CA - High Court Denies Crips Co-Founder's Death Row Appeal

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POSTED: 10:14 am PDT October 11, 2005
UPDATED: 10:34 pm PDT October 11, 2005

WASHINGTON -- The Supreme Court refused Tuesday to take the case of California death row inmate Stanley "Tookie" Williams, a founder of the Crips street gang whose later work for peace won him Nobel Peace Prize nominations.Williams, who has been praised for his children's books and efforts to curtail youth gang violence, likely will be executed in December if Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger does not grant clemency. The 51-year-old former gang member claims Los Angeles County prosecutors violated his rights when they dismissed all potential black jurors.

Williams, who claims he is innocent, is in line to be one of three California condemned inmates to be executed within months. He was condemned for killing four people in 1981 and claims jailhouse informants fabricated testimony that he confessed to the murders.Schwarzenegger has rejected clemency for the first two condemned men asking to commute their sentences to life without parole. In Schwarzenegger's latest rejection in January, he said an inmate's model behavior in prison was not enough to sway him to grant mercy. That inmate, Donald Beardslee, was executed days later.


more at link:
Here's another article... It looks like Stanley will be executed on December 13th if all goes well and Swartz doesn't step in..
This man has had this coming for 20 years, I'm afraid. To claim that blacks were removed from his jury is not an argument against guilt. He DID murder 4 people in cold blood, with special circumstances, that made him eligible for the death penalty. Black jurors 'might' have felt differently about the sentence, but there's no guarentee of that. This man is assuming that all Blacks feel some sense of obligation to 'save' other blacks from prosecution. In fact, I would venture a guess that this killer is quite an embarrassment and thorn in the side of the Black culture, as he is responsible for so many deaths of young black men in the US......... Shame on him and I for one, completely support this man being executed and hope the Governor feels the same.
I agree with you SQV. He may be locked up, but what he started continues on even though he says he's redeemed himself. I'm sick of hearing about innocent men, women and children killed by gang bullets. If I were on the jury (I'm black) I would have voted for the death penalty. And I'm sick of hearing black defendants saying that all white juries are skewed against them. Once I have the facts, that's what my decision is based on according to the law. It seems prosecutors would put minorities on all capital cases to avoid this claim later. The way I look at it, if people like him are off the streets, my kids are a little safer out there.
That's the stupidest argument I've ever read. Black people don't want dangerous gang members out on the streets any more than people of any other color. The mere fact that some black defendants even raise this issue is a slap in the face to every law abiding black citizen. They're a blot on society and if they do the crimes, then they have to be punished. I don't know why they would think that people of their own race, who have been held down long enough by gang members, should rise up and try to save their lives.
SadieMae said:
I agree with you SQV. He may be locked up, but what he started continues on even though he says he's redeemed himself. I'm sick of hearing about innocent men, women and children killed by gang bullets. If I were on the jury (I'm black) I would have voted for the death penalty. And I'm sick of hearing black defendants saying that all white juries are skewed against them. Once I have the facts, that's what my decision is based on according to the law. It seems prosecutors would put minorities on all capital cases to avoid this claim later. The way I look at it, if people like him are off the streets, my kids are a little safer out there.
Yes, it's insulting for this 'man' to attempt to ride on the backs of those who fought so hard to gain the freedom and respect they so deserve. He is a blemish to that fight and stands for nothing but hate and destruction.
It's interesting that when these men finally face their fate, they find all kinds of reasons to say the system is flawed or racist. Where was his mercy when he held that hard working family hostage for a lousy 75.00 bucks only to shoot them dead while they begged for their lives. Or for the man who was just working his shift trying to make his own way in this world...... There was none, I'm afraid. Now there must be no mercy for him.

I can say from experience that I've seen this man for the last 18 + years and he is no where near the saint he portrays to his friends in Hollywood. He is as involved in the Crips today as he ever was.....There is no walking away, ever. He feels safe playing this hand because for the past 10 years, he's been in one could get near him. He wrote those books while in isolation...... actually, he had someone else write them while he gave them material. BUT, it's a known fact by those in prison, that Tookie has ordered hits right from his cell........

Anyway, the ACLU and the NAACP should put their efforts into those who are well deserving........Namely all those young vulnerable men and women who still stand a chance at being contributors to this world rather then destroyers..... ;)

Stanely is a throwaway and should be forgotten, period.
SanQuentinvisitor said:
Yes, it's insulting for this 'man' to attempt to ride on the backs of those who fought so hard to gain the freedom and respect they so deserve. He is a blemish to that fight and stands for nothing but hate and destruction.
It's interesting that when these men finally face their fate, they find all kinds of reasons to say the system is flawed or racist. Where was his mercy when he held that hard working family hostage for a lousy 75.00 bucks only to shoot them dead while they begged for their lives. Or for the man who was just working his shift trying to make his own way in this world...... There was none, I'm afraid. Now there must be no mercy for him.

I can say from experience that I've seen this man for the last 18 + years and he is no where near the saint he portrays to his friends in Hollywood. He is as involved in the Crips today as he ever was.....There is no walking away, ever. He feels safe playing this hand because for the past 10 years, he's been in one could get near him. He wrote those books while in isolation...... actually, he had someone else write them while he gave them material. BUT, it's a known fact by those in prison, that Tookie has ordered hits right from his cell........

Anyway, the ACLU and the NAACP should put their efforts into those who are well deserving........Namely all those young vulnerable men and women who still stand a chance at being contributors to this world rather then destroyers..... ;)

Stanely is a throwaway and should be forgotten, period.
100% agree with ya. It is insulting to me when someone like him thinks I'm going to give him a break just because he's black. No sympathy for him here. I worked for everything I've got and he could have too. Instead he led so many that had the potential to be law abiding contributing members of our society to be thugs and gangstas. Very saddening he ruined so many young people's lives along with taking lives.
Being that I only know what I have seen in the media about this guy I must say this thread is an eye-opener.

From the way he is portrayed he is now a saint and should be spared so he can help others.

I say it's 50/50 that Arnold steps in. He might have a lot of pressure on him to do so.

Does anyone know how the victim's families feel about this guy now?
Tricia said:
Being that I only know what I have seen in the media about this guy I must say this thread is an eye-opener.

From the way he is portrayed he is now a saint and should be spared so he can help others.

I say it's 50/50 that Arnold steps in. He might have a lot of pressure on him to do so.

Does anyone know how the victim's families feel about this guy now?
I think he's like a saint now because he doesn't want to die. He could have had the same saintly behavior and tried to help others before he started the crips. His change of heart means nothing to me. He wasn't some juvenile. He got caught and now he has to pay up. If one of his victims were a member of my family and they let him live, it's a slap in my face. This week in my Texas town about 8 high schoolers and an an adult were charged with assault for a
"crips initiation". JMO
POSTED: 10:19 am PDT October 24, 2005
UPDATED: 3:31 pm PDT October 24, 2005

LOS ANGELES -- A judge signed a death warrant Monday for convicted killer and Crips co-founder Stanley "Tookie" Williams, rejecting his attorneys' request for a nine-day delay in his execution date.

Williams is scheduled to die Dec. 13 at San Quentin prison for four murders committed in 1979.His lawyers asked that the date be set for Dec. 22 so they would have more time to ask Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger for clemency.

"This case has taken over 24 years to get to this point," Superior Court Judge William R. Pounders said. "That is a long delay in itself and I would hate to add to that delay."Williams, 51, was sentenced to death in 1981 for fatally shooting Albert Owens, a Whittier convenience store worker. He also was convicted of killing two Los Angeles motel owners and their daughter with a shotgun during a robbery.

Williams has maintained his innocence.

The Dec. 13 execution date means attorneys have until Nov. 8 to submit the clemency request to the governor. The judge said Williams' lawyers could ask the governor for more time to tell him about the good work Williams has done since renouncing his gang past.

Lora Owens, Albert Owen's stepmother, said Williams does not deserve clemency."I didn't convict the man and I didn't put a death sentence on him, but I want justice for Albert to be done. I will not let it go," Lora Owens said in a recent telephone interview. more at link:
Tricia said:
Does anyone know how the victim's families feel about this guy now?
Here is an excerpt, with the full article located at:

Williams, 51, was sentenced to death in 1981 for fatally shooting Albert Owens, a Whittier convenience store worker. He also was convicted of killing two Los Angeles motel owners and their daughter with a shotgun during a robbery.

Williams has maintained his innocence.

The Dec. 13 execution date means attorneys have until Nov. 8 to submit the clemency request to the governor. The judge said Williams' lawyers could ask the governor for more time to tell him about the good work Williams has done since renouncing his gang past.

Lora Owens, Albert Owen's stepmother, said Williams does not deserve clemency.

"I didn't convict the man and I didn't put a death sentence on him, but I want justice for Albert to be done. I will not let it go," Lora Owens said in a recent telephone interview.


On this same page at the link above, there is a poll:
Should Gov. Schwarzenegger grant Stanley "Tookie" Williams clemency?

Response: Yes 38%
No 62%
From what I've heard Schwarzenegger say about the death penalty, I don't think there's a chance in hell he'll grant clemency in this case. If this isn't an inmate ripe for the death penalty, they need to take it off the books. The sheer terror, murder, rape, and destruction caused by the group that this man founded, and the murderers he's personally responsible for erase the warm fuzzy feeling that may have been had because this guy wrote some childrens books.
POSTED: 6:59 am PST November 17, 2005

SAN QUENTIN -- As the battle over whether to spare the life of Crips co-founder and convicted murderer Stanley Tookie Williams grows, prison officials have initiated an unusual counterattack against a man who supporters believe has turned his life around behind bars.

Before a celebrity-led effort begins to save him from a Dec. 13 execution, the people who have watched over Williams for two dozen years have questioned whether he's truly redeemed, claiming he's still calling the shots from death row for the Crips, one of the nation's most notorious gangs.The Corrections Department earlier this month posted a news release on its Web site about the upcoming execution. It gave biographical information about Williams, as well as a narrative about his crimes. In 1979, Williams shot and killed four people during two robberies in Los Angeles.

"By 1994, having firmly entrenched himself as the leader of the Crips at San Quentin, he wielded his power as his lieutenants and other minions were dispatched to carry out his objectives," according to the release.The paragraph was removed a day after it was posted following a call from The Associated Press, but a San Quentin spokesman, speaking on behalf of the corrections agency, went even further in a subsequent interview.

"When you look at the totality of what has been occurring that leads me to seriously question this man of peace," said Vernell Crittendon, who has worked at the prison nearly 30 years and regularly interacts with Williams. Crittendon said he felt obligated to correct the inmate's public image. "A con always will say one thing to you while the whole time he has another agenda. I'm concerned that possibly this marketing that's going on ... leads the public to hear the words, but not to see that sleight of hand."

Williams, 51, has gained international acclaim for writing children's books about the dangers of gang life. He's received several Nobel Prize nominations and he's attracted a cadre of celebrity supporters including actor Jamie Foxx, who played Williams in a television movie, actor-activist Mike Farrell and rapper Snoop Dogg, who's scheduled to appear at a rally Saturday outside the prison.

Crittendon further cited Williams' refusal to formally renounce his gang membership, his willingness to share an exercise yard with Crips, his unusually large prison bank account and his younger son's firm entrenchment as a Crips member imprisoned for murder.Stanley Williams Jr., 30, is currently serving a 16-year sentence for second-degree murder. He's an active Crips member and remains housed in administrative segregation, Crittendon said. more at link:
To paraphrase the words of Lora Owens (stepmother of Albert Owens), Tookie's had 26 appeals on death row. He didn't give Albert 26 seconds to live. End the coddling and administer the justice that's long overdue (my words).
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=+2]SNOOP DOGG BEGS SCHWARZENEGGER FOR CLEMENCY[/size][/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]LATEST: Rapper SNOOP DOGG has taken his clemency plea for gang leader STANLEY 'TOOKIE' WILLIAMS to California Governor ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER.

The DROP IT LIKE IT'S HOT hitmaker joined protestors outside San Quentin State Prison in California, where Williams is serving time on death row, on Saturday (19NOV05) and made a public plea to Schwarzenegger to grant his friend a stay of execution.

The rap star, real name CALVIN BROADUS, told reporters that the former Crips gang leader, who was imprisoned in 1979 for the murder of four people during two Los Angeles robberies, has inspired him to lead a better life - and he wants Schwarzenegger to think long and hard before agreeing to end his friend's life.

Snoop said, "He inspired me to want to do something positive with my life. There is no reason on earth to kill him (Williams), and there is every reason to keep him alive."

To help the cause, Snoop has recorded a new tune, REAL SOON, which he has dedicated to Williams, who has been nominated for Nobel Peace Prizes for his teachings and writing.

Williams is scheduled to be put to death on 13 December (05).

I wonder if Arnold's life is in jeopardy based on his call on this subject?

You know how gang members can make hits where and when they want.
SAN FRANCISCO - The California Supreme Court refused Wednesday to halt the scheduled execution of convicted killer Stanley Tookie Williams, the Crips gang founder who became an anti-gang activist while in prison and whose supporters claim has redeemed himself.

In a last-ditch legal move, defense attorneys petitioned the high court earlier this month, alleging shoddy forensic testing and other errors may have wrongly sent Williams to San Quentin State Prison, where he is scheduled die by injection Dec. 13.

Lawyers for Williams, author of a series of anti-gang books for children, wanted to re-exam ballistics evidence that showed his shotgun was used to kill three people during a 1979 motel robbery.

The defense claimed the forensic evidence was "junk science," but prosecutors said that allegation was "based upon innuendo, supposition and the patent bias of (Williams') purported expert."

"The extraordinary relief Williams sought is reserved for those cases which have legal merit," said Nathan Barankin, spokesman for Attorney General Bill Lockyer.;_ylt=AogM.A8MJukJApAYxiDsCGqs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3MjBwMWtkBHNlYwM3MTg-
PrayersForMaura said:
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=+2]SNOOP DOGG BEGS SCHWARZENEGGER FOR CLEMENCY[/size][/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]LATEST: Rapper SNOOP DOGG has taken his clemency plea for gang leader STANLEY 'TOOKIE' WILLIAMS to California Governor ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER.

The DROP IT LIKE IT'S HOT hitmaker joined protestors outside San Quentin State Prison in California, where Williams is serving time on death row, on Saturday (19NOV05) and made a public plea to Schwarzenegger to grant his friend a stay of execution.

The rap star, real name CALVIN BROADUS, told reporters that the former Crips gang leader, who was imprisoned in 1979 for the murder of four people during two Los Angeles robberies, has inspired him to lead a better life - and he wants Schwarzenegger to think long and hard before agreeing to end his friend's life.

Snoop said, "He inspired me to want to do something positive with my life. There is no reason on earth to kill him (Williams), and there is every reason to keep him alive."

To help the cause, Snoop has recorded a new tune, REAL SOON, which he has dedicated to Williams, who has been nominated for Nobel Peace Prizes for his teachings and writing.

Williams is scheduled to be put to death on 13 December (05).


Snoop Dog may be a rich rapper, but he also glorifies raping of women, drug and alcohol abuse and the "" life in general. So, while he may think that this "Crip" did the world a big favor by exposing all of us to "Snoop Dog," some peole may not think the same. Certainly its no reason to erase his record.
SAN FRANCISCO -- The California Supreme Court refused Wednesday to halt the scheduled execution of convicted killer Stanley Tookie Williams, the Crips gang founder who became an anti-gang activist while in prison and was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

In a last-ditch legal move, defense attorneys petitioned the high court earlier this month. The defense alleged shoddy forensic testing and other errors that wrongly may have sent Williams to San Quentin State Prison, where he is scheduled die by injection Dec. 13.

The defense derided as "junk science" ballistics evidence showing that a shotgun registered to Williams was used to kill three people during a 1979 motel robbery. The attorneys asked the court to permit re-examination of the evidence. Prosecutors argued there is no good reason to reopen Williams' case. They said allegations about the shotgun evidence were based not on fact but on "innuendo, supposition and the patent bias of his purported expert."

I saw this guy on Rita Cosby earlier this week. I'm glad that his execution was not halted.

Apparently he has "transformed" while in prison and is helping others to avoid the lifestyle he embraced. But to me, that doesn't make any difference. This man was sentenced to die for cold-bloodedly killing four people. He is paying the price for what he did and who he was then, not for what's he's doing or who he might be now.:twocents:

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