CA - Joey, Summer, Gianni, Joseph Jr McStay Murders - Feb 4th 2010 #19

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The problem here is, as I see it.
That the defense is allowed to throw out to the jury, ANY outrageous theories, without backing up any of them with evidence.
The first time I saw this, was with the Casey Anthony trial.
I realize Ocean Blue Eyes that you think that the jury is smarter then the defense team, and able to see through their lies.

I do not agree with you.

It only takes one person, without life experience to be baffled and confused into not being able to make a decision.

Hell. This goes on in politics every single minute of every single day.

Fake news, Fake theories, it doesn't matter. Just throw it out there and see what sticks!

It certainly worked for Casey Anthony and probably many more trials that we don't even know about.

It makes me down right sick.

Professions that I used to look up to, now have my utter contempt. IMO

KALI, I do fully understand your passion, and worry.

No doubt we have been saturated with totally fake news stories in recent years.

I realize how easily some may believe fake news stories, without any supporting proof or evidence, but I also think as many or more want to wait for the facts, and truth to become known.

Yes, we cringe about cases that were such an injustice for the victims in the end, but we also should remember cases like CAs are anomalies, and far from the norm. That's why they are so memorable, but ones we can count on one hand.

I do admit I am a total optimist, and yes, I do give a lot of credit to jurors who sits on cases like this.

This isn't the only case by far where the DT has claimed SODDI that jurors have heard before. I do believe 99.9% of jurors can know when they are being played. In fact due to the saturated fake news stories of late it may make the jurors even more skeptical in believing the unsupported BS the DT is trying to sell about DK.

Could there be one or two hold outs? Of course. That's always a possibilty or there is a stealth juror, but I honestly do not believe that all 12 will vote NG. Imo, the best CM can hope for is a hung jury. Imo

Could I be wrong, and you are right ..that they are going to let a killer of two parents, and two little boys walk free? Absolutely.

However, I still believe they will bring justice to the Joey McStay family.

I have no reason to feel otherwise at this point or anything that makes me think they are anything like the CA jurors in FL.

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"The look of confusion and disbelief" could only be caught at the first moment when being told you are arrested for a murder (even that is questionable, if one had sensed and prepared in advance he could become a scapegoat from what had been happening). After that, you feel anger and powerlessness, which I did see from CM's face in several pictures. I've never seen a sign on his face indicative of guilt (that is, if you want to make judgment of guilt/innocence just from facial expressions).
BBM, A Sociopath/Psychopath wouldn't have too many facial expressions because they have no conscience about anything including murder. They can also pass polygraphs. They are not like a normal human being, and are not wired properly.
BBM, A Sociopath/Psychopath wouldn't have too many facial expressions because they have no conscience about anything including murder. They can also pass polygraphs. They are not like a normal human being, and are not wired properly.

BBM, A Sociopath/Psychopath wouldn't have too many facial expressions because they have no conscience about anything including murder. They can also pass polygraphs. They are not like a normal human being, and are not wired properly.
Merritt undoubtedly has the signs of a true sociopath/psychopath who possesses no moral compass. The horrendous treatment of his own family says a great deal about him.
Merritt undoubtedly has the signs of a true sociopath/psychopath who possesses no moral compass. The horrendous treatment of his own family says a great deal about him.
You beat me to it! This mirrors my thoughts exactly. Merritt has demonstrated extreme callousness and reckless abandonment throughout his life with everyone he was involved with. He had no problem leaving his wife and 3 children to live a hand to mouth existence out of camper for years.
BBM, A Sociopath/Psychopath wouldn't have too many facial expressions because they have no conscience about anything including murder. They can also pass polygraphs. They are not like a normal human being, and are not wired properly.

I have said from the beginning Charles Merritt has the traits of a sociopath/psychopath. Imo, its painfully obvious.

Imo he possesses no cability to have compassion or feelings for any other human being. Even CJ said he doesn't care about anyone else.

Being a sociopath allowed him to constantly scam, con, and ripoff many others victims.

It shows how cold, callous, cunning, and dangerous he truly is. You would think he would have some regret after he had murdered four innocent victims, and may decide stealing from others was something he wasn't going to do anymore. Nope, murdering the man who had helped him more than any other or murdering Joey's wife...who CM knew Joey dearly loved or murdering their much loved baby boys did not faze him at all.

He went right on with his cons, and scams stealing thousands from two other businessmen not skipping a beat. There may be others who were too embarrassed to come forward.

He used the same scam he had done to so many other victims by making false promises to live up to his end of the bargain knowing once he had scammed them out of thousands he was never going to follow through.

I have said from the very beginning that ONLY a sociopath/psychopath is capable of crushing the skulls in of 4 victims, and especially two small defenseless little terrified boys.

We know by his own actions none of the sledgehammer murders of 4 fazed him in the least.

We know this to be true by his own actions the day he murdered them because after committing the 4 brutal murders what did he do next before their bodies were even cold?

Yep, CM sits right down, and was stealing funds belonging to the man he had just murdered in cold blood.

To be capable of doing all of these horrific murders plus continuing his ripoff scams shows he doesnt have any conscience no matter what he does to others.

Imo, CM is a flatliner devoid of any conscience.

He couldnt even fake pretending to care about them all vanishing into thin air. Instead of desperately trying to locate Joey by immediately going to their home or trying to call Joey over, and over again like normal best friends would do... he delayed, delayed, and his calls dwindled trying to contact his 'missing' best friend, and they were fewer than ever before.

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Watching what kind of alien monster this loving father, as evidenced by the love of his daughter for her dad, and Joey's concerned friend, will be morphed into through mere words...
And denial for some is a very powerful emotion.

Au contraire. Most comments I've read questioning the state's case are based on rationality, whereas most that call Chase guilty seem to be overwhelmed by emotions. Two babies are killed, thus someone has to pay, whoever it is; can you imagine a trial ending that sets whoever is the defendant free?
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And denial for some is a very powerful emotion.

It's totally common for children who has a parent who is a murderer to see only what they want to see in them.

It did break my heart that she thought it was perfectly normal for CM to go gamble at the casino in order for him to pay the car payment. She was asked how many times he brought money home, and iirc, she said it happened only one time.

Did she testify that he brought in money he had made by legitimately working hard with a lot of his money going for their upkeep, and wellbeing?

How much raising did CM really do anyway? Were he, and CJ ever separated?

I dont see how he did much raising of any of his children spending so much time gambling his money away or doing stints in jail.

If he was such a attentive dad why was Joey having to be the one to see that his family had a roof over their head, and food to eat? And the one who had to give CJ money to pay to get her car fixed?

Wasnt his bank account belly up?

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Au contraire. Most comments I've read questioning the state's case are based on rationality, whereas most that call Chase guilty seem to be overwhelmed by emotions. Two babies are killed, thus someone has to pay, whoever it is; can you imagine a trial ending without sending someone to the electric chair?

The electric chair hasn't been used for many years. And California does not even have a death chamber any longer. It seems you are using emotions against the death penalty for Chase, when the reality is that he will never be put to death by the state of California.
I think it depends on who you ask...

I think the majority (here on WS's) believe the Chase is guilty.
I think some of that majority question whether the State proved it beyond a reasonable doubt although they still believe that Chase is 100% guilty.
I think there are some that were not sure and are still not sure because they don't believe the State proved it BARD.
I think there are some that believe it was Dan.
I think there are some that believe it was someone else, not even Dan or Chase.

I personally, don't feel any more sure of anything now than I did before. But that's JMO. I was expecting to hear more evidence than what the State presented. I had hoped to get some answers that I had always wondered as well, but I'm guessing some of the things we are/were curious about, just were not relevant enough (like Summer's last few days).

As for your questions.
Does anyone know if there is a summary of facts of the case? I do not, and IMO, any list of "facts" at this point would only be the facts that support the above position that the person falls into. :confused:

about whether EIP was legitimate - there has been no information stating that it wasn't and there is no indication from either the State or the defense that was not a legitimate business.

Purchase at Ross - I think it came up once but was objected to ... very little about Summer and what she did those last few days.

Children's medication - nope, nothing about this.

Chik-Fil-A meeting - nope, still no confirmation of whether it happened or not.

Probably not the answers you wanted LOL But I hope it helps :)
Thanks for your response. For those who believe Chase is guilty, what are the reasons/facts that were presented at trial? I am sorry I can't take the time to review all of the threads here. I know there is much circumstantial evidence but what hard evidence convinces people that it was Chase. I'm not talking about emotion or belief. Thank you.
The electric chair hasn't been used for many years. And California does not even have a death chamber any longer. It seems you are using emotions against the death penalty for Chase, when the reality is that he will never be put to death by the state of California.

I have edited the post. Now what?
Au contraire. Most comments I've read questioning the state's case are based on rationality, whereas most that call Chase guilty seem to be overwhelmed by emotions. Two babies are killed, thus someone has to pay, whoever it is; can you imagine a trial ending that sets whoever is the defendant free?

I've seen few questions (sans Missy's) that have much rationale at all - a whole bunch of what ifs, maybes and probablys - the "alternative accounting system" (allowing CM to forge JM's checks), the "DK got there somehow and back out without anyone knowing" (when there's zero evidence he was ever in CA during that time span), the "cell phone was really miles and miles away from where it pinged" (that one works for some when his cell is pinging near the graves but not when it's pinging near his home). Such rationale.
The facts speak for themselves and that is Chase is guilty.

But I still fear he may get away with it due to how poor the entire trial has been which would be a travesty. But he will still be guilty as hell but unfortunately the system would of let the family down.

I've seen few questions (sans Missy's) that have much rationale at all - a whole bunch of what ifs, maybes and probablys - the "alternative accounting system" (allowing CM to forge JM's checks), the "DK got there somehow and back out without anyone knowing" (when there's zero evidence he was ever in CA during that time span), the "cell phone was really miles and miles away from where it pinged" (that one works for some when his cell is pinging near the graves but not when it's pinging near his home). Such rationale.

We can just count the number of "!" used in each post to know the emotion distribution.
Is Chase a loving father? Imo self-serving Chase has a strange way of showing that if he believes he is. I've seen him showing more affection to a puppy dog than his own children.

Funny how there is not one single picture of him and his children. I wonder why that is.
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