Casey Anthony General Discussion Thread #155

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Im new to posting but ave been lurking since the case broke. I have been wanting to know if we knw why exactley Amy lent Casey her car. I have look but never saw an answer here. Im just curious as to what Casey told Amy aboutwere her car was and why she had to borrow Amy's

Amy needed a ride to the airport for her trip. Casey had told Amy her car was in the shop. So Amy offered her the car for the week. Casey had to pick up and drop off Amy at the airport.
Gosh, I hope I didn't offend anybody .... with the talk of Heaven and all ... it's just my belief ... but I did want to share how I was feeling.

Am I invisible, or are you all mad at me? :(

No April:blowkiss: no one is mad....seems not many on the board...and then, there have been some odd things coming out that others are looking into.
you know i think cindy beleives in what she is saying .. she is lashing out terribly yes and it shouldnt be to the public .. i really just dont think she knows how to handle this . i think she is living day by day and on auto pilot .. im not defending her but .. i feel rather badly for her .. she loves caylee and she did ask for caylee to be returned . she did ask .. which is what we all wondered why she hasnt done .
If we strip away the emotion and listen to what she is saying during the Today show interview, her point is a very good one and she is asking a legit question.
She is saying that there was no notable smell when the car was brought in on 6/30(?) . But,there was a very notable smell when the car was brought out on 7/15.
So, her point is the smell must have had another origin because we know caylee was not in the car during that time frame.

IOW, if caylee had decomposed in the car prior to it being towed then someone wold have noticed a remarkable odor, but no one did. I know that the tow truck driver had a cold but I think somebody would have noticed the foul odor. We are probably opretty safe to assume it did not smell ion the Amscot parking lot because it was not noted.

So, in Cindy's mind the car did not smell on the 24th, the 27-28-29 or 30. Fast forward to the 15th and it reaks, but it has been out of Casey's posession during that time!

I am not saying I agree with this analysis, I am saying that if we calm down and look at the facts she has a point.

I would guess that Caylee was gone before the car was towed and there were liquid remnants of the decomposing body in the car and perhaps the smell intensified. But i really don't know how that would work.
That's nice to know ( I am)...while you're at it, could you call dispatch and ask them why there's crime scene tape all over the sidewalk on Hopespring Road? Add that you're curious to know if they found little Caylee at the residence, hence the need for the POLICE to block access to the sidewalk...


LMAO, they would probably just say because those people are raven mad crazy mental cases and thye did that to limit there contact with the sane world, or they might run out there to see why either way I am not touching that might come get me next LOL
Oh I'm right there with you! That is so crazy to be badmouthing everyone else as she does! I'm about done with Cindy's antics! Why would she not demand Casey to open her mouth and for ONCE in her miserable life talk the truth!!!?? Speak up and tell the truth of what happened and tell her where she dumped little Caylee!

It is simply unbelievable to me. If Casey were my daughter, you better believe she wouldn't be sitting around on the computer, painting her nails, or baking brownies for Jose!:furious: We would have a "come-to-Jesus" meeting and she would open her mouth and tell the truth of the whole horrid matter!

So true!! My daughter would talk or I'd be in Jail!!! I told my hubby last night if was my daughter she would have talked or been begging to go back to jail because I would NOT have made one moment comfortable for her!!!
Just wondering here - watching the garage door. What do they do in there all day long? Sit around and drink coffee? Watch TV (I would think they don't - or maybe just moives - but how do you do that?) Sit around and stare at each other? Pace - keep looking (peeking) out the windows? I can't imagine what they must do in there all day long. It would drive me nuts!! OOPS - guess I just answered my own question.
Maybe they are sitting at their computers all day just like us trying to keep up with the threads

whatz with the film crew out there? seems the media always gets a heads-up before something breaks.....anyone other than me curious?
Im new to posting but ave been lurking since the case broke. I have been wanting to know if we knw why exactley Amy lent Casey her car. I have look but never saw an answer here. Im just curious as to what Casey told Amy aboutwere her car was and why she had to borrow Amy's

:Welcome-12-june: And yep, this case takes the award for the biggest circus of all time Hopefully we'll eventually learn alot more of the facts as time goes on in this case.
I just spoke to a laddy down there at the jail and she really didn't want to be straight forward but she basically said that is a good bond , i think something eles is happening here such as LP or AL trying to help LE hold her for pressure untill Tuesday's deadline
That would mean if Anthony's came up with $300 and a bondsman willing to put up the $3000 on the latest charges she would be out again?????????????????????
Amy needed a ride to the airport for her trip. Casey had told Amy her car was in the shop. So Amy offered her the car for the week. Casey had to pick up and drop off Amy at the airport.

Nice avie:)
I think he is just traveling, I think he will pop up shortly, maybe Geraldo?
Yes, I think we will hear from LP and/or TP tonight on Geraldo. The RV is gone - so I'm taking that as "they (LP & crew) are done. It is very strange that LP met with JB early yesterday and publicly announced that he WASN'T revoking the bond - but then last ight - he didn't need to. I think they all knew yesterday that last night was going to go down. LP knew if he waited the decision wouldn't be put on him or TP. But I don't think the RV is coming back and that she will get back out of jail this time.
Mark Fuhrman was interviewed on Fox News Channel about an hour ago he said "What are the odds that a dead body other than Caylee's would show up in the car during the same time Caylee disappeared." He said that he is "positive" that the body was Caylee. Newsman asked him how he could say he was "positive" and he said it's just too much of a conincidence for him to find it believable.
First Cindy and George say there was no body in the car. Now they say the body wasn't Caylee's.
So true!! My daughter would talk or I'd be in Jail!!! I told my hubby last night if was my daughter she would have talked or been begging to go back to jail because I would NOT have made one moment comfortable for her!!!

You and me both! I wouldn't be coddling and humoring her, but then again, I've never been fearful of my daughter and what trick she may pull either.
whatz with the film crew out there? seems the media always gets a heads-up before something breaks.....anyone other than me curious?

no I'm right there with you, There was another car in the driveway but it is gone. I missed the shot of it leaving.
Yes, I think we will hear from LP and/or TP tonight on Geraldo. The RV is gone - so I'm taking that as "they (LP & crew) are done. It is very strange that LP met with JB early yesterday and publicly announced that he WASN'T revoking the bond - but then last ight - he didn't need to. I think they all knew yesterday that last night was going to go down. LP knew if he waited the decision wouldn't be put on him or TP. But I don't think the RV is coming back and that she will get back out of jail this time.

I agree swag.
That would mean if Anthony's came up with $300 and a bondsman willing to put up the $3000 on the latest charges she would be out again?????????????????????

She would be out again only on the new charges, she is still being held on the old charges where the bondsman endorsed her bond.
She still has to post bond for the old charges, what is it? $500,200?

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