Casey gets a 1 million dollar offer for first story

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casey anthony will go down as tabloid fodder. her case may have some legs to stand the test of time. ie Caylee's law. but casey herself...unless she commits another crime will be long forgotten in 20 years.
If anyone is waiting on KC, Jose, George, Cindy, Lee or anyone else that has supported and stood behind KC to come out with the truth about what happened to Caylee then sadly they will be waiting forever and a day. It does not matter how much money someone is willing to pay for the "truth", the money will be wasted because the truth will never be told.

so true. nothing is to be gleaned from anything an anthony states. its all fantasy spin. im sure people will say they want to watch to check out body language and look for freudian slips but even then what will that really take us too? the death of Caylee will always by a mystery. not who killed her, but how the pieces all fit together.
put me down as one who thinks had CA not lied for casey maybe, just maybe we may have gotten a little closer to the truth. more pieces could have been put together. i always wondered if CA flat out called bullchit on casey when she heard the zanny story and refused to open her door to her during bail..would casey have cracked a wee bit? if her parents werent there to back her lies would she have told a story a different the led us closer to the truth. CA had power over casey in the beginning. she wasted it.
I agree with you 100%. x number of people posting about her, regardless of whether they or posting "I am done with Casey Anthony, I'll never watch, read or pay for, or buy anything to do with Casey, I'll boycott anyone and everything that supports Casey", or "I want to know all about Casey, I will watch the interview, I will buy her book" is still x number of people interested in Casey Anthony.

One of the reasons that KC is so "hot" right now is exactly the uproar on this site over her getting paid - makes her much more interesting to viewers. So ironically those who are against this interview, imo, are really keeping it alive by saying that. If no one made a big deal about it, she would not be able to ask for the amount she is asking, no one would care.

Apparently this site and just about every tv station does find her story interesting; otherwise no one would be talking about it. She is in the news on HLN every single day. She is talked about here every single day; she is on e-bay now and a mask of her has sold for close to $1 million.

If that is not interest, then I have a different definition. If someone will pay $1 million for a mask; then a tv station would surely pay a lot more to get an interview with her.

Little snips of KC will be coming out here and there, just to keep the interest befoe the BIG interview. And no matter what anyone says, no matter what, one of the stations is going to show that interview - and I would be that the deal is practically done.

That is interest. And, imo, most of America will watch it. WFTV had one million bloggers at the time of trial and the site is still up and running - that is interest.

KC is newsworthy; her trial was considered the biggest in Florida's history, so it is newsworthy and why should she not be interviewed because she was found innocent. Hitler was hardly innocent and yet I think I can find a documentary on him at the very least once a week - and I think he killed a lot more than KC Anthony. Why should we not have her on record speaking if there are some who are interested in it. I think she should be interviewed; it is certainly historical and history is valuable.

I will definitely watch it and I have no doubt many from this site and others will also join in. Will you be watching Lamb?
Just because the majority of people feel the opposite way it doesn't mean they are right.

The majority of people feel the opposite way and I'm sure you know that. Tell you what, don't bother letting me know unless it's karma coming back to haunt her. I'd rather watch reruns of the Jersey Shore than this compulsive murdering liar putting another one over on the American people.
Cheers ...
Just listened to Larry Flint on NG. He said people were coming up to him "by the dozens". Jean C. says "in droves".

I gotta say, my first thought is too many people, current and former Florida residents, have been there done that. I'm afraid her birthday suit has been seen and is old news.

ETA: Anyone know what the circulation of Hustler is? If she gets 10% of profits on "dozens", who cares. It will be interesting if store owners take a stand like the restaurant guy with the sign about not serving the jurors.....and not put the magazine in their stores.
And whats your point? So she is a liar - better yet. Lets see what new lies she comes up with or better yet how she embellishes the old ones. Hitler was a leader to his country - true, but still a psychopath. Everyone is interested in his ability to tell the "biggest" lie and get away with it.

So we have as Burdick said the most documented liar in courtroom history on trial here - AND SHE GETS OFF.

Believe me she will sell and people will watch. And it will be commented on - even here.

it will be a sad day when the world sees that being the most document liar in courtroom history pays well. i hope people stand firm on their boycott of anything casey. i just dont see why we need to hear from her. anything to do with the case is public record. she wont tell the truth. she is as manipulative as they come. i couldnt live with myself if i participated in feeding her giant ego.
WS is the only place i discuss casey. i dont watch or click on any links to her. im just one person but its important to my spirit.

lets really think about an interview...what could it possible offer?
she cannot discuss the case due to pending lawsuits.
she cannot bemoan the unfair 3 years in jail since her felonies and misdemeanors ended up being the reason for the time served.
she cant discuss abuse unless her parents back her up otherwise she could be sued.
she wont discuss Caylee except to tell the world how much Caylee loved her

the only thing left..she can discuss facing the death penalty and how scary it was. others have faced the DP and were aquitted so its not a one of a kind story..after saying it was terrifying what else is there to say? what else...
her plans for the future and trying to get people to see she is not a bad person. - both will be self serving manipulations because if the public likes her she can finally ca$h in. she can pretend to enlighten us with what she learned in therapy but who can believe her? what a colossial waste of air time.

the worst part of any interview casey does will be the softball questions and head bobbing of the interviewer. oh sure one or 2 preplanned "tough" questions will be tossed in but it will be a fluff piece. this will be an interview, not a deposition. what does the public really think they will get out of this? i just dont see why people want to hear what she has to say.

im not disagreeing with you at all though on the part that it will be watched by a certain segment of society... i just dont understand why.
Just listened to Larry Flint on NG. He said people were coming up to him "by the dozens". Jean C. says "in droves".

I gotta say, my first thought is too many people, current and former Florida residents, have been there done that. I'm afraid her birthday suit has been seen and is old news.

ETA: Anyone know what the circulation of Hustler is? If she gets 10% of profits on "dozens", who cares. It will be interesting if store owners take a stand like the restaurant guy with the sign about not serving the jurors.....and not put the magazine in their stores.

I've never read Hustler and don't plan to, but I just got back from the grocery store and only one magazine- the Globe- has an article about ICA. All the major ones, People, National Enquirer etc have no mention of her. I am sure they realize people have no appetite for any thing about this murdering sociopath.
Just because the majority of people feel the opposite way it doesn't mean they are right.
I'll stick with the majority because in this case I believe we are right. Nothing you or anyone else can say now (including FCA) will convince me that FCA did not intentionally harm her daughter, dispose of the body, and then lie like a rug to cover it up. I am also convinced that the jury (by listening to their media interviews, taking into account the short deliberation time, and the fact they had not one request for a read back of testimony or a review of documented evidence) did not arrive at the correct verdict. They also had no questions for HHJP and arrived in their Sunday go-to-meeting clothes on the 2nd day of deliberation BEFORE we think they signed the verdict forms.

We, as the verdict opponents, are entitled to think we're right as are you. Obviously, the case has been decided and there are no do-overs.
i think casey is going to end up like amy fisher. in denial, full of entitlement and being angry at the world for making money off of HER story. her bitterness will destroy her if everyone cashes in but her. the only thing i am the slightest bit interested in is what she will do if the DT moves on, CA and GA refuse her back into their lives and the public refuses to enable her and reward her for her story and attention seeking efforts. ones true character emerges when no longer enabled and one has to finally account for themselves. why pay for a "fake, retooled" KC in an interview when the real KC will play out if left to her own devices. thats where the "story"is.
I realize you are getting your info from msm news reports, so please believe me when I say this is not directed at you.

"Two thirds of the American people"

two thirds? really? seriously? please.

two thirds of 311 million?

seriously? really?

205,206,000 people?


That two thirds of the american people the msm keeps quoting is actually from a Gallup poll of 1010 adults. About 666 (nice number heh?) people.

I doubt very seriously if two thirds of the american population even care at all either way about Casey Anthony.

I also believe that the total number of american population that does care enough to boycott is trivial compared to the total number of american population that watches tv.

When do we say ENOUGH? Two thirds of the American people disagreed with the verdict so will two thirds of the American people finally draw the line and take a stand?
How horrible doe's the act have to be before peoples convictions take precedence over their curiosity? What exactly are people looking for..the truth...some small sign of remorse..answers to the questions still lingering? There's only two people that knows what really happened and one of them which happened to be a little 3 year old is dead and the other is living it up on private jets and gated communitys living the beautiful life. One is waking up in a beautiful home more than likely having her needs met by a staff, throwing on her bathing suit and lounging by a pool and the other is sitting in an urn on her grandmothers kitchen counter or end table. Two thirds of the American people have one opportunity, one chance to pull together and deliver some justice no matter how small it may seem. Literally with one hand...pick up the remote...and change the channel even if it means watching reruns. Is this sacrifice to much to ask?
With great power comes great responsibility. I'm afraid that as Americans we are going to give into our curiosity and throw away our chance to draw the line here!
As an American I have the opportunity and in my opinion the responsibility to say no, I will not reward anyone involved in this miscarriage of justice to profit in any way, shape or form. I refuse to purchase any books or magazines, donate to any bogus foundations or watch any paid or "unpaid " interview with anyone involved in this circus...JMO
shut the front door....

the General Lee was a joke?

next you'll say there is no Easter bunny...

None paid 1 million for that goofy mask the Dukes of hazzard car , someone bid on as a joke ..someone playing games .
Casey Anthony isn't worth squat
I realize you are getting your info from msm news reports, so please believe me when I say this is not directed at you.

"Two thirds of the American people"

two thirds? really? seriously? please.

two thirds of 311 million?

seriously? really?

205,206,000 people?


That two thirds of the american people the msm keeps quoting is actually from a Gallup poll of 1010 adults. About 666 (nice number heh?) people.

I doubt very seriously if two thirds of the american population even care at all either way about Casey Anthony.

I also believe that the total number of american population that does care enough to boycott is trivial compared to the total number of american population that watches tv.

I have seen so many polls regarding the verdict, on newspapers, media websites and they show overwhelmingly that people feel she is guilty.
The Orlando Sentinel is just one I recalled - I just looked up the results.
They had 132,457 responses as to whether the verdict was correct.
78% or 102874 said she was guilty.
That sounds fairly representative to me, and is way more than the two thirds I hear about.
For the record, I did not state whether I thought the majority, or the minority were right. I just pointed out just because they were the majority it didn't mean they were right, nior was the minority, because they were the minority, were wrong.

We, as the verdict opponents, are entitled to think we're right as are you. Obviously, the case has been decided and there are no do-overs.
if the Anthonys had come out immediately after the verdict and said "we love our daughter but our lives are torn apart because we will never get our granddaughter back. Please respect our privacy as we try to put our lives together and move on the best we can" ..I'd respect them.

But Casey? I will not respect her or her legal pimp squad. They can shop her all over and I will not watch. I may be only one person but my opinion matters too. I choose not to watch. I choose not to buy. I choose to donate to a good charity in Caylee's name instead. I won't puchase a book by an Anthony or their team, I'll donate my $9.99 to TES instead. I won't buy a magazine with her on the cover, I donate the price instead. It's not much but I know I'm not the only one and us ones add up. No I won't watch, I'll rent a movie instead or go out with my kids. And others will do the same. We can't stop the Casey Circus but we can choose, one by one, to avoid it. And while others are eagerly watching and cheering Casey on, the rest of us will add up too and maybe she'll get her millions but for every viewer who tunes in there will be ten of us who won't.

Donate to TES in Caylee's name, turn off your tvs the night the Casey-a-thon goes to air, don't buy the book or magazine. Those who do will tell us all about it and they can pad Casey's pocket, we do not have to.

Thank You Marshmallow..You are not alone and now I know I'm not either.
I do not disagree that the vast majority of people polled think the verdict was wrong. My point is that vast majority is out of a pool of people that care one way or another. I just don't believe that pool of people is very large. Saying two thirds (or what ever number your source lists) of the American population thinks one way or another is, in my opinion, just blowing it way out of proportion. There is no way two thirds of the Amrerican population cares either way, much less believes the verdict was wrong.

I have seen so many polls regarding the verdict, on newspapers, media websites and they show overwhelmingly that people feel she is guilty.
The Orlando Sentinel is just one I recalled - I just looked up the results.
They had 132,457 responses as to whether the verdict was correct.
78% or 102874 said she was guilty.
That sounds fairly representative to me, and is way more than the two thirds I hear about.
I do not disagree that the vast majority of people polled think the verdict was wrong. My point is that vast majority is out of a pool of people that care one way or another. I just don't believe that pool of people is very large. Saying two thirds (or what ever number your source lists) of the American population thinks one way or another is, in my opinion, just blowing it way out of proportion. There is no way two thirds of the Amrerican population cares either way, much less believes the verdict was wrong.

At least 78% of Orlando Sentinel's online readership who responded to the poll (102,874) apparently care about this verdict and feel ICA is guilty. Those are huge numbers to my mind.. multiply that by the number of papers and TV stations both local and national, who have held polls with results very similar- IMO it is far higher than two thirds I keep seeing cited, but I don't know where that number originated.
Paper Circulation of the OS is 225,000 daily so the online numbers are significant.
Do any of you remember Monica Lewinsky? Remember how rabidly the news and entertainment industries tried to get her "story"?

Then remember her televised tableau before an "interested" preselected paid audience....when they started yelling nasty questions at her. She became a laughing stock....the butt of obscene jokes and ridicule, as she justly deserved, regardless of anyone's political leaning.

The public has an uncanny eye for the truly bad people among us. Compared to KC Anthony, Lewinsky is a mere misguided *advertiser censored*. KC is the real deal...a child killer...probably the most despised of all criminals. There can never be a reason for the wanton slaying of a 2-3 year old...people know that, feel that...and forever will loathe this ugly evil dwarf who had the incredible luck to be judged by the least competent jury in history.

Who in their right mind could be satisfied that any word out of KC Anthony's mouth is truth? Any interview she gives will be viewed by a lot of curious people, who will promptly dispute every word she says and further condemn her.

She is a pariah....and she will eventually fade from the public eye until she either someone else or herself.
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