CA - Joey, Summer, Gianni, Joseph Jr McStay Murders - Feb 4th 2010 #13

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On Feb 4th, 2010 the McStay Family, Joey, Summer, Gianni, and Joseph Jr vanished from their home. It looked like the family simply got up and left their home never to return.

Law Enforcement was convinced that the McStay family ran away to Mexico.

Patrick McStay, Joey's father, along with other loved ones knew there was no way Joey and his family would never flee to Mexico. There was no reason for this scenario presented by law enforcement.

Up until the remains of the family were found buried in the desert on November 11, 2013, Patrick McStay searched for his son and his family.

Family friend Chase Merritt was arrested for the McStay family murders on Nov 7th, 2014 and finally, Merritt's first-degree murder trial is underway.

The McStay forum is in our private section. However, we are making the discussion of the trial public.

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#1 CA - Joey, Summer, Gianni, Joseph Jr McStay Murders - Feb 4th 2010

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I've seen one instance where a call wasn't registered on a record and that was when 2 calls were placed having a minute difference. It's a lot to infere from that to conclude that none of it is valid.

Pulling over your post before the other thread is closed...

So, I've have had a thought about this 'no record' call for awhile, finally did a quick google search on it.... if Joey called Chase, and Chase didn't answer it and Joey hung up before the VM came on (he called so much he was probably familiar with how many rings before hit went to VM), would it log the call? It's possible it would not according to the search I just did.

If anyone wants to do their own search... I just put 'missed calls not showing on AT&T call detail records' into google, I also changed my time to before 2010 for one search, but the majority of links were earlier than 2010. I am also not sure if this applies to the the detailed records, and if they were routinely not logged in CDR's or not. Thought it was interesting and can't wait to hear from someone that knows how AT&T did their CDR's in 2010 to clear this up for me lol

Here is just one of many links that I found...

Missed Calls

I have included some of the answers to the question... some answers refer to the phone itself and the logs that the phone would physically show... but the main question is about phone records...

Do missed calls show up in your phone records?

I just checked my phone bill and compared it to my call log. It seems the only calls on it are ones that I have made or ones I actually answered. The missed calls aren't there

Your phone bill won't show any calls that were hang ups.

He is asking about call logs on his bill, not on his phone. I am running into a similar issue. I purchased a new phone, and expected the missed calls (calls I didn't answer) to show up on the bill.

It is just so strange that phone harassment, which is a very common occurance, is not logged by ATT. I know that a judge/jury would believe a paper log from ATT more than a screenshot of a phone which could be easily doctored.

Well if the person that was making the call had the call go through or to VM should be able to get the information from that persons bill. If it has to do with harassment, you should be able to get a court order for their provider to provide that information.
IMO the missed call......I can believe one extraordinary thing happening like the call not registering but the whole family saw it. But then you add JM just so happened to implement his new fangled method of accounting, CM was asked (conveniently) to erase QB that same weekend, and CM was in the clubhouse peacefully watching a movie with no reception at the time of the murders......come on!
Pulling over your post before the other thread is closed...

So, I've have had a thought about this 'no record' call for awhile, finally did a quick google search on it.... if Joey called Chase, and Chase didn't answer it and Joey hung up before the VM came on (he called so much he was probably familiar with how many rings before hit went to VM), would it log the call? It's possible it would not according to the search I just did.

If anyone wants to do their own search... I just put 'missed calls not showing on AT&T call detail records' into google, I also changed my time to before 2010 for one search, but the majority of links were earlier than 2010. I am also not sure if this applies to the the detailed records, and if they were routinely not logged in CDR's or not. Thought it was interesting and can't wait to hear from someone that knows how AT&T did their CDR's in 2010 to clear this up for me lol

Here is just one of many links that I found...

Missed Calls

I have included some of the answers to the question... some answers refer to the phone itself and the logs that the phone would physically show... but the main question is about phone records...

I have experienced this situation with calls from/to my son. He lives in a mountainous area with a very poor cellphone signal. One of us will call the other and within seconds the line will go dead. We then tend to phone each other back immediately. Sometimes the missed call shows shows up on the log and sometimes it doesn't. He has noticed the same thing. In reality there should be no record (since the line was busy), There are instances where you could look at my call log and wonder why I made 10 calls to him in less than 5 minutes.
Pulling over your post before the other thread is closed...

So, I've have had a thought about this 'no record' call for awhile, finally did a quick google search on it.... if Joey called Chase, and Chase didn't answer it and Joey hung up before the VM came on (he called so much he was probably familiar with how many rings before hit went to VM), would it log the call? It's possible it would not according to the search I just did.

If anyone wants to do their own search... I just put 'missed calls not showing on AT&T call detail records' into google, I also changed my time to before 2010 for one search, but the majority of links were earlier than 2010. I am also not sure if this applies to the the detailed records, and if they were routinely not logged in CDR's or not. Thought it was interesting and can't wait to hear from someone that knows how AT&T did their CDR's in 2010 to clear this up for me lol

Here is just one of many links that I found...

Missed Calls

I have included some of the answers to the question... some answers refer to the phone itself and the logs that the phone would physically show... but the main question is about phone records...
But why does this even matter, Missy, when Chase claimed he saw the call come in and didn't bother to answer?
IMO the missed call......I can believe one extraordinary thing happening like the call not registering but the whole family saw it. But then you add JM just so happened to implement his new fangled method of accounting, CM was asked (conveniently) to erase QB that same weekend, and CM was in the clubhouse peacefully watching a movie with no reception at the time of the murders......come on!

The missed call is a thorn for me at the moment... so went searching, I'm just sharing what I found! I had wondered about this before and just now decided to search it... it's a determining factor for me when deciding whether I believe that call happened and if CJ could have "seen" the call that night. Just like for some that believe that it just never happened is a deciding factor for them. I need an explanation for why it's on one call record and not the other :)
I have experienced this situation with calls from/to my son. He lives in a mountainous area with a very poor cellphone signal. One of us will call the other and within seconds the line will go dead. We then tend to phone each other back immediately. Sometimes the missed call shows shows up on the log and sometimes it doesn't. He has noticed the same thing. In reality there should be no record (since the line was busy), There are instances where you could look at my call log and wonder why I made 10 calls to him in less than 5 minutes.

I don't have detailed cell records at all, I have unlimited so I get nothing and really don't have any experience other than all of the cases that I follow LOL I would say that their cell coverage sucked based on the short calls, but this is something different... it's a "missed call", one that didn't go to VM otherwise it would have showed that as we can see from other records.

I am interested to see what their cell expert says or if they call in an AT&T employee to discuss what they do and do not show on these call records.
But why does this even matter, Missy, when Chase claimed he saw the call come in and didn't bother to answer?

It matters because the prosecution is outright saying, nope, didn't happen, doesn't show on his log. IF and I say IF AT&T did not record "missed calls", this would be important to know, wouldn't it? It goes towards CJ's and now TJ's credibility, doesn't it? I don't even know if it goes towards Chase's credibility because the only thing I have heard from him is that he didn't remember the call coming in independently (I don't even know if that is part of testimony... I don't think so)

I really don't know if this is the case or not, a search tells me that it is possible. I have listened to the State witness, Boles, about the cell phones, he did not seem to completely understand how AT&T did their call records.
The missed call is a thorn for me at the moment... so went searching, I'm just sharing what I found! I had wondered about this before and just now decided to search it... it's a determining factor for me when deciding whether I believe that call happened and if CJ could have "seen" the call that night. Just like for some that believe that it just never happened is a deciding factor for them. I need an explanation for why it's on one call record and not the other :)
It's okay, missy, you go right ahead and keep searching and sharing what you find regardless of what others say. That goes for every single member participating in the discussion/s. I for one, look forward to reading everyone's comments! :D
IMO the missed call......I can believe one extraordinary thing happening like the call not registering but the whole family saw it. But then you add JM just so happened to implement his new fangled method of accounting, CM was asked (conveniently) to erase QB that same weekend, and CM was in the clubhouse peacefully watching a movie with no reception at the time of the murders......come on!

They argued about the call throughout the weekend, the weekend he was mostly absent.

It's funny to me now, a third witness to the call. Taylor now all of a sudden is there watching the movie with Pops, on a "normal night".

How long did the defense prep her for? Three hours?
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