CA - Raijon Daniels, 8, tortured to death, Richmond, 26 Oct 2006 *Insanity*

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Prayers to this family and may the little boy rest in peace. It sounds like her daughter was not abused. Wonder if she had a resentment against her son or men in general?
They should do to her what she done to that little boy. That's really sad. Children are precious gifts from God. It's really sad that parents are doing such crazy things to their kids. He is a cute little fellow. May his soul rest in peace.
He was such an adorable little boy with a gorgeous smile. It breaks my heart to think of all he went through. I admire the grandmother for not sticking up for the boy's mother. So many times relatives are in denial about the atrocities their loved ones commit.
southcitymom said:
Prayers to this family and may the little boy rest in peace. It sounds like her daughter was not abused. Wonder if she had a resentment against her son or men in general?
She admitted that she poured a caustic substance on her son's genitals earlier Friday to discourage him from urinating on himself.

This is one sick SOB.
Such a sweet faced little boy. I hope they put her under the jail. If her son was having problems wetting/deficating on himself why didn't she take him to a doctor? She probably had health insurance with her job. Poor baby tried to run away, so sad at such a young age. It just breaks my heart that he didn't even have toys to play with. I don't understand such a sick mind, and she was supposed to be his mother.
Unfortunately, the cause of the boy wetting and deficating himself was probably the mother. Stress can really screw up body functions, especially in children. I wonder when he ran away, if she was worried about him.
Poor child. i did not read the article, i couldn't bring myself too. there are somethings on here i just can't read. i have yet to even look in the thread about the woman who was murdered and her baby hanged.
That poor little guy, why would she do this? People make me sick. I really hope she goes to prison forever.
I hope she doesn't try "innocent by reason of insanity". Of course someone would have to be insane to do something like that to a child (or anyone for that matter) but I don't think she deserves any breaks.

If grandma knew the child existed why didn't she wonder why she never saw him? Why he was locked up in a room? If she did see him she would have to have seen the bruises. The more I think about that little boy the more depressed and angry I get. If people don't want their children there are plenty of other loving people out there that would love to give them a good home.
lizzybeth said:
I hope she doesn't try "innocent by reason of insanity". Of course someone would have to be insane to do something like that to a child (or anyone for that matter) but I don't think she deserves any breaks.

If grandma knew the child existed why didn't she wonder why she never saw him? Why he was locked up in a room? If she did see him she would have to have seen the bruises. The more I think about that little boy the more depressed and angry I get. If people don't want their children there are plenty of other loving people out there that would love to give them a good home.

I'm with you - that's why I started this thread- the story bothered me on SO many different levels. And the more you think about it the worse it is. I wonder how the little girl dealt with all of this - she had to have seen or heard at least some of the terrible abuse being inflicted on that poor child. I hope they charge that "mother" with anything and everything possible. I wonder if women in prison have the same low opinion of child killers as men in prison do. One can only hope so....
cinsbythesea said:
I'm with you - that's why I started this thread- the story bothered me on SO many different levels. And the more you think about it the worse it is. I wonder how the little girl dealt with all of this - she had to have seen or heard at least some of the terrible abuse being inflicted on that poor child. I hope they charge that "mother" with anything and everything possible. I wonder if women in prison have the same low opinion of child killers as men in prison do. One can only hope so....
The little girl is so young - 3, I think. Possibly she was shielded from a lot of it just by the nature of being three. Her mother may have told her that her brother had to be kept locked away because he was dangerous - who knows - it;s very easy to manipulate a 3 year old.

I believe that this little girl has a good chance of recovering if she gets into a normal, loving environment. So sad.
What I can't stand it when adults 'attribute" adult motivations in what their kids do.

As in: He "took" all of the tissues out of the box because he "wants" to get back at me, or he "wants" me to work harder to clean up the house.

Not that the kid had "fun" pulling out all of the tissues.

My question again: I thought someone had "posted" that when children are "home schooled" that the state checks up on them to make sure that they are learning correctly. It seems(yet again) that home school is just another excuse to keep battered kids away from people that may be able to help them under the "guise" of home school.
CyberLaw said:
What I can't stand it when adults 'attribute" adult motivations in what their kids do.

As in: He "took" all of the tissues out of the box because he "wants" to get back at me, or he "wants" me to work harder to clean up the house.

Not that the kid had "fun" pulling out all of the tissues.

My question again: I thought someone had "posted" that when children are "home schooled" that the state checks up on them to make sure that they are learning correctly. It seems(yet again) that home school is just another excuse to keep battered kids away from people that may be able to help them under the "guise" of home school.
Different states have different rules regarding home schooling, but I am not aware of any states that go to people's houses and "check up" on them and I certainly wouldn't be for such a law.

In most states, you have to keep a curriculum and other housekeeping matters, but I don't think any states even require formal testing of homeschoolers (though I'm not entirely positive about that).

Homeschooling, like many other choices and freedoms we have, is sometimes abused by sick people.
Still don't know why I'm compelled to read stories like this...they hurt me and get me depressed for days....That girl is no mother, not even an animal would act so cruel and horrible to her youngs :(. I have to believe that now the sweet looking little boy must be playing with the angels, and will never again feel mental or phisical pain.
lizzybeth said:
I hope she doesn't try "innocent by reason of insanity". Of course someone would have to be insane to do something like that to a child (or anyone for that matter) but I don't think she deserves any breaks.

If grandma knew the child existed why didn't she wonder why she never saw him? Why he was locked up in a room? If she did see him she would have to have seen the bruises. The more I think about that little boy the more depressed and angry I get. If people don't want their children there are plenty of other loving people out there that would love to give them a good home.
I don't know how she can in any way plead insanity. I don't know any truly "insane" people that hold a regular job. Also she can't plead that because her daughter appeared well taken care of. The woman was just evil to her son. She need to rot!!!! :behindbar
Iriz said:
Still don't know why I'm compelled to read stories like this...they hurt me and get me depressed for days....That girl is no mother, not even an animal would act so cruel and horrible to her youngs :(. I have to believe that now the sweet looking little boy must be playing with the angels, and will never again feel mental or phisical pain.

I know exactly how you feel. This is just so incomprehendable and to think of what that child must have suffered -yet I'm drawn into the story. I agree with you that he's finally in a place where he can be happy and painfree...
Iriz said:
Still don't know why I'm compelled to read stories like this...they hurt me and get me depressed for days....That girl is no mother, not even an animal would act so cruel and horrible to her youngs :(. I have to believe that now the sweet looking little boy must be playing with the angels, and will never again feel mental or phisical pain.
I know what you're saying. But I just have to read the stories. It just amazes me that some children live in such pain and agony and no one who knows/cares about it to DO something!!!! All these mothers had families, so why didn't anyone care enough about their kids! Saying the mother kept them away is NO excuse IMO. That should be a clue, something is wrong.
Poor boy! Of course, he was wetting himself from fear of the !. What a sad sack piece of chit this person is. Let her suffer the most imhumane treatment legally available. She is lower than scum let her die for her cruelty.Nothing is gained for society by letting her live.

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