Casey A wants to Travel to look for Caylee

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Okay so let me get this straight...she waits nearly three months after getting arrested to finally search for her daughter? Shouldn't she have requested this from day one????

And then they want to keep it a secret? This is rediculous. She has wasted the time and efforts of so many people. This whole case makes me sick to my stomach...
Her secret search will be headed by her newly hired private investigator........



I actually think her wearing that t-shirt is very telling & is consistent with some of the psych profile info discussed on other threads. She has no qualms about wearing that shirt. That, IMHO, is telling.

I agree.. which is why I continue to call her transparent. She really is text book personality disordered.
You guys seem to have forgotten that Casey DID ask to get out of jail to search for Caylee when LP and TP bailed her out initially. It was under the premise once she was out of jail she could then help with the search and find Caylee, IIRC. Casey kept telling them that if she were out she could find her. Didn't happen.
This girl has lost her friggin' mind. :furious::furious::furious:

Hey KC: we are not all stupid like you. I think if you gave LE all the information where you "think" Caylee can be found, they can follow the directions, ABSOLUTELY!

The only travel she should be granted is a trip from her house to the BIG HOUSE.:behindbar A-B-S-O-L-U-T-E-L-Y!

KC just wants out to disturb evidence. She is probably P-E-T-R-I-F-I-E-D because TES is on their way back. She probably can't stand the thought of being in that house when they dig up the backyard or find her near the airport.

She just thought Cindy tried to strangle her on Father's Day. I bet the pressure in that house is reaching boiling point.

I am now, without a doubt, convinced she is out of her mind! And to think she at one time walked amongst us :eek:
:waitasec:Sooooo it's a motion to go to places of interest.

I still say that persons of interest go to places of interest.

Suspects go to places that are suspicious

S'cuse me Baez, WRONG MOTION!!!:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

The idea of filing this outlandish motion , which happens to be contrary to the governing statutes and rules of criminal procedure relative to bail changes, is bad enough. But to keep the intended destinations a secret, HELLLLOOOOOOO, give a hint you will offer it up in chambers at least!!!, is beyond words...abso-blanking-lutely beyond words!!!

I do not see a big danger it can be used by defense, at trial, either, :woohoo:but that's just my humble opinion, as always.
Nope it's not just you. I am so angry at the whole clan right now I could spit! I didn't think I would ever say this but I honestly feel hate for all of them right now. I would love to take those big brass ones and shove them right down their own throats! :furious:

These people really do expect and demand special treatment! How in the heck they have gotten away with this behavior all this time is beyond me. If this were me I would be under the freakin jail!!!!!! :behindbar

I'm sorry I'm so mad right now, I just really needed to let that out!

Looking at the way the family behaves, unless LE plans to cut them slack because they're related, I think they will be charged with obstruction when KC is charged with Caylee's death. For now they just let them continue to spew forth their denials because it's more to hang them with.
This transparent attempt at freedom on Casey's part could very easily backfire on her.

Of course any "searching" would be done under the supervision of the sheriff's dept and the FBI. Everything Casey tells them will be thoroughly investigated.

This is actually what LE asked Casey last week to do - start cooperating in the search for her daughter.

If she comes up with some vague "she's in Texas" theory, she will be thoroughly grilled as to the who, what, when and why she thinks that.

All of which would simply provide the direct evidence from her the state has yet to get because she hasn't spoken to them.

Be careful what you wish for, Miss Casey.

This one has finally pulled me out of lurkdom. It's either post here or go drown myself in a huge bag of M&Ms. It belong to my kids and I'd rather not be stealing candy from them at the moment.

I cannot believe the utter nerve JB/KC have with this one. It's been what 112 days since Caylee went missing and NOW she wants to go on a field trip?!?!?!?:waitasec: She took it upon herself to not contact LE for 31 days because she was trying to find Caylee herself..Then she spent hours with LE driving around to all these places Caylee could be. She's had plenty of time to "look".

I know what you mean, I just put one of her icons in my signature line. The injustice in this whole world of Casey-land is definitely vent-worthy! Vent away, you're certainly not alone:blowkiss:
I am thinking that maybe the AF is feeling the walls closing in. Between CA claiming "fabrication" and the motion for KC to travel, they could be realizing what is coming.

Someone I know down there saw a TES vehicle on Saturday, and again yesterday. They are starting to arrive.:clap::clap::clap:
Maybe with the new search areas being announced last week, the search for Caylee's body is getting a little too close for comfort for her?

Couldn't agree with you more!!!! Knowing Casey she will just try and move the remains once again.......unbelievable!!!!! This is simply outrageous :furious:
You guys seem to have forgotten that Casey DID ask to get out of jail to search for Caylee when LP and TP bailed her out initially. It was under the premise once she was out of jail she could then help with the search and find Caylee, IIRC. Casey kept telling them that if she were out she could find her. Didn't happen.

That's a FABRICATION. :highfive:

Oh YEAHHHH. Can you imagine being locked up in that little house with her the evidence mounts and makes it utterly impossible for Cindy to continue to defend KC?

I'm not going to judge Cindy (at least not in THIS post) but as she "catches on" it's going to be "rag...rag...rag" on KC. Something has gotta' give.

As for me? I'm watching to the East for that huge mushroom cloud to rise over Hopespring Dr.

My first thought was this motion was put forth solely to appease CA and GA, as they're probably starting to flip out and maybe are threatening to pull their support and put her back in jail. This could be nothing more than KC trying to keep them on the hook and give them hope a little longer. It is an extreme way to go about it, but I wouldn't be surprised if JB and KC didn't cook this up just for that purpose.

And OT question, if CA is charged with lying or obstruction would that have to be at the same time LE arrests KC or can it be any time between now and after KC's trial? In my opinion there will be a trial and in my opinion CA should be charged with several crimes relating to obstruction and lying and destruction of evidence. Again IMO.
This girl has lost her friggin' mind. :furious::furious::furious:

Hey KC: we are not all stupid like you. I think if you gave LE all the information where you "think" Caylee, they can follow the directions, ABSOLUTELY!

The only travel she should be granted is a trip from her house to the BIG HOUSE.:behindbar A-B-S-O-L-U-T-E-L-Y!

KC just wants out to disturb evidence. She is probably P-E-T-R-I-F-I-E-D because TES is on their way back. She probably can't stand the thought of being in that house when they dig up the backyard or find her.

She just thought Cindy tried to strangle her on Father's Day.

I am now, without a doubt, convinced she is out of her mind! And to think she at one time walked amongst us :eek:

See though.. She is not out of her mind, not in the least! She is completely sane.. she is just evil.
Looking at the way the family behaves, unless LE plans to cut them slack because they're related, I think they will be charged with obstruction when KC is charged with Caylee's death. For now they just let them continue to spew forth their denials because it's more to hang them with.

I so hope you are right Cali, I really do!!!!!!!!!!:)
You guys seem to have forgotten that Casey DID ask to get out of jail to search for Caylee when LP and TP bailed her out initially. It was under the premise once she was out of jail she could then help with the search and find Caylee, IIRC. Casey kept telling them that if she were out she could find her. Didn't happen.
I haven't forgotten....that is what I was referring to earlier in the thread when I said LP is probably laughing his *advertiser censored** off....
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