CA's Blogger comments on LKL

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Sep 11, 2008
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Many posts have been made claiming opinions that CA is trying to reach out to the potential jury pool with her interviews. She made quite a few negative remarks about "bloggers" on LKL last Wednesday ~ does she think that jurors are not bloggers? Are those who blog about this case not allowed to be jurors?

"KING: You think all these people are saying well, if it were my daughter, I wouldn't stand by her?

If it were my son...

CINDY ANTHONY: I don't know.

KING: ...I'd leave him?

CINDY ANTHONY: I don't know if they are. If these people actually have children, you know -- I don't know what the -- who these bloggers are. I don't know.

I get thousands of letters of people that are mothers and grandmothers that support me 100 percent. They're not bloggers. Bloggers, typically, are people that want to find fault with other things because that's what they do and that's how they spend their life. And it's kind of sad.

If they would use that energy into something positive like we're trying to do, you know..."
The jurors picked on this case likely won't have been blogging away. They'll be grilled on voir dire about what they have heard, know, think and feel about this case (among other things). If they have been blogging away about this case chances are they won't be selected (but booted for cause or a peremptory challenge).
The jurors picked on this case likely won't have been blogging away. They'll be grilled on voir dire about what they have heard, know, think and feel about this case (among other things). If they have been blogging away about this case chances are they won't be selected (but booted for cause or a peremptory challenge).

Thank you for confirming my assumption! So, CA can just attack bloggers in order to gain sympathy from those potential jurors. :boohoo:
I guess I didn't get my point across very well on this one. LOL! I'm beat! The direction I was trying to go is how PHONY CA is and how she still has to POINT fingers at SOMEBODY but she DARE NOT point them at any potential jurors so she feels SAFE blaming *ALL* negative opinions about KC on BLOGGERS!

She's fooling herself! It's not the "pick-a-parters" who are the only ones who see who is responsible for precious Caylee's death!

My MOM is a grandmother and a mother and NOT a blogger and SHE KNEW KC was guilty before I even talked to her about this case!

Wake up, Cindy!
I think I follow you. I think CA STILL doesn't think before she opens her mouth! Why alienate and insult a huge portion of the population when your own flesh and blood has her head on the chopping block? Seriously!!!
If I was CA - I swear I would be baking cookies for everyone on the planet! ANYONE who had even the remotest (?) possibility of having a say about my childs' life resting in their hands! I would GROVEL. I would be HUMBLE. I would BEG for mercy.

I would do whatever "they" wanted in order for the "reckoning" to be easier on my child!!!
I'm changing the title of this thread. It doesn't make sense. (Its too late for coffee! LOL)
Bloggers, typically, are people that want to find fault with other things because that's what they do and that's how they spend their life. And it's kind of sad.

If they would use that energy into something positive like we're trying to do, you know..."

I remember when she said this and I thot she is putting a blanket over all bloggers. Pointing her finger at everyone who posts about things on the net
she passed judgement on us all. Thats where I got offended because
I see the pain in her/george eyes and have compassion for them. So I guess I will try to overlook things they say and do as I really don't know what I would do if it was me. I think though I'd want to hide, fly away or die.
I don't think Cindy wants to admit that she and her family are disliked world wide. While there may be some who have written positive emails to her they, I believe, are truly a minority. To Cindy it's more about denying that bloggers represent a considerable portion of the's all about appearances for her. She wants to give the impression that we are a small group, worth feeling sorry for. She is really not very smart, had she any sense at all she would have used that show to apologize for the way she and her family has acted, thanked all the people who searched for Caylee, etc..

I think that Cindy started out the interview trying to act demur, more likable. Once she was confronted with the stack of papers from bloggers, who were critical of her, she lost control...she is pitiful.

I remember when she said this and I thot she is putting a blanket over all bloggers. Pointing her finger at everyone who posts about things on the net
she passed judgement on us all. Thats where I got offended because
I see the pain in her/george eyes and have compassion for them. So I guess I will try to overlook things they say and do as I really don't know what I would do if it was me. I think though I'd want to hide, fly away or die.
This is how CA operates.In some of the first interviews with media she said the public should get up off their azzes and find her grandaughter.She later said it was the public speculation that was putting the nails in Caylee's coffin.If Caylee was found dead it would be the media's fault.
CA has alienated pretty much everyone.It's how she rolls.
I have no doubt she is in pain and I tried to have compassion for her.But she alienated me,too.I have not seen any grieving over the loss of Caylee .I lost my son and I know what grieving looks like,from sobbing,not breathing ,punching a hole in a wall to silence.We are a large family and we all grieved differently,but no one acted anything like CA.
There are a number of people here who have lost children and have shared their experiences.CA baffles me.At the very least she should just keep quiet.
They still don't get it. I don't think there is anyone who doesn't understand that a parent would still love their child under these circumstances. There is so much evidence against KC that their comments about her innocense is downright ridiculous. They don't have to say whether KC is guilty or innocent, just say you stand by her and you don't know what happened. In other words, STOP SPILLING YOUR GUTS CINDY! If you truly want to help your daughter, just shut the ef up!

Is it possible that she reads the blogs but can't comprehend what they are saying?
I am (as always) confused on this one.

I have recently decided that I am convinced that she and the rest of the A's are both reading and posting here. That being the case, you would think that she'd realize HOW MANY people see right through her lies. She should also be VERY aware of the level of skill that has been put to use here in an attempt to get down to the truth for CAYLEE'S sake. She should know how awesome the members here on WS are at digging up information, finding out what the facts are, and uncovering those dirty little secrets that people like to hide!

I read for several months before I registered and I never mistook these forums for "blogs" or the members of WS for "bloggers." IMO, the research and analysis done here is much more important, significant, and useful than anything found on the typical "blog." When I think of a "blog," I think of pre-teens and celebrities posting their personal drama in an online diary for the whole world to see (sorry about the negativity and the over-generalization). I'm sure that referring to members of a forum as "bloggers" is a mistake that lots of people make when they don't know any better. In fact, my BF once asked me what I was "blogging" about when I was posting on this site (extra emphasis on the word once) :).

I guess my point is this:
1. She's reading/posting here....she knows better than to call members of WS "bloggers".
2. Everything she says seems to be an insult or a lie.
3. The comment that she made on LKL was meant to be insulting and condescending.
4. There is a very specific audience that she was attempting to insult.
5. She knew that we would be watching when they were on that show. (Duh!)
6. Taking a jab at the "bloggers" was more important to her than their image.
My opinion about CA's blogger comment is that she is merely trying, as she has been with each interview, to shift blame and try to raise that reasonable doubt in just one person. The A's are aware of the evidence against their daughter and how damning it looks. They are trying to get into the mind of any one person who may be on that jury and cloud their judgment with a "maybe", hoping for a hung jury or not guilty verdict. They do not care if they insult, allienate, or offend ten million people, as long as just one person can be swayed into voting "not guilty" with even a small amount of doubt.
They still don't get it. I don't think there is anyone who doesn't understand that a parent would still love their child under these circumstances. There is so much evidence against KC that their comments about her innocense is downright ridiculous. They don't have to say whether KC is guilty or innocent, just say you stand by her and you don't know what happened. In other words, STOP SPILLING YOUR GUTS CINDY! If you truly want to help your daughter, just shut the ef up!

Is it possible that she reads the blogs but can't comprehend what they are saying?

Bold mine ..

I've maintained all along that they're not exactly the brightest bunch on the block ..
I think you're right, the Anthonys simply don't understand, they just can't comprehend what's written ..

Very, very unfortunate ..
I am (as always) confused on this one.

I have recently decided that I am convinced that she and the rest of the A's are both reading and posting here. That being the case, you would think that she'd realize HOW MANY people see right through her lies. She should also be VERY aware of the level of skill that has been put to use here in an attempt to get down to the truth for CAYLEE'S sake. She should know how awesome the members here on WS are at digging up information, finding out what the facts are, and uncovering those dirty little secrets that people like to hide!

I read for several months before I registered and I never mistook these forums for "blogs" or the members of WS for "bloggers." IMO, the research and analysis done here is much more important, significant, and useful than anything found on the typical "blog." When I think of a "blog," I think of pre-teens and celebrities posting their personal drama in an online diary for the whole world to see (sorry about the negativity and the over-generalization). I'm sure that referring to members of a forum as "bloggers" is a mistake that lots of people make when they don't know any better. In fact, my BF once asked me what I was "blogging" about when I was posting on this site (extra emphasis on the word once) :).

I guess my point is this:
1. She's reading/posting here....she knows better than to call members of WS "bloggers".
2. Everything she says seems to be an insult or a lie.
3. The comment that she made on LKL was meant to be insulting and condescending.
4. There is a very specific audience that she was attempting to insult.
5. She knew that we would be watching when they were on that show. (Duh!)
6. Taking a jab at the "bloggers" was more important to her than their image.

Cindy can't handle the truth(love that movie) she wants everyone to live in Anthonyland a magical place where everyone believes every hmm lie she tells...its right next to disneyland...
I believe Cindy certainly reads here. I do NOT believe she posts here. I think that if she put up one post..just one..., all of you would recognize her garbled grammar and reasoning. I question that she would read some of the longer, logical presentations. I think that thinking through those posts would overwhelm her.

I think, but I am not positive, that printed pages from WS were found among the trash that that woman grabbed from their driveway.

So yeah-- she reads. Or she did. Or someone did.
There is an actual blog that I won't name. CA has been emailing them and isn't happy with them at all. They could be who she is referring to. Judging by the emails they have posted that they sent her... they provoked her by misspelling her name, etc. The only purpose I see for them to even write to CA in the first place was to provoke a reply and thus get readers to their site... that's why I won't say who it is.

I do not think that the A's handle anything in a proper way at all. I have some sympathy towards them for what they are going through but much of their troubles, they bring to themselves. Still I have enough sympathy that I would never even think of provoking them.

This was all happening at about the time of LKL so I think she was aiming those comments at that one particular group but throwing a blanket on everyone at the same time.

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