Casey Anthony General Discussion Thread #155

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I told you I read some where the bonding company said they where undecided if they would reinstate the 50,000 bond agian
The bond is a $500,000, plus $200 + $3000. Most bondsman require 10% of the bond. $50,000+$20+$300 cash that someone needs to come up with to go to a bondsman with, this is a fee for services to the bondsman and will never be returned. Do you really think that the Anthony's have made enough friends or have enough people that care about them to put up this kind of money?
That Larry guy just ticks me off.. and I'm so sick of Cindy's protecting Casey. She knows her daughter's a liar and completely off her rocker. I know she doesn't want Caylee to be dead, but come on now! Cindy- you can't say the cops aren't looking! Your daughter is the reason why they haven't found her yet!! You can't say there was no smell in the car- two dogs, a cop, you and George, and a freakin' tow yard guy all smelled it!! Wake up and smell the pizza!!

She swears it was the pizza she was smelling. No dead body... only pizza.
Why doesn't someone ask Cindy "Why did you tell people you thought your daughter was a sociopath, and if you believe that, why are you so convinced Caylee was kidnapped?
Do you really think that the Anthony's have made enough friends or have enough people that care about them to put up this kind of money?

Do bondsmen take Target giftcards?? :p
I still don't understand why a webcam is still focused on the house... Casey is in jail, now. The Anthony's are not suspects and any official business that goes down with LE will probably be if Caylee's body is found and LE has to tell the Anthony's. Seriously... do we want to be privy to the sight of their heartache on that? I don't think we do... IMO
As long as we participate by watching that camera we are perpetuating the circus atmosphere imo.That camera can stay up their from now until eternity, but if no one watches it, it is powerless.
The bond is a $500,000, plus $200 + $3000. Most bondsman require 10% of the bond. $50,000+$20+$300 cash that someone needs to come up with to go to a bondsman with, this is a fee for services to the bondsman and will never be returned. Do you really think that the Anthony's have made enough friends or have enough people that care about them to put up this kind of money?

Uhhhhhh. . . NO.
Officials were expected to retrieve the ankle-monitoring system from her parents' home, pretty much ruling out any immediate release.

Hope they get there before she's again bonded out. Then the process has to start setting up the monitoring again.
These bonds people are out of their minds IMHO. I realize that everyone has a constitutional right to bond out.
However, in this case I think it's just not safe.
My hubby and I were talking about the mob scene out there last night and we thought it reminded us of the days of the Old West...get a rope and hang 'um.
I think so many people feel that she is a murderer and that nothing is being done about it that they are going to feel that they should take things in their own hand.
I'm sorry, I don't mean to sound dumb - but does that mean a company is going to bond her out??

it means the bond is still good and she can be released on it, but i find it strange, that after LP siad he wasn't going to revoke that it still got revoked and no one has heard from LP on this matter. I read in one article this moring that the FL bonding company that put up the bond, a company spokesman said they where undecieded if they where going to reinstate it later on, I wonder if the bond ever was revoked of if LE has been spinning a web in the media.
I do understand your position.. especially because you are in that field. As well as 2 of your family members..

However, you gave great reasons why it would be better to not call 911 for non-emergencies... what I was hoping you could answer is the WHO should she have called. :)

I too live in a large city... I can tell you NO ONE I know would have the first clue WHO to call besides 911 if we wanted someone arrested.

I too agree that when I'm having a heart attack I would love the switchboard not to be full of "my knee hurts".. But, I would love to be part of a solution to a problem...

When you want a policeman dispatched to arrest your daughter, who do YOU suggest should be called.

I don't mean to sound abrasive... I just think this board gets people stirred so much sometimes that we tend to lose our logic..

We've got a system locally that I think is great! It's called "Volunteers in Policing." It's made up of citizens who are not bonifide police officers, but they drive a modified police car and wear a uniform similar to a police uniform.

When you call the non-emergency number the operator decides whether to send out a police officer or the volunteers. If the volunteers are sent out and after accessing the situation feel this needs to be handled by police, they call for police assistance. The volunteers handle all vandalism (after the fact) calls for example. George's call about the shed being broken into and gas cans being stolen would have been handled locally by the volunteers.
Anyone local? PLEASE go trip over that tape line!!!!!
Yeah, I know - don't you wonder why people don't? The Anthony's should be happy they don't live near me. With Cindy and Anthony having the NERVE to lash out at someone having searched in a pond while they themselves admit to not even talking with their daughter about where Caylee could be....I'd be camped out in front of their house, along with a big fat copy of the Constitution and relevant local ordinances. Maybe Cindy's reputation now a nasty, lying accessory will bring out more indignant people. After all, this is tax payer money being (mis) used (among other things!). Baez may represent Casey and Cindy may have her fancy Los Angeles "spokesperson" and George is out there manhandling people but we have representation too. LE and the State of Florida represents the citizens of the State and that's why criminal cases are "The People Versus....." Florida citizens might want to remind Cindy and Anthony about the rights of Florida citizens who care about Caylee.
I dare one of you to call and ask them if she is getting bond
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Data was last updated on 8/30/2008 3:08:58 PM
These bonds people are out of their minds IMHO. I realize that everyone has a constitutional right to bond out.
However, in this case I think it's just not safe.
My hubby and I were talking about the mob scene out there last night and we thought it reminded us of the days of the Old West...get a rope and hang 'um.
I think so many people feel that she is a murderer and that nothing is being done about it that they are going to feel that they should take things in their own hand.
ITA - only reminded me of the Salem Witch Hunts!!! Anyway about the jail info - I really don't know what to think about it - I went back and just did it again. I can't find anything with the new charges on it. Maybe info is passing so fast down there - they are having a hard time keeping it accurately updated. Just going to have to keep checking it. I don't think she is going anywhere. We have all read about the bond being revoked - maybe paperwork hasn't hit the "input data" dept as yet.
Going back to the Today show video...

If you could ask Cindy point blank questions-what would you ask?

What have you been doing to help locate Caylee?

How do you feel after finding out that your daughter does not actually have a job?

Have you ask Casey where she was working? What was her answer? Have you verified it?

How did Casey respond when you showed up at TonE's place? Did she come with you quietly or did you have to threaten or force her to come with you?

You had several hours with Casey before you actually called 911 to say that Caylee was missing. What was discussed during that time? Did you discuss Zanny the nanny? Is that why you sounded comfortable saying the name even though you had never met the person?

When you removed the pants from the car to wash them, did you not think that they might be needed as evidence by the police? As a former LE's wife, you would have most definitely known better than to remove or wash anything that might be considered evidence. Why did you do it?

why did George clean out the trunk of the car?

If you had not seen your daughter for 30 days, how did you speak to her everyday by phone? Don't argue, you stated that clearly in an interview.

If you did speak to her everyday by phone, how is it that you considered her missing for 30 days? Is it because you did not know where to find her? Why did you not report her missing sooner?

When you repeatedly, over 30 days, asks to speak with Caylee and were denied with one excuse after another, did you not think that was usual? How long did it take you to think that it was unusual? 5 days, 10 days, 30 days?

When did you, Casey, and George agree on the date that Caylee was last seen? Since we all now know that this date was incorrect, it is obvious that some time was spent getting stories straight before talking with poilice. What else was discussed during that time before police arrived?

If Casey had done something to harm Caylee or if Caylee had died accidently and Casey was afraid to tell, where would you look first as a place that Caylee's body may have been hidden?
I completely agree...I think LE is having fun making them all look foolish by leaking information contradicting everything they say. IMOO

Where DOES CIndy find these people? That sposkesman did nothing but toot his own horn - just like Lenny Padilla did at first. Cindy claims no one cares about Caylee, yet she hires a man who claims to have hlped the Holloways - I'd love to hear Beth's take on that - and didn't he also represent Van Der Sloot - how do you spell conflict of interest?

Cindy is just plain nasty to people who are trying to help her. It will come back to her in spades imo
i find it strange, that after LP siad he wasn't going to revoke that it still got revoked and no one has heard from LP on this matter. I read in one article this moring that the FL bonding company that put up the bond, a company spokesman said they where undecieded if they where going to reinstate it later on, I wonder if the bond ever was revoked of if LE has been spinning a web in the media.
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