Casey Anthony's Shocking Comment.

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One of the moments that shocked me..
GA- "you are the boss through all of this"
KC- "no I'm not.....ANYMORE not since I've been in here
I would like to know if this meeting was ever set up and just kept secret because Beary set it up. With George testifying, the attorney sending the "no death penalty" with all the accidental theory crap to the SA..
Maybe George was lying to the rest of the family the whole time just to try and save those emotions of knowing without having her body. Maybe she told him, but couldn't remember where exactly she put the body, remember he was out staring into some woods one day..
I don't know, maybe I'm grasping for straws..but gee, something must have went on around this time.

I had the link the other day and now I can't find it, but it was mentioned in the first doc dump that the meeting between Casey and George was set. LE had taken George over to the jail and once he got there he found out that Casey denied that meeting. So, why George kept insisting about this meeting in the Jail conversation confuses me because it was set and Casey denied it. She also knew she was getting out already, Padilla was in the works of bailing her out and she made a big stink about losing that opportunity because of something that Cindy did wrong.
This might sound too harsh to post but KC seems to emotional rape people! :furious:

That's putting it kindly. Casey is the MASTER of manipulation. It's obvious she's been doing this to her Parents for a very long time. She has it perfected. That's probably how she has gotten everything she has wanted her whole life. It's so sick it's really hard to believe. Probably why this case has attracted so many people. No one has ever seen anything like it!!!
When asked by CA, what she would say to the kidnappers,she responded with WE FORGIVE YOU. ???????What?????? I dont know what I would do in this situation but come on ...... If you have a chance to get a message to the "kidnappers" wouldn't you (if you were innocent) use the opportunity to beg for your daughters safe return? (very telling statement IMO)
When asked by CA, what she would say to the kidnappers,she responded with WE FORGIVE YOU. ???????What?????? I dont know what I would do in this situation but come on ...... If you have a chance to get a message to the "kidnappers" wouldn't you (if you were innocent) use the opportunity to beg for your daughters safe return? (very telling statement IMO)
Though I don't believe that this case, nor what happened to Caylee, is funny in any way, I do find Casey's comment humorous: she's already working on getting her parents to forgive her for what she's done to Caylee by saying (without admitting she's the kidnapper/killer, of course) that the kidnappers should be FORGIVEN. WTH, indeed. :furious:

"I want to see all of you, but I wanted to see the one person that one person that I've been so far disconnected from the longest, and that's been you," Casey Anthony said.


I don't know if anyone saw that but I just have to say that the above comment she made says ALL about how she feels about Caylee. You would think that she would have said the one person she wanted to see b/c she's been disconnected from was Caylee but she didn't. I just can't believe it. I really do think George and Cindy believe she is guilty but just won't admit it to the public. How could Casey make that comment and her parents not think she is guilty? They just have to freaking know. :mad:

Awww.....come on now....of course she was disconnected from her daddy. I mean, come on....after all the affairs he had on Cindy and certainly, she probably didn't get to connect with him much while he was recovering from his stroke.:crazy: Seriously, I can't understand how George can even look at her. As soon as KC picked up that phone and saw the emotional state that Cindy was in, you can see in her eyes that something changed. At first, she tried to ignore it with her giddiness, then her true feelings of resentment starts to show through.
I really do think George and Cindy believe she is guilty but just won't admit it to the public. How could Casey make that comment and her parents not think she is guilty? They just have to freaking know.

I have thought that since Day 1. ;)
You can see Cindy is on edge in this tape - it looks like she can barely even believe what Casey is talking about (herself) and all she (Cindy) is diong is waiting to talk about Caylee.
This is true, but how much better that she had Geo who loved everything about her and made her into a princess, then to have some guy who didn't care enough about her or KC, to give her his last name.

She was never Daddy's girl, but she was the air that Geo breathed and the apple of his eye.

At two years old, that seems like a fair trade off.

I don't normally post but I had to after reading this. You made me cry. I was thinking the same thing. I don't agree with most of what George and Cindy have done but when I watch the videos of them with Caylee I feel like I can sense just how much they loved Caylee.

My daughter grew up without a father in her life. I used to sit and watch my parents dote on her. She's 18 now and my mom reached over to hug her and my daughter looked over at me and stuck out her tongue (see, I used to be their baby). The difference in me and Casey is that I loved seeing them love my daughter so much. I think Casey saw Caylee as replacing her.

I think the united front they're showing for the media is not how they truly feel. They know Casey killed Caylee.
On the video her attitude instantly changed when George got the phone from Cindy!!
She was ready to hang up the phone on Cindy then Georgie took over and smoothed it all out!!!
George always playing peacemaker in that family.
He knows the truth since he smelled the car that day. But he chose to pander to Cindy's belief in Casey's innocence. Cindy who chose to shield Casey over everything her own eyes, nose told her the truth.

George is smarter than people think. He just chooses to be the patsy in the family.
I don't normally post but I had to after reading this. You made me cry. I was thinking the same thing. I don't agree with most of what George and Cindy have done but when I watch the videos of them with Caylee I feel like I can sense just how much they loved Caylee.

My daughter grew up without a father in her life. I used to sit and watch my parents dote on her. She's 18 now and my mom reached over to hug her and my daughter looked over at me and stuck out her tongue (see, I used to be their baby). The difference in me and Casey is that I loved seeing them love my daughter so much. I think Casey saw Caylee as replacing her.

I think the united front they're showing for the media is not how they truly feel. They know Casey killed Caylee.
I absolutely agree. They do know Casey killed Caylee. They just want to keep some kind of front up for the public or family, despite the fact that everyone knows the truth anyway. Casey killed Caylee, after years of Casey not doing the right thing. Casey stole from them, from grandma and grandpa, from friends, did not work, liked....and on the list goes.
When asked by CA, what she would say to the kidnappers,she responded with WE FORGIVE YOU. ???????What?????? I dont know what I would do in this situation but come on ...... If you have a chance to get a message to the "kidnappers" wouldn't you (if you were innocent) use the opportunity to beg for your daughters safe return? (very telling statement IMO)

OMG. I forgot that she said that. Give a message to kidnappers: possibly,
bring her back to me, keep her safe, drop her off at the police station, don't hurt her. Bring my baby home to me.
NOT , we forgive you.
KC did not only have any answers for CA AND GA. KC did not have any questions. One would think if your daughter had really been kidnapped and you were put in jail and had no contact with the outside and had a visit you would bombard the visitors with questions.
Any new credible tips?
Any new credible sightings?
What has LE said?
What has the FBI said?
Where is TES looking?
Where is LE/FBI looking?
What do the PI's say?
Tell me something!!!!
Have you gone on National media and begged and pleaded for them to return Caylee?
What have you two done?
Have you knocked on every door?
KC never asked one question about the investigation on Caylee. Not one.
My opinion only.

I believe she said she wants "my kid" back once... once...
When asked by CA, what she would say to the kidnappers,she responded with WE FORGIVE YOU. ???????What?????? I dont know what I would do in this situation but come on ...... If you have a chance to get a message to the "kidnappers" wouldn't you (if you were innocent) use the opportunity to beg for your daughters safe return? (very telling statement IMO)

ITA: I think she was "forgiving" herself. She's the nanny.
ETA: The zanny nanny
ya and what were all the comments that she had no information because she was in jail and couldnt talk to anyone ? Who did she need to talk to ? I thought the nanny took her and ran ? geez no one ever calls her on her comments that make no sense.
Did she even mention caylee once? I dont think so . She didi comment on those silly t shirts. Fly home baby I never thought those made any sense. Makes me made to think how she was strutting around in the find caylee t shirts though when she knew. I think all her comments that they would see her again and she would be just as she was were refering to heaven maybe?

Nope, just "my kid"...guess that's much better than "snot head". :bang:

Did you guys notice (and I don't remember exactly how the verbage went), but G & C were saying to KC that they were behind her 100%, and KC said no, you're behind Caylee 100% and behind me "some". I wish I could remember exactly, but I felt that KC was waiting for them to say, oh no, it's YOU we're behind first, Caylee second. Like she was testing them.

I'll have to watch again....

I noticed that. I would love to "meet" with her and smack the crap out of her.

I also noticed when she said she chose to meet with GA because she was repairing this relationship. She said something to the effect of "we just started working things out ON THE DAY I WAS ARRESTED." Well, I thought GA was at work after picking up the car? How did she start mending her relationship on July 15th? :waitasec:

Did anyone catch KC or GA stating JB was in New York working for KC! Why was JB in New York? This case is in Fla. Before I make a statement about why I feel he was there can we find out what that travel epense was for?

This was when JB was out on the boat with his buddy GR, wasn't it? :rolleyes:


If I put in this post everything that drove me crazy I'd be writting a transcript so I'll keep it to a couple remarks. Hearing KC quoting bible scripture, almost more than I can bare. The most telling thing to me(of her guilt) is after 2 months of not knowing where your child is, whats being done to them, an innocent parent would not be looking or sounding human. <snipped>

I started yelling at when she started quoting from the Bible....that was too much. I yelled that the Bible also says "Thou shall not kill" but I guess she missed that one. :furious:

What I don't understand is if she is innocent as they claim then why isn't she screaming at the top of her lungs the TRUTH...not the truth as KC tells it. I be danged if I would have been sitting in jail all this time, if my attorney could call an emergency hearing to tell the truth and have me released.

One other thing - I picked up on the little "jab" at OCSO at the end and CA agreeing that they should continue to say things about LE so that the videos won't be released. That only makes them look worse IMO....trying to use things to their advantage. :behindbar
Agreed. I don't know why I was SHOCKED, but I really thought she was going to say Caylee. Stupid me.

Me too! A lot of people watching this did the same.

Obviously we were taking it out of context because KC switched back to discussing setting up a meeting. But KC let that come out all wrong and by doing so showed her true colors.

I think it is sad that KC is using her family and the problems they've ben having for several years to manipulate everyone.

The prior visit with Geo he addressed remorse over being distant with KC, saying he was sorry he hadn't always been there for her when she needed to talk to him. And how he was going to be a better dad to her once she and Caylee come home. Now she's using his words against him. Starting with how they had just started talking to each other when all this started, he'd been out of her life but they had been on the verge of fixing all that. So she chooses Daddy to keep that communication going, keep the family close by being close to Geo.

Did you hear the contempt in her voice when she thinks the conversation is moving towards talking to LE? Geo starts to say she can tell the people right there, KC says; WHAT?! and he goes into telling her to set up a meeting.

Cindy who spent most of the visit staring at the floor, not looking at KC, lifts up her head and I swear I thought she was going to start banging her head on the glass.

KC had quite the little pity party going on. Poor KC has no one, poor KC has nothing, everything was taken from her, poor KC spent Caylee's Bday by herself, under a blanket while they were at home with each other, having a little party.

She's getting sick (just like Lee), her eyes were red when she woke up. wah wah wah. No one understands what KC's going through but she knows everything about everyone else. Because all she can do is sit and think. wah wah wah.

Then right at the last minute she gives the final jab, LE needs to treat me like a victim because I am just like the rest of you. I'm a victim and some people realize that, wah wah wah.

I just watched this for the 4th time, trying to hear her bring up the true victim here, Caylee. She never talked about Caylee, never asked about Caylee, obviously doesn't give a damn about Caylee!
When asked by CA, what she would say to the kidnappers,she responded with WE FORGIVE YOU. ???????What?????? I dont know what I would do in this situation but come on ...... If you have a chance to get a message to the "kidnappers" wouldn't you (if you were innocent) use the opportunity to beg for your daughters safe return? (very telling statement IMO)

Yes, I wanted to jump into the TV and strangle her. "We Forgive You" give me a break. That's because she's talking about herself. She thinks she should be forgiven for killing her own Daughter so she can go back home and be Mommy and Daddy's little girl and be taken care of for the rest of her life. She is one sick puppy!! Any normal/innocent person wouldn't even be able to speak from crying.
Originally Posted by Truthwillsetufree
KC did not only have any answers for CA AND GA. KC did not have any questions. One would think if your daughter had really been kidnapped and you were put in jail and had no contact with the outside and had a visit you would bombard the visitors with questions.
Any new credible tips?
Any new credible sightings?
What has LE said?
What has the FBI said?
Where is TES looking?
Where is LE/FBI looking?
What do the PI's say?
Tell me something!!!!
Have you gone on National media and begged and pleaded for them to return Caylee?
What have you two done?
Have you knocked on every door?
KC never asked one question about the investigation on Caylee. Not one.
My opinion only.

Thank you so much for bringing this to light. Not only are there volumes to digest in what Casey says, but even more in what she does not say. She simply does not act like the mother of a missing child and it will be held against her.
An innocent person would have been less perky when she saw them and commented how she can't sleep because she does not know where her baby is and who has her. That would drive a mother crazy!!! She would talk about her guilt, about the "what ifs" and yes, ask a million questions on how Lee has done with his follow up of the information she gave him. The stress of that fact that Caylee is suposedly kidnapped is only seen on Cindy and George. Casey is all smiles and talking about her naps until the conversation turns to asking her to have some sort of accountability and then she is angry. She is also angry that her mother is not towing the happy line. Casey does not appreciate her mother making her feel bad.

She's really a hopeless case. She will never understand that she is a monster.

After reading some of the other comments here, I now can't decide if George is playing good cop, or if he is just so used to being the suck up that it comes natural.

Though I don't believe that this case, nor what happened to Caylee, is funny in any way, I do find Casey's comment humorous: she's already working on getting her parents to forgive her for what she's done to Caylee by saying (without admitting she's the kidnapper/killer, of course) that the kidnappers should be FORGIVEN. WTH, indeed. :furious:

Yes, I wanted to jump into the TV and strangle her. "We Forgive You" give me a break. That's because she's talking about herself. She thinks she should be forgiven for killing her own Daughter so she can go back home and be Mommy and Daddy's little girl and be taken care of for the rest of her life. She is one sick puppy!! Any normal/innocent person wouldn't even be able to speak from crying.

Since, in the long run, SHE is the "kidnapper", she is basically forgiving herself. Makes perfect sense if you look at it that way.

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