CA CA - Sue Sharp 36, & 3 children, Keddie Cabin Murders, Plumas, 11 Apr 1981

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I meant to mention, I believe Crimely and bad 81-05 pigs at PCSO owe a societal debt: Due to their intentional mishandling and misdirection of this case, it became notorious. I fully believe it ramped up one sick maggot to target and kill a family in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, just to kidnap, molest, and torture the youngest boy and girl. After a couple weeks, he summarily walked off with the boy and executed him. The girl was IDd and rescued.

For those too proud to admit their whinging BS is just that, or that their pet theory is moronic, please walk away from this case. It's still difficult to prosecute the surviving involved, particularly with a wimp DA unwilling to do his job. But the case is solved. If this went to Grand Jury, I'm certain Justin, Loon, Dee Lake, Tony Garedakis, and others would be indicted on several charges. There's more 100% damm ing evidence in this case than has been disclosed, which I CAN'T yet disclose, proving what I've proved already is true.

To those claiming I've stated theory as fact, step away. Possible personal biases and/or stupidity could lead you that way but, for certain, your ignorance to the facts of the case give you no room to suspect or declare fact from fluff. It's YOU that has no tolerance for reality, and it's YOU who doesn't belong on this forum.

I've long wanted to get away from the whole "cabin 28" thing. It wasn't a cabin, it was a poorly-built tract house from the 30s for railroad crews. Back then, they were all basically two-room wood-frame sheds; no insulation, a wood stove and a bedroom. I imagine 2 12 hr crews in each, one in bed one on the job. You must know RR to understand Keddie, so don't try to get involved unless you're willing to do the legwork just to get up to speed.

Dating back to the 30s, the final version of The Keddie Lodge had a tacky, fake, inch-thick veneer to make it look like it was built from logs. The two lodges which burned prior had at least partial log framing, but the one still standing (the Back Door Bar is in the basement) is a std crap wood frame design. The first several buildings (1-4, the Gen Store) were also given the veneer. The dorm, 4 stories and opposite the lodge, was not. A few buildings north had the veneer, including 26 and 25.

Houses 27 and 28 were the biggest in Keddie. 25 was built big originally, but 27 and 28 were the same small 2-room design originally, eventually expanded several times. 27 was so slipshod, it should have been torn down after the first revision. However, one of the rooms of the original footprint served for years as the US Post Office in Keddie. The original postmaster (first female postmaster, as far as I've read) is a good friend of mine.

28 was added onto: Big kitchen, back bedroom (making it 2 br), and a basement, serving as storage/utility. The basement was eventually divided, water heater installed in the utility side and the other room an unfinished bedroom. Eventually, a back stairwell and windowed porch was added. Finally, an addition tacked on to the upstairs anterior, which expanded the front room (kill room) and added a large closet to the boys' room, where they cowered for hours.

If you've read anything I've written, I state fact and try to make blatantly clear when I'm throwing spag at the wall. CABIN 28 existed in the 30s. By 1945, it was a 2-story house. At the time of the murders, it was simply 28 Keddie Resort Rd, Keddie, CA.

I know a lot about Keddie, and am likely the de facto most expert historian of the town. And to think I learned about it solely as background to further understand the mass murder which occurred at 28 Keddie Resort Rd.

PS- Naming Main St "Keddie Resort Rd" does not make Keddie a resort. Two owners tried, failed miserably. If you think Keddie was ever a resort, just walk away from this case. Nearby Paxton Lodge was once a true resort, maybe twice. By 1968, Elektra Records had leased it and converted it into a studio/drug den. Jackson Browne was house songwriter. They'd go to Quincy for provisions or to catch a flick, and the backwoods oglers would freak out the 'freaks'. Imagine the closing sequence of Easy Rider times all of Quincy.

Enough fact. Time to relax.
Anyone recall this case? The survivor was noticed cowering in the back of an SUV parked in EQ (East Quincy) outside the apartment where the killers were staying. This was a couple years ago. Back in 81, it's where Loon, Wade, Justin, and Casey lived before Wade went off to the army as Loon was already doing several others behind his back. *advertiser censored* ring bells? Next door, on the corner, stood the Meeks home. Across the street and west is the building the arcade was in. Further west is the Lo-Price mall where the liquor and drug stores stood on the near corner. Adjacent and north is the trailer park where Don lived, his trailer at the front. This is where all the surviving Sharp kids lived, until passed to the aunt in OR, until placed (together, thankfully!) in a foster/adoptive home.

It's also where the dingus Dik Bagg, child-raping dad stayed for a couple nights for a 'joint memorial' before heading off to Oregon to 'visit friends' Had enough money to drive or fly then buy/rent a car just to get away from his duty as a father? If that doesn't prove what a waste of skin he was, what could? Oh, raping and abusing his kids. Yeah, I hadn't forgot that. If you had, walk away from this website.

The weird thing about this case for me is I found out about it on my own, just as the arrests were reported and before it turned into multiple murders. Gam didn't call me... In fact, I called Sheriff Hagwood, left a mssg about it prior being a killer *advertiser censored*'s lair next door to the Meeks. Due diligence on my part, as well as proof that I'd spent too much time on a case that is primarily solved yet not prosecuted.

Sole survivor of torture describes last night with slain siblings

Bugliosi didn't prosecute Manson. As his Gentry book indicates, he ignored key exculpatory paths in order to convict Manson. Bug blew "Helter Skelter" bigger than Charlie ever could, and I'm actually glad he did: The police work was so shoddy, Boychild never would have been convicted for what he did. Difficult thing, and I think Bug did the right thing: framed the guilty.

Keep in mind, it doesn't excuse how lame the book, HS, is: buried in court docs is a dialogue Charlie had with counsel, admitting he'd gone to 10030 just after the murders to QC. He wanted them to START at 10030 and go back down the block, repeating at each home. He found the murders too clean, so he and two minions (best matches: 'Clem' Grogan and Bruce Davis) tried to hang Tate from the front porch, then 'clean' the corpse, as you would a deer.

The kid hiding in the back bungalow, the 'caretaker'/lawnmower V1, Steve Parent, had visited? He heard it all, hid, heard people come back a couple hours later, slowly ramped up the volume on his amp, then went outside and hid on the hillside until sunrise.

Look it up, as the Truth certainly ain't here or on Wiki. Or from POTUS, biggest pile on the planet.

In HS and other books, there's screaming early on, then pops, then hours later, loud arguing of the "You idiot!" variety. These three wimps couldn't hang Sharon's corpse, and, I believe, got in an argument because of their frustration over their nonmanliness to rise the stiffening corpse of an innocent, pregnant and due, mother. I due know, from said transcripts, that they then dragged Sharon back, posed her, and used the trunks to throw a rope over a beam to add the hanging element. So lazy, they dragged the trunks near the front door, even abandoning the effort to stack them.

Bug had no difficulty selling his book to accel his lies, which is where I find fault in the mechanism. He failed the system badly, then profited on it.

Imagine how far he could have gone if he'd done his work and, just as LAPD completely failed, found the truth in front of his face. You think HS would be the same case and book? Geez, Bug would have oozed gooz every chance he coulzz about Manson's DIRECT INVOLVEMENT in the Tate Cielo murders. He would have SCREAMED about it in coourtroom, book, and until his death.

Bug was an idiot, the ignored transcripts more important than the lies prevailed.
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Guess what? I just put this together about BARKING DOGS and Marty's words "I had to bring"

Marty was invited into the tail end of the interview with Bo, They talked drugs.

A main failure of mine was to not contradict small lies. But they build up.

Marty <read up> spoke of immediate neighbors with loud backyard dogs. Dogs killed Marty's insanely rabid lies.

None of the houses he mentioned had dogs; none could possibly have "back yards"All of those shacks are built on a ridge line. Two steps into any of Marty's supposed 'back yards' drops you into Keddie Flats. 40 foot drop to idiots. NO DOGS, Marty is lying again. And he talks of calling in his own? 26 had no dog.

2011, I posted photos. Use street view and you'll see Marty lied about back yards, dogs, the bridge.
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Same lighting but with the bodies removed so blood zones are better defined. By 2011, I'd concluded the arc off circular spots were just bleed-out, where vx were left between attacks and before their bodies were finally staged.

To the left of Dana, there were seven circular bleed out spots. In the kill zone, there were four, including the giant arc spray when a probably unconscious John was finished off with a deep stab/slash to the throat, severing the carotid. However, this doesn't include the several layers of bleed-out on BOTH sides of the cushion. To the right, in Sue's area, were two more, and the site tip from the rifle. The pellet was between John and Dana, and I found a possible wound to Dana's upper posterior leg, near the 'bar wound' bruise to his buttocks (rifle barrel, table leg, take your pick) that strongly resembles a pellet wound.

As Tina screamed, it falls in line that she and Sue were 'incapacitated' right off the bat, but they also specifically wanted Sue conscious and coherent to take in fully the hell they intended to unleash. All of Justin's BS about Tina coming out at the end clutching a blanket is just that: BS. It's impossible to count out stabbing, but she was probably disabled with something quick, possibly even choked out. Dana is the only one definitely choked to death, all but Sue and Tina suffering hammer wounds to the head, all three in 28 stabbed. And not all of the bleed out spots came from head wounds, so who all was stabbed and bleeding out over there to account for 7 spots- some very tiny.

Despite being nearly 12 years since the Tate murders, the bloodwork was almost as pisspoor. Only carpet samples from some of the bleed out spots were taken, and results only indicated blood group and sex. Some were female, but only if we know how far to the front of the room (left of Dana in the images) can we strongly say the likelihood Tina bled out with the others.

Finally, the second attachment (no accompanying link) is the blood map from a better angle.

Kill Zone Lighting, bodies removed

Hey, k-mac- Tina was was taken for a simple reason: to throw of suspicion that Sue was the lone target. These are the same idiots that went completely overboard in abusing corpses to make John and Dana appear more equally damaged when compared to Sue. However, immediately after, they went miles and miles further in the nutso, sexually humiliating posing of Sue. Even after being moved and covered by Justin, his undoing of the ugliest aspects of her staging left it clear to me that her legs were spread like that because of the position she was in when rigor set. This spells out not only her original pose, but that the killers had left long before she was moved and covered.

Of course, PCSO and DOJ officially stuck to the scenario suggested by the easily debunked "Tina as Target" theme despite easily defeating their intentions at every turn with stupid mistakes and a clear and impossible-to-deny overemphasis on Sue as target.

The lie-filled Quantico document I found has oddball lies further equaling the damage to Dana and John compared to Sue, such as the doozy that Dana's windpipe had been clawed out with the claw of the hammer:


One of the first lies in the six page document is the claim Crimely were "DOJ HOMICIDE DETECTIVES."

The title of the document tells you where the intended focus was meant to be: "TINA SHARP, VICTIM, POSS KIDNAPPING". It was addressed to the BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE UNIT, otherwise known as the profilers. John Douglas, resident genius and pioneer, did his opinion based on tripe like this. The only ones trying to misdirect more then the killers was Crimely and PCSO.


Simply put, Tina was removed to push the investigation to focus on Tina. For 29 years, it remained the official stance of PCSO and most of the public. It still is remarkably popular due to crappy internet regurgitations, the *advertiser censored* Wiki entry, and sheer stupidity of lazy people. And, to be honest, the public being ingrained with BS ideas. Hell, it was a surprise to me when Gamberg finally publicly concluded that Tina 'most likely' was killed inside 28 with the others.

k-mac, what was your nick on keddie28?
bull *advertiser censored* buster :D
I was late to the party. but learned everything from your in depth website and dedication to sue and those kids is really commendable.
so glad you got the ball rolling again
think a lot of people think well the main players are dead so.....
but I agree there was plenty of dirty deeds and plenty of dirty people involved that should still see retribution :mad:
Thanks for the updates. Sorry to hear there are still no arrests. Was anything ever revealed from the Vidocq Society review of the case?

I haven't followed very many murder cases in which LE was suspected of covering up for killers, but it always seems they're very difficult to solve after the cover up. The new investigators and people online who re-investigated the Keddie Murders have done a very good job digging up some new evidence and analyzing the small amount available.

The theory about the DOJ cover-up seems somewhat plausible. They and the original investigators on this case seemed to really bungle it at every step. Drug dealing seems as likely as any reason for a cover up, considering the area was so remote and sparsely populated its impossible to imagine any other type of criminal activity ongoing there.

Marty and Bo (and possibly MS) were not the sharpest of killers, though they were incredibly vicious. Had they committed this crime in most any other city or town, they would have been arrested fairly early, as their alibis fell apart. They were very lucky they were "protected" for whatever reason. If, as some speculate, M & B were involved in a protected drug ring, they don't seem bright enough to be trusted by drug dealers. They also didn't appear to have much disposable income. JMO, if the cover up was linked to protecting drug trade, it seems more likely M & B only had some knowledge of it or the local LE thought sweeping it under the rug as a cold case would divert attention and shut down further investigation.

I'm still not sure what drug ring connections could exist in that part of CA. I always thought most of the MJ growing was over on the coast in Mendo and Humboldt counties. Maybe someone can fill in the blanks on this.

JMO, I don't think any of the key parties involved in this crime or it's initial investigation were very smart, but they were very lucky.
Here is a recently posted Podcast about the Keddie Murders:

Perhaps it is worth posting the composite sketches of the possible suspects in this case. My suspect in this case would be one suspect the Golden State Killer and he has recently been arrested. If you look Keddie it is not that far geographically from Sacramento and years ago one rather notorious message board poster said the sketches were rather like poor mans EAR/ONS composite sketches. EAR/ONS was also known to wear glasses as a disguise:


5 Unsolved Murders That Continue to Mystify | HuffPost
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<<removed deleted quote>>

Yes, there were the articles in the Mercury News back in the day about drug dealers in San Francisco who worked with Oliver North's friends in Nicaragua to sell millions of dollars in cocaine to gangs in LA. Yes, they used pilots and airports in remote areas for drops and distribution. Just looking at the maps, the area in NE California is kind of a central location to reach San Francisco, the Pacific Northwest and Las Vegas markets.

CIA involvement in Contra cocaine trafficking - Wikipedia

It also reminded me of the Tom Cruise movie "American Made" about pilot Barry Seal and parts of his career that involved working for the CIA

Barry Seal - Wikipedia

If that kind of activity was going on in 1981, it may have been just the US mob, with protection from crooked cops out west.

There used to be a lot more information about federal government involvement and knowledge of this stuff online, but it seems more difficult to find. I recall some pilots talked of the "airline" operation the CIA had that involved flying all the way to Alaska.

Anyway, perhaps its possible they were hiding stash up there in Plumas County. Or, if someone in DOJ was protecting the trade, they preferred operations be managed up there, outside of San Francisco, where the risk of other LE jurisdictions might uncover it. Jurisdictional battles were still a big problem back in the early 80's.

But they didn't want a lot of attention drawn to Keddie, so they made sure the investigation went cold quickly and sent the killers out of town.

I hope they can convince the DA to send the evidence to the GJ and get some indictments, while some of the parties are still around.
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Not lake and Ngs style. They tricked and kidnapped people to their already set up for murder, isolated house. Their victims (the women anyway) could be held and tortured for days. Lakes fantasies developed for years and he followed a manifesto. The Cabin 28 killings were too roughshod, spur of the moment, impulsive
Home and Garden Archives -

"Very few people know or have ever been in Keddie in Northern California. It has always been a very small and quiet place. This is even truer since in a census taken in 2000, only 96 people lived in Keddie. There used to be much more, but since 1981, it has become a ghost town. A terrible event happened in April of that year that has changed the little town forever and has left many questions unanswered. It has even given this town some unwanted and morbid tourists."

Newsbank | The Sacramento Bee &

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica]** KEDDIE - Cabin 28 on Keddie Resort Road stands empty. The tenants moved out Wednesday. By coincidence, it was the day Plumas County sheriff's deputies announced human remains discovered near Feather Falls in Butte County were those of a 12-year-old girl who disappeared from Cabin 28 more than three years ago.
When new tenants move in, the story again will be told of three violent deaths at the cabin. A mother, son and neighborhood boy were beaten and stabbed to death in the"

Many articles in the NEWS archives of google are available; many want you to pay for the full article; there is a lot on the net regarding the murders. The new film "The Strangers" is loosely based on the Keddie cabin murders which remain unsolved.

Triple murder unsolved..

Just checked to see if there’s a thread for this case, and there is. What sparked my interest is a movie we just watched, The Strangers, with Liv Tyler. It’s a dark movie, and we finally realized we’d seen it before, but...... too late. Had I remembered it was so violent may not have watched.

Anyway, was wondering if there’d really been a murder case of Kristen McKay and James Hoyt. That’s the names of the victims according to this movie. Some claim it was true and “scrubbed” from the internet. I find that hard to believe.
Sorry, I haven’t had time to read the thread. Does anyone know? TIA
Ok let me get this straight, the prevailing theory is a couple of unemployed criminal master minds began a brutal quadruple homicide. They stopped half way through for a beer break, leaving their victims under the control of a 90lb woman and a 12 yrs old boy? Those are some cool cats. To be completely secure in the knowledge that other houses were mere feet away, while people entered and left the resort and the bar. To sit in the bar not sweating, shaking or blubbering, not worrying about what could go on without then there. Real cool cats
Ok let me get this straight, the prevailing theory is a couple of unemployed criminal master minds began a brutal quadruple homicide. They stopped half way through for a beer break, leaving their victims under the control of a 90lb woman and a 12 yrs old boy? Those are some cool cats. To be completely secure in the knowledge that other houses were mere feet away, while people entered and left the resort and the bar. To sit in the bar not sweating, shaking or blubbering, not worrying about what could go on without then there. Real cool cats

I've read a lot about this case over the years, but have not read about any theory that some of the family were killed, then the killers took a break, then came back and murdered more. The only theory I've read that involved the neighbor and friend has all the family being murdered /kidnapped around the same time, after the neighbors had their evening at the bar.

This scenario seems most plausible. The two men attacked Sue Sharp, then killed the son and his friend when they came into the room. The young sister was kidnapped, possibly sexually assaulted and murdered, and her body dumped many miles away. The neighbor and his friend committed the murders, JMO. They may not have been planned (some of the weapons and items used to bind the victims were items belonging to the victms), but were committed in a fit of anger mixed with alcohol and drugs. More recently, it sounds as though some other friends of the killers who lived nearby helped them dispose of evidence or move the kidnapped sister out of the neighborhood.

The original investigation was handled badly, a lot of evidence was overlooked or ignored (including a confession by one of the killers to his psychologist), but the new investigation done in recent years has answered a lot of questions. One of the complicating factors of this case has been surviving relatives and friends of one of the killers. A few of these are notorious liars who have told many different tales about the killers, the timeline, what happened, what was said by whom, etc. So many lies about these killers and varying versions of events have been repeated on social media that people get confused.

All JMO.
When stabbing multiple people to death things get real slippery, its pretty common for the perpetrators to slide on the grip and injur themselves. In the week after, a few people were noticed to have cut marks on their hands/arms, Marty wasn't one. And of course the #1 rule, a killer will always leave something of themselves AND take something of the scene with them. Your dealing with a whole lot of blood without the slightest transfer? That's more than miraculous.
I've read a lot about this case over the years, but have not read about any theory that some of the family were killed, then the killers took a break, then came back and murdered more. The only theory I've read that involved the neighbor and friend has all the family being murdered /kidnapped around the same time, after the neighbors had their evening at the bar.

This scenario seems most plausible. The two men attacked Sue Sharp, then killed the son and his friend when they came into the room. The young sister was kidnapped, possibly sexually assaulted and murdered, and her body dumped many miles away. The neighbor and his friend committed the murders, JMO. They may not have been planned (some of the weapons and items used to bind the victims were items belonging to the victms), but were committed in a fit of anger mixed with alcohol and drugs. More recently, it sounds as though some other friends of the killers who lived nearby helped them dispose of evidence or move the kidnapped sister out of the neighborhood.

The original investigation was handled badly, a lot of evidence was overlooked or ignored (including a confession by one of the killers to his psychologist), but the new investigation done in recent years has answered a lot of questions. One of the complicating factors of this case has been surviving relatives and friends of one of the killers. A few of these are notorious liars who have told many different tales about the killers, the timeline, what happened, what was said by whom, etc. So many lies about these killers and varying versions of events have been repeated on social media that people get confused.

All JMO.
I've read a lot about this case over the years, but have not read about any theory that some of the family were killed, then the killers took a break, then came back and murdered more. The only theory I've read that involved the neighbor and friend has all the family being murdered /kidnapped around the same time, after the neighbors had their evening at the bar.

This scenario seems most plausible. The two men attacked Sue Sharp, then killed the son and his friend when they came into the room. The young sister was kidnapped, possibly sexually assaulted and murdered, and her body dumped many miles away. The neighbor and his friend committed the murders, JMO. They may not have been planned (some of the weapons and items used to bind the victims were items belonging to the victms), but were committed in a fit of anger mixed with alcohol and drugs. More recently, it sounds as though some other friends of the killers who lived nearby helped them dispose of evidence or move the kidnapped sister out of the neighborhood.

The original investigation was handled badly, a lot of evidence was overlooked or ignored (including a confession by one of the killers to his psychologist), but the new investigation done in recent years has answered a lot of questions. One of the complicating factors of this case has been surviving relatives and friends of one of the killers. A few of these are notorious liars who have told many different tales about the killers, the timeline, what happened, what was said by whom, etc. So many lies about these killers and varying versions of events have been repeated on social media that people get confused.

All JMO.
I was referring to "Marty and Bo ran back to 26- their cabin, 100 feet away, changed out of their bloody disco suits into jeans, and ran back to the Back Door to re-establish an alibi. Loon stayed at 28, guarding the victims and keeping the smaller boys scared.
I've read a lot about this case over the years, but have not read about any theory that some of the family were killed, then the killers took a break, then came back and murdered more. The only theory I've read that involved the neighbor and friend has all the family being murdered /kidnapped around the same time, after the neighbors had their evening at the bar.

This scenario seems most plausible. The two men attacked Sue Sharp, then killed the son and his friend when they came into the room. The young sister was kidnapped, possibly sexually assaulted and murdered, and her body dumped many miles away. The neighbor and his friend committed the murders, JMO. They may not have been planned (some of the weapons and items used to bind the victims were items belonging to the victms), but were committed in a fit of anger mixed with alcohol and drugs. More recently, it sounds as though some other friends of the killers who lived nearby helped them dispose of evidence or move the kidnapped sister out of the neighborhood.

The original investigation was handled badly, a lot of evidence was overlooked or ignored (including a confession by one of the killers to his psychologist), but the new investigation done in recent years has answered a lot of questions. One of the complicating factors of this case has been surviving relatives and friends of one of the killers. A few of these are notorious liars who have told many different tales about the killers, the timeline, what happened, what was said by whom, etc. So many lies about these killers and varying versions of events have been repeated on social media that people get confused.

All JMO.
I was referring to "Marty and Bo ran back to 26- their cabin, 100 feet away, changed out of their bloody disco suits into jeans, and ran back to the Back Door to re-establish an alibi. Loon stayed at 28, guarding the victims and keeping the smaller boys scared. As I originally theorized, it looks as though they had no clue Justin was in 28, which is a far more sensible conclusion than any other offered. Every time I've brought it up, she's forgotten all about her favorite child, her younger son, who she'd abandoned for hours while drinking at the bar. She admitted leaving him alone, supposedly asleep, but has NEVER given any indication (to me or anyone else in any known report) that Justin had come to them about sleeping at 28. Justin was a non-entity in 26, and had spent almost the entire day with Rick Sharp. Sue dropped them off at the ballfield for tryouts early that Saturday, but it appears Marty picked up Justin. Marty was proved to be in EQ at the time, a 32 yo drug dealer seen at the local video arcade. Why else would he be there? The same reports also state John had been there around the same time. Of course, this lines up: the arcade was across the intersection from the Meeks house. Less than 100 yards from where John had spent his last night on earth.

Back at the bar after the initial attacks, Bo and Marty quietly returned to 28 after Last Call. Two packs of Camels were found in the cabin. Sue smoked B&, Marty and Bo smoked Camels. Loon, too, I believe. One pack was empty, crumpled and abandoned on a bookshelf. The other pack, nearly full, was on the couch, on a bare spot where a cushion had been removed.

The cushion was probably meant to silence the violence to follow. It was placed on the floor in a small area lit by the bathroom light across the hallway. Although the killers probably brought a flashlights, the only light turned on during their entire time in 28 was that light. In turn, each victim (unk abt Tina) was placed on the cushion and assaulted. If Dana was still alive, he would have been first to be killed in the second volley. "
In m's (strictly hearsay) confession, its claimed he killed tina with hammer blows. Where? In her chest? That seems weird to me. The others had hammer blows to the head, which seems more along the lines of how one would kill a person with a hammer. This tells me M knew how everybody died except Tina, who'd yet to be found. The others were common knowledge from the time of discovery.

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