Found Deceased CA - Blaze Bernstein, 19, Lake Forest, 2 Jan 2018 #4

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There has to be something more. It seems very cut and dry that the driver is suspect. What is missing?? Why not an arrest yet?? Points to police looking at more than this person.

Ocsd has talked to this guy 2 times, the latter ending up at the station. I can't see these talks being quick chats. Search warrants were for????? It seems like an open and shut case, something is missing. They are looking for more. JMO

The first search warrant was for the 'driver's' home in Newport Beach. The 2nd two are most likely for his car and his phone. They are probably making sure they have a really tight case before they make an arrest. It's likely that they have him in custody, but have not yet arrested him.
Why didn't they notice or mention the scratches on his hands til the second time they talked to him? Were they there the first time? If not, that kinda changes things along with was the dirt not noticed.

Perhaps he was wearing gloves that day, which might have aroused suspicion then to LE? Remember they only posted snippets of the afadavit.
There could be more to the Fight Club statement too. This could have been a right of passage or initiation into some sick club.

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yea, a fight club with one bout.. with blaze.
and blaze ran.. the driver is mixing truth with lies.
He fell in a mud puddle, yes, while hiding blaze.
A little truth.....maybe the driver set Blaze up. Maybe there IS a third friend and there was a fight. Maybe driver did fall into a puddle (Altho as mentioned hmmm there was no rain yet..sprinklers?) Maybe the driver also beat Blaze (ugh), maybe the driver fought the third person. A fight, a fall, just not a club.
If the driver is claiming a third person and LE can't prove/disprove that yet, I doubt they'd arrest the driver. Could create reasonable doubt at a trial.
Just some thoughts and musings as I process all that I've learned about this case since Monday...

Everything seems to be revolving around the driver/friend(?), what he did or didn't know, and his level of involvement. A lot of it comes down to how much of his story do we believe. If he's involved, then we can presume some of his story is false, but a good portion, if not most, of it is probably true...

First question is was he really a former HS friend of BB or just some random guy that BB met off craigslist or social media? I tend to believe that he really is a former HS friend... for quite some time the father was backing him up so presumably he knew him or knew of him. (I suppose it could have been a complete snow job but I'm going with he was at least a former friend or acquaintance)

Next thing that's bothering me... let's assume the driver was the sole perpetrator.. why would he be hanging around and so involved after the disappearance? I'd think he'd want to distance himself from the situation as much as possible. The only reason I can think of that would (somewhat) jive with that is if the death were accidental and as others have suggested he was trying to cover up his involvement. But then... would a friend really do that? So those two things seem somewhat in conflict. The only other thing we're left with is that he's a cold-blooded killer, which to me isn't consistent with him helping the investigation so much.

Now we come to the new details revealed by the affidavit. The dirt under the hands makes no sense, unless this sheriff's affidavit came back on Jan. 3. I don't think we know the date of the affidavit, or do we? Seems to me if he were involved, anyone would have been smart enough to wash their hands?

On to the theories of the body being moved - I don't think that happened, at least not by the driver that we know of. There would be physical evidence all over the rental car. The fact that there was still camping and other gear in the car tells me that there was no effort to clean the car. This also tells me that the camping gear is not really evidence of some kind of "flight plan", unless the guy really is monumentally stupid. In any case, IMHO, most likely BB was killed in the park and not moved around. Maybe that secluded area is where he had his "meeting"?

As far as someone else being involved, I think this probably depends on whether this is an "accidental death" / cover up scenario, or a pure act of violence, pre-meditated or not. Let's assume the latter for sake of argument. In this case then I'm more inclined to believe that there was another person involved and perhaps the part of the story of the driver dropping BB off in the part to meet someone is true. If so, then the question for me really becomes is this 3rd person someone that the driver/friend also knew or a true "random hookup" as has also been theorized.

I think if there's a 3rd person known to both BB and his driver friend, this complicates things and may explain the driver's questionable behavior. Maybe he's trying to hide what he knows about the other friend so as to not implicate him.

I don't know, maybe this last idea is a stretch, but there's a lot of this that doesn't add up for me. It really comes down to motive and then how someone would act after committing such an act. I have a hard time thinking a cold-blooded killer would hang around and help out the search investigation for days.

Given the facts we know, I can't put together a solid theory that I have high confidence in. Certainly it seems the driver was probably involved somehow - it's his level of involvement that I'm having a hard time being sure of.

Thanks for listening to my ramblings...

Some interesting thoughts.

Hanging around after a crime -many killers do things like that. Sounds like he was panicked and trying to cover things up. That points more to a lack of serious premeditation OR shock at how the reality of the killing didn't match up with any plan.

We have seen this before. A killer plans a killing - usually a young person- and then they panic afterwards not realizing what it was going to be like or all the ways the crime could be traced back to them.

Young killers are the easiest to catch.

Dirt under the nails, reports are they interviewed this person two days after Blaze was reported missing. If he clawed at the dirt then that would not necessarily come out with just washing. It can be hard to remove. Especially if this person isn't used to gardening or any kind of real labor. .

Yeah i think it's clear that Blaze wasn't moved. LE stated he never left the park. But maybe that was the plan and the friend realized that was going to be too hard?

Wasn't it reported before they found Blake, that there were other young people at the park that night? This is what I recall but I don't have a link.

As I recall it was rumor based on what someone had heard, by saw personally?

Certainly it's possible, but it wouldn't be my first instinct, that's all I'm saying. All any of us are doing here is speculating based upon what we know and trying to piece the puzzle together

I'm just confused as to why the school he went to or his status as friends of Blaze or age or whatever would preclude him from being cold blooded?

If i think of killers at that age they usually fit certain types of killings. Looking at all the scenarios, I wonder where this would fit?:

Sudden rage based killing by a person with poor impulse control and lots of behavioral issues. That may not match because getting into OCSA is hard.

Sex-motivated killings by psychopaths or persons with other mental health issues. Sometimes there are no clear signs of issues until the murder.

Killings by siblings or sons/daughters by someone with behavioral and anger issues or killings of family with the assistance of a friend or romantic partner.

Group retaliation or thrill killings. Someone usually confesses quickly or talks to someone else about it in those scenarios.

Mass shooting situations, by alienated, social misfits. Doesn't seem to be this one.

Romantic partner murders/homicides after a break up or by a person who wanted a relationship and felt rejected.

Planned killings of total psychopaths who wanted to feel what it was like to kill someone. Usually there are signs in this person's background of behavioral issues and a history of extreme dysfunction in their background.

Can anyone think of anything else we've seen?
I'm wondering if the first time they talked to the friend it was by telephone (they wouldn't have known about the dirt and scratches....)

Just a thought....
The first search warrant was for the 'friend's' home in Newport Beach. The 2nd two are most likely for his car and his phone. They are probably making sure they have a really tight case before they make an arrest. It's likely that they have him in custody, but have not yet arrested him.

Or the rental and his personal car?
The first search warrant was for the 'friend's' home in Newport Beach. The 2nd two are most likely for his car and his phone. They are probably making sure they have a really tight case before they make an arrest. It's likely that they have him in custody, but have not yet arrested him.

When you say 'friend', I assume you mean the driver?

Do we know that it was the friend/driver's home in Newport Beach? I didn't think LE identified the owner of the home in NB that was searched.

Certainly that would be a logical assumption given everything else we know, but I just wanted to clarify what we know from what we're speculating about.
tfhe parents made him meet there with police; see call to police re missing persons calls....

I had assumed the police brought him there.. but maybe you're right.
Since he was not arrested I think anything he says can be used in court even without a lawyer or being mirandized.
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing about the reference to the other friend. I think that detail about the supposed 3rd person in the situation, mentioned by the driver in his account, being another OCSA friend of both Blaze and the driver. LE must have gotten the name of this person from the driver, and presumably they've already talked to that person. I think perhaps they just aren't telling about this because we (the public) have no need to know during the ongoing investigation and this person isn't already known to us.

As you state, it's pretty simple, this 3rd person either exists or doesn't and it's surely already been verified by LE. Assuming the 3rd person exists, I'm more inclined to think that person is the responsible party. If he's just a complete fabrication by the driver, then it casts suspicion directly back at the driver. But if the latter is the case I'd also think the driver would have been arrested by now.

But wasn't the original story that The Driver did not know the alleged "third person"?

The Driver was claiming that BB said there was a third classmate they were going to meet up with. And that's why The Driver was claiming not to know who the third person was and why he let BB go off into the park alone. Because The Driver was claiming that the third person was someone BB had been in contact with.
yea, a fight club with one bout.. with blaze.
and blaze ran.. the driver is mixing truth with lies.
He fell in a mud puddle, yes, while hiding blaze.

I bet he was beaten to death.

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I hadn't thought of the karate black belt but your right if he was into Martial Arts maybe that's why he gave the fight club excuse.

FWIW... When I first read about the black belt, my brain went to a belt that was removed prior to sex.
I hadn't thought of the karate black belt but your right if he was into Martial Arts maybe that's why he gave the fight club excuse.

OCSA (where Blaze and the "friend" attended) offers martial arts as a PE. My daughter got a black belt while she attended. Maybe it is a black belt and maybe he is in a "fight club".
I have been thinking premeditation this whole time but if this guy always intended to kill Blaze, he would have brought a shovel and would not have usd his bare hands to dig around in the dirt to hide the body.

Also, help an old lady out....what is a "Fight Club?"
Per my daughter who knew Blaze at HS, he was not in the closet. Besides being a high school focused on the arts, OCSA also has a large community of gay/lesbian students that attend the school. The school is super competitive, involves long days, and acceptance into this school is by audition only. It is also a complete pain to get to this school for many due to its location (in office building in the center of a congested city). For example, I drove 30 miles to get my daughter to and from the high school every day. Knowing this, I have a hard time believing that if the "friend" from Blaze's high school killed him, it was a hate crime. Haters like this would never go through all the effort to attend a high school known to have such a large community of gays who are out of the closet, and if they started to bully at the school, OCSA would probably boot them as they had very low tolerance for this behavior, and there was a long list of people willing to take this student's spot. I think this was either an unplanned murder, perhaps following an argument or rough sex or there was a 3rd person involved that did it.

Also it would be so easy to confirm whether this driver/"friend" went to OCSA or not. I could even do it myself via my daughters yearbooks if I had a name.

Although I appreciate this information I would like to suggest a slight shift of focus away from a possible 'gay hate' crime to one that perhaps involves egoic competition. The trend in many psychological circles is now to identify psychopaths, sociopaths and narcissist's in a broader spectrum called 'pathologicals'. An individual because it is a spectrum can fall more or less anywhere along the spectrum, it does not necessarily mean they kill.

If you think about this in real life and I do think this is an acquired over the years type observation, we all likely can admit that we've met people socially, at work and in other situations that have negatively affected our prospects due to narcissistic competition. They lie, backstab and gaslight to get ahead, some of them go further. They have no remorse and most importantly, they do not have an ability to act empathetically. They are completely lacking of empathy. They also, seemingly in my observation, possess the ability to be chameleon like in their presentation and tend to mirror others. They have no true authentic core and hate others that do. For this reason they tend to target others who are truly authentic creators who shine with their own light. People like Blaze.

What I am suggesting is that perhaps this is just a case of narcissistic competition taken to the extreme. Particularly if the narcissist thought they were going to be outed as the fraud (<---imo their biggest trigger point) they are they could possibly become enraged enough to harm another. It's unfortuantely not outside the realm of possibility that they engage or manipulate another cohort to assist them in this endeavor.

just my 2 cents
I have been thinking premeditation this whole time but if this guy always intended to kill Blaze, he would have brought a shovel and would not have usd his bare hands to dig around in the dirt to hide the body.

Also, help an old lady out....what is a "Fight Club?"

An unofficial gathering of people who compete in physical fist fights. I think there's betting involved.
The fight club thing sounds like another attempt to assert that he is heterosexual. Along with the girlfriend comment. IMO

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There has to be something more. It seems very cut and dry that the driver is suspect. What is missing?? Why not an arrest yet?? Points to police looking at more than this person.

Ocsd has talked to this guy 2 times, the latter ending up at the station. I can't see these talks being quick chats. Search warrants were for????? It seems like an open and shut case, something is missing. They are looking for more. JMO

It hasn't been that long. I don't think the length of time points to uncertainty on the part of LE at all. It seems typical. They are doing their due diligence and collecting evidence.

In every case where there isn't an immediate arrest people make statements doubting the police or doubting the obvious suspects. Typically it's just a matter of time. There is so much going on that we aren't aware of.

A recent case where this proved very true is Kaytlynn Cargill's. She was reported missing very quickly and found in a landfill a couple days later. Just like here.

Her killer wasnt arrested until 2.5 months later. But the arrest warrant shows they knew it was him almost immediately. They had text messages indicating she was going to meet with this person and they found blood spatter in his apartment immediately after they began the investigation.

Why did it take so long? There's a lot to do. It is not CSI.
ocsa kids are artsy, not fight club!

Although I appreciate this information I would like to suggest a slight shift of focus away from a possible 'gay hate' crime to one that perhaps involves egoic competition. The trend in many psychological circles is now to identify psychopaths, sociopaths and narcissist's in a broader spectrum called 'pathologicals'. An individual because it is a spectrum can fall more or less anywhere along the spectrum, it does not necessarily mean they kill.

If you think about this in real life and I do think this is an acquired over the years type observation, we all likely can admit that we've met people socially, at work and in other situations that have negatively affected our prospects due to narcissistic competition. They lie, backstab and gaslight to get ahead, some of them go further. They have no remorse and most importantly, they do not have an ability to act empathetically. They are completely lacking of empathy. They also, seemingly in my observation, possess the ability to be chameleon like in their presentation and tend to mirror others. They have no true authentic core and hate others that do. For this reason they tend to target others who are truly authentic creators who shine with their own light. People like Blaze.

What I am suggesting is that perhaps this is just a case of narcissistic competition taken to the extreme. Particularly if the narcissist thought they were going to be outed as the fraud (<---imo their biggest trigger point) they are they could possibly become enraged enough to harm another. It's unfortuantely not outside the realm of possibility that they engage or manipulate another cohort to assist them in this endeavor.

just my 2 cents
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