Identified! CA - Santa Clara Co., Wht/HispFem 497UFCA, 35-45, SK victim, Hwy 152, Jun'93 *Patricia Skiple*

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Her first name may have been "Carla" or "Karla," and she was found June 3, 1993, on westbound State Route 152 (the Pacheco Pass highway) near Casa de Fruta in Santa Clara County.

According to Keith Hunter Jesperson, who confessed to her murder, he picked her up at a truck stop near Corning, California (along I-5), strangled her at a rest stop in Williams (also along I-5), and then dumped her at a turnout on Route 152.

* Her death occurred during the end of May, 1993.
* Jane Doe was in her late 30's or early 40's when found and may have abused drugs. Signs of intravenous drug use (i.e., drug tracks) were found on both arms
* She'd never given birth.
* Her name (per Jesperson) was Carla (could also be spelled "Karla").
* Also according to Jesperson, she claimed to have relatives in the Sacramento (California) area.
* She was around 63 (5'3") inches tall and weighed 130 pounds.
* She had a 5-inch scar on her abdomen, likely the result of a gall bladder surgical operation.
* She had dental work, but her teeth had deteriorated, probably as the result of a long period of inattention.
* Her clothing was typical of a transient, homeless person.
* Most likely she was Caucasian, but she may have looked a bit Latina.

For more information regarding this case, please look here:


Does anyone have any ideas of who this woman might be? It's been over 16 years, and I'd like to think that she has family or friends who have been looking for her.
Here are all the Carlas (from 70's through 1993) in the Charley Project.

Carla Corley is the only one that seems like even a remote possibility. But it is very remote - (I'd say very doubtful). From the circumstances, one might argue that she was traumatized by the gang-rape and disappeared into a life of homelessness. The height is right. Her overall look is somewhat like the UID, but she doesn't look hispanic. She would have been about 27 years old by the time of the murder. Not enough to go on.
Maria Sanchez really does look similiar to the Jane Doe, and the timing and height/weight are right! Jesperson claimed that "Carla" was Caucasian, but she may have looked a little Latina. When I'm searching for potential matches, I'm not ruling out non-Latinas.

The pictures of "Claudia," one of Jesperson's other victims, look remarkably different from one another, don't you think? It would be nice to have names and real identities to attach to these women. If I come across any potential matches for Claudia while searching through missing women, I'll pass them along.
I've drafted an e-mail addressed to Detective Breuss of the Santa Clara County Sheriff's office, but I have not yet sent it off.

Before I do, I was considering calling the San Diego Sheriff's office to try to get additional info on Maria Sanchez. However, I have a feeling that it may be difficult to get them to spend any time looking up the info on a cold case like this one,

With so little info, I hate to send Detective Breuss on a goose-chase unnecessarily, but there doesn't seem to be any more info available on the various missing persons sites, or by using Google.

Any comments, or possible lines of inquiry when I call the S.D. Sheriff?
Carl, I work with Detective Breuss, and I forwarded to him the information you found regarding Maria Sanchez. The San Diego Sheriff's Office said that Sanchez had a child or children and her DNA is on file (as is Pacheco Jane Doe's), so unfortunately this doesn't look like a match. They really did look similar--you have a great eye!

P.S. - I promise that I gave you and Websleuths credit when I called the SDSO and will continue to do so for whoever else may find a potential match. We'd just like to be able to give back to Pacheco Jane Doe her identity.
I'm not sure if I trust Jesperson's account that her name was Carla. Maybe it was a fake name she was using, if she was a transient.
doesn't look like there's a link for her in Namus. you should suggest that the Detective get her case uploaded there so more people are made aware of it.
Thanks for the comments, future criminologist. We're working on getting Pacheco Jane Doe in NamUs. You're right--Jesperson may have been lying about her name. Detective Breuss seemed to believe that Jesperson was probably being honest because he'd been honest about other details. However, there's always the potential for human error and, of course, human/criminal dishonesty. Not only could Jesperson have lied about "Carla's" name, but "Carla" may have also lied to Jesperson about her real name. (If I were hitchhiking, I probably wouldn't reveal my real name!) When I've searched for potential matches for this Jane Doe, I certainly haven't ruled out anyone with a different name.
I went back through the Charley archive, looking for anyone who disappeared from California at any time prior to 1993, whose age would be consistent with Pacheco JD (after taking the time lapse into account).

After eliminating anyone who didn't meet the height specifications, had children, had inconsistent scars or tattoos, or circumstances that suggested that they were probably murdered at the time that they disappeared, I narrowed it down to eight profiles.

Marian Mancia
Hispanic (although Charlie says caucasion), few details to confirm or contradict.

Christina Smith
Few details to confirm or contradict.

Sally Schneider
Few details to confirm or contradict.

Debra Kidwell
Has scar on abdomen

Rose Cole
Circumstances support drifter theory.

Stephanie Praszker
Intravenous drug addict with needle tracks on arms

Anna Anderson
has scar from gall bladder surgery, but also has tattoo.

Diane Dye
Circumstances support drifter theory.

None of these have enough commonality to get excited about. Of course, she could be from somewhere other than California (although she allegedly told Jasperson that her family was from Sacramento), or she may simply has not been reported missing (which I suspect is the case).
This woman is another UID victim of Keith H. Jasperson. I've spent quite a bit of time trying to figure this one out.

Damn. I ran across a photo of a woman who looked just like this a week or so ago while looking for a different missing match. She was too old for that match so I just skimmed over her.

Wonder if my history still has all the things I was looking at...I think she was from Texas or Arizona, might have been heading home? Anyway, I'll go look.
Damn. I ran across a photo of a woman who looked just like this a week or so ago while looking for a different missing match. She was too old for that match so I just skimmed over her.

Wonder if my history still has all the things I was looking at...I think she was from Texas or Arizona, might have been heading home? Anyway, I'll go look.

Okay, found her -- it was Charlene Rosser, missing from Eureka -- unfortunately several years too late, but boy does she resemble this woman...
Maria Sanchez really does look similiar to the Jane Doe, and the timing and height/weight are right! Jesperson claimed that "Carla" was Caucasian, but she may have looked a little Latina. When I'm searching for potential matches, I'm not ruling out non-Latinas.

The pictures of "Claudia," one of Jesperson's other victims, look remarkably different from one another, don't you think? It would be nice to have names and real identities to attach to these women. If I come across any potential matches for Claudia while searching through missing women, I'll pass them along.

They do look like different people for supposedly being the same. However, what stuck me is that this doe, Claudia, and the other doe, Pacheco pass, look like they could be sisters don't they? Weird if they turn out to be victims of the same guy huh?
CarlK, thank you for looking through the Charley archive. I've scoured the Doe Network (all states) and California Missing Persons without any luck. If both of our Jane Does were transients, which their poorly maintained teeth suggest, then there's the possibility that their families may not have listed them as missing. These women may have infrequently or never contacted their families while on the road. Likewise, they may have had no living parents or siblings. These women have been unidentified for over 15 years. Surely someone is looking for them?

Billylee, thanks for your comments. I wouldn't rule out anyone with the name of Cara/Kara. It's certainly close enough to the name provided by Jesperson. All three of the women--"Claudia," Maria, and "Karla"--appear to have similar heights and builds. There isn't much information available about Maria's disappearance; I hope she wasn't one of his victims.

By the way, here's another one of Jesperson's unidentified victims:

For such a large man (6'6", 240 lbs), Jesperson seemed to target relatively petite women.
I don't know, but I don't think Claudia was that much of a transient. One doesn't see too many of them bothering to paint their fingers AND toenails with gold glitter polish. The bad teeth could very well be a direct result of meth use. It is one of the tell-tale signs. And boy the 4 drawings included with Claudia, like you said the first and last look entirely different than the two middle ones. Sorta hard to try to match someone, when they all look so different. Just thinking out loud a bit.

There is an article at the site above from 2007 about the detective on Pacheco Pass Doe's case. (Maybe it's already here somewhere, sorry if I'm double posting.) The picture on the wall behind the detective looks slightly different to me. For one thing, she looks younger in it. It says they found a jacket and other piece of clothing, that info doesn't seem to be listed anywhere what kind, size, color or type it was, that I could find anywhere. Every little bit of info helps.! (I have been in the exact locations where this doe was and this one really gives me the creeps! In the 80's used to travel on business up and down I-5 and also Pacheco Pass (152), which has a nickname of something like the highway of death, two-lane road, lots of head-ons. Stopped at Casa de Fruta for rest stop many times. (This ain't no deserted highway!) To think this kind of thing could be happening right under people's noses, at rest stops, etc.......Yikes it gives me the creeps!
Thanks for posting that article, Billylee. The photo is actually a black and white rendition of the one I posted at the top, but seeing the photo in a different light is helpful. And, you're right--she does somehow look younger in the second photo.

Do any of you have any particular questions that you'd like for me to ask the detective on this case? As I mentioned, I work with him so I may be able to get answers to some of the questions. For starts, clothing description and sizes would probably be beneficial.
I ran the screen again, and here are a couple more that I passed on last time. Both are within an inch of the right height, and would be in the right age range in 1993. I don't remember for sure why I passed them up the last time around, but on second look they might be worth a look.

Mary Louise McCullar


Somewhat of a resemblance. I may have passed on this one before because the forcible removal from her home by her ex-husband preceded her disappearance, and suggested that he probably murdered her shortly thereafter. But looking at it again, could this have meant that he forcibly kicked her out of their home? -- (After which she became a drifter?)

Stephanie Agnew Grant


Weak resemblance to PJD. Very little to support or contradict.

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