CA - Two Fullerton PD officers accused of beating Kelly Thomas to death

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Local new reported last night that the police chief has finally removed the five cops from active duty. The sixth officer was place on administrative leave early on.

They are still working though. They should be locked up.

>>Put officers on leave, councilwoman demands

Fullerton Councilwoman Sharon Quirk-Silva is insisting that officers involved in an incident that resulted in a homeless man’s death be put on administrative leave.
Of the six officers, one is out on medical leave and one is on administrative leave, Councilwoman Sharon Quirk-Silva said, and the others were taken off street duty but are still working.
Earlier reports from police officials have said that one is on medical leave but the remaining five are working
In an e-mail sent Friday to Fullerton City Manager Joe Felz, Quirk-Silva wrote: "I not only request, but demand that action be taken to remove all police officers involved with this incident. Every time a siren goes off in Fullerton a wave of concern settles in<<
Thanks for clarifying that, JBean. Yes, they are still on active duty, but not on the street.
I agree that they should be on leave.
This is so hear him calling for his father broke my heart. I am so glad to see the people of Fullerton standing up and voicing their anger keep it up until you have resolution in this case. This so senseless torture and beating of a human being perpetrated by those we believe are there to protect us, I don't know what else to say, I am at a loss for words every time this happens which is too often.
I've heard about this story, but cannot read it, look at photos or listen to the audio. As you are all saying, it's absolutely heartbreaking. I have two brothers that I worry about a lot, and I cannot imagine this father's feelings right now. Just hearing about it shakes me up.

If it's true that one of the city council members said that they would have offered a larger settlement to the father but his son was no rocket scientist, I'm left wondering just how many seemingly normal people in this world are really this heartless, corrupt and disgusting on the inside. I'm not referring to the monetary amount, of course, but to the statement this man was able to make about this poor victim, and to his anguished father.
There's a new video, taken from an Orange County bus. Local news is showing it. People are getting on the bus, commenting on the beating which was happening right at that moment...

"they're beating the (bleep) out of him"

'he (Thomas) was just chillin' and the cops came and surrounded him..."

"...pounded his face against the curb until his face was red...more cops came...pool full of blood"

"they killed him!"

People in the video sounded frightened, sirens wailing in the background.

I'm trying to find out where this video is posted.
OH man the anonymous informant that has been coming on John and ken in the afternoon is a treasure trove of information about the incident and about the major aggressor of the 6.
I will link to the interview this guy has all the skinny.
:eek: I don't know what to even say about this. The pictures of the victim were heart-breaking, to say the least. I don't know...just...I mean, they BEAT him to DEATH! That's a very personal kind of rage. He wasn't accidentally shot, or in a car wreck. Beating someone to death, that's frightening to think about. IMO
There's a new video, taken from an Orange County bus. Local news is showing it. People are getting on the bus, commenting on the beating which was happening right at that moment...

"they're beating the (bleep) out of him"

'he (Thomas) was just chillin' and the cops came and surrounded him..."

"...pounded his face against the curb until his face was red...more cops came...pool full of blood"

"they killed him!"

People in the video sounded frightened, sirens wailing in the background.

I'm trying to find out where this video is posted.
I have not seen that one yet but will seek it out.
Joe the video that is in the hands of the authorities is supposed to be clear enough to see freckles. the dispatcher zoomed in on the incident and apparently it is crystal clear as to who did what to whom. Also, one LE who is considered that major aggressor is ex-LAPD as he lost an eye in a shooting 3 weeks into his police career in LA and was picked up by Fullerton PD. he was bragging after the incident regarding how he beat the carp out of Kelly.
Will look for podcast-highly informative.
:eek: I don't know what to even say about this. The pictures of the victim were heart-breaking, to say the least. I don't know...just...I mean, they BEAT him to DEATH! That's a very personal kind of rage. He wasn't accidentally shot, or in a car wreck. Beating someone to death, that's frightening to think about. IMO

Tuffy, just for background info- the initial reports were that he fit the description of someone breaking into cars. When LE got there, he ran and that is what started the whole thing.
He was murdered and unless that video shows otherwise, don't call me for jury duty cause my mind is made up. :)
The anonymous informer on the John and Ken show said the cop who did most of the damage was bragging about "beating the crap out of that guy (Thomas)" the next day in the locker room at the station.

There's a lot more on the cop and his history, none of it good. I'll wait until the interview is linked here.

Apparently that cop is still on duty, in plainclothes with the gang detail. He is not on desk duty, according to sources.
The anonymous informer on the John and Ken show said the cop who did most of the damage was bragging about "beating the crap out of that guy (Thomas)" the next day in the locker room at the station.

There's a lot more on the cop and his history, none of it good. I'll wait until the interview is linked here.

Apparently that cop is still on duty, in plainclothes with the gang detail. He is not on desk duty, according to sources.
Anonymous Details:

You can scroll down to other interviews and discussion all worth listening to.
The police dispatchers are going to be the key here. They are the ones that zoomed the video in to capture everything on tape.
This is so hear him calling for his father broke my heart. I am so glad to see the people of Fullerton standing up and voicing their anger keep it up until you have resolution in this case. This so senseless torture and beating of a human being perpetrated by those we believe are there to protect us, I don't know what else to say, I am at a loss for words every time this happens which is too often.
Although, as I said upthread, I cannot bear to actually read this story, look at photos or watch the videos, or listen to the audio, late last night I remembered reading this post, that he was calling for his father, and I had to make myself stop thinking about it because I got emotional and really shaken up imaging that. It's so very sad imaging what that man endured. And to think that he wanted his dad... Unbearable to imagine.
hopefully the investigators will get the witnesses off the bus to make statements, to get all of the anonymous witnesses to also give statements, to make it matter all of the witnesses will have to testify in a court and for many testifying against the police when they will have to continue to live in the area and rely upon the same police force they testify against will be hard,

many will need a huge amount of courage to do so, I hope amongst the witnesses there are many brave people who are appalled at the horror of what was done to the victim and will be prepared to speak up for him,

it reminds me of the Frank Jude case, the blue wall was so high in that case that it took the federal courts to get him justice,
The anonymous informer on the John and Ken show said the cop who did most of the damage was bragging about "beating the crap out of that guy (Thomas)" the next day in the locker room at the station.

There's a lot more on the cop and his history, none of it good. I'll wait until the interview is linked here.

Apparently that cop is still on duty, in plainclothes with the gang detail. He is not on desk duty, according to sources.

Apparently that cop is still on duty, in plainclothes with the gang detail.

God, I hope this is a misunderstanding. I pray that he's not out on the streets right now.
hopefully the investigators will get the witnesses off the bus to make statements, to get all of the anonymous witnesses to also give statements, to make it matter all of the witnesses will have to testify in a court and for many testifying against the police when they will have to continue to live in the area and rely upon the same police force they testify against will be hard,

many will need a huge amount of courage to do so, I hope amongst the witnesses there are many brave people who are appalled at the horror of what was done to the victim and will be prepared to speak up for him,

it reminds me of the Frank Jude case, the blue wall was so high in that case that it took the federal courts to get him justice,

Listening to the witnesses on the bus, and their compassion over what they witnessed, is just a stark contrast to the inhumanity that we know was happening just minutes earlier.

This case bothers me so much. The more details I hear, I feel like I've been kicked in the gut. :(

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