Casey Anthony's Time-line Is Shrinking - UPDATE 8/10/08

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Key timeline points:

The body must have been transported in the car sometime between June 24 (after seeing George)- June 27 (car abandoned). George says when he saw Casey with the car on the 24th it did not smell yet. and it makes sense that the body smell must have started not long before she abandoned the car on the 26th because she would not have wanted to ride in it (or transport others) with that smell. The body would have started to smell very quickly in that heat so the body could not have been stored in the car for any period of time.

This timeline is important for discovering where the body could be. I'm sure the cell record has been analyzed Given that the few searches done seem to be nearby I'm guessing she didn't have any calls that pinged cell towers from a distance.

However Caylee's death seems likely to have happened June16-18th since no one seems to have seen Caylee after the 16th but Casey was seen alot. and so its not clear where Caylee could have been if she was still alive?. Also borrowing the shovel on the 17th, backing the car in, and possibly the calls (although depends on her usual call patterns) seen to indicate that time frame.

Where was the body between the the 16-18 and the 24-26?? That body would have started to smell. Could it really have been buried in the back yard and then moved? If Caylee was killed on the 16th or 17th given that there was no smell in the car until the 24th it would either have to happen wherever the body was placed (at home?) or she would have had to be transported quickly to another place before decay started. If she was killed on the 16th, the shovel was not borrowed until the 17th - where was the body at over that day? It's hard to imagine where she could have stored it. Not in the car (that would smell). In the backyard (playhouse) seems risky. Now we would be talking about touching/moving the body 3 times.

Another timeline question/issue. The calls on the 16th start not that long ( a couple hours after she saw George). IF that was because of the death that certainly has implications for how she likely died.
Key timeline points:

The body must have been transported in the car sometime between June 24 (after seeing George)- June 26 (car abandoned). George says when he saw Casey with the car on the 24th it did not smell yet. and it makes sense that the body smell must have started not long before she abandoned the car on the 26th because she would not have wanted to ride in it (or transport others) with that smell. The body would have started to smell very quickly in that heat so the body could not have been stored in the car for any period of time.

No offense, but I don't think we can really rely on what George says. I do believe that she moved Caylee's body from one place to another. Typing this makes me nauseated :sick: . I think she may have moved it the night she left the car.

I did hear on OTR last night about Casey's calls to order a pizza. I would be interested in that date also.
I have been wondering about this...if Casey buried the body in the backyard and it was there at least overnight, wouldn't the Anthony's own dogs have "discovered" it? I know they aren't trained cadaver dogs...but even my dogs are constantly inspecting our yard for new smells! I would have to think that was a terrible risk to take. The only way to be sure would be to bury it very deeply, which I would think would be incredibly obvious to LE. That is why I have a hard time believing that she actually "buried" anything in the backyard. Set it down perhaps...yes. Set something down there that came in contact with the decomposing body...yes. But burying is a stretch for me.
Key timeline points:

The body must have been transported in the car sometime between June 24 (after seeing George)- June 27(car abandoned). George says when he saw Casey with the car on the 24th it did not smell yet. and it makes sense that the body smell must have started not long before she abandoned the car on the 26th because she would not have wanted to ride in it (or transport others) with that smell. The body would have started to smell very quickly in that heat so the body could not have been stored in the car for any period of time.

No offense, but I don't think we can really rely on what George says. I do believe that she moved Caylee's body from one place to another. Typing this makes me nauseated :sick: . I think she may have moved it the night she left the car.

I did hear on OTR last night about Casey's calls to order a pizza. I would be interested in that date also.

I believe George is credible but regardless it seems likely that she disposed of the car not long after moving the body because of the smell. Is it confirmed that she ditched the car on the 27th? Do we know time Tony picked her up?
I have been wondering about this...if Casey buried the body in the backyard and it was there at least overnight, wouldn't the Anthony's own dogs have "discovered" it? I know they aren't trained cadaver dogs...but even my dogs are constantly inspecting our yard for new smells! I would have to think that was a terrible risk to take. The only way to be sure would be to bury it very deeply, which I would think would be incredibly obvious to LE. That is why I have a hard time believing that she actually "buried" anything in the backyard. Set it down perhaps...yes. Set something down there that came in contact with the decomposing body...yes. But burying is a stretch for me.

I agree - hard to imagine it was really buried. But if Caylee died on the 16th then where the hell was the body between then and when she transported it in the car (which most likely would have been near the time it was abandoned on the 27th). What made her decide to move the body?
The Anthony's mentioned that she borrowed the neighbors shovel because the Anthonys kept theirs locked in their shed and Casey did not have a key.

However once Casey broke into the shed for the gasoline cans she obviously could have gotten ahold of the shovel. She only had the neighbors shovel for an hour but she could have 'borrowed' the gpas shovel for a long time.
I agree - hard to imagine it was really buried. But if Caylee died on the 16th then where the hell was the body between then and when she transported it in the car (which most likely would have been near the time it was abandoned on the 27th). What made her decide to move the body?

I promise that if I knew I would tell you! LOL. I have no idea where it was. And how to you explain the cadaver dog hits in the backyard if the body wasn't there. The only other explanation is that something that had contact with the body was in that backyard. What if that was merely the shoes Casey was wearing that day...or a duffle bag...or gas cans? Something like that. What if it was "transferred" to the backyard by Casey the day she stole the gas cans? Just brain-storming! :)
Cross posting to this thread. I posted it in a GenDis thread last night...I think it was GenDis 87.

Casey died on the 16th, possibly at the house. Of the calls, none go to the house during the 4-4:30 "flurry." So possibly something happened to Caylee between 1:30 and 4:00. Caylee's body may have been at the house on the 16th, overnight until the 17th.

So, let's say Casey killed Caylee at the house and then hid Caylee's body at the house or in the yard on the 16th.

On the 17th...she borrows the shovel and buries Caylee in the back yard.

Then, overnight, worry that someone might find her.

On the 18th, backs into the driveway, goes to the back yard and pulls Caylee out of the's easier to pull a body from dirt that's been replaced in a hole than to dig a hole. Takes her to the trunk and then to another place to dump her.

This would explain the dirt in the trunk, and other details.

I'm sure that there are 100 other explanations that are just as logical...this just hit me, though...quite heavily.
No offense, but I don't think we can really rely on what George says. I do believe that she moved Caylee's body from one place to another. Typing this makes me nauseated :sick: . I think she may have moved it the night she left the car.

I did hear on OTR last night about Casey's calls to order a pizza. I would be interested in that date also.

Yeah...If it comes from Cindy (ladder on pool) or George (tire wedge), I've not put any stock in it. They're in "protect Casey mode" right now, and they're only trying to help her build a defense.
I promise that if I knew I would tell you! LOL. I have no idea where it was. And how to you explain the cadaver dog hits in the backyard if the body wasn't there. The only other explanation is that something that had contact with the body was in that backyard. What if that was merely the shoes Casey was wearing that day...or a duffle bag...or gas cans? Something like that. What if it was "transferred" to the backyard by Casey the day she stole the gas cans? Just brain-storming! :)

I tend to think she brought the body back there intending to bury it but found the digging too difficult. I just can't imagine what she did with it then and why she later transported it elsewhere!
I am not sure that they were moving out at that moment? BUT. . .

I'm 36 years old, I have 5 kids and I've moved 39 times in my life. I could see myself packing a backpack, not a suitcase. Actually, this last time (2 weeks ago) I packed in a black trash bag. Something even funnier is that my sister packs for trips in Aldi's

I don't find the backpack thing very curious. It's sooo much easier to keep a watch on a child when you have two hands free. (Of course, we're talking about someone who wants to watch their child.)

I assure you, there's something not right with all of this, so please don't think for a moment I would defend her!

Yikes! You must be an EXPERT at packing after all those moves. lol

I agree about having the hands free... I just find it curious that she wouldn't just place her suitcases or dufflebag in her CAR & then once she arrives at her new place, she has someone help her carry her stuff in OR she has someone watch Caylee while she carries it in herself.

And do almost 3 years old actually use backpacks? It couldn't have been big enough for much of anything or the kid would have toppled over from the size &/or weight.

Ok so..... I guess we don't know the date they are claiming Casey 'officially' moved out w/ Caylee, do we? But we DO know that the last date they were living at the Anthony house was the 16th.... when George saw them with their backpacks.... no mention at all about Casey actually packing for a MOVE.

Maybe that's why she waited for George to leave.... so she could go back home & get some stuff..... to run away from home? Maybe it was while she was packing that Caylee drowned in the pool or died in a hot car???

I'm at the point where I don't believe a word out of ANY of the Anthony's mouths.... I sure hope LE is piecing together the truth through the phone records & forensics.
Cross posting to this thread. I posted it in a GenDis thread last night...I think it was GenDis 87.

Casey died on the 16th, possibly at the house. Of the calls, none go to the house during the 4-4:30 "flurry." So possibly something happened to Caylee between 1:30 and 4:00. Caylee's body may have been at the house on the 16th, overnight until the 17th.

So, let's say Casey killed Caylee at the house and then hid Caylee's body at the house or in the yard on the 16th.

On the 17th...she borrows the shovel and buries Caylee in the back yard.

Then, overnight, worry that someone might find her.

On the 18th, backs into the driveway, goes to the back yard and pulls Caylee out of the's easier to pull a body from dirt that's been replaced in a hole than to dig a hole. Takes her to the trunk and then to another place to dump her.

This would explain the dirt in the trunk, and other details.

I'm sure that there are 100 other explanations that are just as logical...this just hit me, though...quite heavily.

Interesting. But do you think she then drive the car around for 10 days smelling like the dead body? Why does she not adandon the car until the 27th? I also think LE would be able to see if there were places in the yard that had recently been disturbed.

When did she get the tatoo? I think Caylee was definitely dead when she did that.
I'm at the point where I don't believe a word out of ANY of the Anthony's mouths.... I sure hope LE is piecing together the truth through the phone records & forensics.

The police have repeatedly said that the Anthonys (excluding Casey) have been very cooperative. I don't think the GPAS want to believe Caylee is dead so they try to spin the rationales for everything in their mind in a way to support that belief but LE doesn't seem to feel they are being lied to about the facts.
The police have repeatedly said that the Anthonys (excluding Casey) have been very cooperative. I don't think the GPAS want to believe Caylee is dead so they try to spin the rationales for everything in their mind in a way to support that belief but LE doesn't seem to feel they are being lied to about the facts.

LE can say this a million times BUT that doesn't mean they really believe it.

The Anthonys might be telling the truth when questioned BUT it's not helping LE find Caylee when you have the Anthonys on tv repeating Casey's wacky stories and making up some of their own.
I agree - hard to imagine it was really buried. But if Caylee died on the 16th then where the hell was the body between then and when she transported it in the car (which most likely would have been near the time it was abandoned on the 27th). What made her decide to move the body?

I wonder if Casey dumped Caylee's body the next day BUT removed her clothes & put them in the drunk to dispose of in some other location???

Could she have forgotten she had the clothes back there & THEY are why the smell in the car got so bad?

Could THAT be why she took the gas.... to burn the stinking clothes?
I wonder if the GP's have sat down together and made a time line on the dates they spoke with Casey or saw her? Not for LE, but just to try and figure it out themselves.

As far as leaving Caylee in the backyard Casey probably knew the GP's routine. I'm outside working around the yard when the dogs are out and if they run across something dead I know it. They have to roll around in it. Yuck! But the Anthony's may just open the door and let the dogs out and then let them back in. They may not be outdoor folks. So Casey could've put Caylee's body somewhere~ in the pool, behind the shed or who knows until she moved it.
Interesting. But do you think she then drive the car around for 10 days smelling like the dead body? Why does she not adandon the car until the 27th? I also think LE would be able to see if there were places in the yard that had recently been disturbed.

When did she get the tatoo? I think Caylee was definitely dead when she did that.

Honestly, tuppence, I have no idea. She might have driven the car around with the odor in it, perhaps left the body in it for unknown days until she disposed of it...she left clothes in the car, including the pants she supposedly had on when she left home and those boots she wore on the 20th to Fusian.

I do think that she's stupid enough to have wrapped the body in garbage bags and to have supposed that that would prevent the odor and putrification from leaking.

Do we know for certain where she was living from the 18th to the 24th-ish?

I do think that she got the tattoo after the death of her daughter. In one blog discussion with Brian Snow, in which they were planning to get tattoos together, he said that he only would get a tattoo at "Solid Ink," so that may be where she got her Bella Vida tattoo.,+Orlando+Florida

Solid Ink, I'm assuming is Solid Image, owned by tattooist Danny Knight.
I wonder if the GP's have sat down together and made a time line on the dates they spoke with Casey or saw her? Not for LE, but just to try and figure it out themselves.

As far as leaving Caylee in the backyard Casey probably knew the GP's routine. I'm outside working around the yard when the dogs are out and if they run across something dead I know it. They have to roll around in it. Yuck! But the Anthony's may just open the door and let the dogs out and then let them back in. They may not be outdoor folks. So Casey could've put Caylee's body somewhere~ in the pool, behind the shed or who knows until she moved it.

I have wondered where they let the dogs out. Do they go to that tiny back yard to do their business? If so, yuck.

I've seen the dogs running around the front yard. Maybe the dogs don't go into the back yard unless the family is outside there. Maybe the front yard is where the dogs poo and pee. Don't know.
Updated - August 14, 2008

Casey Anthony's Time-line Is Shrinking - UPDATE 8/10/08

I am thinking more in the area of June 16th to June 17th time-frame. I might extend it to June 18th, but I will leave it right at June 17th for now. Although I still question June 15th.

August 6, 2008

I finally watched OTR from Tuesday's show 8/5/08. I didn't want to because I just didn't want to hear more lies.

I still keep going back to June 15th with Cindy taking Caylee to the nursing home because Cindy was the last known person to see Caylee. During the OTR interview, it just seemed no details came out about the evening of the 15th of June. I am looking for "when Caylee and I (Cindy) came back to the house after visiting with great-grandpa, we had some dinner, I gave Caylee a bath and so on.

Like what happened when Cindy and Caylee came back to the house? Was George home, was Casey there, did Casey come home later? WHAT!!!

All I heard was Cindy saying I heard "them" in the bedroom and didn't see them the morning of June 16th, but George has it down to the minute 12:50 PM as he was watching the Food Channel his favorite show.

From let's say 6:00 PM on June 15th until 12:50 PM on June 16th, you mean to tell me a 2 1/2 year old was in a room for all those hours? No breakfast, no lunch, no play-time, no bath. This makes no sense to me at all.

Something is really wrong with this picture. Doting grandparents love to be with their grandchildren, fixing them breakfast, reading books, etc. They would even want the child to get up and start doing things.

I am thinking more in the area of June 16th to June 17th time-frame. I might extend it to June 18th, but I will leave it right at June 17th for now. Although I still question June 15th.

August 6, 2008

I finally watched OTR from Tuesday's show 8/5/08. I didn't want to because I just didn't want to hear more lies.

I still keep going back to June 15th with Cindy taking Caylee to the nursing home because Cindy was the last known person to see Caylee. During the OTR interview, it just seemed no details came out about the evening of the 15th of June. I am looking for "when Caylee and I (Cindy) came back to the house after visiting with great-grandpa, we had some dinner, I gave Caylee a bath and so on.

Like what happened when Cindy and Caylee came back to the house? Was George home, was Casey there, did Casey come home later? WHAT!!!

All I heard was Cindy saying I heard "them" in the bedroom and didn't see them the morning of June 16th, but George has it down to the minute 12:50 PM as he was watching the Food Channel his favorite show.

From let's say 6:00 PM on June 15th until 12:50 PM on June 16th, you mean to tell me a 2 1/2 year old was in a room for all those hours? No breakfast, no lunch, no play-time, no bath. This makes no sense to me at all.

Something is really wrong with this picture. Doting grandparents love to be with their grandchildren, fixing them breakfast, reading books, etc. They would even want the child to get up and start doing things.

6/15/2008 - Cindy and Caylee take a swim in the pool, come out, take the ladder away.
My question: Where was Casey and George when Cindy and Caylee went in the pool?

8/14/08 - We know now Casey was sleeping at Tony's house according to Clint House OTR - 8/13/08

6/16/2008 - Casey and Caylee in the house. Cindy already at work.
My question: What time does Cindy start work?

6/16/08 - George sees Casey and Caylee at 12:50 PM with backpacks on their way out the door.
My question: Did George see Caylee have lunch, breakfast, use potty, bath, playing etc.? A child may get up at 7:00 AM to almost 1:00 PM that 6 hours of unaccountable time in that household. Is there a bathroom in Casey's room?

8/14/08 - We now know that ~9:00 AM Casey left Tony's house as did Clint as Clint and Tony had classes. Let's put Casey back at her parent house at 9:30 AM. If Casey slept over Tony's house, that means that either George or Cindy checked on Caylee in the morning of June 16th, to either get her up and dressed or at least get her breakfast something in the morning of June 16th.

So what went on in the Anthony's household between 9:30 AM until George claims he last saw Caylee and Casey at 12:50 PM.

George and Cindy knew Casey wasn't home when Cindy tucked Caylee into bed on the evening of June 15th. Based solely on the fact Casey wasn't home, one of the grandparents had to check on Caylee in the morning on June 16th, perhaps feed her breakfast something.

I just found that when Cindy and George speak of June 16th morning, too much is left out, especially "Casey didn't sleep here the night of June 15th. George and I had to care for Caylee in the morning until Casey arrived home ~9:00 to 9:30AM.

Maybe Casey didn't come back to the house after she left Tony's place. Pieces are still missing regarding the morning of June 16th

6/16/08 - George leaves for work at 2:30 PM

6/16/08 - starting at 3:00 PM and ending at 4:00 PM there are numerous phone calls from Casey to her father, mother and friends. Quick phone calls although cellphone records would show a minute because you are charged a minute even if the call is 2 seconds.
My question: How far is it from the Anthony household to George's employment? Why didn't George have his cellphone on? Could it be because of "pings" re" his whereabouts?

Thinking out loud: All these phone calls are within 2 hours after Casey left her parents house with Caylee. I find it very odd, that Cindy and George didn't answer Casey's calls within that hour. I know they both maybe at work, but most folks working leave their cell phones on "perhaps" on vibrator mode" so they know when they get a phone call. George is suppose to be en-route to his job and Casey starts calling Cindy/George etc. at 3:00 PM.

Added 8/7/08 - Could Casey have drowned Caylee in the pool?

6/16/08 - starting at 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM Casey starts calling Cindy, George and others and no connection. Just minutes phone calls which could be just a few second phone calls.

6/16/08 - No more phone calls were made after 7:30 PM.

6/17/08 - Anthony's "allegedly" notice that the ladder was back in the pool and the gate to the pool was open.

My question: Exactly what time did the Anthony's find the pool gate open? Who found the ladder in the pool, George of Cindy?

6/17/08 - It has now been verified that the person that went to look at apartment #210, has been located and verified they did not know anyone by the name of Casey or ever met Caylee The theory that Casey may have filled out the guest card when out the window.
My question: Does Casey know someone within the office of the Sawgrass Apartments.

6/17/08 - I believe Mark reported on numerous phone calls back to back on the 17th of June also.

My thoughts: It seems odd that on the 16th and 17th no phone calls were answered.
My question: Were any phone calls ever returned to Casey?

6/18/08 - Mark Furhman feels the shovel was borrowed from the neighbor as well as the same day the neighbor sees Casey's car backed into the driveway.
My thoughts: Neighbor needs to try an pin point a time Casey borrowed the shovel. Was it after 2:30 PM when George apparently goes to work?

Based on the above time-frame, I feel June 16th is the last day Caylee took a breath of air ~2:00 - 2:30 PM

I feel that Casey borrowed the shovel on June 17, 2008 after Casey back into the driveway and went across the street to get the shovel, Casey brought Caylee out of the trunk and Casey went through the garage to the backyard.

I feel Casey had Caylee in the trunk of the car and after Casey backed the garage to the garage, Casey took Caylee out the trunk and put Caylee on the ground near the pool and then Casey put the ladder in the pool.

When Casey realized the pool idea wasn't a good one, she went to another area, possibly near the playhouse and put Caylee down and was going to attempt to dig a hole under the playhouse knowing fully a concrete slab or pillars were going to be placed there on July 4th.

I also feel that the shed was broken into on June 17th. George tells Greta he believes the last time he was in the shed was Sunday which would be June 22nd, but I think he was last in the shed on June 15th, Father's Day, while Cindy and Caylee were at the nursing home.

Update My Thoughts: August 13, 2008

I want to hear a confirm date by LE regarding the neighbors "remembering" the exact date of the shovel and backing the car to the garage.

I'm just stuck on the house on the 17th. I don't think Casey left Caylee at the house overnight on the 17th, but I did think at one point she did perhaps in the covered sand box. But then the Anthony's have a dog and the dog would have checked out the sandbox especially if the dog picked up a scent, and may have put up a fuss, but just don't know.

6/24/08 - Casey shows up at her parents house and George hears the garage doors open and he meets Casey in the garage. Actually not sure this is FACT, but as I recall with OTR interview, George says Casey came into the house. "Casey said she came home to get more clothes and she was going back to work".

George asks "where is Caylee" and Casey said: "with the nanny".

Four hours before Casey shows up at her parents house around 2:00 PM, George called the police to report that 2 gas cans were stolen from his shed and the lock was broken to get into the shed. The police officer arrived at the Anthony's home around 10:00 AM on June 24th to take the report, look at the shed and dust for fingerprints.

Note: there were no fingerprints on the lock or shed based on the officers report. Now how in the world could that happen? Hummm, someone perhaps wiped off all the fingerprints!

During this time that Casey was with George, there was discussion about this "wedge" to support the car as George wanted to rotate Cindy's tires that weekend.

Note: The temperature in Florida on June 24th was 89 degrees and stayed that way right into the weekend and beyond. No one in their right mind would rotate tires in the heat especially when the sun beats on their house all day. I will accept the possibility that George may have done this in the garage, but not sure. You can go to Wal-Mart for a few bucks and rotate tires and shop at the same time.

Eventually after some go around, George decides to open the trunk of the car and spots the gas cans. No where did I hear George say: "Casey, I just reported the gas cans stolen 4 hours ago to the police!"

During the OTR interview when George is speaking about the gas cans, he says Casey said: (I need to get the exact quote) something about a break-in to the shed. At that point Cindy chimes in during the OTR interview and says "I called Casey and told her about the gas cans being stolen."

My thoughts: So on the same day, June 24th, when George finds the shed is broken into and calls the police, then calls Cindy, Cindy then calls Casey to tell her about the gas cans and then Casey shows up at the house four hours later with the gas cans in the trunk .... hummmmmmmmmm

But George looks surprised during the OTR interview when Cindy makes the statement: "I called Casey and told her."

Eventually George wins and he opens the trunk and there are the gas cans. George doesn't notify police that his daughter had the gas cans and let's just drop the robbery report because it was "all in the family".

Nope, he lets the robbery report stay active, until it shows up through OCSD and then the media hits on it. It had to be two weeks before George comes out and says" I know who did it and that's the extent of it".
My question: Why didn't George just say, my daughter Casey took the gas cans.?

Also on this busy June 24th day, this is when a phone calls exchange happens between Jesse and Casey. Casey want s to know if Jesse wants to hang out as Caylee is with the nanny at the beach for the weekend.
Note: Not sure why Casey said "at the beach for the weekend when June 24th is a Tuesday!"

Jesse hears Casey say: "get off the table" and believed he heard Caylee's voice. Jesse recanted because he wasn't sure if he actually heard Caylee's voice.

After earlier thinking the Anthony's have pets, and wondering if Jesse heard a sound from a pet, after watching OTR and the part where Greta and Cindy are in the kitchen or dining room, there sitting right out for everyone to see "a cat laying of the table". I am convinced that Jesse did hear something when Casey said "get off the table" and that was the sound of the cat in the background.

Something more happened on June 24th and I feel it was the start of the car being left in the Amscot parking lot on June 27th knowing fully if left in the Amscot parking lot it would be towed away. Of which, it was towed on June 30th and sat at the tow yard for two weeks until a reigstered letter arrived on July 15th. I feel the registered letter may have been attempted to be delivered on July 14th, but no one was home at the time of regular mail delivery.

Between June 24th and June 27th, Caylee was in the trunk of that car. Perhaps Casey, after her father left for work, removed Caylee from the property and placed her in the trunk, OR perhaps when George opened the trunk there was Caylee.

The transportation or the placing of Caylee in the trunk was done on June 24th at some point.

We all know how easy it was for Drew Peterson, retired police officer to dispose of Stacy, based on his training in LE. George is former police officer who I believe worked in the homicide department in Ohio.

I still hear Casey's words "She is close to home".

I so want LE to lift up the "concrete pillars" and take a better look. (changed wording to pillars not concrete slab)

Last updated entry at 9:50 pm - 8/10/08

Last edited by Patty G; Yesterday at 10:10 AM. Reason: Changed concrete slab to concrete pillars

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