CA - Emma Barker, 18 mos, suffocated, Lancaster, 18 March 2009 #1

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I thought it was so great, Fifth! NG said to the producer: "and tell me about the copy cat murderer out there in California" (or close to that) and then the producer person goes into this spiel about Barker. I was thinking to myself - take that Stacey! You are not even original! You are a copycat of the most hated woman in America!

I know that is kind of gloating at the expense of those poor babies and I don't mean it like that. But I did appreciate the dig at Stacey. She deserved it and whatever else Lady Justice might bring her way. KC also deserves whatever Lady Justice brings her way.

May those little girls sleep tight with the Angels!


I know these are both unspeakable crimes (Emma and Caylee), but Im glad its getting national attention and that we arent the only ones who see the similarities. You would have to be blind not to. Maybe this will help the jury pool when it comes to sympathy for Stacey.......just saying :highfive:
Just found an interesting comment!!

Iam from the same town as this psycho baby killer…She claims that while at the park ,when she was leaving , she was it in the head from behind, while buckling Emma in to her car seat, then woke up hours later, and miles away, and Emma was missing…Her 1st phone call when this happened was not 911 butto her brother, who called 911, Stacey even said she was sexually assaulted, beat her self up , to go along with the story and hid clothes in a bush…..This monster drove Emma 45 min down the freeway and dumped her baby on the side of the road like a piece of trash, in a known drug and gang area…Stacey was seen around town in the days and weeks following Emma’s death at the clubs, laughing, partying and drinking…There have been several people who knew stacey who saw she is a meth user….Emma was loved by her whole family, Stacey lived with her parents, Stacey’s mom even had a night job, so she could watch Emma during the day, Stacey’s brother, watched Emma in the am so his mom could sleep, This baby was BEAUTIFUL, PRECIOUS AND LOVED BY MANY….

signed S.S. in Lancaster, Ca

By shana salome on 05/06/2009 11:37 am
It sounds like to me that Stacey's family knew she had a drug problem. Why else would you go to such extremes to make sure someone (other than Stacey) was there with Emma. I mean, grandma takes a night job so she can care for her during the day, brother takes care of her and so does grandpa. When does Stacey take care of her? I wonder why she even had Emma with her that day?
Okay, I'm irritated! has changed their web layout as of yesterday and the articles that had all of the great comments attached to themy are gone...POOF!

I can't even get ANY articles to come up when I type SB name in the search engine. Ugh! How am I suppose to insite Amber??? Ugh!

Changes, changes, I don't like changes! I had a routine, don't these people understand?
1. click on Nick's MS (that I bookmarked)
2. click on Stacey, in Nick's friend list
3. click on Amber B, in Stacey's friend list
4. go back to Stacey's MS, click on Brendon
5. click on the KTLA article (that I bookmarked) on Stacey (the one with all the juicy comments!)
6. click on 'contact Nancy Grace' (that I bookmarked) and send her my daily e-mail

Now my routine is all mucked up!!!

ETA: Okay, I'm off to devise a new plan of action!

Why do you want to incite Amber?
Well I don't mind sharing it anymore. This was when I was from the age of 18 until 21 so it's been a good 7 years since I quit. I just hope by me being open about it can save someone else's life. Granted if someone would have told me about it before or when I was doing it I wouldn't have listen but I'd rather tell my story instead of being part of the story anymore.

Wow oh WOW Coley, what a story you have to tell. You are one lucky girl but I am sure I don't have to tell you that.. most don't escape the meth monster!

Many moons ago, I was a Corrections Officer for a Sheriff's Office, man did I see the horror's of meth withdaws. The detox is horrendous! They detoxed and when they were released all swore they did not want to touch the stuff again but sadly knew they would be drawn back. That was the hard part you could see how bitter they were towards the drug but could not for the life of them kick it.

I just wanted to acknowledge you, Coley, and give you an ATTA GIRL, High Five, Hug all those things rolled in one for your strength to beat the monster. Most don't live to tell about it.
Why do you want to incite Amber?

To help keep the lines of communication open. Friends and loved ones that personally know the victim and/or perp, provide valuable insight.

Actually, now that I see the word 'incite', :waitasec: it does look like I'm being mean-spirited, but I'm really not, I promise! As a matter of fact, I feel a little sorry for her.

Main Entry: in·cite
Pronunciation: \in-ˈsīt\
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): in·cit·ed; in·cit·ing
Etymology: Middle French inciter, from Latin incitare, from in- + citare to put in motion — more at cite
Date: 15th century
: to move to action : stir up : spur on : urge on

What I bolded is what I meant by using the word 'incite'. Hope that answers your question. :blowkiss:
Thanks MMB! You're right - I was so completely out of it, the next day I demanded they remove that stupid machine and button from my room - I couldn't even look at it. At least the pain made me feel normal, and I could walk to the bathroom without the assistance of a nurse.

Then I think of people (like this stacey) who could be out there doing meth, crack, heroin every day. Maybe she hallucinated so much she didn't even know what she was doing? I'm not defending her, but when under the influence, you can do/say some pretty crazy stuff.

I wonder if any of her "friends" will come forward about any drug useage??

She knew what she was doing. If she hadn't known, she wouldn't have constructed an elaborate cover-up attempt.

She also wasn't driving erratically, as she would have been if she was too stoned to know what she was doing.
Thanks MMB! You're right - I was so completely out of it, the next day I demanded they remove that stupid machine and button from my room - I couldn't even look at it. At least the pain made me feel normal, and I could walk to the bathroom without the assistance of a nurse.

Then I think of people (like this stacey) who could be out there doing meth, crack, heroin every day. Maybe she hallucinated so much she didn't even know what she was doing? I'm not defending her, but when under the influence, you can do/say some pretty crazy stuff.

I wonder if any of her "friends" will come forward about any drug useage??

Well, she didn't show any "meth mouth" in her piccies? Any injection tracks? They would sure be noticed.
Well, she didn't show any "meth mouth" in her piccies? Any injection tracks? They would sure be noticed.

I never had meth mouth, and I used for a while. People generally snort or smoke it. There wouldn't be tracks.

ETA: I am not saying if she was using meth that that would any way excuse this horrible crime and her actions. I'm just saying that she very well could have been using.
That's my place. I'm just waiting for someone to start sending me hate mail and telling me to take them down. They always come, it's only a matter of time.

:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Wonderful article! I was soooo hoping you would use the "boob cupping" pic!!:crazy:
Someone from this blog is going to go to SB's hearing on May 11.

0 reply Cat.WS (not verified)
at 14:55 on May 7th, 2009

Toria, I cannot thank you enough for that information! I don't know what KTLA has done to their website, but even if you search her name NOTHING comes up, bizarre. I've been trying to find another, I will definitely check it out. Definitely looking forward to May 11!

1 reply toria (not verified)
at 20:05 on May 7th, 2009

Cat, yes I am daughter is going to attend the hearing on monday...she went to the first one but it was under lock and key, no name on court calander or anything so she left. on the news that night they showed her in a court holding area not in the court room..what has got me curious is the veil of secrecy that surrounds SB and this case, I have read about horrific murders that have happened here in the AV, and the murderers appear in court at their arrainment, not in the holding room and the papers have done a backround bio on them even before they get to the court room.....not this one though, they are keeping a lid on it. I would like to see "why". so I will wait to see what my daughter has to say after court Monday.. I don't think it will be a surprise anyway, she will plead "not guilty" as they all do. see ya on here soon!
I don't think I've seen her mug shot either. Is it posted anywhere on the thread?

This is the only one I could find. Taken from-

Oh !! :eek:

Please, please, please, please, please someone, ANYONE, tell me you saved some of those pic!!

Oh solly, I didn't save's hoping that sumbunny else did though! :doh:

Wonder if her Public Defender advised her to go private, via her brother?
I'm thinking a lot of defense lawyers and prosecutors have their gophers read all these kind of sites daily.... not to mention Websleuths, IS, SM and any other sites as well.
That's my place. I'm just waiting for someone to start sending me hate mail and telling me to take them down. They always come, it's only a matter of time.

I thought your avatar looked familiar. Ive been by your site a few times and its very well-edited. Great job. :clap:
bumping....they have her court time for Monday listed as 8:30 am, also there is information on where she is being held. On "visitor status" it says N, does that mean she's not allowed visits from family & friends??

sorry I can't cut and paste or post a direct link, but go here

on the left hand side, click *inmate information*

it will take you to the name search page, y'all know what to do from there!

it says her court date is 4/27/09 at 8 am.
I haven't been able to find it. :waitasec:

So you and the rest of the world are on the same page...there has been no official mug shot from the AVPress or any other Los Angeles newspaper yet., that I know of.

I just can't keep from wondering why this has been so hush-hush for so long?

Most any other street robbery has their mug in the newspaper the next day.

I do realize they had to have enough proof to charge her..but what about the body dumping... That's a crime in itself!!!! It bugs me a lot that she was out of jail, going on with her life as if NOTHING happened! This was just plain wrong! IMHO
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