Casey A wants to Travel to look for Caylee

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"4. The Defense believes that the Defendant's ability to visit key points of interest in this case will allow greater efforts in helping to assist with the search of missing child, Caylee Anthony. "

I just love how they totally beat around the bush with that statement..."will allow greater efforts in helping to assist with the search of missing child,"

Wow, what a fancy way of saying "give me a get-off-of-my-home-confinement-free-card to ride around without LE supervision and waste time, telling more lies to accomplish absoutely nothing in the search for my missing daughter!!! :furious:

She doesnt need to "travel" to help find her daughter, she needs to TELL THE TRUTH!!!!
She just wants more time out of the house, she's bored. Can't imagine what it is like in that house! Who would pay for the "travel"?
"The Defense believes that the Defendant's ability to visit key points of interest in this case will allow greater efforts in helping to assist with the search of missing child, Caylee Anthony."

This sounds just like when she was sitting in jail and convinced LP and her family that if she just were able to get out of jail, she'd tell be in a place to tell her family the truth about where Caylee was.. Then she was released and did not tell anyone anything, she just laughed and laughed and laughed that she can manipulate everyone, and she played on the internet and talked on the phone and baked and not a word to anyone that might be able help LE find her daughter.

That ploy worked and so she is just going to continue to boo-boo face the judge and Baez and anyone else of any use to her, and use it to get more and more freedoms..
Defense wants Anthony - who is on home confinement - to be able to visit "key points of interest in the case" to help in the search for her daughter...

P-leeeez... if OJ weren't already in jail, the two could search together...
She just wants more time out of the house, she's bored. Can't imagine what it is like in that house! Who would pay for the "travel"?

Caylee was reported missing July 16, 12 1/2 weeks an estimation of 4K per week (somebody correct me if this estimate is wrong), it has cost the taxpayers a MINIMUM of $48,000. to date, probably much more.

and now 3 months after she wants to *search*....because she's bored with sitting home with Cindy & George? perhaps her presence would generate more revenue into those jars.....
"4. The Defense believes that the Defendant's ability to visit key points of interest in this case will allow greater efforts in helping to assist with the search of missing child, Caylee Anthony. "

I just love how they totally beat around the bush with that statement..."will allow greater efforts in helping to assist with the search of missing child,"

Wow, what a fancy way of saying "give me a get-off-of-my-home-confinement-free-card to ride around without LE supervision and waste time, telling more lies to accomplish absoutely nothing in the search for my missing daughter!!! :furious:

She doesnt need to "travel" to help find her daughter, she needs to TELL THE TRUTH!!!!

I don't understand how this works? I realize that she's out on bail but in effect, she's under "arrest". Do they allow people in jail to go travelling? I would think that they might consider it if she confessed or gave precise information regarding Caylee's whereabouts but for her to be out and about "looking around"??? I don't think that this will be precedent that any judge would like to set! Imagine all the prisoners who will begin to ask for the same priveledge!

"4. The Defense believes that the Defendant's ability to visit key points of interest in this case will allow greater efforts in helping to assist with the search of missing child, Caylee Anthony. "

Key points of interest. Well, they should drag her sorry butt into a gator infested swamp on a canoe with a hole in it. Maybe she would start "remembering" where she "disposed" of her daughter. I guess the girl can't help it that she is a bit dim. She is so accustomed to having her demands met, that the rest of the world must comply and do as she wishes.It's all hogwash
"4. The Defense believes that the Defendant's ability to visit key points of interest in this case will allow greater efforts in helping to assist with the search of missing child, Caylee Anthony. "

I just love how they totally beat around the bush with that statement..."will allow greater efforts in helping to assist with the search of missing child,"

Wow, what a fancy way of saying "give me a get-off-of-my-home-confinement-free-card to ride around without LE supervision and waste time, telling more lies to accomplish absoutely nothing in the search for my missing daughter!!! :furious:

She doesnt need to "travel" to help find her daughter, she needs to TELL THE TRUTH!!!!

We all know what "key points" are of "interest" to KC, don't we now?
If they let her travel, I lost all faith in this case for good. She shouldnt even be at home, she should be in JAIL, and travel? Thats crazy! IMO.

OMG You have to be kidding. :bang::steamed:

I can not imagine the bonds man let alone LE actually agreeing to this. :eek:

If this does not beg to arrest her for murder, no bond status, I don't know what does.

Put her back in jail, throw away the key! :behindbar:Justice:

She cant remember where she left her kid, to fill her car with gas, to actually use her own checks or where she works but she WILL find Caylee if we will only remove her ankle monitor, give her airline tickets, cash or meals & hotels................get real:confused::razz::liar:
the 1st conclusion is:
the pressure cooker she lives in is about to burst, and wants to travel -aka-

searchers are probably searching a little to close to where she put caylee, and needs to go distract them.

BECAUSE GUESS WHAT CASEY????....... you've lied this whole time, it's beyond your control now!!!
LOL sure, let head-Case out and about.
Can we all shout together: NO WAY JOSE!
Defense wants Anthony - who is on home confinement - to be able to visit "key points of interest in the case" to help in the search for her daughter...

P-leeeez... if OJ weren't already in jail, the two could search together...

They would make a great team. :)
Oh YEAHHHH. Can you imagine being locked up in that little house with her the evidence mounts and makes it utterly impossible for Cindy to continue to defend KC?

It cannot be that bad, because if she were my daughter she'd have told me where Caylee was or she'd need to find somewhere else to be on "home confinement". No way no how, would she live in my house while my grandbaby was missing.

If CA & GA were leaning on her every minute of every day she'd hafta break. No one crazy or not could stand that.
If they let her travel, I lost all faith in this case for good. She shouldnt even be at home, she should be in JAIL, and travel? Thats crazy! IMO.

LOL, the more I think of this the more I think the judge should grant it... with conditions.

A. Two detectives accompany Casey and Baez.

B. A media pool camera accompanies them.

C. If she fails to turn up any evidence: bail is revoked, she is returned to jail, charged with contempt and violation of bail conditions, and remains in jail until trial.
If the judge allows her to travel ANYWHERE, it should be from the Anthony house to the "BIG HOUSE", and that's it. Anything above that, I, as a Florida Tax payer, will DEMAND an explanation from the judge if s/he allows travel. And then I will quickly begin a petition to have "said judge" ousted, disbarred, fired.
Wonder where? Texas, NY, Puerto Rico...geez, ridiculous!!!
I definitley hope that motion is DENIED!

This could be interesting. It may not be in her best interest (safety that is) to come to Texas. We have a different since of justice here. Bring her on. I bet someone here could get a location out of her.
LOL, the more I think of this the more I think the judge should grant it... with conditions.

A. Two detectives accompany Casey and Baez.

B. A media pool camera accompanies them.

C. If she fails to turn up any evidence: bail is revoked, she is returned to jail, charged with contempt and violation of bail conditions, and remains in jail until trial.

I like that scenario !!!
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