Can Casey benefit from therapy?

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Those are all fine thoughts and I sincerely commend you for them.

I guess some of us are just more jaded, because we have watched and listened to her for three years, starting with her - waste, a huge waste - phone call home wanting not information on her family or Caylee, but looking for her boyfriends phone number and so it went...

thank you for your nice comment, and i can very much understand all of you being jaded. i came into this shortly before the trial and i have watched and read everything available. all i'm saying is all of that was 3 years ago (or two if i'm counting the letters), and i have no idea what she is like now.
Was it Ryan Pasley? He's known her since grade school.
YES!!! that's it - I just kept coming up with a "brian" - it was close. That was him. CA told him that. CA had seen someone (therapist or something) and was told to institute proceedings to get custody of Caylee.

If you can find a thread - or his depo - I know its in there.
Most citizens would benefit from properly conducted psychotherapy. Even Casey. However, there is no therapy available that has proven effective for sociopathy. So, regardless of whatever benefits Casey might come away with from therapy, she will still be a sociopath.

Sociopaths do not have a conscience, thus they do not experience guilt or compassion. Casey will not be haunted by what she did to Caylee any more than she will have a true awareness of the hatred the public feels toward her.
I've heard that the only way sociopaths benefit from therapy is about how to fool the next guy. jmo
Most citizens would benefit from properly conducted psychotherapy. Even Casey. However, there is no therapy available that has proven effective for sociopathy. So, regardless of whatever benefits Casey might come away with from therapy, she will still be a sociopath.

Sociopaths do not have a conscience, thus they do not experience guilt or compassion. Casey will not be haunted by what she did to Caylee any more than she will have a true awareness of the hatred the public feels toward her.

Absolutely agree.
TMZ is reporting that Casey won't do any interviews until she has had some treatment to deal with issues related to:

1. inappropriate behavior when Caylee was "missing"

2. mourning the death of Caylee

3. the effects of solitary confinement

Do you think this is true, and if it is, can Casey benefit, since it is believed that sociopaths and psychopaths cannot be "cured"?

Or is this just another scam?

--snipped from the article--

"We're told Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, will continue to field offers on behalf of Casey ... and when she's healthy, Anthony will have the final word on where and how her story will be told."

..seriously---the only reason for the "kc is seeking therapy" spin is b/c she and 'the team' were counting on/dreaming OF the $$$$$'s that would be pouring in--------only to find the networks don't WANT anything to do with her.

..there ARE no big $$$ offers TO field ( aside from a "spread" in hustler).

"The second reason -- Casey still needs help coping with the "obvious trauma of losing her child."

..the only 'trauma' here is that kc is probably flipping out over NOT being the sought after 'celebrity' she thought she'd be------with no money, nowhere to go, hiding out with her handlers, and miserable.

..she's toxic waste, no amount of therapy would ever change my opinion of her and i will never believe a word she says, today, tomorrow or 5 years from now.

..baez is 'seeking professional treatment' for her, to get a rehab clinic to offer to take her--------off of his hands. IMO.

..the DT never ever thought she'd get OUT--well, congratulations boys--this is the prize you win for being "morally bankrupt individuals". you get to take your (as baez called her ) lying sl*t and walk her out the door.

..i hope baez and the team are stuck with her forever.
Scam, IMO. Even if she doesn't have a definite diagnosis per se, such as a personality disorder or sociopathy, I'm sure there are issues she could work on. She could at least learn how to be a functioning member of society, I guess. But for it to work, she'd have to be sincere about changing, and I don't see any evidence of that, based on the way she acted during the trial. All the shaking her head "no" and mouthing things in front of the jury and alternately flirting/smiling and getting angry when the jury was not present tells me that she is still the same person as when this all happened back in 2008. JMO and all that jazz.
I think KC would benefit from therapy about as much as any other murderer would benefit from therapy. She belongs in prison, not in therapy, IMO.
Why does Casey Anthony EVER have to do an interview? why doesn't she just try to go on with her life once this dies down ? There is no law that says she HAS to do any type of interview . That's why this is all bull
They are announcing this because that's what they were looking for and it didn't pan out . Now they HAVE to wait until we all calm down ...the reality is she doens't have to ever talk to anyone unless she herself wants to make money from it .
Why don't they release a statement saying after therapy she will do a FREE interview and explain all . More poop from the poop pile .
Sorry - to stay on topic
My answer is NO because it isn't for real
What a bunch of very interesting postings. I also think it is just another scam from Casey and her "Dream Team." One thing I have read before that really bothers me is about Cindy being told she should get custody of Caylee. There seem to be so many things that Cindy (and George) didn't do, even though there were big-time red flags. Were they afraid of Casey's anger, or just why didn't they make sure Caylee was safe? I would imagine, unless they're sociopaths too, they must feel tons of guilt now. But, they don't really show it. IMO, the grief that Cindy, in particular, shows doesn't seem genuine to me. Not sure about George. I think Lee is very weird too.
IMO this news that she is "trying to recover and get help first" is BS.. just a huge orchestrated move by her attorneys. I think their strategy is to have FCA lay low, pretend to work on herself and then get better, thus eventually people will forgive her enough for all of us to make money. Calculated enough for the naiive, but not enough for those of us who have a brain JMO
I do not think she can benefit from therapy because I don't believe that people that are capable of the crime she committed and the manor in which she committed it can be rehabilitated. Of course, JMO
I do not think she can benefit from therapy because I don't believe that people that are capable of the crime she committed and the manor in which she committed it can be rehabilitated. Of course, JMO

I was just getting ready to post that I don't believe sociopaths or psychopaths benefit from therapy.
Me thinks the media is afraid to touch Ms. Anthony for fear of the boycott backlash. She has to be rehabilitated before anyone can touch her. Our very forgiving society loves a comeback story and if KC were to go through therapy and come through as contrite and reborn, perhaps society will forgive her, or so they think.

Is it a scam? I won't go so far as to say it's a scam, but I do think it's a necessary process for Ms. Anthony to complete before she is bankable. Will the public fall for it? Oh I really hope not. Some of us will never forget and personally, I'm not interested in anything she has to say.


I agree that America does love a comeback story. We love to see people who have fallen on their backsides, get up, acknowledge their situation and become better people. But, I think this situation is different. Usually it's a drug bust, caught with a hooker, having an affair, etc. I don't recall a child murderer making a comeback. I don't think America is ready for this.

I agree that the therapy will not work because KC won't tell the truth. How do you teach someone how to feel emotion, not believe themselves to be more valuable than others, and see things in terms as what is best for others? You can't. The only difference between KC and my brother is that my brother has not killed anyone, yet. Therapy, medication, etc. has never worked. The lying, the scamming, the manipulation continues.

This is another scam. I'm not buying it.

Me thinks the media is afraid to touch Ms. Anthony for fear of the boycott backlash. She has to be rehabilitated before anyone can touch her. Our very forgiving society loves a comeback story and if KC were to go through therapy and come through as contrite and reborn, perhaps society will forgive her, or so they think.

Is it a scam? I won't go so far as to say it's a scam, but I do think it's a necessary process for Ms. Anthony to complete before she is bankable. Will the public fall for it? Oh I really hope not. Some of us will never forget and personally, I'm not interested in anything she has to say.

Personally, I don't think there is anything that can be redeemed in this situation. Narcissists don't take therapy too well because they believe that nothing is wrong with them and if in therapy they will cunningly lie through it all anyways to get through it. Lying is the hallmark of their mental capacity. (Can totally see FCA doing this, in my minds eye). Forgiveness? Since she has been deemed "innocent" of Caylee's demise, then there really should be nothing to forgive or to go into therapy for that matter. What makes any of us think that she is RIGHT NOW mourning the loss of Caylee and feeling any guilt in her heart...even for the 31 one days of "searching". (which she has been rewarded for with this verdict!!!) Even if she gets pregnant again and we see her blossom into this glorious mother unlike anyone has ever seen, there still will be no redemption/foregiveness. We all will be watching her every move and desperately caring more for the life of that child than the person taking care of them. The baby will only be a pawn to carry HER innocence, HER truthfulness, HER redemption because Casey is incapable of carrying it herself. Truthfully, the only thing that will redeem her, in my opinion, would be for her to finally tell the truth, walk back to jail and close and lock the door on herself forever!! This going to therapy to make herself "bankable" is just crazy thinking that she will ever genuinely change. Therapy, for her, will be lessons in how to act and seem NORMAL and again pull the wool over the worlds' eyes. I really would like to know what NORMAL would look like for her. After what has transpired, there is no normal no matter how hypnotized we are by the unbelievable chain of events.

She is only bankable to her handlers. I hope they use her up for the money making machine she is to become. She HAS to stay the Narcissist that she is forever to be able to get through her WHOLE life as a the most hated woman in America. I think I would self implode knowing that most EVERYONE who knows about this case would want me dead. Alas, but being a Malignant Narcissist, as someone above so eloquently put it, it will be her saving grace to be able to hold her head up high, smile for the cameras, make up new lies for the masses and then go and spend the money that they give her.

I hope they give her millions and millions of dollars. I don't see her being a true American citizen anyway and pay her proper taxes on it. I give a few years after swimming in her millions and living high of the hog that the gov't doesn't come after her for tax evasion and slam her sorry a$$ in jail. When she comes out of jail there will be NO ONE that will want to talk to her about her time in jail and give her money. The gravy train will be over. I just pray she doesn't bring another human being into the world.

:floorlaugh: Hehe, where did I start.....? Oh yeah, therapy will NEVER work for Casey!!!
I think it would take years of therapy to help KC. As for the psych evaluations coming back normal, was that said? Or did they say she didn't show any signs of mental illness? And would a personality disorder be different from mental illness? Perhaps some of our psych experts will weigh in because I'm not a psych expert and I'm certainly not a chemist.

SSM, the key here is that she HAS to realize something is wrong and she has to WANT HELP. Not gonna happen IMO. Would she benefit? Absolutely! Will she do it? Nope. I went through, what I can only describe, as a small nervous breakdown after my brother and his wife were murdered. I went through 2 years of extensive counseling. Even though this guy was behind bars, My mind told me if I stepped outside, Barry Hall would shoot me also. The mind is a funny thing and until you have been in the dark corners of your mind, It's impossible to explain. Thank God for the help I received! I'm back to ATVing with my dog and totally back to normal. :)

ETA, I do pack a 38 when I hit the mountains! :crazy:
Malignant Narcissist, Sociopath = No cure.

She is what she is. You cannot teach someone EMPATHY. All therapy will do for her is make her more devious, more dangerous. She will manipulate the therapists and use the sessions to further her own agenda's.

Her lawyers are now spending a lot of time with her. They are mistaking *mental illness* with frightening psychopathic behavior. I do hope they realise NONE of them are safe from her.

They best cut this albatross loose before it turns around and tries to peck their eyes out.

You summed it up very well. FCA is a manipulator, and any therapy she agrees to would only be for her "outside-world image". Inside of FCA there lies a black soul, and I think it feasts on evilness. Funny to think that her own lawyers might have unleashed something that potentially could harm them. FCA's gratitude is not long-lasting, like every other emotion she portrays.
:floorlaugh: Hehe, where did I start.....? Oh yeah, therapy will NEVER work for Casey!!!

You are a riot! Great post.
A person has to want therapy, want to get better in order for it to work. The DT is pulling another rabbit out of their hats, "FCA is getting therapy and in a few months might give an interview." They did this because of the bad press - the email campaigns to networks and email to Geraldo (bad enough that he went on the Morning Show to plead his case to the public "she's not on my vessel") - the protest scheduled in NYC tomorrow against the "Today Show" - the agent that dropped JB - Hugh said Playboy doesn't want FCA (need a sound byte here because I am laughing so hard about that).
The protests are not going to stop, it doesn't matter if it's in two months or next year when she comes out and says "I'm cured hallelujah!"
Too many people believe that she got away with Murder and those opinions are not going change.
"welcome our next guest who is going to talk about the benefits of therapy, FCA the woman that got away with murder"
"winner of best original screenplay FCA, the woman that got away with murder and her screenplay "how I got away with murder"
blah blah blah she got away with murder and no amount of therapy is going to change that fact. But, hey, that's just my opinion...

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