GUILTY CA - Tobias Summers for kidnapping, rape of 10yo girl, Northridge, 2013 #2

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Agreed. And I think the reason we see 'only' two counts for DM is that after he knew exactly what happened to the little girl after Summers took her out her house at knifepoint (and come on, he KNEW it wasn't so they could watch the Disney Channel and eat cookies) he flipped on Summers faster than an iHop griddle cook during all you can eat pancake week. So that was his 'reward,' getting only two felony counts.

I do think LE has been playing a superb cat and mouse game with these two perps in managing the media and I just hope they are much closer on Summers' filthy deviant tail than he has any idea.

I agree with all you said. I have a feeling LE will find and apprehend Summers soon. And Minette....thank you and

Lol about your flip flop pancake comment. :floorlaugh:
Looks like a scared rabbit as well he should !
Burn *********************** .
I'm sick of the scum. I have no sympathy for whatever
he's gone through or will go through. Shame on you !

he allowed this to happen to her. he could have put a stop to it and he let TS have his way. :furious::furious::furious::furious::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:
Having read some myself, I feel extraordinary sympathy for his family as well--especially his mother and his son. Words are probably not adequate to describe how shocked/crushed they must feel. TS had praised his son for being the "only person who had faith in me." What that kid must be going through, now...

I am generally harsh as a karma-ist. I don't have that much compassion for the family. (the son, yes). b/c you can't raise a family and have kids like this and have no responsibility. MOO is that there was rife abuse in the whole extended family, and that those who had been abused allowed abuse to be inflicted upon their own children and others in the family. I understand that if you are victimized and abused and have no power, you don't feel capable of protecting anyone, even yourself. BUT, if you bring kids into the world, you'd better figure out how to protect them by any means necessary. Denial & avoidance ain't gonna cut it. Family is implicit.
I want this guy caught so bad. I thought he would be by now. I just hate thinking of him slipping into Mexico. How is he getting money? Robbing people? Is he stealing cars to get around? I just can't imagine anyone helping him unless they haven't seen the news or heard the charges that he has.
Yes, I noticed on several of the counts, the only change was in the age of the victim ("under 18", "under 14", and "under 10"--meaning 10 and under as mentioned in the count I read). So the multiple counts have a lot to do with her very young age, as well as the crimes committed against her.

right. they did this with Austin Siggs, too. A couple counts of murder b/c he was perpetrating more than one crime at a time. simultaneous crimes create exponential charges. :)
Why are they charging Summers before he's arrested? That's unusual. Anybody know what that gains them? I'm not even sure what to google to find out.

they can even try him in absentia. Not sure what that does, except maybe get him life behind state bars immediately at a later date with no formalities or proceedings if they don't anticipate a prompt arrest.
Even more disturbing, JG, is that there are a few counts in the charging documents that are not showing. This means that those specific crimes are even more heinous than the ones that we CAN read. I can't recall the specific numbers, but it is between charge 25 and charge 30--there are a couple of charges will see that the numbers skip over a few.

I was literally sick to my stomach as I read what he did to this precious child. May he rot in hell for all eternity.

God bless this innocent child.

Wow. This is heinous. Looks like he brutally raped her and committed numerous other sex acts, over and over again, threatening her with a knife, keeping her tied up and possibly hitting her with a belt.

What a .

However, I didn't see any missing charges or counts missing. They are all in sequence.

This poor little girl. I'm actually surprised she's out of the hospital. How does a child get over something like this?

I think she needs a lot of people around her who love her, she needs to sleep with her parents every night, she needs to know nothing was her fault and that what happened to her was indeed horrible but that she was strong enough to survive so she is strong enough not to let it rule her life.

I hope she is not forced to talk about the trauma (beyond what she needs to to LE). I read that forcing children to do that forces them to relive the trauma and also acts to re-victimize them. She needs support but also to be allowed to process what happened and to speak about it at her own pace.

Poor baby girl.
I was thinking it has to do with film & stills. He's probably holding that close as his bartering tool. Sick f. The more heinous, the more worth. God I hate these crimes!

spose he's going to Mexico to hide but also to deliver said films to head honcho child *advertiser censored*/trafficking guy?
How horrible for her family to know those films could be out there, earning high prices. That would make me homicidal.
Wow. This is heinous. Looks like he brutally raped her and committed numerous other sex acts, over and over again, threatening her with a knife, keeping her tied up and possibly hitting her with a belt.

What a .

However, I didn't see any missing charges or counts missing. They are all in sequence.

This poor little girl. I'm actually surprised she's out of the hospital. How does a child get over something like this?

I think she needs a lot of people around her who love her, she needs to sleep with her parents every night, she needs to know nothing was her fault and that what happened to her was indeed horrible but that she was strong enough to survive so she is strong enough not to let it rule her life.

I hope she is not forced to talk about the trauma (beyond what she needs to to LE). I read that forcing children to do that forces them to relive the trauma and also acts to re-victimize them. She needs support but also to be allowed to process what happened and to speak about it at her own pace.

Poor baby girl.

and I'm sorry, but please - LOCK YOUR DOORS! especially if you have kids.
I want this guy caught so bad. I thought he would be by now. I just hate thinking of him slipping into Mexico. How is he getting money? Robbing people? Is he stealing cars to get around? I just can't imagine anyone helping him unless they haven't seen the news or heard the charges that he has.

selling child *advertiser censored*.
I am not in favor of vigilante justice in cases like this. I am in favor of a speedy, fair trial with a jury of twelve of the accused's peers, and then general anesthesia and a painless lethal injection. There is no meaningful 'rehabilitation' possible after a crime like this, because if the perp was capable of truly understanding the horror of the crime and empathizing with the victim at all, he (or she) would not be able to live with that knowledge. Plus, society has nothing more to learn from an individual such as this except the extent of depravity of which so-called human beings are capable, and all the 'studying' of rapists and killers over the years has not really succeeded in preventing a single atrocity, as far as I can tell. (It has helped with catching and prosecuting serial killers/rapists/mass murderers, certainly.) And I don't think that tormenting someone for the rest of their life or expecting fellow prisoners to mete out 'justice' is really the mark of a civilized society, satisfying as those options may be. (Personally, I think there should be a 'crime of passion' exception to prosecution for killing someone who has raped or murdered your child, but I do see all the inherent pitfalls with that.) So in my view, the merciful thing and the just thing to do is give a painless death, much as you would give to a rabid dog.

I know, I know, but a girl can dream, right?

IMO, MOO, etc.

P.S. LWOP for certain types of sex offenders would be nice, but not feasible with the current realities of the penal system.
Yep the blog section of LA Weekly is where I found it. I wouldn't be surprised if he's got some kind of gang affiliation, but I think I'm going to wait to see it in MSM.

It was stated that "Gang Member, Tobias Summers"...

I'll have to find the link
the initial vibe I get with cursory following of the facts on this one is that Martinez was onboard for the burglary (option 1 listed in my previous post) and Summers in a meth induced state of hyper sexuality or an anticipated meth induced state of hyper sexuality, grabbed N when the house they selected had N as a convenient available occupant.

Frightening. Just horrifically frightening.

as I understand it, the house was unlocked. So if they were checking houses for easy targets, it may have been a random kidnapping. I think TS certainly had it in mind, but I don't know that he knew she lived there or that he'd kidnap anyone that night. It was probably by chance during the execution of another felony crime.

Here's the link that claims TS is an "at large gang member"
I am not in favor of vigilante justice in cases like this. I am in favor of a speedy, fair trial with a jury of twelve of the accused's peers, and then general anesthesia and a painless lethal injection. There is no meaningful 'rehabilitation' possible after a crime like this, because if the perp was capable of truly understanding the horror of the crime and empathizing with the victim at all, he (or she) would not be able to live with that knowledge. Plus, society has nothing more to learn from an individual such as this except the extent of depravity of which so-called human beings are capable, and all the 'studying' of rapists and killers over the years has not really succeeded in preventing a single atrocity, as far as I can tell. (It has helped with catching and prosecuting serial killers/rapists/mass murderers, certainly.) And I don't think that tormenting someone for the rest of their life or expecting fellow prisoners to mete out 'justice' is really the mark of a civilized society, satisfying as those options may be. (Personally, I think there should be a 'crime of passion' exception to prosecution of killing someone who has raped or murdered your child, but I do see all the inherent pitfalls with that.) So in my view, the merciful thing and the just thing to do is give a painless death, much as you would give to a rabid dog.

I know, I know, but a girl can dream, right?

IMO, MOO, etc.

P.S. LWOP for certain types of sex offenders would be nice, but not feasible with the current realities of the penal system.

"Our Justice System is Broken, imo, as these two malignant psychopathic child sexual predators; Martinez & Summers, being free to prey on innocent children indicates"...

The Northridge, CA 10 year old child wasn't their first, or only, imo...

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