Casey gets a 1 million dollar offer for first story

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I dunno anymore about Geraldo...

Geraldo is married to Fox. Fox is married to Murdoch.

Murdoch needs to keep his Empire's nose clean. Well, what's left of it that is perceived as clean.

Therefore, me thinks no more Geraldo-Casey-Jose payday.

:dunno: & :cow:

I thought of that also Em but the deal may have already been made just before this latest scandal with Murdoch became public. I hope it is Geraldo and I hope this is MM's last who-haa. It would be more than fitting IMO.
MM has got his attention fix here. And if JB wants to talk about an "offer" at hand, let him put on a lie detector before talking. Otherwise it is just more hot air.IMO
They are starting a new "foundation" for support Caylee's Law. Paperwork should be completed this week.

CA and GA are getting ready to write a book. They "claim" the money will go into the Caylees Law.
Trident group is getting ready to make Casey A a deal, they said its a "true biblical story; one of a Mother killing a daughter bla bla bla
Its on USA today. Sorry, I couldnt get the link.
I will try and get it. Im so inscensed by these people making money off of Caylee. WHY DONT THEY LET HER REST IN PEACE.

I truly dont understand why anyone would want to read a book by her or her parents. Theyve already proven how much they lie, cover up, do weird things. Who needs a book by them, we already know the story.
There are much more interesting books out there. Her attorney said it himself: she is a *advertiser censored* and a liar.
USA TODAY - Now free, Casey Anthony and publishers await next chapter



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thanks tennisgirl, I had just gone and got link to article!
Im going to email these people. I hope others will, too.
thanks tennisgirl, I had just gone and got link to article!
Im going to email these people. I hope others will, too.

I sent an email too....I think this may be the first legit offer. I hope everyone will email their sentiments.
The pathological liars stories are all over the internet, you can read or listen to them for free if you want as well as the stories of her defense team of professional liars.

Why should anyone believe a word they say.
I know! FCA can write a Pinocchio II story for children.:floorlaugh:
The pathological liars stories are all over the internet, you can read or listen to them for free if you want as well as the stories of her defense team of professional liars.

Why should anyone believe a word they say.

I wouldn't believe a word besides I sure wouldnt want to make them rich.

The other night, I found Mary Jo Buttafuccos interview on youtube. It was so interesting....she said Joey was a psychopath, her own son realised it and also talked about why she stayed with him, etc. (Irish Catholic upbringing, had known him since she was 17) 2 traumatised kids after she got shot, woke up,, paralyzed on one side of her face, Joey swore he hadnt had affair, whew, that lady has been thru the mill.
I would not mind reading her book. Im so glad she finally has found happiness. She still has Amys bullet in her head. unreal.
I wonder how many of you are lying when you say you would never, ever, watch a Casey Anthony interview, never, ever, watch a Lifetime movie about Casey, never, ever read a book authored by Casey....the point being, you are the reason that she will probably end up living the cushy life off the millions she will make from Caylee's story...because YOU JUST CAN'T HELP YOURSELVES!!!!

I can help myself and I WILL NOT spend 1 penny on anything that has Casey Anthony's name on it. She is a convicted LIAR. She wouldn't know the truth if it came up and slapped her in the face. Plus, she's a baby killer. Just because there were 12 jurors who bought into all of the BS, doesn't change the fact that she's a killer.

She thinks she's a big star and I hate to break her bubble, but she's not. She's a murderer.
I'm not sure what this means, if anything. But apparently FCA's name was trademarked by a media company...the trademark seems to be pending. Again, I'm not sure what this is for, seems to be her name only that's been applied for trademark. I'm wondering how this media company can trademark that name....

When you enter her name, on the next page the info comes up. Also click on the TARR status at the top to see the status of this TM application. Apparently it takes 3 months to be assigned for review. The TM was applied for on July 10, 2011.
I wonder how many of you are lying when you say you would never, ever, watch a Casey Anthony interview, never, ever, watch a Lifetime movie about Casey, never, ever read a book authored by Casey....the point being, you are the reason that she will probably end up living the cushy life off the millions she will make from Caylee's story...because YOU JUST CAN'T HELP YOURSELVES!!!!

I know I'm telling the truth when I say that. I've heard all I need to hear from casey anthony. I mean, she has talked A LOT!! She has talked, and talked and talked. And she's pretty much already given her versions. Anything more would be just more of the same.

Also, since the tragic verdict, seeing her and her attorneys smug faces is more than I can stomach. I have watched none of the defense team interviews or read anything they have said in an article. I scroll past. It makes me sick. I am uninterested.

I think the only thing at this point that I would be interested from casey is hearing her first speak to her family as a free person. The psychological dynamic of that family has always been a draw for me and is very interesting to try to analyze.

But, I won't pay for anything she or her family could profit off, even if it included accounts of their first meeting post-release.

I definitely am not interested in hearing anything from the jurors either. I also heard enough after hearing alt. 14 and juror #3. They made their decision, they have to live with it and their justifications are meaningless to me at this point. The bell cannot be un-rung.

Ultimately, at this point, the only thing I am really interested in is hearing how difficult life is for anthony. I want to know that she is still in a self-imposed prison. That's the only bit of satisfaction I can get after such an outrageous and unjust verdict.
[ame=""]Death Takes an Agent - Profiting from the Death of Caylee **NO DISCUSSION PLEASE** - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

USA TODAY - Now free, Casey Anthony and publishers await next chapter




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Additional excerpt:
""We all have to recognize she has been found innocent by a jury. To treat her as guilty would not be fair, and I do believe people are entitled to write books and sell their stories," Robert Gottlieb, president of the Trident Group of book agents, said Sunday." ""Trident would be interested," he said. "

"The attorney for Anthony's parents said negotiations are underway for George and Cindy Anthony to do their own book. Mark Lippman said Sunday that any profits would go to a foundation, to be incorporated today in Florida, to promote grandparents' rights, efforts to help missing children and passage of "Caylee's Law," which would make it a crime to fail to report a missing child within 48 hours." [and the "Directors" of the Foundation, who handle all funds are the unemployed George and Cindy Anthony]
USA TODAY - Now free, Casey Anthony and publishers await next chapter



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Thank you for the link. I've just had a look at some of the authors they publish as it might be a good idea to alert some of them through their agents.
I see Denise Richards has a book published by them, as she has two young girls herself I can't imagine that she would like to be linked to that publishing house if they go after CA with an offer.

Could someone with Twitter maybe let her know her voice would be appreciated in the boycott?

If enough of their present clients are disgusted with the thought ,they would be very ill advised to publish the lies that CA will yak up!


Just noticed they have also recently published a book by Deepak Chopra!! Will try and find agent information.
When they state "all profits will go to charity", That means any profits after they get paid. That statement always has a nice ring to it, but if their "fee" is say 2 million, anything above that (don't forget taxes, publishing fees, attorney fees, travel fees, meals, PR fees, etc) would go to charity. Lots of loopholes so hardly anything would go to charity.
I just sent an email to gottlieb. I encourage everyone else to do the same. I made it short and sweet. IMO, the longer the email and rant, the less likely they are to listen to us.
When they state "all profits will go to charity", That means any profits after they get paid. That statement always has a nice ring to it, but if their "fee" is say 2 million, anything above that (don't forget taxes, publishing fees, attorney fees, travel fees, meals, PR fees, etc) would go to charity. Lots of loopholes so hardly anything would go to charity.

EXACTLY. And they are funding the "foundation" with the $$$$ from the sale of the book CA has a deal for, so for that "income" it becomes non-taxable as it goes to a "charitable foundation". Somewhere in these threads, their atty. spelled it out. Sorry I don't have the link handy, maybe today's news or possibly this thread. And the only charity that the $$$ is used for is their "foundation" to further the cause of missing children, campaigning for Caylee's Law, blah, blah, blah.

Once again, these are the LAST people to be speaking about/for children. Disgusting.

IMO -- scam much? tax scam much?
A mod posted on another thread that putting letters and addresses for boycotts is not approved here at WS, FWIW...I think it is on the Casey released thread, not sure...
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