CA CA - Bob Harrod, 81, Orange County, 27 July 2009 - # 6

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Thanks Montjoy-I think that I emphatically stated my opinion, lol, without leaving room for other interpretations. I think it is worth discussing, and certainly worth disclosing. I cannot speak to the character of the defendant because I dont know her. I cant help but see the parallels between the pursuit of the defendant and those who were in the cross hairs of the defense attorneys in the Caylee Anthony case. Anything to deflect from the facts at hand.

Well, in the event that the civil action has merit in the latest development we will take it in stride. I am still strongly sceptical of the previous civil action when we know that Bob himself insisted firmly that his money was his to do with as he pleased when Elder Services knocked on his door, and in spite of the intimations shortly after Georgia's death that Bob was suffering from an early dementia, he was clearly in good health and had all his faculties at the time of his disappearance.
(respectfully snipped)

I think that if this information about someone cleared by LE but repeatedly implicated by Bob's daughters is what was referred to as an 'aha moment,' and a 'critical' lead, and a 'significant twist' that 'connects the dots', then 'ridiculous' is putting it far too mildly. IMO, calling this a 'lead' or suggesting it is related to Bob's murder would be better labeled as 'malicious' and can only be seen in the context of trying to divert attention away from the last person to see Bob, his SiL JM. There can be no doubt that LE, if offered this information, will be able to see what it represents and what it reveals about Bob's daughters.

It would be interesting to find out what PPD think about this.

IIRC, the daughters have hired a few PI's. Could the PI's be "investigating" the hairdresser? Were the PI's hired to find out what happened to Mr. Harrod, or could the daughters be directing the PI's investigation?

If the PI's were hired to find out what happened to Mr. Harrod, have they questioned SIL and the three daughters? Have they administered polygraphs to the whole group.
Oh, if only Bob could be found and justice could be served for him and for Fontelle. At least there are SOME folks (here, anyway) who seem to care about those things. How sad that such caring has to come from a bunch of strangers who never heard of Bob or his family prior to this terrible thing. Prayers continue.

Agree, and the folks here will not let this go until Mr. Harrod receives justice.
Open letter to JeM:

Hey -- we know that you were likely feeling a lot of pressure in the 24 (or fewer) hours before Bob 'disappeared'. I think it's clear to anyone who has followed your wife's history (or even her recent posts on RotW) that you had a heavy load to bear -- that kind of mental illness can only present one with a chain of sorrows and a trail of hard decisions. I just want to remind you that life is short, and it is too short for you or anyone to feel bound to the sorts of madness and awfulness that have already defined so much of your life. I know that part of you keeps thinking 'hey, we might get away with this,' but most of you keeps thinking 'it is just a matter of time'. I write this just to remind you that this is not a game, and the 'time' you have left, potentially to enjoy, potentially to regret, is limited. Do you really want to take the rap for this? How heroic would it be to die in prison of old age (or worse) because you killed on your wife's (crazy) order?

You also have children and grandchildren. How do you want to be remembered? I want to hope that it is as 'the guy who faced a lot of pressure but did the right thing'. Or do you want that honor to fall on your son, while you assume the position of 'the dad who killed Bob'?

Open letter to RB:

Do you really trust sister J that much? Like, with your life? My advice to you is to reflect on what she had done and continues to do.

Open letter to PB:

You actually seemed to care about your dad for a while. Was that just more of the smoke he was used to getting blown up him? I kid you not, LE is not stupid, and prison is not fun. They will not make special exceptions for you based on your health, age, or that you sorta tried to keep in touch with your dad while he was alive. No, they'll eat you alive. I don't think it's what you want.

Open letter to JuM:

I have no advice for you. Just keep doing what you are doing.
It would be interesting to find out what PPD think about this.

IIRC, the daughters have hired a few PI's. Could the PI's be "investigating" the hairdresser? Were the PI's hired to find out what happened to Mr. Harrod, or could the daughters be directing the PI's investigation?

If the PI's were hired to find out what happened to Mr. Harrod, have they questioned SIL and the three daughters? Have they administered polygraphs to the whole group.

BBM. I would guess the answer to this is no.

Is this PI being funded by Bob's estate? If so, will there be a detailed accounting of these expenses in the audit, or will the expenses be filed under "Miscellaneous?"

Is this PI only reporting "general milestones" back to the daughters like the other PI was (according to them)?

Why no press releases and media stories coordinated by these PI's?
An additional civil action was filed against Georgia's hairdresser on 2/4/11, with a hearing having been completed on 2/28/11. The action, which took place under the heading of Family Law, claimed a case of Elder Abuse against Georgia's hairdresser. Out of respect for the plaintiff, which may be an adult who is under someone else's care, you will not find him named here. Although I am not an expert, it appears the plaintiff received a no contact order from the defendant. A response was filed by Georgia's hairdresser, and she may have chosen to acquiece to the no contact order.

Case #11FL000069
Type: Elder, Dependent Adult Abuse
Filing Date: 02/04/2011

IMO, I think it is ridiculous to assume that this is an "Ah Ha" moment in Bob's case. Even if you choose to make the leap that Georgia's hairdresser has twice obtained money or loans or goods from friends/clients she has, it does not even dotted line to a murder.

Just to refresh every one-Georgia's hairdresser provided a solid alibi to PPD for both herself and her family. We know that this was not a crime perpetrated by a stranger, we know that the person last known to be with Bob by his own admission was not Georgia's hairdresser and we have the words of Colleen Loomis an estemed member of PPD stating repeatedly that Georgia's hairdresser was cleared of involvement in the murder of Robert Merle Harrod.

Police have cleared the barber and her husband of any connection with the case.
The younger woman with whom Bob had a friendship has a solid alibi.

I think it is interesting to note that both actions were civil not criminal. I think the timing is interesting to note as well, and I wonder if the girls PI/bodyguard has been following Josie around visiting her elderly clients.

Just speculation on my part.

While I may be in the minority here, I think that the hairdresser being brought to court on a case of elder abuse does seem to show a pattern of behavior on her part.
Obviously the behavior appears to be that she takes advantage of older people, people that have money, most likely.

Does that mean she killed Robert Harrod? No, it does not.
As it has been stated, the hairdresser has a solid alibi.

I think she is probably very glad she has such a strong alibi.
Because, to me, this civil court hearing shows her true character.
While I may be in the minority here, I think that the hairdresser being brought to court on a case of elder abuse does seem to show a pattern of behavior on her part.
Obviously the behavior appears to be that she takes advantage of older people, people that have money, most likely.

Does that mean she killed Robert Harrod? No, it does not.
As it has been stated, the hairdresser has a solid alibi.

I think she is probably very glad she has such a strong alibi.
Because, to me, this civil court hearing shows her true character.

Or, the most recently hired bodyguard/PI could have presented the person who filed the most recent civil charge with the paperwork filed just recently by the daughters. A little suggestion by someone with a business/PI license could go a long way to possibly influence someone to file in civil court.

With the daughters history, I would put nothing past them including hiring a bodyguard/PI to investigate Georgia's hairdresser rather than their fathers missing persons case. For all we know he could be hired to do some PR work for the daughters - try to clean up their image so to speak.

As believe posted, the timing is incredibly suspicious here and Bobs daughters online activities as well as continuous attempts at diverting attention away from the facts speaks loudly and clearly.

Robert Harrod's murder has polarized his family, his daughters and his wife.

For me, nothing is ever that black and white.
Most murders, most crimes are shades of gray.

Are Robert's daughters all greedy and vindictive and plotted to kill him or conspired to cover up his murder?
My answer is no.

Is Fontelle a woman who took advantage of an old acquaintance? Did she think, wow, he has money! Did she or her family cause something to happen to Robert?
My answer is no.

Did someone from the family lose their temper? Did they shove Robert? Hit him? Push him down? Did he try to get away? Did he try to hide himself? Did he lock the door? Was the door broken?
Did they catch him and with full temper engaged, kill him?
My answer, yes, I think so.

My answer is money. Greed. Expectation of needs met, then thwarted.
I can't condemn or defend Georgia's hairdresser without adequate information, dream. I think the fairest question of them all is why this isnt a criminal complaint.

It isnt. It was filed and received in a court with a lower threshold than criminal court. So I have to ask myself-was there enough to pursue a criminal charge? Was there sufficient evidence? Obviously not, because it would be a dream to have this woman, who has been targeted as a suspect by the immediate family, to have a pending criminal charge of Elder abuse.

Another thing we are losing site of I think-There was no Elder Abuse situation with Bob. None. He took care of that claim himself. Politely showed them the door, in spite of the intimations that he was in the early stages of dementia.

Now I have reviewed some of the video within the days following his disappearance-family was telling the public that while he could remember phone numbers, he could not find his own way home on his own.

This is patently untrue. The person who put the hairdresser at the home on the day of the disappearance described her vehicle. At least that is my understanding. Well we know it wasnt hers.

This is apples and oranges here in my mind simply because 1.) Bob said he was not being abused and said he could do what he liked with his money. Including give it to her. 2.) She was not involved in his disappearance and murder. 3.) His physician angrily denied that there were any issues with his mental faculties.

And yet that was the basis of the Elder Abuse charge AND the "wandering off on his own, dotty old man comments." Right? I mean what am I missing here?

The woman might have fleeced or been fleecing 100 people, however Bob stated he was in control of his own money and we know he was in control of his mental faculties and we know the hairdresser didnt disappear him, and we know these new charges are not criminal.

So we have one instance of a civil/family court charge of Elder Abuse. One does not make a pattern in my mind, but then again I have been known to be mistaken. We have anonymous phone calls being made when Bob was alive alleging it, but he denied it. Case closed.
A simple click of the thanks button is not enough for Montjoy's post #184 above. That really spells things out, IMO.

Ditto for dreamweaver's post #188 and believe09's post #189.

(did not want to waste bandwidth on quoting the entire posts)
I went back to take a look at the civil suit filed by the co conservators against Georgia's Hairdresser.

It appears to be a breach of contract, not an Elder Abuse filing. Huh. I guess they dont really believe there was a case of Elder Abuse against their dad either.

We have heard a lot about Bob giving the HD a gift. Have not heard that there was a contract. Big difference between a gift and a contract in a civil case.
from Dreamweaver #188, "Are Robert's daughters all greedy and vindictive and plotted to kill him or conspired to cover up his murder?"
My answer is no.

Just my thoughts, Dream. Have Robert's daughters, plus JM and AH, possibly conspired to cover up Bob's dissappearance? If there had been an accident the truth would be out in the beginning. Why else would one of them not step up and tell the truth? Each one probably wants to tell the truth.

Is it about the money? Is it about each one's fear of a future without the money? Is it about "Don't tell on me and no harm will come to you"? Is it about "If I don't tell we'll all have the money, no embarrassment and no jail time"? Is is about "If no one tells, we'll share the money with AH and his children"? In my opinion they have circled their wagons....
I will always be the first to condemn any instance of elder abuse, as long as there is adequate proof. IMO there is nothing to link the BL with Robert Harrod's disappearance.

OTOH, the glaring fact that only 72 hours went by after he disappeared and the daughters tried to force Fontelle out of the house? That tells me something loud and clear. If there was no involvement, there would have been active searches, commiserating with the new wife, etc. Everyone banding together to help find this man. Instead we get nasty, derogatory statements about their missing father on the internet!
God Bless America, this case is going to drive me round the twist. I realize I have not been posting compassionately and I apologize for that.

I want to ponder and investigate the accident theory that dreamweaver raised-I think it is a valid POV, not that she needs my blessing lol.

Let's operate on the assumption that a confrontation happened, perhaps a blow was exchanged and Bob fled to an area he felt he would be safe. A door was kicked in, maybe Bob even suffered a stroke or heart attack...or an injury occured inside the bathroom where Bob had found refuge.

What was the downside to calling 911? Sure it would have been uncomfortable and perhaps there would have been some kind of appearance before a judge and a punishment...akin to a domestic violence incident I would think.

But instead you remove Bob from his home, hidden with whatever damaged accessories that might speak to the altercation, you hide/dump/bury him somewhere and you return to try and fix the obvious. The rest is history because there was an unexpected witness.

It is the organized response after the event that troubles me, fwiw. Let's say Bob was injured after his last know third party phone call....for the sake of argument between 930 and 1030AM. He is removed, perhaps items removed, some of the items were clearly dumped somewhere, JM returns, leaves at least once to make a purchase, leaves permanently around 6PM.

At first we are led to believe that one or more phone calls were made to PPD and the family was told they had to wait 48 hours before Bob could be reported missing. Well these phone calls were not logged, but we know that the 48 hour comment was patently untrue as those guidelines were ruled out years ago and PPD practiced the contemporary response which was to take a MP report immediately. Which they did when Fontelle called after midnight.

Then we have another phone call to Fontelle to arrange access to the house for the purposes of a well being check. Why didnt Bob's children have keys to the house? Why not Andrew who lived down the street? But I digress.

A well being check was done, a comment made by AH to the officer stating that Bob may have left because of a heated family exchange the day before. Then follow up calls to Fontelle and requests to have her file the MP report, as well as the information having been fed to her regarding the presence of the BL's Black SUV driving the wrong way down the street...a comment made by the person who states he was the last person to see Bob. Which we know was not true.

Then JM's wife heads doth to tidy up-her words. Change the linens and clean a house that was already clean. Then the attempts at eviction, the run on the money, the descriptors that included items found in the home.

This is a very organized response to a regrettable accident when it would have been far simpler to call 911 and own up to whatever happened. Far simpler. Even if the person who caused the accident had been held, he would likely have bonded out.

I dont know. I really dont. I would like to believe that there was not a shred of planning behind this. But what is abundantly clear is that the response was not to provide dignity to their father-the response was designed to gain control of his estate. This troubles me.
At the end of the day, I truly believe they did not understand that the bypass trust was essentially a means for Bob to avoid estate taxes on Georgia's half of their community property. I think that they believed it was their share, and when they found out otherwise, they were really really angry. Perhaps the visit on the morning of 7/27 from SIL was to reason or demand Bob reconsider distributing it and the conversation got out of hand. We won't know for sure because the person who can tell us cannot do so in words any breaks my heart.
I think it may have been planned. The clock was ticking. Bob was about to include his new wife in the estate. Funny thing about alot of these cases. There is usually a clock of some sort ticking, divorce papers being filed, a financial bombshell that's about to be discovered, a secret about to be outed. For many, murder solves their problem. Until they get caught that is.
Just WOW on the above posts with possible (probable?) scenarios of this case.

Hoping and praying the right someone(s) will be caught soon and justice served for Bob and Fontelle.

Great sleuthing, folks.
Hoping everyone will have their emotions in check tomorrow. I wonder if the judge will rule from the bench or decide later?
Hoping everyone will have their emotions in check tomorrow. I wonder if the judge will rule from the bench or decide later?

Keep us informed, Believe... I'm sure the judge will be fair. Let's hope all the bookwork is in order and the audit was completed as they have stated, that will expedite the Judge's ruling. From what has happened from the bench so far, the Harrod family has been given extra time and leniency to comply with court orders. "Due Process" has been on their side.
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