CA-Sandra Cantu, 8 missing 3/27/09 from Tracy,#1

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Right, sttct, I'd be all up in that man's business regarding that kiss. I did read they filed a report on it. I guess that was all that could be done legally... but thereafter... my eyes would have been on my child. this man lives right behind her? Correct? Too close for getting lax.

I say props to the cousin!! I don't think the timing of that is suspect. I DO THINK that the guy KISSING her on the lips -- main suspect IMHO. I mean....if I was the'd literally have to lock me up because I'd go over to his house with a gun demanding to know. I hope that the media is spinning some of this information. I mean I know how I feel and if an incident happened to my kid, they would not be running around that mobile home park. Ugh.
Not much new on Nancy. It's good to see her cover the case, even a little.

I haven't read through the entire thread, so if I am redundant I apologize.

I have been following Haleigh's case very closely, and I've been having a hard time now that the media coverage is decreasing. This evening I thought about the children like Sandra who may be found as a result of national attention they get out of the minutes that once were used by Haleigh. Don't know if that makes sense.

Also, I must say that the Tracy LE official that Nancy interviewed seemed more engaging (for lack of a better word) than the LE in Satsuma. I don't know if it makes any difference at all, but I think that that works in Sandra's favor-- he just left me feeling more confident in Tracy's LE than I've ever felt with Satsuma's.

I hope they find these little girls. :praying:
You're welcome Nora. I am hoping too that the collection is individial. If it's needed (gaaah) it may make things easier.

Oh wow.. to think they actually verbalized the "but don't want to be proven wrong on the record" part is, I dunno, ... I personally wouldn't mind or look badly upon them if she did run away, it was proven, and they were proven wrong on the record (had they ruled out run away as possibility). So what, look bad and on record at that... if it's erring on the side of caution? Probably means little... I just don't like their wording.

(and it's late and I"m probably not making sense ;-)

I admit I was almost immediately irritated that she was allowed to freely come and go and be in the neighborhood with no one at least watching her walk to neighbors homes. After the kissing incident... that shouldn't have been the case. I know her Mom probably feels horrendous regarding that but it has to be drilled into peoples minds... we live in a society that dictates you MUST watch your children at all times.

Night all... will be praying for Sandra!

Thanks for the information on the trash disposal method. Hopefully that is the method used in this park, because it was worrying me that anything found in the dump might not be traceable back to the actual mobile home it came from.

I think Nurse is gone for the night, but I "think" the runaway quote was the actual quote from the presser. Nurse has a much better memory about details than I do, so she'll have to confirm that (or correct me again). :)

2 weeks prior does seem significant. Makes me wonder if there is something that happened at that time that we don't know about yet. However, if that's the case, I'm even more concerned that she was allowed to roam the MHP unattended.

Time for me to hit the sack...and send up another prayer for Sandra.
When asked if he knew the girl at all, Wohler told ABC7, "No clue. I wish I did. I have no clue."

Wohler, who lives by himself in the mobile home park, says police questioned him for hours about 8-year-old Sandra Cantu who has been missing since Friday.

"We became friends, she'd come to my house and property asking if I needed any help. I had her water my plants," said Wohler.

About two years ago, Sandra's grandmother says she got upset after Wohler kissed Sandra on the lips at the community swimming pool.

Explaining why he kissed the girl, Wohler said he was "being friendly and nice. It's kind of my nature. And I haven't talked to her since. I've seen her around the park, but that's it." He went on to say, "A little kiss that happened on the lips. That's all."

This is was taken from the local newsclip on page 12 of this thread...

Anyone else noticed MANY inconsistencies in this guys statement to the reporter? First states he had "no clue" who the girl is, then immediately after states that she was a "friend" who would come by his house and property to help him water, THEN immediately states he hasn't spoken to her since the kissing incident two years prior????

I believe the reporter asked him if he knew where the girl is, to which he responded that he didn't have a clue, and wished he did.
Everything else is accurate. He is inconsistent, saying she would come over and ask if she could help, and he would let her water the flowers, to after the kiss, I didn't talk to her at all.
Still, he isn't stupid and he knows that kiss is coming back to bite him, but we don't yet know if he committed the crime. I might account his inconsistency with fear of losing his business, and getting locked up. The town wants her found and wants someone arrested.
I do think LE is doing a good job in the initial stages. I hope they find her, and whatever happened to her, and I hope she comes home safe, and sound.
I'm not sticking up for the guy, but he looks scared, and I don't know if the fear is getting caught or getting ruined. He has a lot to lose, and has built his business over the years. He probably won't get his reputation back unless they find her and who took her. jmoooc.
I believe the reporter asked him if he knew where the girl is, to which he responded that he didn't have a clue, and wished he did.
Everything else is accurate. He is inconsistent, saying she would come over and ask if she could help, and he would let her water the flowers, to after the kiss, I didn't talk to her at all.
Still, he isn't stupid and he knows that kiss is coming back to bite him, but we don't yet know if he committed the crime. I might account his inconsistency with fear of losing his business, and getting locked up. The town wants her found and wants someone arrested.
I do think LE is doing a good job in the initial stages. I hope they find her, and whatever happened to her, and I hope she comes home safe, and sound.
I'm not sticking up for the guy, but he looks scared, and I don't know if the fear is getting caught or getting ruined. He has a lot to lose, and has built his business over the years. He probably won't get his reputation back unless they find her and who took her. jmoooc.

My bold and italics-FWIW, I suspect he won't get his reputation back at all. It is clear that he behaved improperly with a very minor child and it is clear that there is more to his relationship with the child than he initially stated. On the surface at least, it certainly looks like this child was being groomed by him. JMO. Now, he has a business where he has contact with more children. I think that the parents who have children attending his Dojo need to do the math...again, JMO. He has put himself in this position so perhaps he is falling on the least painful sword???
I know this will probably be an unpopular opinion; however, a man's life and reputation could also be at stake along with Sandra's life...

What if that pool kiss was just an innocent peck on the lips? Do we know any more detail than "a kiss on the lips at the pool"? My kids all give pecks on the lips when we come and go. Yes, in our case that is with family members or family friends, but how long had this man known Sandra? Does he have grandkids? Was he really being a perv, or did he just use bad judgment playing with a sweet little girl and showing her innocent affection?

Since we do not know, and these implications could ruin his career and life, I just think that we should tread carefully and stick to the facts regarding this man. I understand that he could be the one, and want nothing more than to see this baby girl come home to her family, but I am just not willing to crucify him without anything more than "a kiss on the lips at the pool". I have not heard anyone else come forward and claim any other inappropriate behavior, and I think that the interviews were misquoted. They asked him if he knew where she was, not if he knew who she was. He said that she used to come over and he would let her help in the garden, but that after the pool incident he stopped, probably because it was reported and scared the crap ot of him. What if this was your father or grandfather? Would condemning him on this evidence alone be warranted?

I don't like to advocate for the other side, because I have been a victim myself, both as a child and as a young adult, but in this case I just haven't heard anything that makes me certain he has done anything more than use bad judgment a couple of years ago. That just isn't enough for me at this point.
Just getting thru reading all of the posts here. Many thanks to all the attentive updates and info!

Nurse you wrote notes from a presser (I'm sorry not to have the link back to the post). One thing you wrote was this: -runaway not being ruled out because children have run away for longer...not usually this young...but don't want to be proven wrong on the record

Did they actually say this or was this just your notation (the part I bolded)?!

Not to appear supportive of a man who kissed a 6 yr old little girl on the lips but what I hear the reporter asking Wohler is if he knew where the little girl was at all... to which he responded with the no clue, wish I did.
somewhere around the :56 sec mark.

I think he's 10th degree, 1st class creep for kissing a 6 yr old little girl... so I'm only putting this here because I think the quote is getting muddled - which could be due to report snippets and video editing at times. And whatever we can keep straight we ought to. If my child attended his school... we'd be outta there with this admission!

Nora: in a mobile home park near me each home has an issued city can and the city truck picks up individually just as on a brick/morter home lined street. I am seeing this more and more often rather than a centrally located dumpster in mh parks. Not sure about Sandra's mh park.

Conversation with a cousin about creepy guys etc 2 weeks prior.... and the cameras at the home also installed 2 weeks prior... 2 weeks prior seems pretty important in a way.

Praying for Sandra.
they really said that! not sure if I had the wording exactly right...but that yes, that is what they said! Which means we are not hearing what they think....they are covering their butts not matter what the outcome...sad if there is a sicko out running around in their community and even sadder if said sicko has sandra doing things to her and she is still alive!
He has put himself in this position so perhaps he is falling on the least painful sword???
wow have a way with words! I agree here. I must admit that for a bit I was feeling kind of sorry for the man... but I agree here.

After the presser yesterday we DO know that a report on the incident was filed and LE will look into what happened with that report after they find Sandra. That statement actually reminded me of the sort of apology they gave in the Caylee case when the detective was called out to see what Kronk had found and wrote it off.

Two years ago this little girl was in kindergarten. And this man claims he doesn't even know her yet he kisses a little kindergartener on the lips in a swimming pool?

They questioned this man three times before they served warrants on his cars, house, and business... and from what we were sleuthing out last night (Kat thanks) he may have been the owner of the property in least he may have ties to there. I do not think the kissing incident was the probable cause for the search warrant alone. I think he had means (timing wise, car wise, location wise) and motive (kissing incident in the past and perhaps even other "complaints" like this one that were not acted upon by le that we have not yet heard about) for this. When reporters asked if any of the pois had other records the det. said he could not talk about that at this time:waitasec:

While I can see FW has a lot to lose..... in terms of his business, clients, etc.... I do not understand, if he is so concerned with children and teaching them.....why he did not once express any concern for Sandra or hope that she is found or that she comes home safely?

((aside)) the watering the flowers bit.... this is just my take on it... he seemed to be "blaming" her for coming near him when he said that and it didn't sit right with me... he said... she came to ask him if she could help him water the plants and he said he told her no. It was almost like when he was talking about that he was in a sideways way talking about it was her fault she tempted him by coming around. Perhaps the watering the flowers thing was what led him take her if he is good for this? Perhaps he was out watering his flowers before going to work when she walked by his house....she asked to help......... Another thing he said after the flowers children have been in my house....what??? Okay then about your car? ((((just a thought.....moo)))))
I'm pretty sure that no one has brought this up or has mentioned it in this thread, I was reading throug this thread b/c I wanted to get caught up on everything and there was something that really stood out to me. There was an article that had a quote from her cousin in it. The cousin tells Sandra 2 weeks before she goes missing to not talk to strangers and gives her a talk about how there are creepy guys out there. Does anyone else beside me find that really wierd that just 2 weeks before the girl goes missing there wa a conversation between her and the cousin about talking to strangers bc of what they do to children? It's just a huge red flag to me.

I am not saying that the cousin had anything to do with it but that was just really wierd to me.

I don't find it strange at all ..
I know this will probably be an unpopular opinion; however, a man's life and reputation could also be at stake along with Sandra's life...

What if that pool kiss was just an innocent peck on the lips? Do we know any more detail than "a kiss on the lips at the pool"? My kids all give pecks on the lips when we come and go. Yes, in our case that is with family members or family friends, but how long had this man known Sandra? Does he have grandkids? Was he really being a perv, or did he just use bad judgment playing with a sweet little girl and showing her innocent affection?

Since we do not know, and these implications could ruin his career and life, I just think that we should tread carefully and stick to the facts regarding this man. I understand that he could be the one, and want nothing more than to see this baby girl come home to her family, but I am just not willing to crucify him without anything more than "a kiss on the lips at the pool". I have not heard anyone else come forward and claim any other inappropriate behavior, and I think that the interviews were misquoted. They asked him if he knew where she was, not if he knew who she was. He said that she used to come over and he would let her help in the garden, but that after the pool incident he stopped, probably because it was reported and scared the crap ot of him. What if this was your father or grandfather? Would condemning him on this evidence alone be warranted?

I don't like to advocate for the other side, because I have been a victim myself, both as a child and as a young adult, but in this case I just haven't heard anything that makes me certain he has done anything more than use bad judgment a couple of years ago. That just isn't enough for me at this point.

My bold and italics-I see several advocating for caution with this guy and I am intrigued. Sure, the video could have been edited, but to me the context of the kiss in the pool and the age of the child does not seem to be in question. I have not seen any accounts that indicate he knew Sandra prior to the pool incident-He is an ADULT. I cannot speak for you guys, but if a strange child pursed his or her lips up to kiss me in a swimming pool, I would let them know that they should save this for family and friends that they know very well because it is not a good idea to kiss strangers. And I am a woman. A grown male of his age should have put her off. Remember guys, allegedly Gma freaked out when she saw it.

From all of the media, it looks like he mentioned it first to reporters-this is why I am suspicious of him FWIW. If you have anything that shows otherwise, please correct me, btw. This is why I think it was an easier sword for him to fall on....he has to be expecting something else to be coming out of this...or there were many more witnesses to the kiss than just GMA??
I don't get why Sandra was allowed or not scared to go to the old guy's yard and do little "jobs" for him after the kissing incident, or why she wasn't afraid of him since the family did file a report. Maybe she was already pretty familiar with the person when the pool incident happened whether her family knew or not. Hopefully investigators have questioned other kids to see if the guy was giving Sandra money for the jobs. If she was told she didn't have enough money to go to the movies she could have went straight to his place to ask about helping him.

According to pool guy she did little jobs for him. That may not be true at all. In fact, I'm thinking the recent discord and the installation of the camera may have been because of a running two year feud between the families. And I'm thinking this may have been the reason for the cousin's comment. All of this combined could be the reason LE is looking closely at this guy, even though it's seems he's got an alibi.
According to pool guy she did little jobs for him. That may not be true at all. In fact, I'm thinking the recent discord and the installation of the camera may have been because of a running two year feud between the families. And I'm thinking this may have been the reason for the cousin's comment. All of this combined could be the reason LE is looking closely at this guy, even though it's seems he's got an alibi.

If you were an adult male who had been caught kissing a 6 year old, no matter how innocent it might have been (although I have my doubts) and a report was filed, do you continue your relationship with the child or do you keep them at arms length?

To me it speaks VOLUMES that there was an ongoing relationship....FW's comments regarding how she would help him by watering his flowers is what brings my thoughts to this place.

Let's say the cameras were in place because of discord between the families-this makes any additional contact between FW and Sandra even creepier. Why put yourself (FW) in the position to be misunderstood with a family that may not be fond of you to begin with??? What if he spirited Sandra away to "save her" or because he was obsessed with her???

I don't know-this whole thing is nuts.
On Thursday, April 1st, police expanded their search to the Tracy landfill as well as a home in Oakdale. Authorities tell us the home belongs to a relative of Chris Sinclair, a resident of the Orchard Estates Mobile Home Park who has been identified as a person of interest in the case

now I am reaaaaaaallllllly perplexed~! What did Sinclair do to be this worthy? Was one of his relatives in the area that day????

eta: just obstructing justice is not enough for all of THOSE warrants!
If you were an adult male who had been caught kissing a 6 year old, no matter how innocent it might have been (although I have my doubts) and a report was filed, do you continue your relationship with the child or do you keep them at arms length?

To me it speaks VOLUMES that there was an ongoing relationship....FW's comments regarding how she would help him by watering his flowers is what brings my thoughts to this place.

Let's say the cameras were in place because of discord between the families-this makes any additional contact between FW and Sandra even creepier. Why put yourself (FW) in the position to be misunderstood with a family that may not be fond of you to begin with??? What if he spirited Sandra away to "save her" or because he was obsessed with her???

I don't know-this whole thing is nuts.

Exactly, it doesn't make sense that they would be hanging out and gardening together, which is why I don't think it's true at all. I do not believe there was any ongoing relationship.

now I am reaaaaaaallllllly perplexed~! What did Sinclair do to be this worthy? Was one of his relatives in the area that day????

eta: just obstructing justice is not enough for all of THOSE warrants!

Thanks for keeping us up to date on this. Has to be more than just verbally attacking LE when they were trying to search IMO. Did we ever find out anything about the car that was towed with the Wyoming plates?
Thanks for keeping us up to date on this. Has to be more than just verbally attacking LE when they were trying to search IMO. Did we ever find out anything about the car that was towed with the Wyoming plates?
Has anyone done any oakdale/sinclair sleuthing yet? That whole search of a relative's home is p to the e to the r lexing!

elepher....I don't know about the Wyoming plates... was it the car that was the deceased brother's????:waitasec:
Exactly, it doesn't make sense that they would be hanging out and gardening together, which is why I don't think it's true at all. I do not believe there was any ongoing relationship.

Maybe he is trying to establish why her DNA may be found around the place. Or other evidence of her having been there at some time. IMO
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