Found Alive CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, 2 November 2016 - #3

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Originally Posted by Westsloper
Oh no, there's a big wooded area behind that address.
The whole county is woods.
Originally Posted by Snoopster

the reporting person said they were a friend of the missing person and were calling on behalf of someone who didn't want to have contact with the LEO. Received information that "listed male" was holding a female against her wished in a shed/container.

It seemed to me that the report said..

A friend of the MP was contacted, and that caller didn't want to be involved in LEO contact.. Maybe someone made contact with the friend of the family who is in charge of the reward.

Pg 2.
[...] ... I do think abduction is most likely, based on the phone.


I think abduction is most likely, even without the phone. She was a petite, very attractive, young woman who had a routine of jogging alone in a fairly urban area.
That is a creepy coincidence about the tree trimmer complaint. Because we do know there were people trimming a tree who claimed to have seen her. Hmmmmmm.....kind of suspicious about them now...
Yes, I'm thinking she may have said it out of order..Maybe in the middle of stating that Sherri picks up the kids, she also remembered that she jogs in the afternoon. It's the news, they don't give a chance to make a final draft, they just move through the questions and run it. If she did pick up the kids first, she most likely has a jogging stroller and they would have been with her, but a four year old would sure out a damper on your training.

Yes, totally agree. I trained for a marathon with a pre-school aged child. I was dressed and ready to go when I dropped him off at school. NO WAY would I even consider running with him (esp when I had the option of preschool).
Originally Posted by CharlestonGal
Another oddity. I understand why husband did not return Sherri's text for 3 hours - he does not take his personal cell inside customer's homes. But why did she not return his text? And why did he not find that odd? He texted her at 1:30ish and she never responded. And he obviously did not find that odd because 4 hours after he texted her, he expected her and the children to greet him at the door with a hug."

This is a red flag for me: so... the day care/prep school never contacted him to tell him the kids were still there?

sbm bbm

Originally Posted by CharlestonGal
Another oddity. I understand why husband did not return Sherri's text for 3 hours - he does not take his personal cell inside customer's homes. But why did she not return his text? And why did he not find that odd? He texted her at 1:30ish and she never responded. And he obviously did not find that odd because 4 hours after he texted her, he expected her and the children to greet him at the door with a hug."

This is a red flag for me: so... the day care/prep school never contacted him to tell him the kids were still there?

sbm bbm

He may have thought she was either in the shower and/or picking up the boys from daycare and then got busy with them.

She may have known he prob wouldn't respond again until done for the day and on the way home.

Some people just aren't big texters.

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So I'm new here but have been following the case and all your posts and am posting this from my phone so I apologize for any errors but I had a few observations one being if the gift was half wrapped that means she was interrupted maybe by the doorbell or by the mail truck like suggested and since everything makes her sound bubbly and happy it's possible she was nice and tried helping someone with direction or stopped to talk to someone such as the tree trimmers and I think it's likely someone who works in the area like them or perhaps someone who knew her and most likely was male. I also think some of what he says sounds like what you'd say to someone you knew would be watching the tv and in my mind I went to what if he knows she's been kidnapped and possibly cause of the drug related things mentioned about Best Buy or perhaps because his family had money and so maybe he knows she's watching and maybe the go fund me money is being raised to use for that? It really just sounds like he knows she's captive but being shown the videos. I also find it highly weird that daycare didn't call him when she didn't arrive and also think it's possible if it's an abduction or murder that the person or persons staged the crime unless she was running and tossed it or maybe they grabbed her hair and earbud therefor yanking hair out and the headphones and then then phone since it's attached while she was running and possibly causing her to toss a check book found in the mail? But then the dogs should have picked her up if she was running anywhere near. But with all the weird reports in the area it sounds like she could have been taken and locked away somewhere and potentially killed if we are to read into the reports but I feel like the cops wouldn't have let them be on there if they hadn't checked them out. Next my mind goes if she had a gun she got it to protect herself maybe from a stalker or because of said RSO living near by and maybe being the person. As a female I don't believe you go get a gun less to protect yourself or cause you love hunting and shooting which none of the posts I've read hint she was into those things so it leads me to think it's for protection. And as a female our hair (and even mine I'm anemic and it falls out a lot) doesn't just get tangled in our earbuds and yanked out and then what if she went to get the mail hence the gift partially wrapped and a neighbor knew she would so he went to get his mail as well from that little community box thing and he did it and had been planning it awhile? I accidentally found this case because of the vetrano and marcotte case and hope it isn't in anyway related which I don't think it is besides jogging in the day. Also did anyone check for a Instagram or Amazon or eBay? Or tumblr? As for the alter ego board it makes sense she loves superheroes and they all have the alter ego that's their normal non super self.
Also if daycare wasn't daily like i we mentioned then who watched the kids for her runs when not at daycare? I'm sure she ran daily since she was training and he woulf have been at work so who was with them? They'd know her schedule. MAybe even have a key.
I'm just going to say this because of a lot of people pondering or thinking that if Sherri had had a gun, this would not have happened.

I was attacked, stabbed, and raped one early morning as I was taking my daily walk. If I had had a gun with me...I would NOT have had an opportunity to use it AT ALL. My attack happened and was over in MINUTES. There was NO chance of me pulling a gun out from wherever and using it to shoot my attacker.

So from MY experience only I have come to believe..

If you are carrying a gun on your person (holster, pocket, waistband etc) it will only help you if you SEE THE THREAT COMING

If you a going to carry a weapon while jogging/walking/etc. Carry it in your hand. Get familiar with the laws in your state and I would carry it in your hand. Then, even with the element of actually would have a chance to use it and save yourself.

I live in Ohio and Ohio is an open carry state. I could walk down the middle of the street with a rifle slung over my shoulder and it is legal. It is ILLEGAL tho to conceal a weapon unless you have a license. 31 states open carry. Some of the smaller weapons are easily "palmed" and are lightweight. I now have my CCW license but it is really unnecessary to go jogging or walking. Just carry your hand...IMO only, that may have made a difference.

Unless you're some sort of soldier or self defense EXPERT, the element of surprise is extremely hard to overcome.
I'm just going to say this because of a lot of people pondering or thinking that if Sherri had had a gun, this would not have happened.

I was attacked, stabbed, and raped one early morning as I was taking my daily walk. If I had had a gun with me...I would NOT have had an opportunity to use it AT ALL. My attack happened and was over in MINUTES. There was NO chance of me pulling a gun out from wherever and using it to shoot my attacker.

So from MY experience only I have come to believe..

If you are carrying a gun on your person (holster, pocket, waistband etc) it will only help you if you SEE THE THREAT COMING

If you a going to carry a weapon while jogging/walking/etc. Carry it in your hand. Get familiar with the laws in your state and I would carry it in your hand. Then, even with the element of actually would have a chance to use it and save yourself.

I live in Ohio and Ohio is an open carry state. I could walk down the middle of the street with a rifle slung over my shoulder and it is legal. It is ILLEGAL tho to conceal a weapon unless you have a license. 31 states open carry. Some of the smaller weapons are easily "palmed" and are lightweight. I now have my CCW license but it is really unnecessary to go jogging or walking. Just carry your hand...IMO only, that may have made a difference.

Unless you're some sort of soldier or self defense EXPERT, the element of surprise is extremely hard to overcome.

Holy smokes, jashrema! So sorry that happened to you!!! Did they catch the guy?
Actually this might me different. There was a black Nike found at one point, sherri was not wearing Nike.

Her husband hadn't seen her for hours, so I don't think it can be said with certainty what she was wearing. I know it's been reported that she was wearing Under Armour shoes, but I would take that as an assumption rather than a fact. I'd actually take everything she's described as wearing as an assumption because eyewitnesses can be unreliable even if they're being 100% honest. I don't know that she ever left the house that day to jog, but instead could have left in a car either voluntarily or involuntarily. LE has said they don't see her in surveillance footage, which we don't know what locations they got their surveillance footage from but if it's from along her jogging route they would know she didn't go jogging and the phone was planted rather than dropped due to a struggle while jogging. If this was something voluntary, she could have left with a wig wearing clothes unusual for her that nobody had ever seen her in in order to disguise herself.
My question is what prompted her to get a gun because my mind goes to stalker or maybe her ex husband is a creep? Part of me thinks because of the reports of the creepy try trimmers thst she had a stalker as well as I wonder if the person kicked out of the search party was a RSO or just creepy and maybe the killer/kidnapper/abducter because they like to insert themselves into in investigations
Wouldn't her husband be able to go in their closet and determine what she hadn't on? Especially shoe and jacket wise? He'd also be able to confirm if any of the found clothing a and shoe was hers
Also if daycare wasn't daily like i we mentioned then who watched the kids for her runs when not at daycare? I'm sure she ran daily since she was training and he woulf have been at work so who was with them? They'd know her schedule. MAybe even have a key.

If she was training for the 5k she was probably not running every day. If it was for the 10k she still would have likely taken at least one day per week as a rest day. And it's also possible she went for runs while her husband was home with the kids. Possibly - I haven't paid much attention to her training routine.
Wouldn't her husband be able to go in their closet and determine what she hadn't on? Especially shoe and jacket wise? He'd also be able to confirm if any of the found clothing a and shoe was hers

(Do you mean what she had on?)
I am not sure I would be able to tell what two or three pieces of clothing are randomly missing from my own closet (and I don't have a lot of clothes at all,) let alone someone else's. I think it is way too much to expect of a spouse.
Wouldn't her husband be able to go in their closet and determine what she hadn't on? Especially shoe and jacket wise? He'd also be able to confirm if any of the found clothing a and shoe was hers

Not if she had her own stash of clothing that she bought expressly for disguise and her normal jogging clothing intentionally taken by her to give the appearance she was jogging. If you're faking your own abduction, taking some of your clothes to give the wrong impression is one of the easier parts of staging a fake abduction, especially if you intend to plant items elsewhere like an intentionally planting a phone. Looking at someone's wardrobe only works if it's something involuntary, which how voluntary this situation is has yet to be determined by LE. With the Rita Maze case for instance people can potentially go to very extreme lengths to make it look like they were abducted, which there's numerous cases of people faking their own abductions for a variety of reasons.
(Do you mean what she had on?)
I am not sure I would be able to tell what two or three pieces of clothing are randomly missing from my own closet (and I don't have a lot of clothes at all,) let alone someone else's. I think it is way too much to expect of a spouse.

Yes, I wouldn't be able to tell if something random was missing from my own closet. But, most of us have certain outfits that are our first or second choices for certain activities ( exercise, shopping, lounging in house) So those workout clothes and shoes may be missing from her closet, and those were the ones that she would often wear.
Yes but I mean if she was not willing I know most girls don't have that many jogging shoes and clothes so he could at least say if the jacket and shoe found are hers or what one she had on unless she was addicted to buying jogging clothes and I would see if by chance her favorite around the house and errands clothing was missing because most girls have favorite things to wear at home and that would show if it happened from home. Now if she was running away I don't know how easy Hiding the wig would be so she probably would just use hair dye
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