Casey A wants to Travel to look for Caylee

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JB is a joke for an attorney!!! I wouldn't let him defend my dog!! The only thing that seems to matter to him is making sure his client is as comfortable as possible and is able to enjoy a little bit of freedom out in the fresh air. He's not interested in finding out what KC did to Caylee!! They could both care less!!!
How's this?
LOL How did I miss this post?! :eek::eek: Say it ain't so! (Awww...the rest didn't transfer in quotes.)
yep exactly

I concur with Robotdog and Turbothink. KC wants to possibly run. These 'Places of interest' are NOT I repeat NOT local search areas!! The spokesperson for Baez has said that for KC to assist in the search with TES would never happen because that would be akin to admitting Caylee is deceased. So that being said, it naturally leads us to assume that she may want to go abroad to PR, Mexico or in the states to ATL or TX. Either way her M.O. will definitely be one of trying to put Hopespring Drive behind her!!
BTW.........withdrawals for meth can last up to 9 months. They seem to "pick" at themselves (usually their arms) as they come off of it. Notice KC always has on long sleeves.

I disagree..I don't recall seeing her in long sleeves at all..normally it's t-shirts, tank tops dresses(when not in jail), etc.
yep exactly

do you honestly think she will try to run! My God, where can she go that she won't be recognized, what about money and who, in their right mind would be stupid enough to try to help her and face possible jail time? The thought of her taking off just scares the out of me
I haven't read this thread yet, but I am hoping against hope there is no name calling in here or other things that might cause TO's . I am going to read it in a little while. hint hint.

<casually pointing to edit button on bottom right of post>
I went back and checked all of my posts, JBean! I think they are OK. :angel:
Those are most likely barbiturates and she was "wired" all the time as described by her friends. Excessively talking, and going all the time. That is meth and I believe when some of her friend's testimony comes out in court you will see I have been right about that all along.

I tend to think that is why LE is not getting in a hurry to charge her. I believe they have bigger "fish to fry" in the Orlando area. Keep in mind the DEA closed down Fusion a few weeks after she was arrested
I wouldn't be one bit surprised if you are right. My thinking has been on that track from the beginning, as well. Might not directly have anything to do with Caylee's disappearance, but still a factor. As for the prescription meds, I was referring to SSRI/SNRI drugs like Paxil and Effexor and the bizarre effects they have on a large percentage of individuals who who take them. CA's behavior indicates that she falls in that number. I'd love to know if mother and daughter were/are on psych medsm and if so, for how long.
do you honestly think she will try to run! My God, where can she go that she won't be recognized, what about money and who, in their right mind would be stupid enough to try to help her and face possible jail time? The thought of her taking off just scares the out of me

I honestly believe that we need to think more in the realms of pyschopathic behavior versus normal human ones. She just might be desperate enough to run. God knows the atmosphere in that house under normal circumstances was toxic it must now be a nuclear warzone with CA on outward appearances showing loyalty to KC in the media but behind walls I can't imagine her biting her tougue with her daughter. She never did before...
Maybe she wants to taks OJ's approach to finding Nicole's the golf course, bars, restaurants...
JB is a joke for an attorney!!! I wouldn't let him defend my dog!! The only thing that seems to matter to him is making sure his client is as comfortable as possible and is able to enjoy a little bit of freedom out in the fresh air. He's not interested in finding out what KC did to Caylee!! They could both care less!!!

OMG, is your dog missing a daughter too? :eek: tsk tsk
I was sooo disappointed that NG only spent a half hour on the BOMBSHELL motions filed by JB! And all for OJ!! Who cares that he was convicted!! It came back to him full circle!! We are trying to get to that point with THIS case!! LET US ALL PRAY THAT IT WON'T BE 13 YEARS COMING LIKE THE JUICE!! (maybe NG is getting a little tired of this case CREEPING along like the rest of us!!)
OMG, is your dog missing a daughter too? :eek: tsk tsk

LOL!! No, but he does have the habit of pulling tissue out of the bathroom garbage and shredding it!! When caught in the act I would swear his little puppy dog eyes are saying NOT GUILTY MOMMY!! IT WAS THE SQUIRREL ACROSS THE STREET!! Haha
do you honestly think she will try to run! My God, where can she go that she won't be recognized, what about money and who, in their right mind would be stupid enough to try to help her and face possible jail time? The thought of her taking off just scares the out of me

My humble opinion is that KC will not try to run, too lazy to put any effort into that business. The A family will barely leave their driveway to do a thing for anyone, they are certainly not going to go to all the effort, expense, legalities and all of the other stuff that goes into assisting a family member on the lam. It is not an easy life. It is an ugly life and one that KC is not prepared to live in, she knows it and her family knows it. Running isn't an option for her. JMHO.
LOL!! No, but he does have the habit of pulling tissue out of the bathroom garbage and shredding it!! When caught in the act I would swear his little puppy dog eyes are saying NOT GUILTY MOMMY!! IT WAS THE SQUIRREL ACROSS THE STREET!! Haha

whew! I thought we had an epidemic. Was wondering why you had to hire an attorney for him. lol Tell him the squirrel thing won't jive with a jury.

I cannot get over that her parents are buying her stupid dumb idiotic childish lies. I believe that KC premediated killing her daughter shortly after fighting with her mom - she wanted the last 'laugh' so to speak! All about control.

Then she tried to get her car stolen, leaving it unlocked, laptop and all visible. When that didn't work, she didn't know what to do.

And CA believes this? I think CA will eventually have a mental breakdown and be hospitalized. No one can go through denial for too long of a time before reality hits you square in the face. I think the only thing holding off a breakdown is a bunch of doctor prescribed meds to keep her doped up and foggy.
If I were LE, I would want her to be able to travel (with a GPS and I'd think her bail bondsman would go or would send along a person with her) in case she might lead them to a clue, or you never know, she might actually know something she couldn't tell and might be able to get the girl released, who knows? But in any case, I would think she could reveal more to LE if she's allowed to go where she wants.....(just like if I were LE I would have let her talk, talk, talk.....just go on talking....rather than telling her over and over to stop with her lies. In case something might come out in the course of her talking.) But in any case, I doubt the conditions of her bail could allow her to travel, right?
If KC thinks Caylee is alive or is hoping Caylee is alive, I can understand her wanting only to research the live sightings, rather than looking in woods and ponds. What parent could search "for a body"? What point would there be in that for the parent? None. Who could even face that possibility? Anyway, I wonder what will really happen pursuant to this motion, if they let her travel, I'm going to be very surprised
If I were LE, I would want her to be able to travel (with her bail bondsman or whoever) to whatever leads she wants to check out, in case she might lead them to a clue, or you never know, she might actually know something she couldn't tell and might be able to get the girl released, who knows? But in any case, I would think she could reveal more to LE if she's allowed to go where she wants.....(just like if I were LE I would have let her talk, talk, talk.....just go on talking....rather than telling her over and over to stop with her lies. In case something might come out in the course of her talking.) But in any case, I doubt the conditions of her bail could allow her to travel, right?
If KC actually does think Caylee is alive or is hoping Caylee is alive, I can understand her wanting only to research the sightings, rather than looking in woods and ponds. What parent would be interested in searching for a body? Who could even face that possibility?
Anyway, I wonder what will really happen pursuant to this motion, if they let her travel, I'm going to be really surprised

LE is FAR MORE CAPABLE than a 22 yr old to do any searching. And I thought searching would 'put her daughter in more danger' ?? none of it makes a bit of sense. but it's all just my opinion. KC knows exactly what she did and she wants to flee, not search for Caylee. She doesn't even mention her name at all NOR has she willingly offered up anything to LE for a judge to EVER allow this motion to go forth. Sorry, I just think it's all a big joke to flee. She knows the 'hammer' is coming down shortly.
Those are most likely barbiturates and she was "wired" all the time as described by her friends. Excessively talking, and going all the time. That is meth and I believe when some of her friend's testimony comes out in court you will see I have been right about that all along.

I tend to think that is why LE is not getting in a hurry to charge her. I believe they have bigger "fish to fry" in the Orlando area. Keep in mind the DEA closed down Fusion a few weeks after she was arrested

Fusian was closed down by the DEA? I don't recall reading this-- do you have a link?
whew! I thought we had an epidemic. Was wondering why you had to hire an attorney for him. lol Tell him the squirrel thing won't jive with a jury.

I cannot get over that her parents are buying her stupid dumb idiotic childish lies. I believe that KC premediated killing her daughter shortly after fighting with her mom - she wanted the last 'laugh' so to speak! All about control.

Then she tried to get her car stolen, leaving it unlocked, laptop and all visible. When that didn't work, she didn't know what to do.

And CA believes this? I think CA will eventually have a mental breakdown and be hospitalized. No one can go through denial for too long of a time before reality hits you square in the face. I think the only thing holding off a breakdown is a bunch of doctor prescribed meds to keep her doped up and foggy.

I agree. CA is hanging by a thread. There are what? Four or Five stages of grief and I can't remember what number DENIAL falls but it's possible that soon she will transfer into another stage of grief as part of the healing process. I know a person can go back and forth between stages...... There is NO WAY she believes KC's lies. I think if we peeled apart CA's shield of defense the truth would be hidden in the deep recesses of her soul with the key dangling so close yet out of reach.
if I were any of the family members I would have had to be medicated within days of the disappearance. No sleep would have been possible. I wouldn't have been able to even get through the days, the hours, the minutes. I don't know how family members could go through something like this without being sedated to be honest.
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