Found Alive CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, 2 November 2016 - #13

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Coincidentally, just caught the local KCRA3 Sacramento news "update" - nothing new to report, except the shadowy women now have longer-ish hair

Edit whoopsies it's sideways

Oh my gosh, so ridiculous, IMO. At least there could have been a sketch made of the suspects. That looks like something from The Onion! I have never seen anything like it.
I don't think that anyone doubts her injuries, but so far there is no evidence of who inflicted them and why. JMO
KP's not doing her any favours by shouting from the rooftops about her injuries etc. It doesn't "defend her honour" (whatever that means), it compromises the investigation and means that securing a conviction, if anyone is ever arrested, will be infinitely more difficult.

There's a reason LE keeps information close to the vest. KP charging about like a bull in a China shop is irresponsible and the fact that he continues to do it, despite what he would've been told by LE, and what he would've read online (since he seems fixated with what people on social media are saying), makes the basis for his cause seem less and less stable.

What I meant by that is, not everyone is OK with disclosing that they have been a sexual assault victim. We don't know if she's been sexually assaulted but people here are assuming she wasn't and questioning the abductors motive. I sincerely hope she wasn't, but if she was, it's obviously a very traumatic experience and she may not want everyone to know about it now or maybe ever.
<modsnip> I am posting four different pictures of Sherri. She has not changed much AT ALL since their wedding day in 2009!!!
If it wasn't a kidnapping, how do you account for the disappearance, shackling, beatings, branding, weight loss, and release 150 miles away in the dead of night? I'm asking because I can't imagine a more plausible explanation.

A Psychological Thriller.
Deleted the rest of my comment because I went back, and read it. It was rude. Sorry. I will sit on my hands for a moment.

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Respectfully disagree. CHP already reported she was "heavily battered". The Sheriff initially confirmed that, then backed down and said he was only confirming that was what the CHP had reported. He then proceeded with his infamous "sprained ankle" speech which no doubt infuriated the family that had actually seen Sherri after her release.

As far as I can tell the only fact released by KP was that she was branded (a fact obviously known by the perpetrators) and which was actually expounded upon by the Sheriff himself! So personally I view the "compromises the investigation" argument as lacking in merit. Further KP describing what SP did to attract attention of motorists on the Interstate has as much evidentiary value as what SP had for breakfast this morning.

Perhaps I'm reading between the lines, but there seems to be a lot of skepticism coming from LEO in this case. For legal reasons, and just for common decency, they are not going to say publicly that they doubt the victim. At least not until they have hard evidence.
Per KP, Sherri's thoughts on why no one would stop.

"Well, maybe people aren’t stopping because I have a chain that looks like I broke out of prison,’ so she tried to tuck in her chain under her clothes.”

That would not be my first thought.


As a woman, had I been driving on the freeway at 4:30 am and seen SP, I would not have stopped. You never know if this is a rouse to get you to stop and be attacked yourself by her or others hiding nearby. I would definitely call 911.
So. Many years ago a black man was yanked off the street by a group of young rednecks in Jasper Texas, and dragged to his death behind a pick up truck.

No one wondered for weeks what the motive could be.

Couldn't this case be the exact same motive? Basically, hate and evil and impersonal revenge?
My vote was for #6 left willingly; those close to her don't know. I added "but suspect" At this point I accept her story as we have heard it & will not speculate unless new information proves the story false.
Gosh I can't keep up! I apologize if this has been covered, but has anyone been able to find an earlier connection between SP and a certain negotiator? Could KP have passed the lie detector test because he truly is only involved as a caring husband who believes he is doing the right thing when he defends his wife on tv? Could the words he is speaking have been placed there by someone else who gave him subtle cues on what to say? I'm stuck on things like what types of jobs were held to support the lifestyle the family led. Daycare was not an option when I was a sahm. What type of work in Redding? The wedding blog where SP stated she would not know what it would be like living with a man-even though there was a previous marriage. The "post that shall not be named"-how does one know the culprit if the culprit was never found?
I have been reading all of the threads regarding SP. New member in order to post. This sad situation is not really that complicated if you put down all of the pieces:

* When the Sheriff was asked if the local community should be on increased alert for their safety, he said NO. He said just normal safety stuff. WHAT??
* KP is calling internet critics "sub human", is going against LE is releasing information that he shouldn't, is going on a MSM frenzy yet is a very "private person", and yet is seemingly quiet about the monsters who attacked his wife. WHAT????
* SP very likely posted that article IMO back when she was 21 or so. I have read it and it is NOT a prank as her ex said IMO. The article was not demeaning to her much and it complemented her and her father. Note however the attention she wants by being a victim of guess who?? If you can, please take the time to read that article!!
* SP or her close associates have been on a social media clean-up. That is a top priority now????
* The family PI got the local "kidnap expert" involved on their own and immediately went into a kidnap for ransom situation with a ransom offered BEFORE and was even asked for. WHAT??
* SP's family is awfully quiet and not panicking all over MSM about the need to immediately capture the perps. They just seem defensive about her story.
* The very vague story of the two Hispanic women is beyond plausible IMO.
* <modsnip>
* SP vanishes and is returned in a very "clean" manner such as in no cam views, cell phone lay out on the ground, etc. Looks very pre-planned.

I feel sorry for the abuse SP suffered, but I will not let that take away from common sense. This IMO is clearly one of two scenarios:
1. SP was in on this all along with KP and possibly that "kidnap expert" who went bankrupt. Yes, she did have physical abuse. This physical abuse was the very tool intended to fool everyone!!! Pain killers and sedatives can be very powerful!!!
2. Someone the family knows has sent a very clear message to them. The family knows and is not going to tell.

IMO it is the first one. It is just SPECULATION on my part based on the information that I have read which is a lot. Just follow the money and the truth will come out IMO.

one of the most rational of all analysis here thus far
Has someone explained who this ransom negotiator is, and how he fits into all of this? If my wife disappeared, I would never think to involve someone like this. It wouldn't even cross my mind, especially when I had no evidence it was a kidnapping for ransom. I would simply work with LEO, let them handle it, etc. Where did this guy come from, how did he get involved?
So. Many years ago a black man was yanked off the street by a group of young rednecks in Jasper Texas, and dragged to his death behind a pick up truck.

No one wondered for weeks what the motive could be.

Couldn't this case be the exact same motive? Basically, hate and evil and impersonal revenge?

sure, it could be. but there is no evidence to suggest that it is.
I'm interested in the risks/threats specific to the area too.
She apparently worked (past tense) in Eureka, from time to time -- a 3+ hour mountainous drive each way. I am a bit familiar with the area (Eureka more, it&#8217;s pretty bad off) and Redding seems to have a better economy, although both seem to struggle economically.
Please see below an excerpt from my earlier post on crime issues in the region (Also worth noting that Redding was named the #5 most dangerous place in the U.S. for women in 2012 because of high sex assault rates.)

From the kymkemp link below: "Sherri did have a job over the last few years that brought her into Humboldt County,&#8221; Totten said. &#8220;She worked for a company that had a branch in Eureka. She would travel from Redding to Eureka every so often to work here for a short time.&#8221; Even though Papini no longer works for the company, that is a connection to this area, Totten said."

My note on drug activities in the area (I mention this because the OP asked about illegal growing which is prevalent there): Humboldt County/Eureka (neighboring Shasta County) has a reputation as a major marijuana producer, and Humboldt has actually been named one of 28 &#8220;High Intensity Drug Traffic Areas&#8221; in the United States and there are very serious drug issues (meth, heroin) in Redding as well. The cartels are active in Humboldt, and the indication is that these are local cartels (especially the marijuana farm owners, who have long fought the DEA). Mexican/Colombian/other Central American cartels are also very powerful of course, running drugs through California, and up to Canada.

Thank you for reposting this! I had no idea how bad it's gotten up there. The way this crime was described it shares a lot of similarities with crimes in Mexico where women get snatched off the street or people get kidnapped for ransom.

I just wonder why she was released if this were the case.
Long time lurker here, even before I finally registered-- so this is my very first post on Websleuths!

I've read most of these threads, but there are a lot of them, so forgive me if this has been thrown out there already--

Does KP have a jealous ex? Did he have an affair at some point? His own stalker? Yes, K & S seem very much in love, like the perfect family, but the whole case smells. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely believe that SP was abducted against her will. But so many of the details just don't add up, and the things that KP/ the sheriff describe as have been done to SP strike me as something done by a jealous woman.

Her hair was cut. Some of it was found with her phone. This seems almost like a direct message to KP. Like, from someone who knows how much he loves her "signature, long blonde hair".

The branding. According to the sheriff, it isn't a symbol, but a message. Could it be a note to KP? Something like "you hurt me, now I'll hurt you". It seems to me that she was always intended for release, as the women kept their or her faces covered the whole time.

All in all, it just comes off to me like a jealous woman specifically trying to get back at KP. Someone who knew that KP loves SP and loved her hair. Now, this could also go the other way-- a woman who was jealous of SP-- of her gorgeous hair, of her perfect marriage, of her family and nice house. Someone who knew how much SP valued her looks-- that would tie in with both the haircut and branding as well. Someone from the children's preschool? A former client? A coworker of KP? You would think that SP would recognize them if it were someone she knew, but between keeping faces covered and trauma, that may not necessarily be the case.

Either way, just some thoughts I had on possible motive. It just doesn't sound like a "random" abduction to me. I believe it was targeted and SP was the only target for these people.

Hair - For some reason, that statement about it being her "signature", struck me as odd.

Recognizing her abductors - If she knows them then she'd most likely have recognized them even if they were outfitted completely in black and w/black stockings on their heads. I saw a video of a break in, the person in the video was in black, from head to toe, there was no audio, and I knew exactly who it was, just from the build and the walk and mannerisms. The person was well known to me, though, not just a passing acquaintance.

Random - I don't think that this was random either. I just don't see someone driving down that road, seeing someone at the junction of OOT and Sunrise, and saying to themselves, Hey there's a jogger, let's kidnap her! It's just a really strange area to drive around to kidnap someone imo.
Thank you for reposting this! I had no idea how bad it's gotten up there. The way this crime was described it shares a lot of similarities with crimes in Mexico where women get snatched off the street or people get kidnapped for ransom.

I just wonder why she was released if this were the case.

I could take a pretty good guess.

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I gotta say, I am getting tired of the "why are all the pictures of her not recent??" questions. Seriously, people will pick apart the silliest things. I am posting four different pictures of Sherri. She has not changed much AT ALL since their wedding day in 2009!!!

Agreed!! One photo shared was taken just 2 days before her abduction. The criticism of her photos makes no sense at all to me.
Is the topic of Cameron Gamble the negotiator open for discussion on this thread? If not, no problems. I just wasn't 100 percent sure if it was in compliance with TOS at this point as I'm new to posting here. I've seen him and Bethel mentioned, but wondered if there was a reason it wasn't discussed more in depth (or maybe it was and I missed it. I've been reading since thread 8 but it's possible things got lost somewhere. There was wine involved at some point)
For those who were inquiring SP worked for AT&T mobile... although i dont know if she was still employed there. I would guess BB had a Kiosk in it... maybe thats where the rekindled high school romance began...
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