CA - Reeks of Intolerance': Parents Outraged After Santa Pulled from School Concerts

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2009
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I'm putting this here, because if this isn't a crime against ALL children, that believe in Santa, then I don't know what is. Mod's feel free to move if need be, and my apologies, if this isn't the place. :(


It looks like it really will be a "year without a Santa Claus" for students at one elementary school. :(
I'm putting this here, because if this isn't a crime against ALL children, that believe in Santa, then I don't know what is. Mod's feel free to move if need be, and my apologies, if this isn't the place. :(


It looks like it really will be a "year without a Santa Claus" for students at one elementary school. :(

Unfortunately, they are not outraged enough to actually do anything about it.
Like....refuse to allow their child to participate.

Typical parental response....feign outrage and meekly comply.
Unfortunately, they are not outraged enough to actually do anything about it.
Like....refuse to allow their child to participate.

Typical parental response....feign outrage and meekly comply.

Maybe we can change that?
Maybe we can change that?

I'm game.
I've taken on school boards before.
They do not intimidate me, but I will not help people who refuse to help themselves, or at least ask for help.
I'm game.
I've taken on school boards before.
They do not intimidate me, but I will not help people who refuse to help themselves, or at least ask for help.

I meant, by posting this thread here lol. Googling Santa will pop this thread up. :)

I got a well deserved hand slap a few weeks ago, for posting something I shouldn't. ;)
I meant, by posting this thread here lol. Googling Santa will pop this thread up. :)

I got a well deserved hand slap a few weeks ago, for posting something I shouldn't. ;)

I thought you wanted to contact the parents and give them insight on how to fight back.
Okay, its posted here......
The Lord helps those who helps themselves, the rest can be cowed and trodden under the feet of the _____________(you fill in the blanks).

People have died for their beliefs, if one is not willing to go the mile or so, how strongly can they believe? Put up or shut up says I.
"Many parents are outraged about the last-minute decision to remove Saint Nick from the concert series."

^ From original link:


"Principal Jennifer Ford wrote to parents Thursday night to explain her decision to give Santa the shoulder at the following day's event."

^ From link:

Wow, a bit harsh, considering that the parents in this case didn't really have time to "help themselves", "die for their beliefs", or "go the mile or so" between getting the news and when the event took place (following day), so I don't think it's an issue of them being cowed, trodden, or not believing strongly enough in...Santa.

MO ~
I think the school should have eased the concerns of that one parent, and then considered excluding Santa in years to come. I think it's too late this year, because the kids already were looking forward to his visit. Of course, what's to stop a grandpa from showing up in a suit?

Also, that said, I hate the inclusion of Santa in schools. Started with my first in preschool. He had no clue of his existence. Then, all of a sudden, I had to choose between being truthful and risk my kid being the one that blabs to the other kids, or lying. I don't like that I'm lying to my kids, but it seems to be easier to run with it. I've learned to embrace Santa, and to get around it without actually lying too much. (Santa only visits those who believe. Santa represents the spirit of giving. Etc.) Of course, it's harder on lean years like this one. ("I'm sorry, but Santa knows that I don't want our family to have a TV, so he won't bring it or the Xbox you want.")

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