Can Casey benefit from therapy?

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I do completely agree with your point on personal responsibility. But, I don't agree that Casey was not affected by growing up in the Anthony household. You are right, at some point we all got to put on our big boy/girl pants and suck it up, but Casey was in her early 20's and hasn't lived out of her house yet (except for the 31 days), I don't believe someone would be able to adjust to adult life and have a complete turn around with the issues you've suffered from being in that house.

There are people out there who have to have years of therapy to cope with the trauma they suffered in their childhood. And, you can't look at someone and say "well, that's not trauma, I've suffered worse." Trauma is in the eye of the beholder, only you know how it affects you, not how it'll effect someone else.

IMO, Casey would be taking on her personal responsibility by getting therapy for everything she's endured in life. It's not responsible to continue to bury things that are affecting your life and pretend they're not there.

Everyone is affected by growing up in their households and I don't believe the Anthony household was any different than a thousand other households in the U.S. and I certainly don't believe there was any molestation going on in that home. So what else could constitute trauma in her life ... not getting what she wanted for Xmas, Dad paying more attention to Lee and not her, Mom putting her down for being a bad mom or lying about a job. These things go on in many homes and the son/daughter in question does not turn out to be someone who kills their child.

IMO, some people are born with a chemical imbalance ... an imbalance that causes them maybe to snap more easily than others, or to kill when thing are not going their way. I'm not a psychiatrist, but I know there are studies that have been done to indicate whether folks might be more prone to violence than others. Couple that with a mother who swept everything under the rug (including the pregnancy) and the rest we know about. Most mothers do not want to admit that anything could be wrong mentally with one of their kids.

To me, therapy might be a band-aid solution to FCA. She needs to be checked out physiologically to see if something's not right upstairs. Until someone proves to me that she suffered some kind of trauma in that home, I'll go on believing that she is just like my brother. A enabled pathological liar who refuses to honor their obligation in life to live like most of the rest of us ...btw, my mother refused the notion that my brother has a chemical imbalance and he's still living with her and lying to her today at 50+ years of age in the same codependent relationship they had when he was 18.
No. Sometimes evil is just evil and their is no "therapy" that will cure it and no "psychological" label that actually applies to it.

I have to agree Roze! She pretty much admitted she was OK by the doctor who worked with her in jail & then the clean bill of health from the 3 during the trial....if anything, it's not therapy she's going through, it may be plastic surgery! Nobody has that kind of "luck"...sista gurl sold her sole to the devil & now she's out to repay him! :sick:

A therapist will only make Casey stronger in her attempt to appear normal. But it will only be an appearance.

She is loose. That is the real crime.

And Caylee is still dead. And not by accident. Nothing will ever make that right, not all the foundations established by grandparents, not all the books written or movies made, nor any amount of money.
Everyone is affected by growing up in their households and I don't believe the Anthony household was any different than a thousand other households in the U.S. and I certainly don't believe there was any molestation going on in that home. So what else could constitute trauma in her life ... not getting what she wanted for Xmas, Dad paying more attention to Lee and not her, Mom putting her down for being a bad mom or lying about a job. These things go on in many homes and the son/daughter in question does not turn out to be someone who kills their child.

IMO, some people are born with a chemical imbalance ... an imbalance that causes them maybe to snap more easily than others, or to kill when thing are not going their way. I'm not a psychiatrist, but I know there are studies that have been done to indicate whether folks might be more prone to violence than others. Couple that with a mother who swept everything under the rug (including the pregnancy) and the rest we know about. Most mothers do not want to admit that anything could be wrong mentally with one of their kids.

To me, therapy might be a band-aid solution to FCA. She needs to be checked out physiologically to see if something's not right upstairs. Until someone proves to me that she suffered some kind of trauma in that home, I'll go on believing that she is just like my brother. A enabled pathological liar who refuses to honor their obligation in life to live like most of the rest of us ...btw, my mother refused the notion that my brother has a chemical imbalance and he's still living with her and lying to her today at 50+ years of age in the same codependent relationship they had when he was 18.

First, I don't believe she killed her own child. With that in mind, I do believe she behaved like someone who has suffered some trauma (it doesn't have to be molestation, but molestation would definitely be traumatic for any child).

I think you're talking about the "rage" gene, the new found studies show people are more likely to be raged over things someone else may just be frustrated with. I don't think Casey has a rage gene though, we'd see the rage more then what we have (which hasn't been much at all in the last 3 years).

I'm sorry your mom is still dealing with your brother. At 50+ you would think someone would've moved out of the house by now. But, I wouldn't put the full blame on a chemical imbalance with your brother; sometimes the mothers don't like to cut the cord either. They like to feel "needed", and some children like to feel "wanted". It's a ugly reality, but it is a reality. IMO, it's a win win for all parties involved, or they wouldn't be putting up with it. (not meaning this personally, just meaning it in general because I have a brother who's very similar, just younger. I see my mom behaving like an enabler, but I know she gets something out of it or she wouldn't enable him.)
A lot of us have always believed in the drowning theory for the past three years ago...We also know that there are two sides to every story and that the American television viewing audience has only heard the one side of the story...the one that we call the HLN Nancy Grace prosecution side...

Since we do not believe that Casey is a cold blooded murderer like the news media portrays her to be...we strongly feel that she would benefit from the right type of therapy from a trained professional that doesn't have a lot of baggage themselves...
A lot of us have always believed in the drowning theory for the past three years ago...We also know that there are two sides to every story and that the American television viewing audience has only heard the one side of the story...the one that we call the HLN Nancy Grace prosecution side...

Since we do not believe that Casey is a cold blooded murderer like the news media portrays her to be...we strongly feel that she would benefit from the right type of therapy from a trained professional that doesn't have a lot of baggage themselves...
Again...who is "we"?
Do you have a link to something that you want to share...or is this just your opinion?
The main problem I'd have with the accidental afternoon drowning theory is that there were only a couple of hours for it to have happened. All during that time she was on the phone and texting instead of asleep or in the computer room. While talking to Jesse in a phone call she told someone or something to get off the table. The tables are in rooms with double doors and windows so that she could clearly see if Caylee wasn't in the grassed area of the yard where her playthings were. Cindy also remembers taking down the ladder and there was no time for Casey to have decided to take Caylee swimming. She wouldn't have been on the phone or texting in the pool. There has been no diagnosed mental illness or multiple personality that could account for immediately denying the death of a child and no reason to put clothes on the child that Cindy had never seen.
The main problem I'd have with the accidental afternoon drowning theory is that there were only a couple of hours for it to have happened. All during that time she was on the phone and texting instead of asleep or in the computer room. While talking to Jesse in a phone call she told someone or something to get off the table. The tables are in rooms with double doors and windows so that she could clearly see if Caylee wasn't in the grassed area of the yard where her playthings were. Cindy also remembers taking down the ladder and there was no time for Casey to have decided to take Caylee swimming. She wouldn't have been on the phone or texting in the pool. There has been no diagnosed mental illness or multiple personality that could account for immediately denying the death of a child and no reason to put clothes on the child that Cindy had never seen.
...especially if it was as the defense claims...that the drowning happened in the early morning hours. Wouldn't Caylee have been in her pajamas? I wonder if the clothes that supposedly weren't found were the clothes that George saw...and that they were discarded by Casey to go along with her kidnapping story.
And no...therapy won't help matter what therapist she sees (regardless of baggage). She will NEVER tell the truth.
...especially if it was as the defense claims...that the drowning happened in the early morning hours. Wouldn't Caylee have been in her pajamas? I wonder if the clothes that supposedly weren't found were the clothes that George saw...and that they were discarded by Casey to go along with her kidnapping story.
And no...therapy won't help matter what therapist she sees (regardless of baggage). She will NEVER tell the truth.

Right, and possibly made to look as if those shorts and shirt were some that a babysitter had in the little backpack. I'm not so sure the clothes weren't found and all Caylee's shoes as well.
Why isn't Casey receiving therapy for 'sexual abuse?' Why didn't her attorney mention that? Wasn't that the root of all her problems?
A lot of us have always believed in the drowning theory for the past three years ago...We also know that there are two sides to every story and that the American television viewing audience has only heard the one side of the story...the one that we call the HLN Nancy Grace prosecution side...

Since we do not believe that Casey is a cold blooded murderer like the news media portrays her to be...we strongly feel that she would benefit from the right type of therapy from a trained professional that doesn't have a lot of baggage themselves...

While I appreciate your candor and honesty, I do not and have not ever believed the drowning theory. I do watch Nancy Grace and have for many years but Nancy Grace is not who helped me form my opinion of Caylee's murder, it was her family and the evidence released via the Florida Sunshine Laws. I studied the evidence, read the depositions, read/listened to testimony, watched the videos, read the letters and everything else that has been presented over the years, Nancy Grace had nothing to do with my informed opinion. FWIW, FICA portayed herself to be a cold blooded murderer when she refused to cooperate with LE. First by not reporting her child "dead" for 31 days and then by blatantly lying about being kidnapped by an imaginary Nanny. Not only these things but FICA continued to lie to her parents on the jailhouse videos about Caylee...No it wasn't just the media portrayal of FICA, this is what FICA portrayed of herself to people. As far as FICA receiving therapy, it's a waste, a huge waste. Therapy will only help someone who is seeking truth. The truth and Ms. Anthony are strangers. JMO.
While I appreciate your candor and honesty, I do not and have not ever believed the drowning theory. I do watch Nancy Grace and have for many years but Nancy Grace is not who helped me form my opinion of Caylee's murder, it was her family and the evidence released via the Florida Sunshine Laws. I studied the evidence, read the depositions, read/listened to testimony, watched the videos, read the letters and everything else that has been presented over the years, Nancy Grace had nothing to do with my informed opinion. FWIW, FICA portayed herself to be a cold blooded murderer when she refused to cooperate with LE. First by not reporting her child "dead" for 31 days and then by blatantly lying about being kidnapped by an imaginary Nanny. Not only these things but FICA continued to lie to her parents on the jailhouse videos about Caylee...No it wasn't just the media portrayal of FICA, this is what FICA portrayed of herself to people. As far as FICA receiving therapy, it's a waste, a huge waste. Therapy will only help someone who is seeking truth. The truth and Ms. Anthony are strangers. JMO.

Especially when FCA said, "They haven't even found her clothes!" She was not in denial and clearly knew what was going on.
A lot of us have always believed in the drowning theory for the past three years ago...We also know that there are two sides to every story and that the American television viewing audience has only heard the one side of the story...the one that we call the HLN Nancy Grace prosecution side...

I have yet to meet a single person that believes the drowning story.

Since we do not believe that Casey is a cold blooded murderer like the news media portrays her to be...we strongly feel that she would benefit from the right type of therapy from a trained professional that doesn't have a lot of baggage themselves...

I know that it is hard to believe a mother could do this, but it does happen. I considered the drowning, but it just doesn't fit the facts.
KC could benefit greatly from therapy. But only if her therapist leaves the room and her purse unattended.
KC could benefit greatly from therapy. But only if her therapist leaves the room and her purse unattended.


My Opinion... First Caylee was missing...for almost 3 years...then she drowned....and now they say again she was missing.. IMO the lies will never stop.. No therapy will ever help someone that doesn't want to be helped..
While I appreciate your candor and honesty, I do not and have not ever believed the drowning theory. I do watch Nancy Grace and have for many years but Nancy Grace is not who helped me form my opinion of Caylee's murder, it was her family and the evidence released via the Florida Sunshine Laws. I studied the evidence, read the depositions, read/listened to testimony, watched the videos, read the letters and everything else that has been presented over the years, Nancy Grace had nothing to do with my informed opinion. FWIW, FICA portayed herself to be a cold blooded murderer when she refused to cooperate with LE. First by not reporting her child "dead" for 31 days and then by blatantly lying about being kidnapped by an imaginary Nanny. Not only these things but FICA continued to lie to her parents on the jailhouse videos about Caylee...No it wasn't just the media portrayal of FICA, this is what FICA portrayed of herself to people. As far as FICA receiving therapy, it's a waste, a huge waste. Therapy will only help someone who is seeking truth. The truth and Ms. Anthony are strangers. JMO.

I agree with you. I think a lot of us here formed opinions on Casey because of the information released to the public through LE records, depos, interview recordings, transcripts and things that Rick Pleasea posted on topix. Nancy Grace actually used a lot of info released to public during her coverage of this case. She formed her opinions on what she read or what she heard from the jailhouse videos and the taped phone calls and the LE interview transcripts.
Why isn't Casey receiving therapy for 'sexual abuse?' Why didn't her attorney mention that? Wasn't that the root of all her problems?

I also find it odd that post verdict Baez and Mason have made no mention of Casey needing therapy for sexual abuse trauma. I think Baez and Mason have goofed up a little in the way they are handling the media. They are trying to "rehab" Casey's image but yet one of the explanations/excuses they used in trial isn't being used to make people view free Casey as a victim.
A lot of us have always believed in the drowning theory for the past three years ago...We also know that there are two sides to every story and that the American television viewing audience has only heard the one side of the story...the one that we call the HLN Nancy Grace prosecution side...

Really? I doubt that. What other side of the story are we missing? Casey's side? We got that one loud and clear, first Caylee was kidnapped and then *bombshell* she actually drowned. She'd been so traumatized by the relentless sexual abuse that she handed her dead baby back to her abuser and went in the house to toss off some texts and make a couple of phone calls to TonE.

If ONLY someone could present that second side to the story, with reasonable evidence, I would totally change my whole mind.

Since we do not believe that Casey is a cold blooded murderer like the news media portrays her to be...we strongly feel that she would benefit from the right type of therapy from a trained professional that doesn't have a lot of baggage themselves...

Casey portrayed herSELF as a cold blooded murderer. By her behavior, she painted this picture. There's very little opinion involved when you examine the facts of how she behaved herself after the death of her daughter.
I agree with you. I think a lot of us here formed opinions on Casey because of the information released to the public through LE records, depos, interview recordings, transcripts and things that Rick Pleasea posted on topix. Nancy Grace actually used a lot of info released to public during her coverage of this case. She formed her opinions on what she read or what she heard from the jailhouse videos and the taped phone calls and the LE interview transcripts.

Yep,it might be enlightening for anyone who believes the media influenced US ,to start back at the beginning and look at the threads,the stickies ,the carefully documented timelines and ping maps ,all from the actual discovery documents,not the media.

The irony of such a statement is that WE were constantly frustrated with the media because they often got the facts wrong. WE could see that for ourselves,because WE knew what the facts were !

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