CA CA - Bryce Laspisa, 19, Castaic, 30 Aug 2013 - #3

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Jmo, but Bryce probably had money. Easy to withdraw money from the debit card to use for whatever, and continue to use the debit card to keep the cash.
If he used his debit card for cash, there would be a trail. And why use it for such tiny amounts as less than two dollars, if he had cash?
Jmo, but Bryce probably had money. Easy to withdraw money from the debit card to use for whatever, and continue to use the debit card to keep the cash.

I agree and thought this same thing earlier on
Just so strange the discrepancy of the break-up. Bryce told his mom he broke-up with her but his mom doesn't think so. Maybe he tried to break it off and she was not accepting it and giving him a hard time about it and quite possibly that's why he wanted to see a friend to blow off steam as he told his mom. I just cant imagine him telling his mom he broke-up with her and didn't. Who knows this case is quite bizarre and full of mystery.

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I'm right there with you on this one! The inconsistency between Bryce saying "Mom, I just broke up with Kim" (as reported by Mom on the radio interview) and then the gf supposedly saying that never took place is nothing short of mind boggling. So....he WAS at her house till 11:30 pm (according to the gf's report) and when he left, apparently something made him decide not to go back to his apartment but hit the road instead. Doesn't sound to me like someone who left on peaceable terms or having resolved the issue. And if the break up never happened, then someone please tell us what was said in its place! One of the guys on the John and Ken Show asked Mom what did happen that night, and IIRC, Mom never directly answers that question. She just dismisses it with a "found out later it never happened" kind of statement. Oh, the suspense! :p :)

Here's a thought...maybe the break up/canceled break up was over something embarrassing to Kim and Mom is sweet enough to protect her over it. i.e. Suppose Bryce wanted the relationship to end over something he found out about Kim. Maybe something in her past he found out about or a rumor that she was cheating on him. Suppose he went to her house in Chico to confront her about it and break up. She denied it and tried to make him understand the info is wrong. So when he leaves, in his mind, its over. But in her mind, if the only reason he broke up with her was over an allegation, and she knows it isn't true, then she may feel they really aren't broken up and he will come back once he learns it isn't true. This could be why she didn't call and talk to him after either. Give him some time to cool off maybe?

Grr. I don't know! :( I just keep coming back to it thinking it must be important because other than the roadside assistance guy and the police in Buttonwillow, wasn't she the last person to have contact with him? Seems like it was when he left her house, he also decided to leave town. But maybe not. Maybe it was planned way in advance. He did have a bag, laptop, etc. in the car BUT my brothers carry that kind of stuff around with them wherever they go. So that might not mean anything.
Just a FYI - TES has more than one chapter (TX, OH, and I believe FL)...they are really not just for TX anymore. They will travel anywhere they are asked/wanted/needed/invited by LE and/or family...It is for this reason I donate. They are really awesome, well trained, up-to-date equipment, and have a great track record.

I can't remember the case, but a woman (with a thread here) was missing (for months) and was found by them after (x amount of) months, in about 1/2 - 1 hour of TES searching...something like 100 yards from her house...
So sorry to hear about what happened to your loved ones. My heart breaks for you and what a brave strong person you are to have survived this terrible tragedy. I will pray for you.

My oldest handsome, smart son who is now 30 was diagnosed with schizophrenia/ bi-polar at age 20. He was a straight A student all through HS with high honors and lots of friends. He went off to college in Sacramento and never came back the same. It all started going downhill when he started self medicating with the Adderrall that he was introduced to by his Fraternity and would take off alone on trips and would go missing for weeks and just stopped going to college. He has been in and out of jail and psych hospitals ever since. He was athletic, an avid baseball, pop warner football player, snowboarder, skateboarder, and on the college wake-boarding team. He was amazing. This has been a living hell for our family for 10 years and continuing as this is a life-time illness there is no cure. He has refused taking his monthly antipsychotic injection and lithium meds because it makes him feel lethargic, sleepy like jello 24/7 so his mental health is declining rapidly. It's like my son has a brain tumor because he is not that same wonderful fun loving guy I raised through HS. It breaks my heart that so many young people are lost to mental illness. Nobody in my large network family has ever had any signs of mental illness. My son is the first case. We denied it was this in the beginning but the behavior continued with increasing episodes so eventually with enough Drs diagnosing him we came to terms with it.

Thank you so much for posting this. You are not alone and are a blessing to pass on the word!!!

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I am very sorry for what you must go through. Slightly off topic, but would you tell me if your son was diagnosed schizophrenia/ bi-polar before or after the self medicating with Adderall? Just wondering if the Adderall itself might cause a chemical imbalance that leads to schizophrenia/ bi-polar (one of Adderall's side effects is, in fact, hallucinations). Your description of your son's actions gives me hope that Bryce may just be in the "missing" phase during a mental break, possibly due to the Adderall (but this is only my thoughts, not based on any facts).
Jmo, but Bryce probably had money. Easy to withdraw money from the debit card to use for whatever, and continue to use the debit card to keep the cash.

I used to do that when I didn't really want anyone knowing what exactly I spent the money on, lol! But, the debit account would still show a withdrawal transaction and a amount. If Bryce wanted to take out some cash to live off of, his parents could see that cash was removed from the account. My bank statements even show me where it was taken out from (like which atm in which town or state). I'm assuming his parents checked and did not find such a transaction having taken place.

I believe he has cash on him as well, but I don't think he got it from his parental supervised debit account. JMO. :)
I'm right there with you on this one! The inconsistency between Bryce saying "Mom, I just broke up with Kim" (as reported by Mom on the radio interview) and then the gf supposedly saying that never took place is nothing short of mind boggling. So....he WAS at her house till 11:30 pm (according to the gf's report) and when he left, apparently something made him decide not to go back to his apartment but hit the road instead. Doesn't sound to me like someone who left on peaceable terms or having resolved the issue. And if the break up never happened, then someone please tell us what was said in its place! One of the guys on the John and Ken Show asked Mom what did happen that night, and IIRC, Mom never directly answers that question. She just dismisses it with a "found out later it never happened" kind of statement. Oh, the suspense! :p :)

Here's a thought...maybe the break up/canceled break up was over something embarrassing to Kim and Mom is sweet enough to protect her over it. i.e. Suppose Bryce wanted the relationship to end over something he found out about Kim. Maybe something in her past he found out about or a rumor that she was cheating on him. Suppose he went to her house in Chico to confront her about it and break up. She denied it and tried to make him understand the info is wrong. So when he leaves, in his mind, its over. But in her mind, if the only reason he broke up with her was over an allegation, and she knows it isn't true, then she may feel they really aren't broken up and he will come back once he learns it isn't true. This could be why she didn't call and talk to him after either. Give him some time to cool off maybe?

Grr. I don't know! :( I just keep coming back to it thinking it must be important because other than the roadside assistance guy and the police in Buttonwillow, wasn't she the last person to have contact with him? Seems like it was when he left her house, he also decided to leave town. But maybe not. Maybe it was planned way in advance. He did have a bag, laptop, etc. in the car BUT my brothers carry that kind of stuff around with them wherever they go. So that might not mean anything.

I agree, it could be any of these. Or maybe a 'night of passion' where it's off but then 1/2 hr later it's on again via text even if it's just some late night text after they parted... 'Let's not do this...don't wanna be without you... let's work it out in the morning" or what have you.

Maybe it's been an on-again, off-again thing, however subtle or mild (though I understand the Mom reported he was 'so in love' but that doesn't rule this out). In the vein of what you mentioned above, perhaps they have an ongoing kink that continues to rear it's head, and want to break it but can't actually stick to it.

Also, I thought I read somewhere they go to school 2 hrs apart this year? Maybe it's the 'I can't do the long distance' type of thing, but I 'still want you' and/or they are having trouble exactly 'defining' their relationship status for that or other reasons.

Also, being that he was in a bad frame of mind, and then this missing crisis occurred, even despite a fight or breakup, a caring relationship can sometimes be like "family" in that, you jump right back on ship - not even needing that person's blessing - and work out the details later. It happens. Especially in this type of circumstance. I'd think many would jump in and claim/keep that title of 'girlfriend' and perhaps they feel anything more is their personal business at this point? I am sure they would disclose the details in an investigative interview, but maybe don't think it's relevant for the public. Anyway, just thoughts.
I used to do that when I didn't really want anyone knowing what exactly I spent the money on, lol! But, the debit account would still show a withdrawal transaction and a amount. If Bryce wanted to take out some cash to live off of, his parents could see that cash was removed from the account. My bank statements even show me where it was taken out from (like which atm in which town or state). I'm assuming his parents checked and did not find such a transaction having taken place.

I believe he has cash on him as well, but I don't think he got it from his parental supervised debit account. JMO. :)

I get cash back all of the time at the grocery store, Target, etc. and all my transaction shows online is the total dollar amount total that was spent at that store. I don't think his parents have commented on whether or not he had cash, if he could have possibly been pulling cash out at stores, etc. or if those 3 transactions were the only ones on his card in the 4+ days leading up to his disappearance so it's very hard to tell.
Has it been confirmed that the "at least one pill" was, indeed, Adderall? TIA
I get cash back all of the time at the grocery store, Target, etc. and all my transaction shows online is the total dollar amount total that was spent at that store. I don't think his parents have commented on whether or not he had cash, if he could have possibly been pulling cash out at stores, etc. or if those 3 transactions were the only ones on his card in the 4+ days leading up to his disappearance so it's very hard to tell.

Good point re: Bryce may have had cash from "cash back" purchases at any store.
dragracerz stated that's what it was.

oh, ok. I took his statement as something Bryce had tried in the past (along with the marijuana), not necessarily a confirmation of what the "at least one pill" was. Thank you.
@ dragracerz ...

What's happening out there? TeamAmber came for the weekend to search, set up search center and guide family

Day 3 of no MSM news? We have been in contact with media - no update

No clarification from LE about search/case status? LE has been in contact with media - no release

No coverage/info of Saturday press conference? same as above

No update on weekend Team Amber led search? huge turnout, new areas searched,

We're spinning our wheels in here! :panic:

Today was a regrouping day for the search center to coordinate things as instructed by team amber. smaller search groups in this area today. Flyer posting extending farther south all the way to Laguna
TES was denied being to help by LE (first detective on case)

The family wanted them to work on the case
Be gentle with me, I'm new on the posting, but been reading for weeks.... Here's my burning question: There were two different sightings of a person matching Bryce's description, both posted on the Find Bryce FB page. One on September 10th at the Habit in Valencia (see: ) and a few days later on September 12th, at the intersection of McBean and Valencia (see: which is 1.4 miles from the first spot. IMO, if I were to believe this is Bryce, and looking back at his behavior from the moment his friends took his car keys, through Buttonwillow, to the trips to Castaic (two) and then to these sightings of someone who is "out of it" or confused, I would (IMO) say that a combination of Adderal, with alcohol, and maybe a few other things mixed in, created a fugue state originally, which was then made worse by the accident. (Some 29 years ago, I rolled my car down a slope, and thanks to a seat belt, stepped out of the car, and locked the door, though there were no windows remaining!)

Bryce could be walking, just walking, aware enough to seek water, but with a small brain bleed or other head trauma (swelling). Would explain why the cell phone was left behind. I think of my accident and how I was determined to find a phone at a gas station. Then, could not remember a single phone number.

See attached map for sightings. Hopefully great effort is being made to search McBean and surrounding streets for places Bryce could curl up and take a nap unseen. Just my musings... Truly hope we find him, safe and sound:newhere:.

There were actually more than two sightings and they all ended up being a red headed high school kid. IMO, this kid was intentionally acting confused to get attention. The Santa Clarita Sheriffs were notified of this "sick game" he was playing and have since put an end to it
@ dragracerz

We're missing a lot of details at what appears to be ground zero ...

  1. Were the SUV keys recovered? Where were they located? in the ignition
  2. Were the passenger doors locked? unknown
  3. Was the headlight switch/knob/whatever in the on or off position?unknown
  4. Was BL's "green book sack" found in the crashed SUV? At his apt? Not found, it's missing? How about the backpack he used the prior school year? Located? Where? green sack - unknown Backpack was thrown away last year
  5. What kind of drink did BL buy in Buttonwillow? Was the can/cup recovered in the SUV?extra large fountain drink - unknown
  6. Was the engine running when the crashed SUV was discovered by the ?fisherman?? unknown
Additionally ... I'd like to know how BL typically reacted when he became very frustrated, with his Mom for example.

The vehicle was processed but information has not been released to family on the "unknown* questions yet. We are expecting an update from detectives tomorrow
I agree, it could be any of these. Or maybe a 'night of passion' where it's off but then 1/2 hr later it's on again via text even if it's just some late night text after they parted... 'Let's not do this...don't wanna be without you... let's work it out in the morning" or what have you.

Maybe it's been an on-again, off-again thing, however subtle or mild (though I understand the Mom reported he was 'so in love' but that doesn't rule this out). In the vein of what you mentioned above, perhaps they have an ongoing kink that continues to rear it's head, and want to break it but can't actually stick to it.

Also, I thought I read somewhere they go to school 2 hrs apart this year? Maybe it's the 'I can't do the long distance' type of thing, but I 'still want you' and/or they are having trouble exactly 'defining' their relationship status for that or other reasons.

Also, being that he was in a bad frame of mind, and then this missing crisis occurred, even despite a fight or breakup, a caring relationship can sometimes be like "family" in that, you jump right back on ship - not even needing that person's blessing - and work out the details later. It happens. Especially in this type of circumstance. I'd think many would jump in and claim/keep that title of 'girlfriend' and perhaps they feel anything more is their personal business at this point? I am sure they would disclose the details in an investigative interview, but maybe don't think it's relevant for the public. Anyway, just thoughts.

:goodpost: All excellent points. The long distance thing could have been causing issues. Some people can handle it, others can't. Especially if one or the other (or both!) have trouble trusting the other.

It is true that they may just not be addressing it because they don't think it would help anyone in finding Bryce. Very possible. All depends on what it really was. If it was something that, as you mentioned, kept rearing its head, then that probably was not relevant. I just thought if it was a new issue or if he was breaking it off for no apparent reason or some crazy reason he concocted in his head, that might indicate what state of mind he was in or how he was feeling that night.
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