CA - Joey, Summer, Gianni, Joseph Jr McStay Murders - Feb 4th 2010 #19

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which bit of my post are you referring to citygirl - Chick-fil-A? or smr's post about Mike going to the house?
I am talking about MM going to Joey's. I thought he was questioned about it on the stand. Not the 6th but the 4th.
Am I losing it? I don't think so.
@Mica . Thanks for posting that email between JM and DK. Didn't want to quote the whole interchange.
I found these comments interesting:
DK. I know you don't like confrontation. ( Speaks to Joey's demeanor).
After his financial threat...I wish the best to you and your family.
DK. You are lazy. Smart but lazy. (this cracked me up coming from a single, surfer dude. No clue what life is like married with 2 young children to support).
Last but not least, further on in the video, whatever happened to the neighbor who saw a white truck in the driveway?
I am talking about MM going to Joey's. I thought he was questioned about it on the stand. Not the 6th but the 4th.
Am I losing it? I don't think so.

I think Mike said the 4th or 6th IIRC :) So, no, you are not losing it lol

I also think it was Dugal that thought Mike was at Chick-Fil-A on the 4th, during Merritt's interview, there is a convo between Dugal/Fiske about it,.. this is from my notes, this is when Chase makes the comment that no one else was there (at their meeting... which some take literally meaning that no one else was in Chick-Fil-A LOL)... DuGal and Fiske talking to each other and saying 'did Michael say he was at Chick-Fil-A' and Dugal says 'yeah', she asks 'what time' ... 'lunch'.. F: 'maybe it was before'... then she asks who went their first, you or him.
This is what you were looking for...

From Patrick McStay’s Group FB Files (public access)

IM's Joey/DK w/letter | Facebook



Subject: Re. Issues w/ my Earth Inspired Products-EIP website, Dan Kavanaugh....

Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 14:46:40 -0800

Hello Paul,

Thanks for taking my call. I really do appreciate it.

First of all I want to thank you for all of your efforts in keeping EIP ranked these past years and as of recently, allowing us to pay late, reduced amount, etc. I really do appreciate it. It's nice to know there are those out there who genuinely want to help others be successfull. As you are well aware, it's been extremely difficult these past months due to I think primarily this dismal economy and we do sell a "luxury item" which is the 1st to go when people are simply trying to survive and only buy necessities. We haven't formally met... I simply pay you folks each month these past years. I allowed Dan to deal with you since he is the SEO specialist for the site....

As of recently, due to the declining sales, etc... Dan Kavanaugh and myself have been having a "falling out." To give you some history.... We met around 2001 when he helped build our Electronics Website and we became friends....He is extremely talented, but young... So, from time to time he'd need $$$, I'd give it to him and he'd give me software, etc... He was just a kid at 21-22 back then.... He didn't have a car, so I let him use a Volks Vanagon I wasn't using to help him out. I've been doing building fountains since 1998 and originally built in 2000. I'm passinate about fountains...I built them & love them...It's not just for $$$ for me. The site didn't do much till 2005 when I got together with Dan & suggested we revamp EIP from the dead and give it a go... Then 1000's of hrs redesigning began, re-establishing relationships with past vendors, etc.... A lot of late nights & cofee among other things... Since then with your help, PPC, etc... we've built it up pretty good... yet 2008 was tough at times and extremely difficult this past 3 months in particular....

I'm 39 years old..have a wife & 3 kids... Dan is 28, single, no kids....very few responsiblities & parties like a rock star...heck can't blame him.... But, the success of eip is much more critical to me than to him... I can't couch hop as he could, I have mouths to feed.... I know from experience, that you "have to save up for the rainy day" and i did now for 4 yrs.... Dan never did...Whether he made 3k or 8k in a was gone as soon as he got it.... Although, I was raised by a single Mom, was like a father & mom, strong & solid w/ a good work ethic.... Dan didn't have that luxury... It was difficult for him, thus its made him who he is.... Abandonment issues, Lack of Trust, etc...

Having said all the above... Dan has become quite malicious towards me to the point of affecting my family....Please see IM string below....It's quite sad, since we considered him like family, w/ my 2 youngest calling him "uncle Dan.".... I would appreciate your input and any help you could recommend.... Fountains are my life, EIP feeds my family... I can't have EIP disappear off the face of the earth and end up back in a cubicle working for someone else....but, if I have to for me and my family to survive...I will.

I do wish the best for Dan... I wll not be malicious as he is being....And perhaps we can work through this or part ways amicably... I don't know... Either way, I wanted to give you folks a "heads up" on the situation... I appreciate your help...

IM String:

Dan says:

the later you respond and deal with this, the worse its gonna be

Dan says:

but do what u want

Dan says:

i dont give a ****

Josepe' says:


Dan says:


Dan says:

ill speak with u on the phone or somethin

Dan says:

dont im me

Dan says:

unless you want to talk about some ****

Dan says:

i know u prefer it done over instant message

Dan says:

its cool

Dan says:

no worries

Dan says:

ill be here when ur ready

Dan says:


Dan says:

Dan says:

like i said tho, if u try and postpone handling this because u dont like confrontation

Dan says:

it wont be to ur benefit

Dan says:

but live the dream lol

Dan says:

ur dreaming

Dan says:

it will be about 30 days from today that your site is gone from the search engines if u just wanna ignore me

Josepe' says:

And why is that?

Dan says:

why not

Dan says:

u treat me like a kid like im dumb or some ****

Dan says:

1. your site will be gone from the engines

Dan says:

2. i will make my own fountain site

Dan says:

and 3

Dan says:

i dont need it anyway

Dan says:

im ******* killing it on other ****

Dan says:

so get it out of your head that i cant do anything

Dan says:

be realistic

Dan says:

i made an offer to let u have the site

Dan says:

and buy me out

Dan says:

u fumbled that one

Josepe' says:

Now, I, Summer & Kids know the "Real You" and what you would potentially do to harm me and my family... Your a great guy Dan... FK'n Sad...

Dan says:

dont try your guilt trip **** on me bro

Dan says:

you and i had a business

Dan says:

do what u want man

Dan says:

i wish the best to u and ur fam

Dan says:

but dont burn fools

Josepe' says:

Yay right... do you see the "contradiction"... You wish the best for me & my family, but have no problem destroying our livelihood? Your sick or something...

Dan says:

ive told u the options

Dan says:

you choose whats best for you

Dan says:

you can disreguard my offer to buy me out

Dan says:

and continue thinking your site is permanent

Dan says:

or you can simply do it, and keep your site

Dan says:

and i wont do anything to harm it

Dan says:

ill give u ppc access to my **** and everything

Dan says:

and keep ur links up

Dan says:

not pointing to my new fountain site

Dan says:

and you can keep the site that isnt even that good , like u said yourself

Dan says:

all i did was find the backlinks guys anyway right

Dan says:

youve built six sites like it you said yourself

Dan says:


Josepe' says:

Your a great guy Dan... At least we all know your true colors...

Dan says:


Dan says:

be more legit in ur future biz ops

Dan says:

with partners

Dan says:

and you might go far

Dan says:

we had a good thing goin for a while

Dan says:

apparently its not worth salvaging though to you

Dan says:

i gave u chances

Dan says:

no worries, better luck on ur next one

Dan says:

but u wont get another me

Dan says:

and theres lots of you

Dan says:

your lazy

Dan says:

smart, but lazy

Dan says:

thats why you never built any other sites like mine

Josepe' says:

What do you want Dan?

Dan says:

i want to be treated fairly, and more respected as a owner of this business

Dan says:

not simply some kid you throw a bone to once in a while

Josepe' says:

Even if we came to a $$$ amount and you were paid...Given the malicious things you have written above.... you would take the $$$ and still do those malicious things....Whats the point? There is no reasoning with you or fairness with someone like you....

Dan says:

heres the deal

Dan says:

ill give u a gentlemans promise

Dan says:

since were bros for years

Dan says:

and i dont hate you

Dan says:

we just had a falling out

Dan says:

were buddies

Dan says:

u think i want to **** with u like that

Dan says:


Dan says:

ill respect your site

Dan says:

and your future with ur family

Dan says:

and even help u with the site still

Dan says:

with ppc, seo

Dan says:

ill make authority domains confirm it

Dan says:

that i havent pulled any of ur links

Dan says:

youll rank for years

Dan says:

when things bounce back youll do well

Dan says:


Dan says:

whatever u want man

Dan says:

point is

Dan says:

ill honor our deal

Dan says:

if u buy me out

Dan says:

nothing malicious of any kind will be done

Dan says:

its an offer on the table

Dan says:

a legit one

Dan says:

i dont wanna see my hard sweat and tears to make that beauty flush down the toilet

Dan says:

its still a site that makes me proud for what it is

Dan says:

think about it

Dan says:

ill give you a day to come up with what you wanna do

Dan says:

and get back to me with a dollar amount thats fair

Dan says:

and we'll get past this

Dan says:

it was nothing

Dan says:

youll get control of my ppc accounts to see what keywords people have bought with for the last 6 months

Dan says:

and access to keep buying links

Dan says:

even more if u want

Dan says:

for better keywords

Dan says:

ill also help u in the future if u need **** done on the site

Dan says:

seo, etc

Dan says:

we dont have to end this badly

Dan says:

and you dont have to buy me out all up front

Dan says:

you can make payments

Dan says:

we can work something out

Dan says:

so you can stay afloat

Dan says:

but without me, the site will die

Dan says:

and it took 4 years to get it where it is

Dan says:

dont waste all that money u spent on links and making it

Dan says:

hit me up tomorrow and let me know what u decide

Dan says:

sleep on it

Dan says:

whats that site worth to you

Dan says:

and your future

Dan says:

cuz i can make more

Dan says:

youd be pretty screwed

Dan says:

just an update, authority domains will be available for you to call so you know your safe

Dan says:

when we make our deal

Dan says:

im on with them now, telling em you might buy me out

Dan says:

so they will have ur back still

Dan says:

im giving you till tomorrow

Dan says:

and im not ******* around

Dan says:

but as i said, ill honor anything we agree on 100%

Dan says:

and youll continue with your great rankings

Dan says:

i dont have time to compete against you, or even do a fountain site

Dan says:

but ill put that php seo friendly cart up in a sec and point all ur links to it in a heartbeat if i have to

Dan says:

and your wack domain and 2002 site design will go to page 1000 for every keyword

Dan says:

so now that you know how serious i am, and what im capable can make a better decision how to end this

Dan says:

what did they tell ya lol

Dan says:

authority domains

Dan says:

nah i already know

Dan says:

theyre gonna call u back

Dan says:

and let u know what up


Joseph McStay
Thanks very much for that, Mica, I knew I could count on you to post it for me!! :D I'm going back to read the posts as I'm sure there's a post or two that I need to respond to in regards to Joey's email. :D
DK. I know you don't like confrontation. ( Speaks to Joey's demeanor).

The parenthetical part is your own addition. We don't know what Joey's demeanor was.

After his financial threat...I wish the best to you and your family.

Something like, for example: "If you offend me, hey, I know how to burn down a house. Good luck!"

Snipped by me

In all of that there's not one word about DK physically harming Joey and his family nor is there any indication whatsoever that Joey was afraid of DK physically harming him or his family.

There was no indication whatsoever that Joey was afraid of CM.
DK made threat to Joey. CM never did.
Was physical threat entailed in DK's threat? Hard to say. But CM never made any threat to Joey, physical or otherwise.

It was a threat, and Joey said "Now, I, Summer & Kids know the "Real You" and what you would potentially do to harm me and my family". Serious enough?
DK didn't threaten physical harm.
Do you agree that it was not a threat of physical harm? My belief is that it was a threat of financial harm—in other words, that if DK thought he hadn’t been appropriately paid for his SEO work, he could simply undo his SEO work.
Okay! I have read Joey's email again and I stand by my original post, "A good friend would never threaten (and I'll add, in any way, shape or form) another friend and their family. We do not know that DK never threatened Joey of physical harm. One of the reasons I say that, is, I noticed in the IM's between DK and Joey, DK wants Joey to ring him, he appeared not to really want to IM, his (DK's) preference of communicating was by phone. Oh he's cunning alright and I believe Joey was familiar with the verbal abuse and threats of physical harm DK would resort to over the phone and Joey being the smart guy he is, preferred to IM so he would have proof if he ever needed it. Smart guy. IF it was DK on trial instead of CM I've no doubt the prosecutors would have a field day with him too! ALL MOO
Starting from Part 2, 37:40, Rudin discussed the "holes" in Liscio's testimony ("Swiss cheese, a lot of holes" :cool:)

Part 2 @38:27 Imes: "Objection..." Rudin: "I just complimented him." :D
Missy, you are going to love Rudins testimony. He is shredding Liscio, lol.


oh dang, I am not there yet... LOL I am so disappointed that we didn't get video for this! I went back to the 402 hearing and grabbed a pic of Merritt's truck with the points that Rudin/McGee are referencing lots... hopefully this helps a bit for others to follow. (which now that I went to upload I realize I already had one haha)


  • rudin truck points.JPG
    rudin truck points.JPG
    33.9 KB · Views: 10
Missy, you are going to love Rudins testimony. He is shredding Liscio, lol.

I wish I could listen. Unfortunately my speakers decided they don't want to work so I'm relying on all of you good peeps to post the high lites. Thank you in advance. :)
I wish I could listen. Unfortunately my speakers decided they don't want to work so I'm relying on all of you good peeps to post the high lites. Thank you in advance. :)

Not sure if I'm counted among the "good peeps", but here is what I can help a little:
Part 2 @48:00 Rudin on Liscio's work:
"If you allow this error, you can match anything to anything. But that's not the worst part..."

Last edited:
I wish I could listen. Unfortunately my speakers decided they don't want to work so I'm relying on all of you good peeps to post the high lites. Thank you in advance. :)

Cabo, he is just getting into the meat of his shred, and now we are on break till tomorrow. Basically, Rudin disagrees with Liscios WHOLE conclusion because Liscio used some software that is not made for photogrammetry. He is back on tomorrow morning to continue.

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