Buddy left the park.

Buddy said he returned to the park at 4:00am to look for BB.

Buddy didn’t contact police or BB’s parents about BB walking off.

At 11:30pm BB (or someone with his phone) sent a text message to a female friend that was concerning and leads his parents to believe foul play was involved. Text message content has not been released to the public. The phone stopped working at that point and could no longer be tracked.

LE states that Buddy isn’t a person of interest or a suspect and is cooperating. Parents have stated that they didn’t know who “buddy” was but that “buddy” is cooperating and isn’t a suspect.

Parents and LE do not know who the 3rd person is that BB was supposedly meeting at the park.

BB’s parents didn’t immediately know BB wasn’t home when they got up the following morning; they assumes BB was sleeping in.

When they noticed BB wasn’t home they assumed he would show up for dental appointment he was supposed to go to with mom later in the day.

When BB didn’t show up at the dentist suspicions arose and LE was contacted.

It has not been released if BB “snuck out” (for lack of better words) that night or if BB’s parents were simply asleep and so he didn’t want to wake them up and tell them he was leaving.

Unknown if BB locked the door behind him when he left.

BB’s parents located “Buddy” based on BB’s online Snapchat activity, though it has been reported that they are unable to retrieve messages due to the nature of the app. Parents are also having a hard time getting social media messages because BB is 19 years old.

BB’s parents state that he left without his glasses (though he could have been wearing his contacts), wallet, keys and medication that he needs daily to function. Said he was a planner and would have taken his glasses and other items if he intended to be gone overnight or for an extended time.

BB had scheduled activities he was looking forward to in the days preceding him returning to college.

According to his parents, BB was excited for the upcoming school year in a new apartment. Was in good spirits and spent his time in the days preceding his disappearance purchasing items for school.

BB was using a borrowed phone from a family friend. There is conflicting reports about whether or not the phone was activated to receive phone calls. Some people are interpreting the wording in SM articles as that the phone only received text and not calls. Others read it was the phone was receiving phone calls but since the last text sent at 11:30pm that night hasn’t been working or receiving calls.

Numerous high tech drones are being used to photograph the area to be looked over for clues.

Numerous searches with dozens of LE have taken place in and around the park and Whiting Ranch areas. Nothing has been found.

Cadaver dogs and search dogs have been used. No scent was found.

Several people reported that someone fitting BB’s description was seen walking along disabled car lane of the Southbound 241 freeway (around the Bake Pkwy area) the morning after around 5:40am. Didn’t seem disoriented and seemed to be walking with a purpose.

BB had a “no tolerance” policy in regards to drugs and alcohol, according to his parents.

BB was supposed to return to school yesterday.

Unknown if BB had a driver’s license or access to a car at his parent’s house.

Unknown what needed medication was for.

Others, please jump in and correct any info if I got it wrong and add whatever I missed. I can update as more information is added and add links for the information above.

Wow. Thank you so much!!! I wonder if he met a hook up there. Or what he thought might be more than a hook up but wasn't. or someone predatory.

Interesting and sad case. I know the park well because I hike there a lot. I don;t know why he would go toward the trail head at night. Most people in the area are aware of the puma dangers and wouldn't do that.

Even if he seemed happy and looking forward to the parents, there could've been much more going on. That can be a secretive and complex age.
I'm pretty new to following this kind of thing real-time (as you can see, I somehow created an account here years ago, but this is the first thread I've actively participated in). So I'm not sure if this is just par for the course with this kind of thing, or if it's unusual. But it seems to me, there's so much vague and conflicting information coming out that there MUST be some big thing that the family and/or the police know about and aren't releasing publicly. Right? I mean, if they wanted to, they could easily clear up the strange things we're speculating about like who the driver was, why he had a loaner cell phone, etc. If it truly is an innocent missing person case, wouldn't they want to flood the world with as much accurate and detailed information as possible? What would be the motivation for letting things stay so confusing, unless there's something else going on that we aren't privy to?

Am I off base? Is this just how these things always unfold?

They usually don’t release information because they don’t want to compromise the case. It is obvious a lot is being held back. It can be possibly not to tip off what they think really happened.
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